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ESO or GW2 or Wildstar?



  • ScalplessScalpless Member UncommonPosts: 1,426

    Keep in mind that you're comparing a game that's been out for over a year to games that aren't out yet. A few months post-release, both ESO and WS will surely get their share of "max level in 2 min, endgame sux, I quit" posts no matter how good they are.

    For now, I'd recommend GW2, because you'll what it's like and there'll be no pre-release hype clouding your vision.

  • sleeping1252sleeping1252 Member Posts: 16
    Originally posted by kairel182

    I personally never regretted a game purchase more than GW2.  Even games that were utter flops, such as FFXIV 1.0 that broken and incomplete I still played for over a month.  GW2, I think I played for maybe one night before uninstalling it.

    If you're interested in GW2 , though, I'd recommend just waiting for ESO as it's focus is large scale RvR as well.

    If you're more into solo or small group content and PvE, I'd suggest going with Wildstar.


    However, keep in mind that this is pure speculation as neither games are released and solely based off what little information we have.

    If you're interested in small group content PvE, and even PvP, go with GW2.... running dungeons with people who know what they are doing in GW2 is crazy amounts of fun.

    I would also get Wildstar because it's a new game, and being part of the launch process and being one of the first groups of people to explore the game is always worth it, if you enjoy the game at least a little bit.

  • aesperusaesperus Member UncommonPosts: 5,135
    Originally posted by gxizhe

    Since EQN wouldn't be out until maybe 2015, I need another game to kill time

    I have come down to these three games because I tried most of the popular free MMOs and they all suck in one way or another

    For P2P MMOs EVE is too hard for new players and WOW I just think it's too late to start

    So please give me some suggestions

    Really depends on the type of gamer you are. And you'll need to be honest about this if you want to make a good decision.

    GW2: Is primarily for players who don't adhere to MMO conventions / like to explore. It's a game that doesn't focus on gear treadmills, trinities, or heavily gated content. Instead it's built around letting players decide how they want to play. The problem with this, is most people don't fully grasp what that actually means. It means a lack of defined structure. Players have to take it upon themselves to find their own fun a lot of the time. Because of this, you'll find a lot of gamers who don't like it. Claim it 'lacks content', or 'has no endgame'. Neither of these are true, but if you are expecting a game to offer an experience similar to WoW, this is definitely NOT that game.

    It's also important to note that the game is older, and has been out for over a year now. This may not matter to you, but to some it's pretty important. It's also a good game to pick up if you want something you can freely jump in & out of in between games. It's completely free after you buy the game. So no subscriptions, and the game doesn't force a cash shop on you either.

    ESO: Is a game that shares a lot in common w/ GW, but also has many elements familiar to DAoC vets. What this means is a game that caters to those who enjoy heavy customization, within a dark & gritty fantasy environment. If you enjoyed the elder scrolls games, but also enjoy MMOs, this is definitely worth looking at.

    The important thing to keep in mind, though, is that a big part of this game's 'endgame' is the large-scale PvP. If you don't like large battles, or map-wide tactics, this isn't for you. If you find you often complain about 'zergs', prefer dueling, or hate pvp, this game might not hold your interest for very long. The PvE content does start slow, but gets better the further into the game you get. However, it's tough to say how much it will hold people at max level. All signs point to this game primarily being for those who enjoy the AvA.

    WildStar: This game is primarily for those who enjoy the conventional MMO. And, while I know this is taboo, this primarily means the 'WoW' crowd. I'm not going to say the game is a clone, because it's not, but it does very much cater to that mindset. It has some form of customization (not unlike Guild Wars), however I found it to be fairly shallow (you can look into how Amps work online). It has rigid classes, a clear trinity, and solid loot progression. It's PvP also primarily involves staring at flashing shapes instead of people's characters, which is personally not for me. However some people seem to like it.

    That said, Wildstar is a good game for those who enjoy PvE primarily. And want to focus on endgame raiding, and loot treadmills over everything else. If you like large-group raids, grinding dungeons every week for loot drops, housing, or just want a casual / light-hearted & fun game; WildStar is definitely a good choice.

    So far every game has it's merits, and none of them are bad games. They just cater to very different sorts of players. Figure out which one you are, and make your choice based on that.

