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I know this isn't the Zenimax forum, but since the Zenimax forum HAS no place to say this, and I am damn they look here, I say it.
ESO needs debate. It is not bad, but it has issues. Which need debate. Now.
There, I leaned out as far as I felt I could.
They do themselves a huge disservice if they keep the NDA any longer, especially since press already was allowed to talk. It makes me feel like a second best person, on top of it all.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
No you dont. What is good must pass the fire of public critique. This isnt a year or two before release, this is 2 frigging months.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Yeah, I do. Installed the beta this time around.
Boycotting EA. Why? They suck, even moreso since 2008.
Lol, I see. ^^;
I still think it can be helped. But they NEED to face some reality. God, I hate it when developers are that stubborn like "we know it all best". I have seen that SO MANY TIMES. *cough* SWTOR *cough*
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Why does it have to pass the " fire of public critique" ? Most of the people on here over react, twist facts and have some of the most ridiculous opinions on the internet when it comes to gaming. How will someones decision to buy the game or not be helped by listening to all the crazy that goes on here ?
Are people not able to make their own minds up ? Are you worried that someone might buy the game without hearing why you hate it first ?
Agreed ..... it is time for the NDA to go away.
Seeing how open and interactive the development of Everquest Next landmark works... it is indeed sad to compare this to ESO. It really feels like the same old Dev crap all over again.
Not talking about the game itself here, but the stance they show. "We know everything better then the player. They don't know what they want, but we do!"... what a crap.
Lift that NDA and let us talk!
MMOs finally replaced social interaction, forced grouping and standing in a line while talking to eachother.
Now we have forced soloing, forced questing and everyone is the hero, without ever having to talk to anyone else. The evolution of multiplayer is here! We won,... right?
I would be more inclined to think the developers have little to do with this. It is all publisher/investor driven.
Translation: I am important and my voice should be heard. NDA doesn't allow me to pretend I know what makes a good MMO.
I totally agree with you.
It's about time people be able to explain how all the guys claiming ESO is "JUST LIKE SKYRIM!" are over reacting, twisting facts, and have some of the most ridiculous opinions on the internet when it comes to this game.
But what do I know. EA/ Maxis made a killing with their media approved beta prior to the release of SimCity.
The whole point of the beta tests are for players to give them feedback to fix things or to stress test, they aren't for you to try the game or chat about it. They aren't demos, the fact the NDA is still there tells you that.
Very few games that you can buy allow you to play it without buying it before launch, if you want to talk about it wait until it launches.
If you were on this forum as long as I, you'd know I am always right.![;) ;)](
Hey, if we have delusions, if can be really good ones. ^^ But seriously. Not me. The public debate process, that is what I want applied to development. Democratic creativity. We need less "lone wolf" decisions in this genre.
It has something to do with Sir Karl Popper, The Open Society theory and the verification-falsification dilemma.
Verification doesn't work. It is an illusion. But the process of science works by applying falsification. Example. I say, all Swans are white. That is a theory. So I can't go out and test if it's true, because when would I know something general like "all Swans"? Never. But what I do as method is: I go out and try to falsify it. So I try to find a swan that is NOT white. Finding a black swan, the theory is falsified. And the ideal process due to Sir Popper is not a lone thinker, but the public critique. The debate, the argument. Theories must face the trial of "attack". That is how truths are gained, not by positive statements, but by forging statements which stood the trial of harsh argument and thorough critique. If it then still stands, it is - for the time being - a working theory.
THAT is how I want games be crafted: by facing public eye and public critique from day one. It is the only viable way of improvement.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Why do people compare this with EQ:NL? Do they not understand that the only reason the NDA was lifted for EQ:NL is because they sold the Alpha access? Is it hard to comprehend it? Every game which has provided access to paid Alphas/Betas have lifted their NDAs. EQ:NL did nothing special. And before the Alpha, do tell me what open talks did you see from the developer? I would like to know this as i can't recall anything except for some videos which both sides have done so far.
And the point of a media only NDA lift?
Surely not to drum up hype for the game! That would be...preposterous.
I would easily agree if they hadn't lifted it for the press. There are numerous videos and preview opinions floating around the webs and they cannot be discussed.
Perhaps this is all just poorly timed ....... I don't know, it seems silly.
The media always gets preview copies before anyone else, skyrim for example was given to reviewers before anyone else got them.
Did you demand a skyrim demo?
Why are people commenting on EQN, the NDA that was lifted was for EQN Landmark not the MMO. EQN Landmark is a minecraft type game, the MMO is a totally different piece of software.
So you can't purchase ESO right now?
You couldn't buy the game prior to any NDA lift?
This isn't Skyrim, and Skyrim didn't hand out over 500k beta keys, and only let a handful of people talk about what they're experiencing.
So tell me, what is the point of a media only NDA lift again?
Yes he does. The lousy house of cards will crumble to pieces in no time when the NDA is lifted. If not, I give up all hope on the gaming community in terms of being awake.
We can pre-order which can be cancelled any time. And they have confirmed that they will be lifting the NDA before launch.
They make the comparison to EQ:NL because SOE took the high route it seems.
I cannot stand SOE.
I really dislike Smedley.
I will never play that simple cartoon game.
But even I can admit when things are being handled impressively. Which is exactly how SOE is handling EQ:NL: NDA lifted, perhaps impulsively, but lifted none the less. Combined with a no questions money back guarantee ....... damn.
Thats how you do it .....
Quote of the year nomination ...
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright