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Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley has announced via Twitter that the NDA for EverQuest Next: Landmark has been lifted. This allows alpha testers to post impressions, videos and more across the 'Net.
"Technically the alpha is holding up very very well, better even than expected. So, based on the requests of our alpha players, (and in spirit of transparency) we've decided to lift the nda immediately."
Find out more about EverQuest Next: Landmark.
Is it buggy? Yes
Is it better than most alphas? Yes, significantly.
They made a good call lifting the NDA. They have nothing to be ashamed of, if this was my baby I would be jumping for joy right now.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
For once SoE did the right thing.
Now let's hear it from the Alpha testers.
Oh come on, for goodness sake, this is a frigging revolution!
I can't EVER recall any of the big MMOs having their NDA lifted in ALPHA! These days especially, see ESO, they rather keep it intact until the last day before launch!
This really IS the new SOE. Consider me impressed.
EQN_L is still a shell of a game, and shows little how EQN will be, but I already had a good feeling. Those first hours in Landmarks reminded me of my early days in SWG, which is a very good thing.
Oh and it's is that you are mistaken, about a great many things! ^^ NOW Landmarks has no quests, nothing to kill or fight, but it will have. It will get mobs, and players will be able to make quests. Yes it is no traditional MMO, but come on, SOE is taking a huge risk with a Alpha NDA lift. It is a great move for true transparency.
Well played SOE.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
You could "buy" Landmark quite a few months before that NDA lift (and before alpha started)
There will be combat added later. It's going to be a real MMO of its own. At the moment all you can do is harvest, craft and build, though.
"If the Damned gave you a roadmap, then you'd know just where to go"
Do yourself a favour, read up on what Landmark will become, not what it is at this current Alpha stage.
Please dont overreact Elikal.
First off its not an MMO. Its just an open world with nothing in it and players are given a toolset to alter the terrain.
There are no Mobs, or quests, or AI scripting issue, or AI pathing issues, or broken item drops, or.... Shall I really go on.?
This is nothing but a pretty looking multiplayer minecraft-ish game that they convinced people to pay $100 for.
And because there really is nothing in the game, of course they can drop the NDA on the Alpha.
Now if they dropped the NDA of EQ: Next (or what ever it may be call) then you really have a reason to gush about it. And BTW they havent, and I think its in early Beta.
There is no revolution in the making, sorry.
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."
You have not been keeping up have you lol. EQnext Landmark is a Build your own MMO as stated by Smead and Georgeson. There will be combat, there will be player made dungeons and quests. The mobs including all critters will have EQNext AI as well. But the main thing EQNext Landmark will be is a Build your own MMO.
The combat will not be EQNext combat but instead a simpler version of sorts. There will be crafting for weapons, armor etc. Combat will be in most likely shortly after the game launches as has been stated by SOE oh 50x or more lol.
You sir need to first read then THINK, then comment based off facts you read not feelings you feel based off nothing. You know it must be true because it feels right.
On top of that all the tools are built first for EQNext then added to Landmark this will go on far after EQnext is launched again as been stated so many times by SOE if you pay attention.
That is Mob AI, better combat mechanics, the list goes on and on. Any tools made first for EQNEXT will be added to Landmark even while EQNext is being built.
I mean no disrespect to the game at all to be honest. I'll most likely pick it up myself at some point. I typically enjoy things like sandbox building. When reading the project descriptions about the game, it didn't mention anything about combat or any real purpose other than possibly having some of the buildings added to EQN. So at this point it wasn't a valid investment to simply build things. I'm getting that and more in Rust currently. That being said - I look forward to their additions.
@ earlier posts
I wouldn't put too much stock into what any developer says. Actions speak louder than words.
If you want to know what the difference between EQNEXT and EQNEXT Landmark are read this.
It's a good move, we'll have to see how it plays out.
Yes there may be little there now for them to be worried about but equally as they add new systems etc you will see them, buggy or not. That implies they are confident in this product going forward.
Though equally, while this is a good move you can't really say this is a new SOE as they are charging people for this game already (and even Landmark is a way off), so they aren't that different.