  • PilnkplonkPilnkplonk Member Posts: 1,532
    Originally posted by gxizhe
    Originally posted by GuyClinch

    All 3. That's my serious suggestion. GW2 is awesome for playing in between all MMOs. ESO has some cool features that might keep you occupied for a while - and Wildstar looks fun. Now I don't think you have to play them at the same time but if you like MMOs you are going to have a lot of time to kill before EQ:N shows up. Assuming that EQ:N is a good game - which is a huge assumption. Go play planetside 2 to see the future of EQ:N.. (I am not saying its all bad either).

    Too many people wait for the next big thing and then end up so disappointed when it doesn't arrive. The good news is that most games have some fun in them if you give them a shot. Despite what this forum will have you believe most MMOS are not 'crap' and have very good entertainment value. What they do not have is limitless entertainment value..

    I tried PS2, it is a good game, but it is sorta p2w and it is just way to chaotic with so many players in one single small area(though not as bad as operation locker in bf4)

    I'm confused here... PS2 is not pay to win in any shape or form. It's pretty much as far from p2w as you can get in a free game and it takes you a week or two at most to max up any class ar standard xp rates. It's like saying TF2 is pay to win (you know that a funny hat can disable your opponent with laughter for that split second...) Also, what "small area"?! It's got three humongous playing areas, the biggest in online shooters at the moment, I believe. Some would say the areas are way too big rather than too small. As for chaos.. well that's war innit? Especially if you're doing it solo and not in some well organized outfit. Are you sure we're talking about the same game?

    So anyway, the 2 online games I play atm while I wait for EQL/N are PS2 and GW2. One is for my non-stop-action shooting addiction with a fair bit of strategy and persistence thrown in and the other is for my classical RPG needs. I really don't think you can go any better in current MMO space at the moment.

  • kilunkilun Member UncommonPosts: 829
    Originally posted by arunasme
    None, all 3 are a bunch of same old sh!t, waiting on the next big titles.

    And what big titles are these might I ask?  You'll spend your whole life waiting for the next big thing.  Then when it "hits" it won't be your cup of tea, so you'll be like man.  I guess I'll wait some more.

    To the OP, I'd say ESO.  It is released in just about 6 weeks and will be fresh.  Avoid gaming site, boards, etc.  Play the game and not know what to do and when to do it.  You'll add weeks to months of fun by doing it that way.


  • VaporsVapors Member UncommonPosts: 407
    Originally posted by maple2

    Gw2 Got nearly no Endgame content, but plenty of other content,

    ESO looks like crap and the handling and combat is weak and stupid.


    Wildstar is the next big mmo, with its 20,40 man raids, hardcore content, tons of endgame content, extremly deep crafting system

    seems like you played all 3 games already for a year

  • BadSpockBadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 7,979

    GW2 is the best deal.

    The modern MMO gamer is only going to play for a month or two, so why pay full box price + a sub?

    GW2 you can at least come back to for PvP, new events, etc. for no additional cost.

    You can get it for USD 30-40 online in some places.

  • FusionFusion Member UncommonPosts: 1,398
    Originally posted by elvenwolf


    Mostly depend on your tastes.

    I tried both ESO and Wildstar, and did play GW2 to level 80.


    If you like Fantasy, ESO is a good pick, it does have a slow start, but pick up later,  the experience is paced more slowly then an usual MMORPG, there is  a good chunk of exploration, and the landscape can be gorgeous , it does have a good crafting system, and the stories you will meet in them are meaningful.

    The way to develope your character is very Elder scrollish, you can mix and match things , and end up with something you like , the starting class have it's weight, but is heavily influenced also in how you decide to develope it.

    The main focus at endgame mostly is the three sides PVP, if you like that kind of game, is not a bad pick.


    Wildstar is a more "Conventional" MMO, but mind it does have it's innovations, I can't go too much in details because NDA, but I didn't feel at all I was playing WoW in space, It does have it's character and it's personality. There is a lot to explore too, and if you like a bit of cartony graphic, it is gorgeous in it's own way, with grass moved by the wind,  ambient sounds... It does take a moment to get used to it's style but if you can do it is rewarding.

