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Best PVE Mmo current

ChemcalChemcal Member Posts: 32
It's winter, and I need an addiction for the next few months. What's the most enjoyable MMO out there for a retired EverQuest and WoW player?


  • SirPKsAlotSirPKsAlot Member Posts: 224
    I'd give Eldevin a try, it's very similar in gameplay to EQ / WoW. The PvE and class system lets you mix up abilities from all the different classes, so you can have skills from Mage, Warrior, Assassin, Archery, etc if you don't want to focus on just one class. I've got a fireball-casting, spell-healing, poison-throwing Assassin currently.

    Currently playing: Eldevin Online as a Deadly Assassin

  • JakdstripperJakdstripper Member RarePosts: 2,410

    the current best PvE mmo, with the old style tab targeting combat, the familiar trinity group set up, and the old questing leveling that culminates in endgame dungeons and raiding would have to be Rift. 

    As far as end game PvE content there are few games that are as good as Rift. 

    if you are looking for F2P then i'd say either Aion or GW2 depending on your personal style preference. however, GW2 doesn't have much end game PvE, it's mostly all PvP content once you've reached level cap. 

  • RebelScum99RebelScum99 Member Posts: 1,090
    Well, the best PvE currently is, of course, WoW.  Since you are a retired WoW player, I guess that means you want to try something other than WoW.  In that case, I'd go with LOTRO, EQ2, or Rift.  Probably in that order.
  • jdnycjdnyc Member UncommonPosts: 1,643

    Are you looking for Fantasy?

    If so, I agree with Rift.

    If anything, I would say The Secret World for the story stuff.

  • ElRenmazuoElRenmazuo Member RarePosts: 5,361
    One of the best PvE mmos out right now is Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn.  Very polished and lots of content.  Great story too.
  • BjelarBjelar Member UncommonPosts: 398

    AoC for the setting, the music and the combat system.


    No other game can keep me playing, I always return home.

  • jigo86jigo86 Member UncommonPosts: 97
    Originally posted by ElRenmazuo
    One of the best PvE mmos out right now is Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn.  Very polished and lots of content.  Great story too.

    endgame isent that great yet ur doing the same dungeon over and over again to go for ur stones and crafting is such a thing, the word "job" realy fits 

  • Elevenb4Elevenb4 Member UncommonPosts: 362

    PvE? If you like good stories, SWTOR is a lot of fun for one or two play throughs. I know it's popular to hate that game, but it is fun to me and very active. EQ2 is good, very complex raiding and class system. Crafting in that game is fun too. That's my tw o cents. I'm actually getting ready to try Eldevin since one of the above posters mentioned it. I've never heard of it. 


    (If my supporting SWTOR in this post starts a flame war, I apologize. I get flamed a lot just for bringing it up on different forums)

    -Unconstitutional laws aren't laws.-

  • KenFisherKenFisher Member UncommonPosts: 5,035

    Best is tough, because the PVE I like, might not be to your tastes.


    LOTRO is a pretty safe suggestion for decent PVE.  I seldom see it bashed.  Outdoor scenics are quite pleasant.


    Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security.  I don't Forum PVP.  If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident.  When I don't understand, I ask.  Such is not intended as criticism.
  • kurokayosamakurokayosama Member Posts: 15
    Originally posted by SirPKsAlot
    I'd give Eldevin a try, it's very similar in gameplay to EQ / WoW. The PvE and class system lets you mix up abilities from all the different classes, so you can have skills from Mage, Warrior, Assassin, Archery, etc if you don't want to focus on just one class. I've got a fireball-casting, spell-healing, poison-throwing Assassin currently.

    stop pitching that POS game to people seriously !

