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Is it true they cannot get groups ? I was thinking of starting up on GW 2 again and I have yesterday and was running about with my spider pet on my ranger and when I went to look at builds and such I found out many posts saying rangers were not welcome in groups. I have a engineer,mesmer and guardian too but I was enjoying running about with my Slyvan Ranger and my spidy pet and I was wondering if this is true. I really would like to continue playing it as it is currently level 35. I don't think I want to play the other classes I have and my husbnad has an elementalist and necro and he made a rather big boobed large behind toon and I am opposed to playing her.
I havent played GW2 for a while, but I was there when the discrimination actually started.
Afaik, the whole `No ranger please` comes only from 2 form of dungeon groups:
a) The speed run group: Mainly because part of speed running is about skipping mobs, and the pet ai will screw over the whole skipping part.
b) Elitist : An indirect product of (a). Mostly because there was a huge misconception/rumor about ranger dps being terrible, even engineer got some flak(I'm an engi main). But the large culprit is the huge FOTM that surges when ppl started farming Citadel of Flame dungeon, when the 4Warrior+1Mesmer became the sole composition of running dungeons. The situation kind of died down when ppl accepted guardian/thief as warrior replacement, and even less and less prominent these days, but the ranger hate still kind of lingers.
I kinda stopped running dungeon and been on WvW on and off, but I think most of the problem that I see being a problem was the AI pet, especially when they became stuck or made certain mobs stuck, making whole party remain in combat.
I dont have problems with rangers personally, and I dont mind doing dungeon runs slower. But since GW2 community started being stingy and want everything being done fast so they can resume their grind, I can see where the hate for ranger/necro comes from.
Ayah my second choice was the engineer lol okay so this prejudice is about end game dungeons right not the dungeons in between right ? Can I get gear if I cannot get into dungeons. Will I be able to buy them ?
yes you can get enough of gold when leveling to 80 to get your exotic set, also get exotics from map completion (some are very hard
and to ranger haters
ranger can dish more dps than a warrior ( its all depends of items and build)
I had no problem getting to any group(as an engineer), but mainly because I knew what I had to do back then. The only group that I avoid are the ones that clearly states `Speed run` or `farm group(with caps)`, mainly because those strongly reminds me of `gearscore`/gearcheck ppl, which I personally hate and avoid, mostly because they are less tolerable towards other group members.
The main reason 4 warrior was picked because zerker warrior was easily survivable and can keep permanent group max might stacks, the dps are rather competable with others. But let`s not discuss about that here, gw2 forum had discussed that so much lol.
And to fortify that quote, I always have problem with rangers in Spvp. I just cant duel ranger, I have absolutely no problem with warriors. Go ranger?
Thanks for the help and encouragement I shall still play the ranger. I like my spider pet because I get extra combos from the poison aoe it does. I am still trying to remember how to play and perhaps I will break out the engineer when I am more confidant.
My son told me to play the guardian for groups but I do not know how to tank I just liked the look of heavy armor so bad idea to play that toon for groups since I suck at tanking. That leaves Mesmer and the Engineer. I need to get more familiar with the mechanics of the game but I noticed while reading the bomb kit and elixars change the F1-F4 binds . Must get used to that since the Ranger is relatively easier in that respect . I just need to switch to the drake when I am low. I love that I can kite with the ranger moving and shooting is so much fun. I soloed the champion worm in Diessa but it was immobile so it does not count. I bet a moving champion will hand my toosh to me on a silver platter.
Yeah, I really recommend going for ranger as your first playthrough, they are rather easy to learn and use in groups. Guardian is another class that is very easy to group, but they kind of pidgeonholed by arenanet to be the `tank` in dungeons. Although I think the main question here is your preference of combat, between melee or ranged, since Guardian's ranged options are severely limited, while Ranger`s melee option are really fun to use.
Engineer/Mesmer/Elementalist are generally the advanced class, I wouldnt really recommend using them until you get hang of the game mechanics(namely combo system, which both engineer and elementalist really excels at).
Wasn't GW2 sposta be the game to squash these dungeon requirements for classes? Goes to show, you take away the trinity, people will find something else to be picky/elitist about lol
[quote]Originally posted by Havekk
Wasn't GW2 sposta be the game to squash these dungeon requirements for classes? Goes to show, you take away the trinity, people will find something else to be picky/elitist about lol[/b][/quote]
Yeah, there is that "I'm the shit" crowd in every game. However, I will say that I have done dungeons with all mesmers, all thieves, all rangers, all eles. Basically what I'm saying is that dungeons can be run without a heavy plate wearing tanky type. This game doesn't have group req's.
There are vids up of players completing dungeons completely devoid of armor. Going in with just their weapons and maybe some jewelry.
Zonjimasen was basically talking about speed running(or at least wannabe speed running), groups.
Problem with GW2 is that stacking is the preferable mode of doing damage. Melee puts out more damage. Melee and stacking controls the damage output of the mobs also.
Stacking is beneficial due to combofields,boons,condition cleanses and also quick GROUP res's if a player should go down.
Range skills tend to put out less damage because you are actually taking less risk. Having players at range will also cause some mobs in the game to do additional attacks. Anything from teleporting to throwing out crazy AOE.
About the post on Rangers having more dps than a war,'s been proven. Those rangers are melee though.
Every single class can be melee, though.
Rangers are pretty enjoyable in the open world (can easily tank many champions with pet swapping) and WvW.
There is some elitist amongst Speed Clearing groups, but aside that you will get groups.
Currently playing: GW2
Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders
I run dungeons for everyclass, as long as they know the dungeon path.
Now, the truth is: its harder to be good with rangers/eng/necro than other classes, cause being they been getting nerfed while other classes buffed, but don't let it bother you, rangers/eng/necro may not be optimal, yet, for dungeons, but that does not mean that they cannot be effective also, i would rather take a good supportive players, than a warrior/guard that think every dungeon is CoF P1 .
now: GW2 (11 80s).
Dark Souls 2.
future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
"Bro, do your even fractal?"
Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
in my experience, it's kinda hard to find a group for fast dungeon or fractal, they prefer to group with serk or mesmer.
kinda sad for ranger but it's fun to play with it
One of the problems is this: When GW2 released, it had the worst minion AI in the history of the industry.....ever.
Rangers were affected the most. Pet's AI was horrible. Ranger was the 1st class I rolled at the game's release. After I got to level 18 or so, I re rolled a guardian and deleted the Ranger. In fights, mobs would be hitting me and my pet would somehow determine that that Ambient rabbit WAAAAAYYY over yonder was the bigger threat and go running after it.
In dungeons, there is already an abundance chaos, Rangers with horrid pet AI, only added fuel to that fire.
Once the ranger class got a bad rep, it became very difficult to overcome. Even with exceptional players who can do very well with the class.
P.S. I also remember having similar issues on my Mesmer.....coordinating shatters trying to maintain my position between targets. But for some reason, the AI issue with Mesmers was much easier to overcome.
The guild I was in recently booted me out with out even giving a reason, but I suspect it was because I spend most of my time playing the ranger rather than the guardian which gave them benefits from might or it might simply have been because I swear too dam much ;p
Rangers are good for pve I soloed 98% of the world with just a little help when I had to do some champs in some areas.