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EQ2 got sooo many things right, just a shame it got some things wrong.



  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Originally posted by Fizblix

    WoW has added lots of stuff they could have put into expacks and charged $30 a pop for.

    No. In fact they couldn't even get the 7 bucks SOE charged for Splitpaw for the content they have added. They added a couple of instances and Battlegrounds. Sorry, but they only did that because they had to. There was just not enough content at the time.

    Besides, for the money Blizzard is making they should be adding a car to my garage. EQ2 has added hundreds of quests, mobs, zones, little mini instances tucked into cave walls for soloing and grouping and much more. They did that because they had to also, but they only charged for adventure packs which added new zones, loot and quests. If you don't like them you don't have to pay.

    Anyways, I still love Blizzard because they have brought millions of people to the genre that might never have played an  MMORPG otherwise. This will give us more choice and diversity in future games, although some people will inevitably try and make simplistic cartoony games to try and emulate Blizzard's success. Such is the world of business.

  • NihilanthNihilanth Member Posts: 1,357

    Originally posted by scaramoosh
    Graphics engine
    crafting system
    Housing system
    guild system
    Good looking combat
    stable servers
    UI is great!
    Developers are nice people
    Bad:No open PVP servers off the bat (considering this is why 99% of people play WOW EQ2 missed out on a major market)
    Combat is too slow
    The HO were a good idea but never really worked
    Questing system was unfun
    Not enough for soloers
    No email or offline selling
    Adventure packs and expansion packs (i can see the game getting very top heavy and having soo many of these will not attract new people) will be about 10 in a year lol.
    bland world and art style
    Boring lands

    Now for me if they got rid of zoning and added fully open PVP with a new combat system i'd be happy :) Alot of stuff they have fixed which i expected when i was playing beta but then they suprized us with the launchdate and rushed it!I really hope they make the raids/worlds more epic like alot of stuff in WOW :)

    I tried to like the game but having to load all the time really lets it down for me :( You feel enclosed into small maps which is really disappointing.

    They could fix this by opening the world up and having ingame loading times instead of putting a door there or bringing u outta the game.For example: HL2 where u load in the game or parts of EQ where u just stop moving and its loasing with the world still there.

    I'm not going to read through all those posts, so sorry if any of what I'm about to say has already been said:

    After playing EQ2 for a year (and because most likely someone is going to say I never played at all, here's a link to my main) and then switching to WoW, I can honeslty say I agree with most of your comments. Almost all of them...

    I agree with all but one of your "good"s. And that's crafting system.

    I'll admit at first glance and for a while afterwards the EQ2 crafting seems great. It gives you something more to do than just click and combine. However, I had a 39 Armorer by the time I quit EQ2 and by that time I didn't even want to think about crafting. It had become a tedious tedious grind like no other I've seen in any game. For Armorers especially in many ways, as we had numerous components and sub-components and sub-sub-components. It just plain took too much time to make a final item, and the process itself got boring after a while. And they wonder why there's so many macro-crafters in the game. I would like a game with a nice balance between EQ2 and WoW crafting. Not nearly as tedious as EQ2, but with a little more to do that just point-and-click like WoW.


    As for the "bad"s, there's more I want to comment on.

    PvP Servers: First off, they ARE adding these in January. Second, I knew very few people (at least on my server) who gave two shits about whether or not they added PvP, including myself. When I switched to WoW I didn'teven join a PvP server. I don't care too much about PvP personally (I'm not saying it's bad if you do - I just personally don't care too much for it). IMO it brings too many people immature "pwn3rz" and "1337" people to the game, especially if it's open PvP. The arenas from DoF were enough PvP for me.

    Slow Combat: I don't think this could be farther from the truth. I thought EQ2 combat was an absolute blast. It did get a little too button-mashy for me I guess, but I loved the system in general. It was probably the FASTEST, most real time system I've seen in a non-hack-and-slash MMO.