  • C_GlassC_Glass Member CommonPosts: 29
    I wouldn't currently go near LOTRO, the latest helms deep expansion pack utterly ruined the balance, the gameplay is currently a faceroll with every class doing insane amounts of dps. There is literally no challenge on the landscape whatsoever. 
  • ragz45ragz45 Member UncommonPosts: 810
    A better question for him would be what does he consider to be the best PVE experince?  Solo or Grouping?  If he doesn't like to group, he's sure as hell not going to like a raid centric game like Rift.  If he doesn't like to solo he's probably not going to like GW2.
  • BraindomeBraindome Member UncommonPosts: 959
    Originally posted by kurokayosama
    Originally posted by SirPKsAlot
    I'd give Eldevin a try, it's very similar in gameplay to EQ / WoW. The PvE and class system lets you mix up abilities from all the different classes, so you can have skills from Mage, Warrior, Assassin, Archery, etc if you don't want to focus on just one class. I've got a fireball-casting, spell-healing, poison-throwing Assassin currently.

    stop pitching that POS game to people seriously !

    Why is it a POS? I'm seriously enjoying it myself. It's a bit niche yes, but not a POS, plus it is about to get a movement and camera update which should help some people that didn't care for that part.


    Back on Topic:

    OP I would seriously suggest Star Trek if you have any interest whatsoever as it is PvE rich, other than that maybe The Secret World, Vanguard or Lord of the Rings, speaking PvE strictly.

  • NetSageNetSage Member UncommonPosts: 1,059
    Originally posted by jigo86
    Originally posted by ElRenmazuo
    One of the best PvE mmos out right now is Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn.  Very polished and lots of content.  Great story too.

    endgame isent that great yet ur doing the same dungeon over and over again to go for ur stones and crafting is such a thing, the word "job" realy fits 

    While I agree how is that different from any other mmo before it?  PVE endgame is always just grinding the same dungeons to get the gear you want :P.


    Edit: I second FFXIV for the record.

  • Skooma2Skooma2 Member UncommonPosts: 697
    And now for something completely different:  The Secret World has incredible pve play.  And, it is B2P.  And, it's usually on sale on GameFly, GameStop or Steam.

    Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.

  • syntax42syntax42 Member UncommonPosts: 1,386

    The OP's question is very subjective, as opinions will vary wildly.  It would be better to know what the OP is looking for in a game than to try and guess from the entire list of games on this site.  OP:  HINT:  Click on "Game List" at the top and browse away.

  • GuyClinchGuyClinch Member CommonPosts: 485

    I'd vote GW2 - its kinda a preview of where the industry is moving IMHO -and is trendsetting in general. Its kinda like mmo 1.5 - where SWTOR and WoW are 1.0. i think there is some endgame there if you look for it.

    1. Dungeons. They are fairly tough - and not many people do them. Its true they don't get you loot upgrades - but they are somethiing to conquer and they do provide cosmetic enhancement.

    2. Fractals - much like dungeons but with a difficulty scale and slightly better loot.

    3. Champion farming - not my thing but plenty of people seem to likei t.

    4. WvW - sure its PvP - kinda. It reminds me of wintergrasp (though strangely its less thrilling0.


    Its not going to keep you hooked for years like BC wow. But its a pleasant diversion if you haven't tried it yet. Other then that I would wait for Wildstar. That's the next good MMO,IMHO.

  • DarwaDarwa Member UncommonPosts: 2,181
  • RebelScum99RebelScum99 Member Posts: 1,090
    Originally posted by GuyClinch

    I'd vote GW2 - its kinda a preview of where the industry is moving IMHO -and is trendsetting in general. Its kinda like mmo 1.5 - where SWTOR and WoW are 1.0. i think there is some endgame there if you look for it.

    Mmmmm...negatory.  If anything, GW2 proved that are a few things you DON"T want to do as an MMO:  Pulling out the trinity, taking away vertical progression, particularly at endgame, and eliminating the need for gear.  

    I think it's pretty safe to say that ArenaNet guessed  incorrectly on what they believe MMO players want.  I think dynamic events will be seen in more MMOs, so they have that going for them.  But you're going to be hard-pressed to find too many future MMOs repeating the same mistakes ArenaNet made.  It looks like TESO might be heading in that direction.  And if they are, the game is going to flop big-time.  Luckily, I'm not seeing the ArenaNet model anywhere else currently.  

  • vladwwvladww Member UncommonPosts: 417


    If you liked Runescape you'll love it

    Great Crafting / Gathering

    Playing : Uncharted Waters Online

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