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In case anyone had any doubts about the funding philosophy of SotA, I suggest you read this:
Yes, that's right. Darkstarr refused to say that buying in-game gold with real world money is pay-to-win.
So in case the over-the-top cash shop wasn't enough for you to believe, this should be.
Credits to golden.radish for the link.
Well in fairness you can legally buy currency in EVE (through PLEX) and most don't consider it P2W. It all depends on how important gold is and what you define as winning. It's only P2W if more money directly equals more power.
It is pretty close to trolling. I read that thread when it was first created and it is total BS.
People are having a massive QQ about things that are not even happening in this case. Darkstarr doesnt think it is pay to win, but where is it said that Darkstarr is putting in the system the QQ boyz are cowering from of I ask you good people!

Look at their current store, that sells virtual items for hundreds of dollars even before the game is in alpha, and tell me, do you trust them for one second to not put even more P2W crap in there?
In the spirit of fairness, SotA just rolled out access to their second alpha build, so the money is making something happen and on a pretty regular basis.
First alpha build was completely playable and I had fun playing around with things I can access now but will not be able to access later since I didn't shell out hundreds of dollars.
*looks at their current store*
Yeah, I trust them for the moment. This is a fundraising adventure and I haven't really seen much P2W. When you start getting BS like "red tips" as in BSGO or other stuff that allows wallet warriors to cut down others without challenge via paying with mom's cash, then you can call it P2W.