    Questing System: If you would have said this a couple months or even a couple weeks ago, I would have disagreed with it. However, playing Wow has showed me many of the flaws with the EQ2 system. Although the quests themselves aren't truly more fun than the other (I guess it's slighly more fun in WoW because there's less camping), the real difference is rewards. Theres just as many FedEx quests in WoW as EQ2, but the thing is the WoW one's are worth doing - if for nothing more than the XP. The rewards, both with XP and items, in EQ2 for quests were usually pretty crappy. If I get a FedEx or "kill x amount of y mob" quest in WoW, even if it's green to me, I usually make
    a serious attempt to do it. Just the XP from turning the quest in itself is usually worth it in WoW. In EQ2 I can't even begin to tell you how many of those quests I deleted knowing how shitty the reward would be.

    No Offline Selling or Email: There's not much I can say about this one except that you're 100% wrong.

    Adv and Exp Packs: There's been one expansion pack (soon to be 2) and 2 adv packs in the more than a year that the game's been out, I don't see that as much of a problem, and I seriously doubt there's going to be 10 more in the next year.

    Bland Lands: My ONLY complaint about the world in EQ2 is that I wish there was more elevation and altitude variations. Other than that I personally think the world looks great.

    I took my playing WoW to truly realize a lot of the strengths and weaknesses of EQ2, and although I still like EQ2 a lot, I really don't see myself coming back even with the upcoming expansion.::::32::

    EDIT: I fixed some formatting issues (wrote post in Notepad and it didn't copy correctly into the browser). Sorry if I made anyone's eyes bleed.

    Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
    Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
    XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378
    Nihilanth, WoW sucks.image

  • NihilanthNihilanth Member Posts: 1,357

    Originally posted by anarchyart
    Nihilanth, WoW sucks.image

    You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine. ::::28::

    Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
    Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
    XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT

  • B._TOM_KiddB._TOM_Kidd Member Posts: 69

    Originally posted by Jodokai
    Originally posted by B._TOM_Kidd
    (with i still think it dosent have its place in the MMO Industry, and i hope this buisness model will fall)
    I'm curious about this statement: Why do you think it doesn't have it's place?
    I'll start with why I think it does. I liken it to a cable company to Cellular phone company. With a cable company, you can get basic cable and it's pretty cheap. However, they also offer you the premium channels like HBO, Cinemax and Showtime, but you have to pay extra for those. Do you agree with that business model? If so, then why are adventure packs any different?
    Celluar phones same thing. Sure you can get 100 anytime minutes cheaply, but if you want 1000 anytime minutes it's going to cost you, same model, and I think they work well.
    Of course you'll have the people that say, "They make you NEED the adventure packs so you aren't left out," Well I have a comment on that:My brother has the all access pass so he gets the adventure packs for free, he's been playing since release, and has a toon that is higher level than any of my toons (I'm much more A.D.D. than him and switch toons a lot) and he has NEVER used either adventure pack, and neither one of us bought the recent expansion.
    So they aren't needed, and you won't be "left behind".

    the first AP cost 5$
    the second cost 8$
    the third will cost ?
    more or less or the same ?

    its kind of grey area, the zones should have been added for free, and the quests 2.
    i will go back to one of the bas questions of MMOs
    why do i pay them 15$ a month ?
    for "renting" the chars ?
    to keep the sevrer up ?
    to fix bugs ?
    they also that it gos to add new things to the game, so why do they take more to add small area with good quests ?

    also, lots of small packs in the end cost alot more than full expanstion pack, and unlss they gonne realse them all in like of expanstion pack with a goo price (and i mean for about at least 6 AP as pack), it dosent worth it.

    and in the end, its a new way to milk money from us, and if it will be good, another MMOs will take the idea to :/

    by the way, its seems that SOE kind of letting the idea to die, unless they keep it very secretly about the new AP that supposed to realsed between DOF and the new expanstion.