    The class system is not as open as ESO, you have defined roles, but, without being able to tell too much, you have ways to personalize your style and your own way to play your class(es)

    Wildstar is a bit more about PVE, even if it does have it's own PvP and can be fun and frenetic, is not the three side long campaign type of PvP of ESO, but is not less fun. A big focus will be the 20 and 40 man raids if you want the top notch gear.


    GW2 have a lot to do too, it's combat can be frenetic, but mind if you love the trinity, is not for you,  one have to think a bit out of the box when playing GW2, the classes can be very fun, and if you can get into it's way of "non trinity" dungeons can be fun too. 

    Zones are not extremily huge, but are large enough to be interesting, of the three , even with underwater exploring, i might say that personally find is the one that offer less as exploration; But hae a surprise or two in the ways of jumping puzzles that you can find if you look around the map.

    Endgame .. mhhh well, a lot have been said about the WvWvW of GW2, it have it's fun moments, and can make you pass time, but mind, zerging it is used even if arenanet is trying to expand on PvP and make it less.. zergish, if it will suceed only time will tell.


    I hope this can be useful to you for your choice.


    Nicely put without bashing and fanboying!


    I personally enjoyed the GW2 1-80 journey, but then it "died".

    ESO i enjoyed aswell for the 3 days i got to try it. (and have pre-ordered).

    Wildstar i did not enjoy (felt like "i've seen this before too many times")


    For OP:

    Guild Wars 2 will probably not last you a long time, but it'll be good fun for the leveling curve (if you want to invest for a month or so of fun), action combat with not a ton of active skills, dodging.

    ESO is launching in a month and a half and we've no proper knowledge how long it'll "last" for a player, is also Fantasy. action combat with not a ton of active skills, dodging.

    Wildstar has no launch date and we have no proper knowledge of the "lasting" part here either, is a mix of Sci-fi and fantasy (how i see it). action combat with not a ton of active skills, dodging.

  - now totally F2P no cash-shops or micro transactions at all.
  • NephelaiNephelai Member UncommonPosts: 185
    Originally posted by Voiidiin
    Originally posted by Kevyne-Shandris


    If you're a more advanced gamer, bookmark this site for the many addons:


    Essential addons for everyone (game revolves around them, don't be a n00b and show up without them!):


    Deadly Boss Mods (PvE; DBM-PvP for PvP) <-- Raider prime addon.

    Recount or Skada (PvE+PvP) <-- DPS prime ePeen tools.

    Essential addon for healers (as raid frame healing sucks) a choice of either:


    Vuhdo (works almost out of the box, and acts like a party monitor [does more than healing] -- good for any class).

    Healbot (the standard).

    Grid+Grid Healing addon (for control freaks).


    Style addons folks usually install as the default UI is so limited:



    Really advanced gamers will configure Pitbull4 with Bartender or Dominos and use Grid and Move Anything to completely customize their UI.

    Because of all this and the mentality that your a crappy gamer because you do not want 3rd party garbage in your game or on your computer, i quit WoW. that was the driving force to make me leave that game. I have zero intention of ever playing it again because the last time i "tried" to play it i was accosted by small minded players who insisted that i was worthless without addons.

    In all seriousness you probably aren't a good player.  A good player driven by performance will install an addon that makes them even better. Average players make some excuse like installing an addon is installing some kind of virus or bloat ware rather than accept their ability.  Surprised you didn't bring up you don't like vent as well and it's not fair that ppl won't take you on heroic raids. 

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264
    Originally posted by Agent_Joseph
    Originally posted by gxizhe

    Since EQN wouldn't be out until maybe 2015, I need another game to kill time

    I have come down to these three games because I tried most of the popular free MMOs and they all suck in one way or another

    For P2P MMOs EVE is too hard for new players and WOW I just think it's too late to start

    So please give me some suggestions

    it is not true ! Eve is easy game , it is different but not complicated.

    C'mon quit trying to misrepresent EVE just because you don't like it, it is arguably the most complicated MMORPG ever created.

    How many MMORPG's have a comprehensive guide (volumes 1, 2 & 3) published not to do walk-throughs, but just to explain the mechanics of the game?

