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100 Bucks for Alpha cant even play.

JerrezzJerrezz Member Posts: 7

I just spent 100 Dollars on Alpha and I can't play. It's so horrible.


 Its only a hundred bucks!!! I just spent 600$ at Ruth's Chris, and 180$ on a bottle of scotch to drink with some friends tonight. 

Stop paying for things you can't afford and then whine about not getting value. No wonder so many poor people, don't know how to mind your means.





  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967
    Anybody want to guess political affinity of this one? Take a wild guess.
    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

  • GestankfaustGestankfaust Member UncommonPosts: 1,989
    Originally posted by FlyByKnight
    Anybody want to guess political affinity of this one? Take a wild guess.

    I'd bet your guess is wrong

    "This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."

  • IkedaIkeda Member RarePosts: 2,751

    Welcome to the site?  By the looks of your first post you've just came in, poured some of the best alcohol here, and kicked up your muddy boots on some antique furniture.  


    What was the rest of your point again?

  • Zohdi118Zohdi118 Member UncommonPosts: 76
    It doesn't matter what his political affinities are; he/she is a trust fund baby burning his/her family's fortune on middle of the road scotch and overpriced steaks =)
  • GiffenGiffen Member UncommonPosts: 276
    They (SOE) will refund your money through Alpha if you don't like it.  Smedley tweeted this today.
  • WellzyCWellzyC Member UncommonPosts: 599


    $100 dollars to play an unfinished product.


    There's a sucker born every minute.

    The way mmo's were: Community, Exploration, Character Development, Conquest.

    The way mmo's are now : Cut-Scenes,Cut-Scenes, solo Questing, Cut-Scenes...

  • JerrezzJerrezz Member Posts: 7
    No Antiques, well a few but not a table.  Either way the point was still valid and hard for poor budget managers to understand.
  • HellidolHellidol Member UncommonPosts: 476
    me thinks he is far rightwingness.

  • JerrezzJerrezz Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by Zohdi118
    It doesn't matter what his political affinities are; he/she is a trust fund baby burning his/her families fortune on middle of the road scotch and overpriced steaks =)

    Definitely not a trust fund baby.  The scotch is fine for drinking with friends while we watch a Lacrosse game. The steaks are not really overpriced, the 500 degree plates are something to love.

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    So rather than wait for someone to actually make the post and then go crazy on them you thought you'd preempt it and just start off with the crazy part ?
  • JerrezzJerrezz Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by DamonVile
    So rather than wait for someone to actually make the post and then go crazy on them you thought you'd preempt it and just start off with the crazy part ?

    Well, I saw the post in the Official Alpha Forums, and instead of a troll fest on the official forums....well you get the point apparently.

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    OMG an alpha with problems!  Never heard of such a thing! /sarcasm off

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • GestankfaustGestankfaust Member UncommonPosts: 1,989
    Originally posted by Hellidol
    me thinks he is far rightwingness.

    Yer prolly right...but news shock for you....the left has far more moneys than the right

 's prolly more even. Either way...basing richness on a side is dumb :P

    "This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."

  • Ice-QueenIce-Queen Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    It's alpha, if anyone's expecting 100% uptime they're going to be a sad panda.


    What happens when you log off your characters????.....
    Dark Age of Camelot

  • Dreamo84Dreamo84 Member UncommonPosts: 3,713

    He can afford a $500 meal but can't even put the dollar sign on the right side of the number.

    This is what the world is coming to...

  • CombspeCombspe Member UncommonPosts: 141
    I'm a GQ model too and make $1000.00 an hour.
  • CazNeergCazNeerg Member Posts: 2,198
    Ruth's Chris; nice pieces of meat, almost always prepared to be as bland as possible.  Horrible experience for the price being asked, you're better off buying some good steak and cooking it yourself.

    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    The Force shall free me.

  • ZapzapZapzap Member UncommonPosts: 224

    I don't think I have read a post with more hubris and arrogance than the OP's in quite awhile.  His point. that because some people simply have less money that their opinion is less worthwhile than his own, is insulting the height of aarrogance. 

    The OP further argues that people who have less money than he does do so because they are wasteful and reckless is arrogant.  Many people simply care a lot less about money than the OP and do not value monetary wealth as a  measure of success and happiness.  The OP is the perfect example that wealth does not make one happy.  Because the overriding point of the OP's post is that he is better than people who do not have as much money as he does.  Which tells you that he is indeed not happy and whatever money he has is meaningless. 

    By his posts he obviously lacks other essential qualities of happiness such as personal respect, quality friends and empathy and love for others.  I would kindly suggest to the OP that he re-examine why he is so hostile and why he has such a need to prove himself better than others by putting other people down.  Then address those issues and fix his own problems before attempting to lecture other people.

  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655
    Originally posted by Jerrezz
    Originally posted by DamonVile
    So rather than wait for someone to actually make the post and then go crazy on them you thought you'd preempt it and just start off with the crazy part ?

    Well, I saw the post in the Official Alpha Forums, and instead of a troll fest on the official forums....well you get the point apparently.

    Dry those eyes, (I know you'll probably use 100 dollar bills) it'll be ok buck-o!

    You don't need to cry about people complaining, it's just absolutely ridiculous!

    Also, trying to 'brag' about your 'ability to manage your money' on this forum?  Do you really crave attention / recognition so badly?


    I pity you OP.

  • SpankthetoadSpankthetoad Member UncommonPosts: 83
    Really lol  My guess he is 38 and still living in his Mom's basement.  O and he works at White Castle part time. 


  • JerrezzJerrezz Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by Fendel84M

    He can afford a $500 meal but can't even put the dollar sign on the right side of the number.

    This is what the world is coming to...

    That's the most intelligent post in this forum.

  • JerrezzJerrezz Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by Spankthetoad
    Really lol  My guess he is 38 and still living in his Mom's basement.  O and he works at White Castle part time. 


  • lugallugal Member UncommonPosts: 671
    I do not know why people claim people who are sucessful or wealthy are somehow affiliated a certain political is some how an insult. Sounds like somebody jealous they can only aford dollar menu.
    Funniest part pf this whole thread is people paying to play a buggy mess of a game that is not released. A fool and their money...

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    The reviewer has a mishapen head
    Which means his opinion is skewed

  • JerrezzJerrezz Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by Zapzap

    I don't think I have read a post with more hubris and arrogance than the OP's in quite awhile.  His point that because some people simply have less money than his that their opinion is less worthwhile is insulting. 

    He further argues that people who have less money than he does do because they are wasteful and reckless is arrogant.  Many people simply care a lot less about money than the OP and do not value monetary wealth as a  measure of success and happiness.  The OP is the perfect example that wealth does not make one happy.  Because the overriding point of the OP's post is that he is better than people who do not have as much money as he does.  Which tells you that he is indeed not happy and whatever money he has is meaningless. 

    By his posts he obviously lacks other essential qualities of happiness such as personal respect, quality friends and empathy and love for others.  I would kindly suggest to the OP that he re-examine why he is so hostile and why he has such a need to prove himself better than others by putting other people down.  Then address those issues and fix his own problems before attempting to lecture other people.

    I have read some pretty good posts in these forums, I doubt mine comes close.  I am actually pretty happy about this post you made. 

  • Raxxo82Raxxo82 Member UncommonPosts: 150
    Got troll?

This discussion has been closed.