    Wolfang, the lvl 50 Guardian of Splitpaw - EQ2.
    SuRfer of Werner - Planetside

  • JodokaiJodokai Member Posts: 1,621

    Originally posted by B._TOM_Kidd

    the first AP cost 5$
    the second cost 8$

    Are you sure? I thought they were both $5. I'm not sure I get them for free with all access.

    the third will cost ?
    more or less or the same ?
    its kind of grey area, the zones should have been added for free, and the quests 2.

    Why should they have been added for free? I mean they've added over 1200 quests for free as well as a few zones. People are so hung up on the Adventure Packs that they forget about all the free stuff that has been added. This also ties into your next question about the monthly fee.

    i will go back to one of the bas questions of MMOs
    why do i pay them 15$ a month ?
    for "renting" the chars ?
    to keep the sevrer up ?
    to fix bugs ?
    they also that it gos to add new things to the game, so why do they take more to add small area with good quests ?

    You are still getting everything in that you get in a regular MMO. Did you know that EQ2 has added more free quests since its release than WoW? So, if you bought NOTHING except the game (which also costs about 1/3 of what WoW costs) and the monthly fee, you still got more for your money. Now I don't say that to turn this into a WoW vs. EQ2 thread, but as a comparison.
    also, lots of small packs in the end cost alot more than full expanstion pack, and unlss they gonne realse them all in like of expanstion pack with a goo price (and i mean for about at least 6 AP as pack), it dosent worth it.

    But like I said, you don't HAVE to buy the Adventure Packs. IF you think the pack is worth it, buy it, just like IF you think HBO is worth it, buy it.
    and in the end, its a new way to milk money from us, and if it will be good, another MMOs will take the idea to :/
    I also don't agree with this. I mean SOE is the only company I know of that offers 5 MMO's for $21 a month. They are offering a premium service, if you think it's worth the money, buy into it, if you don't, don't. You still haven't convinced me that this is any different from the Cable Companies.
    by the way, its seems that SOE kind of letting the idea to die, unless they keep it very secretly about the new AP that supposed to realsed between DOF and the new expanstion.

    No I haven't heard of anything, but they are probably working on the profession revamp that is in the works. Personally I hope they do make more.

  • Jd1680aJd1680a Member Posts: 398

    There is no doubt SOE have done alot to improve EQ2.  Mainly to make it more soloable for players who like solo.  DoF was great, alot of decent content for players who do like to solo or for those who rather not stand on a dock for hours on end waiting for a spot in a group.

    Tho at the same time there is still not enough good quests for soloers.  Most of the solo quests arent that great.  The good and more effective quests that you could actually get something useful relies on getting a group.  HQs that would benefit your guild greatly with guild points requires a group to do.  The problem with group quests is you need a group and getting a group to do that quest you want to do is sometimes impossible due to because everyone is busy in groups already nobody is really interested in helping you and sometimes you require someone who does alot of damage, a tank and a healer.  Often times that class you want isnt always avaliable when you need it.  Because of this fact I find it makes EQ2 content unplayable or it restricts too much to people who want to or have no choice to solo.

    I still and always believe that there should be a choice involved within the quest.  So there a player isnt limited on getting a group to a quest.  Instead a player is given a choice to group with his friends or guildmates with at the same time the same quest is avaliable for soloers who would like to solo.  MMOG doesnt mean you are strictly to group, it just means you play a game that see alot of other players.  Does it mean that a player who could solo an epic monster could also get fabled armor?  No I dont think he should.  Epics monsters rewards is justable to their challange, if someone would solo the same monster it would really disgrace alot of players who have taken the time and need to kill that epic.

    There is a serious balance between classes that just makes me mad.  I played a level 60 shadowknight, while in Maj`dul I witness a lvl 58 bruiser completely solo a lvl 55 three arrows up group mob.  I could barely solo a lvl 51 two arrow group mob.  Anything higher then that I would need a healer plus a dp.