    There are dozens (if not hundreds) more including multiple wiki's on every subject from wormhole life, incursion running, industry, mining, marketing and many more subjects.

    Or require a plethora of tools such as EVEMon, Battleclinics Ship Fitter, etc to properly fit out a ship and skill train your character?

    Or have corporations track each individual PVP kill on in-depth kill boards which are analysed and used as intel tools in future wars?

    And while this is a bit incomplete now, it pretty well sums up the breadth of EVE and I defy anyone to explain everything that goes on in this game.

    I would challenge the assertion that is too hard for new players, or anyone else for that matter.  It requires much patience, a willingness to study and learn how the game works, and previous MMO experience might be more of a handicap in that it defies standard convention so much it might not be the sort of game they are looking for.



    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • gxizhegxizhe Member UncommonPosts: 23
    Originally posted by Agent_Joseph
    Originally posted by gxizhe

    Since EQN wouldn't be out until maybe 2015, I need another game to kill time

    I have come down to these three games because I tried most of the popular free MMOs and they all suck in one way or another

    For P2P MMOs EVE is too hard for new players and WOW I just think it's too late to start

    So please give me some suggestions

    it is not true ! Eve is easy game , it is different but not complicated.

    Well if you are a totally new player it will take you about at least a few months or so to get started

  • ShadanwolfShadanwolf Member UncommonPosts: 2,392
    Originally posted by gxizhe

    Since EQN wouldn't be out until maybe 2015, I need another game to kill time

    I have come down to these three games because I tried most of the popular free MMOs and they all suck in one way or another

    For P2P MMOs EVE is too hard for new players and WOW I just think it's too late to start

    So please give me some suggestions

    If you like faction vs faction conflict  .....I would suggest the answer is easy.......ESO.

  • gxizhegxizhe Member UncommonPosts: 23
    Originally posted by Pilnkplonk
    Originally posted by gxizhe
    Originally posted by GuyClinch

    All 3. That's my serious suggestion. GW2 is awesome for playing in between all MMOs. ESO has some cool features that might keep you occupied for a while - and Wildstar looks fun. Now I don't think you have to play them at the same time but if you like MMOs you are going to have a lot of time to kill before EQ:N shows up. Assuming that EQ:N is a good game - which is a huge assumption. Go play planetside 2 to see the future of EQ:N.. (I am not saying its all bad either).

    Too many people wait for the next big thing and then end up so disappointed when it doesn't arrive. The good news is that most games have some fun in them if you give them a shot. Despite what this forum will have you believe most MMOS are not 'crap' and have very good entertainment value. What they do not have is limitless entertainment value..

    I tried PS2, it is a good game, but it is sorta p2w and it is just way to chaotic with so many players in one single small area(though not as bad as operation locker in bf4)

    I'm confused here... PS2 is not pay to win in any shape or form. It's pretty much as far from p2w as you can get in a free game and it takes you a week or two at most to max up any class ar standard xp rates. It's like saying TF2 is pay to win (you know that a funny hat can disable your opponent with laughter for that split second...) Also, what "small area"?! It's got three humongous playing areas, the biggest in online shooters at the moment, I believe. Some would say the areas are way too big rather than too small. As for chaos.. well that's war innit? Especially if you're doing it solo and not in some well organized outfit. Are you sure we're talking about the same game?

    So anyway, the 2 online games I play atm while I wait for EQL/N are PS2 and GW2. One is for my non-stop-action shooting addiction with a fair bit of strategy and persistence thrown in and the other is for my classical RPG needs. I really don't think you can go any better in current MMO space at the moment.

    If you pay cash, you can just skip the unlocking process and get ahead of everyone else

    For the map I am talking about one small region of each big map and sometimes there's like 90+ players in each region

  • StarS0ftStarS0ft Member UncommonPosts: 124
    Originally posted by gxizhe

    Since EQN wouldn't be out until maybe 2015, I need another game to kill time

    I have come down to these three games because I tried most of the popular free MMOs and they all suck in one way or another

    For P2P MMOs EVE is too hard for new players and WOW I just think it's too late to start

    So please give me some suggestions

    The answer is: GW2, because it's fun, beautiful, etc.

