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I can see there are currently 3 edictions of GW:
standard GW
special ediction
collector ediction
in special ediction I read that there's a cd with bonus this stuff purchasable only buying GW special ediction, or if I buy Standard GW I can found it in game as well?
I would choose the standard edition.
I would say go with the standard edition. I am a big fan of Guild Wars, but I see no real reason to pay extra for a couple of items. The only aspect about the special edition that people can see in-game in glowing hands or I should say they are more like sparkly hands. Anyways, have fun with the game.
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
I got the standard edition aswel, I heard you get some points for unlocking some skills and glowing hands but i dont that extra thingys, btw I got lots of fun with the game hope you do too!
First of all, here is what comes with each edition.
Normal Edition: Standard Package >> of Installer CD (2 cds, Disc 1/2), Basic Guide Book, and a Quick Guide Sheet.
Special Edition: Standard Package (as normal edition) + World Map, Codes for unlocking early certain skills that you would only get if you played the game for a certain time, and Book II of the Guild Wars Art Book.
Collector's Edition: Standard Package (as normal edition) + BooK I of the Guild Wars Art Book, Bonus Game Music CD, Divine Aura (only comes with the collector's edition serial codes, wont come as an ingame item nor with the standard/special edition serial codes), 3 Months free trial use of Teamspeak, and a Logitech Headset.
Please check on the website for accurate details to see if I missed anything.
So anyway, which one you decide to buy is up to your preference. For me I have 1 copy of the Normal, 1 copy of the special (which i am saving for later use), and 2 copies of the Collector's edition (1 for my girlfriend, 1 I used to add the code with the normal edition's).
But all in all, I think if you are just in for the basic game play, the Normal edition is for you, however if you are an art fan for these types of games, either the special or collector's edition is better. And if you are a serious Guild Wars player and is very much into PvP and GvG (guild vs guild) battles, the collector's edition is your best choice to buy (because you get a free headset, 3 months free use of Teamspeak which will allow you to talk during PvP/GvG with your team, if they also use voice communication, since typing your msgs can be a burden during battles).