    SOE still have a long way to improve.  Right now they need to improve their relationship with their customers.  I dont really care on how great the graphics, content,  or gameplay is.  For me it doesnt mean anything if SOE doesnt back up their games with quality customer service and relations.  My server is becoming increasely infested with botters and plat farmers.  A number of people have complained to the same botter and yet they are still on.  The deal with SWG doesnt really help SOE imagine with their customers.  It says to me that SOE dont really care about their current player base and rather just scrap off their loyal customers.  SOE seems to like to lie to their customers and doesnt have any loyality and no understanding on how important they are with in the game world.  It also seems that SOE really want to get player numbers up to that million market like WoW have done.  If this is true,  will do what ever it takes to get that high even if screwing over player base, it makes SOE increasely dangerous because they will do what ever it takes to the numbers up.

    Have played: CoH, DDO EQ2, FFXI, L2, HZ, SoR, and WW2 online

  • scaramooshscaramoosh Member Posts: 3,424

    I want more of the christmas world event quests for soloers :) Only give less xp and not christmas :P Mainly because i got like 30% xp for that quest in 1 hour.


    Man that quest was amazing :) Soo interactive :( Tho i have to admit i was useless at the music spoon memory quest lol.

    Don't click here...no2

  • 92165449216544 Member Posts: 1,904

    Haven't played EQ2 in some time and I still am seeing the exact same posts being made. If I recall things change over time, so how can it have the exact same problems from a year ago? If any change is made then the game is different. They are adding open pvp servers, they have increased solo xp, there is offline selling, there is mail, HO system has always worked, combat doesnt seem slow to me.

  • dwezeedwezee Member Posts: 5

    eq II  has made so much changes. almost all of the bad sides mentioned here

    are improved now and cannot considered bad sides anymore...


  • B._TOM_KiddB._TOM_Kidd Member Posts: 69

    Originally posted by Jodokai
    Originally posted by B._TOM_Kidd the first AP cost 5$
    the second cost 8$Are you sure? I thought they were both $5. I'm not sure I get them for free with all access.i am sure unless that one cent (7.99$) mean much to u.the third will cost ?
    more or less or the same ?its kind of grey area, the zones should have been added for free, and the quests 2.Why should they have been added for free? I mean they've added over 1200 quests for free as well as a few zones. People are so hung up on the Adventure Packs that they forget about all the free stuff that has been added. This also ties into your next question about the monthly the custumer who pay for the service, i have my own expections for the service i want, so we are (the community) determin what we want for free.
    also, who is making the APs ? do u buy the bullshit of 3 teams that one make LUs, the other one make APs and the third one make expanstions ?
    so they use our sub money to make something to chrage us additional money for ?
    and last, u cant even compare the zones and the quests that have been added (most of them are instances) for the APs zones and quests.
    i will go back to one of the base questions of MMOs
    why do i pay them 15$ a month ?
    for "renting" the chars ?
    to keep the sevrer up ?
    to fix bugs ?
    they also that it gos to add new things to the game, so why do they take more to add small area with good quests ?You are still getting everything in that you get in a regular MMO. Did you know that EQ2 has added more free quests since its release than WoW? So, if you bought NOTHING except the game (which also costs about 1/3 of what WoW costs) and the monthly fee, you still got more for your money. Now I don't say that to turn this into a WoW vs. EQ2 thread, but as a now WoW is the base to compare all other games to ?
    there is a reason why i dont play WoW.
    and also, who said u get more for your money ?
    its could be the other way around, maybe WoW just realsed with more quests and zones than EQ2.
    btw, why do we pay montly fee for MMOs, if they only repair bugs (its the devs fault anyway), and add lousy content for free.also, lots of small packs in the end cost alot more than full expanstion pack, and unlss they gonne realse them all in like of expanstion pack with a goo price (and i mean for about at least 6 AP as pack), it dosent worth it.But like I said, you don't HAVE to buy the Adventure Packs. IF you think the pack is worth it, buy it, just like IF you think HBO is worth it, buy it.first, i am not american nor erupeon (my lousy english :/ ) so i dont know what is HBO, but my guess is that some kind of extra service like pay to see new movies in the TV instead of waiting till they get to the normal cable movie chanels.
    so i am aginst this one to, the diffrent is that the MMO industry is new and young, so we, the community, the customers, the players have alot more power aginst the companies, alot more than aginst the TV Companies.
    in the MMOs indutry there is also alot more competition than in the cable industry,
    and yes, u dont have to, but the APs show the work the devs can do to realse as an LU, instead of AP.
    its show their posibilities of a good piece of work that we could have gotten for free.and in the end, its a new way to milk money from us, and if it will be good, another MMOs will take the idea to :/I also don't agree with this. I mean SOE is the only company I know of that offers 5 MMO's for $21 a month. They are offering a premium service, if you think it's worth the money, buy into it, if you don't, don't. You still haven't convinced me that this is any different from the Cable Companies. coz they are the only company that have that many MMOs. by the way, its seems that SOE kind of letting the idea to die, unless they keep it very secretly about the new AP that supposed to realsed between DOF and the new expanstion.No I haven't heard of anything, but they are probably working on the profession revamp that is in the works. Personally I hope they do make more.