    ESO or Wildstar is not ready yet.

  • plat0nicplat0nic Member Posts: 301
    For me personally once i leave an mmo I never go back. There are too many new options that once a company drops the ball in my books I'll move on. So good riddance GW2, it was a fun month we had. As far as ESO or Wildstar, it's all gonna come down to end game PvP for me. I am guessing right now I can get 2-3 weeks at max level of ESO PvP before I lose my marbles, but time will tell. Wildstar seems to have the carrot on the stick in terms of PvP so that's probably where I'll end up. That being said I MUCH prefer the idea of ESO and hope it performs! A more adult oriented game with a look and feel more aligned to my tastes. Fingers crossed on ESO.

    Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
    2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)

  • v_Vev_Ve Member UncommonPosts: 312
    Originally posted by plat0nic
    For me personally once i leave an mmo I never go back. There are too many new options that once a company drops the ball in my books I'll move on. So good riddance GW2, it was a fun month we had. As far as ESO or Wildstar, it's all gonna come down to end game PvP for me. I am guessing right now I can get 2-3 weeks at max level of ESO PvP before I lose my marbles, but time will tell. Wildstar seems to have the carrot on the stick in terms of PvP so that's probably where I'll end up. That being said I MUCH prefer the idea of ESO and hope it performs! A more adult oriented game with a look and feel more aligned to my tastes. Fingers crossed on ESO.

    Yes wildstar will most definitely be better than eso.When it comes to pvp in ESo all you have to pvp is Cyrodiil...that's it. They plan on coming out with the main city in it then its pop is going to raise then go back down. In wildstar however you get Warplots which is 40v40 guild v guild and the warplots( which u can fully design just like housing) 2v2 3v3 and 5v5 and battle-grounds and open world,wildstar will slam eso when it comes to pvp and i have no doubt pvpers are going to get bored of eso pvp in a couple of months from beta testing it myself and being a hardcore pvper.Wildstar also will have better endgame raiding eso does not have any endgame raiding ...... like .. at all,wildstar has 40 mans and 20 mans anyone still on the eso hype train was  as blind as i was and just  is a eso fanboy to not see wildstar is going to be the better game.


    o i totally forgot to mention that ESO doesn't even have dueling like wtf that right there slams anyone's comments on how ESO could be anywhere near as good of a pvp game as wildstar.

    Witty & Wicked >:)

  • RocknissRockniss Member Posts: 1,034
    You are looking forward to Eqnext, but honestly once you play Wildstar, you will probably forget about eqnext and you probably won't be coming to websites like this one very often either. More than likely you will be so immersed in acquiring Wildstar knowledge you will be spending more time on sites dedicated to Wildstar.
  • Ender4Ender4 Member UncommonPosts: 2,247

    Originally posted by Rockniss
    You are looking forward to Eqnext, but honestly once you play Wildstar, you will probably forget about eqnext and you probably won't be coming to websites like this one very often either. More than likely you will be so immersed in acquiring Wildstar knowledge you will be spending more time on sites dedicated to Wildstar.

    I hope this was sarcastic? Anyone who is really looking forward to EQN is probably going to hate Wildstar. They are polar opposites.

    o i totally forgot to mention that ESO doesn't even have dueling like wtf that right there slams anyone's comments on how ESO could be anywhere near as good of a pvp game as wildstar.

    I don't think anyone who is really interested in large scale group PvP cares at all about dueling.

  • GuyClinchGuyClinch Member CommonPosts: 485
    Originally posted by Voiidiin
    Originally posted by Kevyne-Shandris


    If you're a more advanced gamer, bookmark this site for the many addons:


    Essential addons for everyone (game revolves around them, don't be a n00b and show up without them!):


    Deadly Boss Mods (PvE; DBM-PvP for PvP) <-- Raider prime addon.

    Recount or Skada (PvE+PvP) <-- DPS prime ePeen tools.

    Essential addon for healers (as raid frame healing sucks) a choice of either:


    Vuhdo (works almost out of the box, and acts like a party monitor [does more than healing] -- good for any class).

    Healbot (the standard).

    Grid+Grid Healing addon (for control freaks).