While I certainly applaud SOE's decision to drop the NDA so early, they did sell alpha packs long before having a product available which is still a bush league move IMO, regardless how many people so eagerly are willing to buy into it. Like they always like to say, it's their money to spend any way they like, no matter if I believe it to be misguided.
What is entertaining as always (though puzzling) is the wide eyed enthusiasm and innocence, almost to the point of faith many here are showing in this product, even though this is not their first rodeo and you would think they should know better.
They actually are taking every thing said or promised as gospel truth, as if it all will actually turn out that way. The real reason most Devs keep a lid on their products and promised features in the early going is for good reason, the finished product always suffers significant feature change between concept and delivery.
Yes, yes, this is the new, more honest, more open SOE, but I'm not really convinced that a scorpion can really go against his true nature, let's hope the "otters" fair better this time around.
One reason they likely feel more confident this time around I feel is because they really don't plan on delivering much of a game here, rather it will mostly be baseline, simple tools that they will be using to create and refine into actual games such as EQN and their recently promised replacement game for SWG fans.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
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"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
I did think before I posted. Everything I stated is a fact. I can retype everything if you like, but I'll summarize again since you had a hard time with it.
It is not a MMO. Dont believe me. Just read what someone who does know posted. I'll just highlight the critical parts.
As said by: giga100 - "There will be combat, there will be player made dungeons and quests. There will be crafting for weapons, armor etc. Combat will be in most likely shortly after the game launches as has been stated by SOE."
Ohh wait, did you say that?
I was talking about how its being released now, and as supported by what you said there is no content in the game AS IT IS, and thus its not such a big deal having is NDA lifted since there is no real content and thus not a MMO. Like how I repeated the main points twice in one sentence just incase you missed it, again?
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."
I simply wasn't going to spend any money on pre-ordering this or EQN (or any game for that matter after Ive been burned so many times) until SOE announced refunds for anyone not impressed. I fully expected to waltz into LM, putz around and crash a few times, then call it a day and get my refund. That didn't happen though, despite performance issues I was having a good time. I wouldn't say a great time, but it was fun and worth my money (though if I had spend $100 I would have demanded a refund, but I guess some people are passionate enough about the IP).
That being said - this game's scope and goals go far beyond what any other MMO has really tried to accomplish, and frankly I have more interest in LM than in EQN proper. For everyone saying it is nothing but a building sim I say - "OK". Seriously, who cares? There is a huge market for such a game (IE Minecraft, Starbound, Terraria) and this is the first AAA effort at such a game. The planned features for the game have me excited, and if they don't come to fruition than I guess I'll just cry about wasting $60 and move on with my life.
The game is in Alpha, and we can all argue back and forth about "but you paid money," and "it's just a demo," and "SOE will screw you," all we want, but Sony never advertised it as anything but an Alpha. In fact, they have said MULTIPLE times that the game will be 60% complete in Alpha. If you spent money on this expecting a full fledged game you have no one to blame but yourself. I think the transparency of this release has been awesome (the lifted NDA just another point for them). this hasnt been like the "buy our game now and get into ALPHA" games of years past where you are playing the completed game riddled with bugs.
This is an awesome trend we are seeing in gaming now. Sony seems to be ahead of the curve in honesty and customer service right now, and other devs (such as.... whatever the name of the company is that made DayZ) are catching on and taking an honest approach to their releases. We can cry all we want about how Sony closed our favorite games (Vanguard wasn't a favorite of mine, but I did like it and feel for it's fans), but I can't think of any way to argue that SOE isn't pretty much the best out there in the MMO space right now. I'm sure someone will say Blizzard is, but I just feel they are a horrendously greedy company that is not in any way open about their plans for their games (been waiting for actual info on Titan for how long now?).
Anyway, guess what I am saying is - Good job SOE
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Not only did they lift the NDA, but they offer a 100% refund to players if they find they do not like it. Color me impressed, too. I think SOE has learned many valuable lessons over the last 10 years.
You have come a long way as well, from being piss-mad when they announced the prices on founder packs upto now
I'm glad you like what you saw as much as I did.