    i am not SOE haiter, neither am i SOE/EQ2 Fanboy.
    currently i am not playing EQ2, but only becouse my crappy comp, so i couldnt join raids or go to sol eye and since i got to 50 (before they raised the cap), i didnt had much left to do in norrath.
    for now, i am not playing any p2p MMO, only waiting for POTBS.
    but i still watching EQ2 closely, read the dev track every day, hopping to buy new comp soon so i will goes back to that game.

    Wolfang, the lvl 50 Guardian of Splitpaw - EQ2.
    SuRfer of Werner - Planetside

  • TymoraTymora Member UncommonPosts: 1,295

    Originally posted by scaramoosh


    Graphics engine
    crafting system
    Housing system
    guild system
    Good looking combat
    stable servers
    UI is great!
    Developers are nice people

    No open PVP servers off the bat (considering this is why 99% of people play WOW EQ2 missed out on a major market)
    Combat is too slow
    The HO were a good idea but never really worked
    Questing system was unfun
    Not enough for soloers
    No email or offline selling
    Adventure packs and expansion packs (i can see the game getting very top heavy and having soo many of these will not attract new people) will be about 10 in a year lol.
    bland world and art style
    Boring lands
    Now for me if they got rid of zoning and added fully open PVP with a new combat system i'd be happy :) Alot of stuff they have fixed which i expected when i was playing beta but then they suprized us with the launchdate and rushed it!
    I really hope they make the raids/worlds more epic like alot of stuff in WOW :)
    I tried to like the game but having to load all the time really lets it down for me :( You feel enclosed into small maps which is really disappointing.
    They could fix this by opening the world up and having ingame loading times instead of putting a door there or bringing u outta the game.
    For example: HL2 where u load in the game or parts of EQ where u just stop moving and its loasing with the world still there.

    Being an Everquest II veteran, and having learned more about this mmorpg than any other I've ever played, I will comment on the above post . . .

    I agree with all of the "Good" things, except Housing.  I don't think SOE got this right.  I would like to see separate housing in different zones, not just apartments in the city.  Even if they did something like what DAoC did, in another zone altogether, where players can have their own, unique house, it would be better.

    Graphics are still blowing me away.  I think the sounds and music is ok.  More of all I love the gameplay and combat (in a group). 


    Almost all of the "Bad" points I disagreed with.

    I didn't need PvP, but it will be an added bonus.  Everquest II is a great PvE mmorpg, and it will hopefully incorporate PvP without spoiling this.

