It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
1. Surgeons |
$65.89/hr |
$137,050/yr |
2. Obstetricians and gynecologists |
$64.15/hr |
$133,430/yr |
$63.31/hr |
$131,680/yr | |
$61.03/hr |
$126,940/yr | |
5. Pediatricians, general |
$56.03/hr |
$116,550/yr |
$54.60/hr |
$113,570/yr | |
$52.89/hr |
$110,020/yr | |
8. Dentists |
$53.28/hr |
$110,820/yr |
9. Chief Executives |
$51.77/hr |
$107,670/yr |
10. Airline pilots, copilots and flight engineers |
(N/A) |
$99,400/yr |
11. Podiatrists |
$45.43/hr |
$94,500/yr |
12. Lawyers |
$44.19/hr |
$91,920/yr |
13. Optometrists |
$42.35/hr |
$88,100/yr |
$40.33/hr |
$83,890/yr | |
15. Physicists |
$40.26/hr |
$83,750/yr |
$40.07/hr |
$83,350/yr | |
$39.33/hr |
$81,800/yr | |
$38.56/hr |
$80,200/yr | |
19. Judges, magistrate judges, and magistrates |
$38.24/hr |
$79,540/yr |
$37.70/hr |
$78,410/yr |
Lot of money! What do you guys think???
those figures are way off surgeons make way more then 137 grand a year where the hell did you get those numbers
Ohh Im So Scary... BOO
I got them form
Teachers should be the highest paid. Without them none of those professions would exist!
You can all guess what im doing after I get my Bachelors after next semester.
Vic - "Androzzi here"
John - "Vic, your case just busted wide open."
Vic - "So close it for me!"
John - "Looks like your going to have to close it yourself, SHITTY!!!!"
Vic - "Androzzi here"
John - "Vic, your case just busted wide open."
Vic - "So close it for me!"
John - "Looks like your going to have to close it yourself, SHITTY!!!!"
your gonna be a teacher?!?!?!?!
blah, i cant stand lil kids. ive always wanted to be a psychiatrist though, so that good ill get paid alot
"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
- Unknown Author
2 months ago they were hiring video game testers in silicon vally for $110/hr
if i didnt live in colorado i would have been all over that
Ohh Im So Scary... BOO
ugh, i just watched this video about the game testers. doesnt look to be all its cracked up to be. playing games all day sounded good to me, but that absolutely all you do. you eat and drink while you p;ay games. for 110/hr id still do it though.
"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
- Unknown Author
-=[ STAFF ]=-
[email protected]
What will he do next?
my schools teahcers almost went on strike at 1 point. my science teacher was telling me he makes like 20k a year. im not some job expert, but that doesnt seem like much. and thats after the renegotiated or w/e.
"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
- Unknown Author
yea 20k a year is sad considering someone selling coke could make that in a day
Ohh Im So Scary... BOO
really? hmmm... perhaps i should rethink my future career... jk, jk!
"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
- Unknown Author
Vic - "Androzzi here"
John - "Vic, your case just busted wide open."
Vic - "So close it for me!"
John - "Looks like your going to have to close it yourself, SHITTY!!!!"
Vic - "Androzzi here"
John - "Vic, your case just busted wide open."
Vic - "So close it for me!"
John - "Looks like your going to have to close it yourself, SHITTY!!!!"
Yes, public school teachers are seriously under paid. The next time you think your teachers don't love to teach (or don't love to harass you) think again. The teacher's strike at my school very often (I'm in Cali and we have a very, very crappy education system here). However when they go on strike all they do is protest before school starts. They are always on time for class when they are on "strike." It's kind of a funny way to strike eh?
"Adventure... heh! Excitement... heh! A Jedi craves not these things" -Yoda, Silent Bob
Down with Wizards of the Coast! Long live TSR!
"Adventure... heh! Excitement... heh! A Jedi craves not these things" -Yoda, Silent Bob
-=[ STAFF ]=-
[email protected]
What will he do next?
Oh my god... dont ask where i found it
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.
A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%
belive it or not video game testers get pain an insane ammount of money
Ohh Im So Scary... BOO
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man´s character give him power"
-Abraham Lincoln
Coder, Webmaster and Modeler
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man?s character give him power"
-Abraham Lincoln
Coder, Webmaster and Modeler
all you guys that are complaining..
these are the FIRST YEAR OUT OF COLLEGE staticstics...
they make a hella lot more after
just heard it on the news about 2 hours ago
here in orange count, in orlando, in florida, in north america, in america, in the western hemisphere, on the
they are pushing teachers salarry's up by 1k each year...not much, but it can do...a bit
Here is what I think:
Ok I agree that teachers salaries should go up, but the problem is that if they do that then they will need to raise taxes. In solution to this and alot of other things, I think that we should cut spending by huge amounts. We should cut money for welfare and unemployment back and then take that and start a government agency to find jobs for people. I know what you are thinking... there is already a system like this in place well I think that it really blows, they are overwelmed. What they should do is hire some of the unemployed people to work in the unemployement office!!! Another thing is that the people on unemployment should be given a certain amount of foodstamp-like stamps that they can spend on things like rent and food so that they dont go and piss it on drugs and gambling. And Just one more thing we should do is cut back huge amounts of money going to help other countries. I agree that sending help to other countries is a good noble gesture, but I think we need to fix our own country first before we send over billions of dolors to help other countries. I know it sounds a little could blooded but I really think that we are wasting alot of this money because the people that need it dont even see any of it half the time... Anyway, just a few unrelated thoughts...
Oh my god... dont ask where i found it
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.
A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%
dude...i havent read it yet, but there is a return button you know....
ima read it now