    Style addons folks usually install as the default UI is so limited:



    Really advanced gamers will configure Pitbull4 with Bartender or Dominos and use Grid and Move Anything to completely customize their UI.

    Because of all this and the mentality that your a crappy gamer because you do not want 3rd party garbage in your game or on your computer, i quit WoW. that was the driving force to make me leave that game. I have zero intention of ever playing it again because the last time i "tried" to play it i was accosted by small minded players who insisted that i was worthless without addons.


    Amazingly everyone is right in this argument.

    #1. Your character will not perform as well without add ons as with. That's the simple truth.

    #2. You really want to install these for any competitive situation.

    #3. Its one of the absolute worst features about World of Warcraft. You spend a large amount of time organizing updating add ons instead of just going out and playing the game. They are immersion killing and an eyesore. Look at something like ESO or GW2 with their 'minimalistic' UI in comparison.

    Happily modern games (though I heard FFXIV might allow add ons) haven't gone down this road of doom. Its top among the seemingly good ideas that are actually bad - the second would be LFR (but I digress).. from WoW.

    Don't allow UI add ons and put everyone on a level playing field. Then you don't have to spend your time developing needlessly complicated encounters to thwart things like DBM and such.

  • GuyClinchGuyClinch Member CommonPosts: 485
    Originally posted by gxizhe
    Originally posted by Pilnkplonk
    Originally posted by gxizhe
    Originally posted by GuyClinch

    All 3. That's my serious suggestion. GW2 is awesome for playing in between all MMOs. ESO has some cool features that might keep you occupied for a while - and Wildstar looks fun. Now I don't think you have to play them at the same time but if you like MMOs you are going to have a lot of time to kill before EQ:N shows up. Assuming that EQ:N is a good game - which is a huge assumption. Go play planetside 2 to see the future of EQ:N.. (I am not saying its all bad either).

    Too many people wait for the next big thing and then end up so disappointed when it doesn't arrive. The good news is that most games have some fun in them if you give them a shot. Despite what this forum will have you believe most MMOS are not 'crap' and have very good entertainment value. What they do not have is limitless entertainment value..

    I tried PS2, it is a good game, but it is sorta p2w and it is just way to chaotic with so many players in one single small area(though not as bad as operation locker in bf4)

    I'm confused here... PS2 is not pay to win in any shape or form. It's pretty much as far from p2w as you can get in a free game and it takes you a week or two at most to max up any class ar standard xp rates. It's like saying TF2 is pay to win (you know that a funny hat can disable your opponent with laughter for that split second...) Also, what "small area"?! It's got three humongous playing areas, the biggest in online shooters at the moment, I believe. Some would say the areas are way too big rather than too small. As for chaos.. well that's war innit? Especially if you're doing it solo and not in some well organized outfit. Are you sure we're talking about the same game?

    So anyway, the 2 online games I play atm while I wait for EQL/N are PS2 and GW2. One is for my non-stop-action shooting addiction with a fair bit of strategy and persistence thrown in and the other is for my classical RPG needs. I really don't think you can go any better in current MMO space at the moment.

    If you pay cash, you can just skip the unlocking process and get ahead of everyone else

    For the map I am talking about one small region of each big map and sometimes there's like 90+ players in each region


     Good stuff. If you are playing PS2 while waiting for EQ:N you are doing the right thing. Because you are seeing the best of what SOE can do. Waiting around with stars in your eyes for a game that's going to solve everyone problem is a mistake. The studios all employ smart people but its not like Sony is so ahead of Zenimax or Blizzard or Arenanet. There are limits to what smart game designers and programmers can do.

    If you could cross PS2/GW2/Landmark = EQ:N. Though that something of a best case scenario..

  • CazNeergCazNeerg Member Posts: 2,198
    Originally posted by gxizhe

    Well I like Fantasy, PVE or PVP will depend on whether the game is a static button smashing game or not, crafting and raid doesn't matter that much, would definitely like story like SWTOR, but that game's horrible cash shop scared me away twice

    P.S.: I really enjoyed skyrim for its sandbox feeling and its exploration

    The basic question of the thread is kind of like asking if you should get an apple, an orange, or a pear.  If TOR's cash shop scared you away, and you were a subscriber, you should probably just avoid any game that includes a cash shop at all, because for subscribers the TOR one is pretty benign and frivolous.