    I don't think combat is too slow at all.  If it was a bit faster, I wouldn't mind, but I don't think it should be like Guild Wars.  It is just fast enough to enjoy watching and still have time for HOs and skills.

    The Questing system can be tedious, but that is what some players like.  The quests range from very involved, with great lore, or simple, cookie-cutter types.  There is a lot or room for improvement, but overall, and considering how many there are, I wouldn't call the quest system bad.'

    Not enough for soloers?  GOOD!  EQ2 was originally designed to be a mmorpg based on small groups and guilds, different from EQ with the large raiding groups and guilds.  I was fine with the way EQ2 was in the beginning with little to no solo content after the initial levels.  The game shines when your in a good group.  If I wanted to solo until level 60, I would play World of Warcraft.  At the same time, I like the solo content that has been added.  It gives a player more options.  I still don't solo.

    Mmorpg's  don't need E-mail and offline selling is considered by some players to be wrong and may ruin the economy in-game.  EQ2 has dedicated servers to offline selling, sort of.  I'd never want to see it become "ordianry".

    Why is having adventure packs and expansions a bad thing?  Many people complain about expansions.  I think sometimes decisions are made in expansion that do not improve the game, but rarely have I seen expansions ruin a game the way people claim (Trials of Atlantis is the big exception here, and perhaps some EQ expansions, depending on who you talk to).  Expanions and adventure packs only add content and sometimes some new features.  Why is this bad?

    I don't think the art style is bland.  In my opinion, the world is immersive and very nicely done.  The lands are not boring.  I still enjoy spending time in the newbie lands around Qeynos, and I am level 50.

    I agree about zoning.  I would prefer the areas to be larger, with no instances.  This would present other problems, of course.  Huge, seamless gameworlds are always better than zones, though.


  • TymoraTymora Member UncommonPosts: 1,295
    Whupsie, double posted
  • ObadnoObadno Member Posts: 401

    Originally posted by Jd1680a

    There is no doubt SOE have done alot to improve EQ2.  Mainly to make it more soloable for players who like solo.  DoF was great, alot of decent content for players who do like to solo or for those who rather not stand on a dock for hours on end waiting for a spot in a group.
    Tho at the same time there is still not enough good quests for soloers.  Most of the solo quests arent that great.  The good and more effective quests that you could actually get something useful relies on getting a group.  HQs that would benefit your guild greatly with guild points requires a group to do.  The problem with group quests is you need a group and getting a group to do that quest you want to do is sometimes impossible due to because everyone is busy in groups already nobody is really interested in helping you and sometimes you require someone who does alot of damage, a tank and a healer.  Often times that class you want isnt always avaliable when you need it.  Because of this fact I find it makes EQ2 content unplayable or it restricts too much to people who want to or have no choice to solo.
    I still and always believe that there should be a choice involved within the quest.  So there a player isnt limited on getting a group to a quest.  Instead a player is given a choice to group with his friends or guildmates with at the same time the same quest is avaliable for soloers who would like to solo.  MMOG doesnt mean you are strictly to group, it just means you play a game that see alot of other players.  Does it mean that a player who could solo an epic monster could also get fabled armor?  No I dont think he should.  Epics monsters rewards is justable to their challange, if someone would solo the same monster it would really disgrace alot of players who have taken the time and need to kill that epic.
    There is a serious balance between classes that just makes me mad.  I played a level 60 shadowknight, while in Maj`dul I witness a lvl 58 bruiser completely solo a lvl 55 three arrows up group mob.  I could barely solo a lvl 51 two arrow group mob.  Anything higher then that I would need a healer plus a dp.
    SOE still have a long way to improve.  Right now they need to improve their relationship with their customers.  I dont really care on how great the graphics, content,  or gameplay is.  For me it doesnt mean anything if SOE doesnt back up their games with quality customer service and relations.  My server is becoming increasely infested with botters and plat farmers.  A number of people have complained to the same botter and yet they are still on.  The deal with SWG doesnt really help SOE imagine with their customers.  It says to me that SOE dont really care about their current player base and rather just scrap off their loyal customers.  SOE seems to like to lie to their customers and doesnt have any loyality and no understanding on how important they are with in the game world.  It also seems that SOE really want to get player numbers up to that million market like WoW have done.  If this is true,  will do what ever it takes to get that high even if screwing over player base, it makes SOE increasely dangerous because they will do what ever it takes to the numbers up.

    I soloed untill lvl 35 then i figured out groups were more fun, had better loot, adn had better Xp,.

    I allways did quests, never had problems finding a group to kill a named if i had to, allways had plenty of solo content, and kill 10 of X and 15 of Y quests, i think you need to look harder.

    The new EQ2, better than ever befor !
    don't click this link...

  • WickesWickes Member UncommonPosts: 749

    Originally posted by Tymora

    Being an Everquest II veteran, and having learned more about this mmorpg than any other I've ever played, I will comment on the above post . . .
    * * *
    Mmorpg's  don't need E-mail and offline selling is considered by some players to be wrong and may ruin the economy in-game.  EQ2 has dedicated servers to offline selling, sort of.  I'd never want to see it become "ordianry".

    How can someone be a "veteran" who's learned so much about the game and not know that the game has had mail and offline selling on all servers for ages?  Ever notice those mailbox thingies sitting around?
  • mangarmangar Member UncommonPosts: 296

    The holiday quest?  Thought that was a little on the soft side but if you got a kick out of it you should look into some of the other quest lines in the game.  No they all do not require separate instances but they do offer great stories and some fairly nice loot.  Two that come to mind are the Peacock and Amulet of Ro lines for the lv45-60 DoF crowd.  Both of these have many quests each with a little exp/coin boost since killing solo mobs at this level is a bit low on exp the quest exp is a nice touch (kind of like D&D rules).  While the quests are mostly soloable the end of the amulet requires a group and the true end of Peacock is a raid.  The faction quest lines are also great fun in Maj actually more up your alley if you enjoyed the holiday event.  Once again there are stages that require a team of 2 to 6 to complete but this is a MMO after all so make a few friends or out level them and try later.  Basically they provide you with hours of things to do in between grouping or raiding.

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    For lower levels I recommend things like the progressive quest lines in Nek and CL (think there are some on the good side but who cares about them).  The Valley of the Rogue Magi is a fun instance but not a real quest.  The solo zone that opens in Nek after the quest line is also pretty fun as well as the three soloable Bloodlines and countless Splitpaw zones you should have a lot to keep you busy.  But remember this is at its core a MMORPG not a console game so to get the most out of it you will need to group anything else is really just a small taste of what EQ2 has to offer.


    EDIT: No idea what is up with my font...

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  • B._TOM_KiddB._TOM_Kidd Member Posts: 69

    Originally posted by Tymora

    Mmorpg's don't need E-mail and offline selling is considered by some players to be wrong and may ruin the economy in-game. EQ2 has dedicated servers to offline selling, sort of. I'd never want to see it become "ordianry".
    Why is having adventure packs and expansions a bad thing? Many people complain about expansions. I think sometimes decisions are made in expansion that do not improve the game, but rarely have I seen expansions ruin a game the way people claim (Trials of Atlantis is the big exception here, and perhaps some EQ expansions, depending on who you talk to). Expanions and adventure packs only add content and sometimes some new features. Why is this bad?

    By Email and offline selling he didnt meant for the exchange but to ba able so to sell In game items for IN GAME Cash when u are offline.
    they have this in the game.

    and the reason i think Expanstion packs are bad is becouse i need to pay fopr them extra ...

    Wolfang, the lvl 50 Guardian of Splitpaw - EQ2.
    SuRfer of Werner - Planetside

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