    GW2 and ESO are both quality games, and Wildstar looks like it will be a quality game.  It really comes down to personal preference, and the only way you will know for sure is by trying all of them yourself, other people can't tell you what you are going to enjoy. (We need a game rating website that uses Netflix's algorithms, that would be far more useful than asking questions on forums.)

    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    The Force shall free me.

  • Kevyne-ShandrisKevyne-Shandris Member UncommonPosts: 2,077
    Originally posted by kairel182
    I don't know why I'm in utter shock that there are still such rabid fans of such an outdated and arguably worst addition to the genre ever released.  And those "essential" add-ons are a prime example as to why it's so horrible.  Don't suggest a game that's nothing more than a queue lobby waiting for instances when he never even mentioned this trash heap.

    Kairel, you don't have to worry about WoW or any other game, you don't need to play any of them, as you're a liability to any. I'm seriously wondering if you need psychiatric help. Got a lot of anger there, a lot over a game.


    Tip: sending hate mail to people over a game, does you no service. If you want to hurt yourself, call 911.  Now if you hate gays; hate Jews; hate families, do take that to a shrink; a priest; or maybe the police. I'm not them.


    Don't worry about addons. Stay away from guns and knives. And unplug the modem, instead.


    Get some mental help.

  • PurutzilPurutzil Member UncommonPosts: 3,048

    I'll be blunt and say I'd be a bit bias here. ESO and GW2 I feel are both very "meh" titles, both I consider to be some of the weakest AAA mmos in many years released. ESO has the benefit of not being fully released but currently its just going to appeal to hardcore TES fanboys who are willing to sacrifice some of the feel for a cheap MMo feel added in. Its PvP might garnish some interest as it does siege really well from what I've seen (much better then GW2) which may ultimately save it.

    GW2 just failed to deliver a good combat system and its overall design choices were very 'meh' with only its graphic style for me sticking out as a redeeming feature. Its just very slippery feeling with not all that much depth at all into it. The only thing you can say it has 'going' for it might be the fact it has no monthly sub. 

    Wildstar is I feel the superior choice, though being its not out yet its hard to say if it will shine in the long run. I feel it does so many things right (as of what is shown and known) such as combat and in some ways (as I hate to mention the game) it in a way is what Gw2 SHOULD of been (well besides actually a PvP game focus like GW1, but that is another matter). Its biggest flaw would be the more 'linear' questing style at least in the beginning which can wear on some people. Still its combat system i feel can really carry it through so long as they take a good idea and keep running with it. 


    Still, WoW (god I can't believe I'm about to suggest this) isn't a bad option if you want to jump in. Its quite trivialized. I could play for 3 months and you jump in and easily be where I'm at after a big patch without much effort. Things quickly get replaced and its difficulty curve is mild at best in both character dynamics as well as difficulty. Still if your looking for a casual experience and you HAVE to play WoW, I'd say don't be afraid of it and jump right in. It was watered down and gutted poorly for the sake of getting random people to jump in and play after all.

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Originally posted by StarS0ft
    Originally posted by gxizhe

    Since EQN wouldn't be out until maybe 2015, I need another game to kill time

    I have come down to these three games because I tried most of the popular free MMOs and they all suck in one way or another

    For P2P MMOs EVE is too hard for new players and WOW I just think it's too late to start

    So please give me some suggestions

    The answer is: GW2, because it's fun, beautiful, etc.

    ESO or Wildstar is not ready yet.

    Agreed and it all depends on your play style.  

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • Ice-QueenIce-Queen Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    Originally posted by gxizhe

    Since EQN wouldn't be out until maybe 2015, I need another game to kill time

    I have come down to these three games because I tried most of the popular free MMOs and they all suck in one way or another

    For P2P MMOs EVE is too hard for new players and WOW I just think it's too late to start

    So please give me some suggestions

    Why not EQN:Landmark? It's sandboxy and extremely fun, even at it's barebones in alpha atm. Totally worth $60, $100 to get into alpha. I was pleasantly surprised.


    What happens when you log off your characters????.....
    Dark Age of Camelot

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