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We have received a lot of feedback regarding the Reader's Choice Awards and have some clear ideas on how to improve in the coming years. However, for this year's vote, I wanted to make a couple announcements:
We feel that the remainder of the nominations accurately represent the best of each category. In future years we will consider ways to open up the most anticipated and favorite game categories, but that simply is not possible for this year.
As always, we appreciate your feedback. We are not afraid to admit if a mistake has been made - as in the above categories - and hope to correct it. Thank you for your voting and feedback as we continue to work to bring you the best coverage of this genre.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday. Enjoy your gaming!
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
as always... does the noble thing.
And that is EXACTLY why I call these discussion forums home.
Good job Staff
and happy holidays to all of you as well
I've no idea who you are in game but I think I can state with reasonable confidence you've never actually played the game. The PvP in eve is immense, and certainly not unbalanced (esp. once they nerfed the missiles.) There is no ultimate ship, every ship has its uses in fleets and combat gangs.
What you're referring to is player ganking which is only done by a handful of piratical corps in game, like The Sioux, Burn Eden and co. That is a lot different from the main PvP that takes place in game, and is rather easily avoided if you use just an ounce of sense when flying from empire to your corp or alliances base in 0.0 space.
If you've never been involved in an 0.0 alliance or 0.0 corp, I can only highly reccomend it. It changes what could become a rather dull mining simulator into a highly complex and ever evolving game. The corp I fly for has worked for and built its own outpost, one of a few in the alliance, and we have fought for it against another alliance. We spent the two weeks prior to the RMR rollout trying every combination of ship and gang out as we defended our space from invaders, and it was only due to some previously undiscovered and now fixed POS bugs that we even lost our station (we quickly reclaimed it.) The situation in 0.0 space is always different every week, the alliances change sometimes subtly, sometimes dramatically. Sometimes due to internal change, sometimes due to external change.G got pissed off with SA about a month ago and steam rollered them as a reprimand, leaving a power vacuum in the south which various alliances are now trying to fill.
How can you seriously call this game unbalanced, easy and boring as hell when you've got all this kind of stuff going on?
PvP is never easy. If you want to be ganked, just get a lose squad together fly into battle and then watch as you're systematically picked off one by one. If you want to fight, get into a gang, get on TS and enter the fray with one flight commander and one second in charge; get your FC to call primary and secondary targets, get your tacklers out locking down ships whever possible, and let your cruisers and battleships do the damage. Tactics are absolutely vital in PvP, and new tactics are always being developed with almost every battle. If you go in without the tiniest clue about what you're doing, sure you're going to get ganked.
As for mining being the only way to get a ship.. I can honestly say I hate mining. I only mine when I'm absolutely desperate, and I have never mined to get a ship. When in empire I rely on mission running or trading to get me my profits, when in 0.0 space I rely on ratting to net me nice profits and good components for my ship. If I fancy I challenge I go off and run a complex with some mates. All in all mining is one of the last things I ever do.
If you've never been in 0.0, read around find out what alliances you like, find out what corps in them you like and apply. Most 0.0 corps are always looking for more members.
Can you please explain why The Matrix Online was not up for storyline? And why Saga of Ryzom was not up for best graphics?
Double post...
Simply because I was nominating five games and no matter who I nominated someone is going to be upset. I feel the five that are there are good nominations. We made two large oversights and have corrected those, but those games you mention were considered and we felt others were better nominees.
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
in short: because they didn't like the games enough and because not enough people screamed out for them to be added...
not that it matters much anyways, the gross majority will ignore the content of the categories either way and it'll boil down to a pointles popularity contest.
It's not a matter of being upset. I don't play Saga of Ryzom and as the people who are regulars of that forum section will tell you, I'm VERY critical of the game. I also don't play The Matrix Online. I know that both those games excel far and above some of the games in the catagories you listed.
My problem is that the way you went about picking the nominees for each catagory was pretty random and you didn't use the same set of guidelines when looking at each game. Lets take the catagory of storyline, what guidelines did you use? Was it how complex the story was? How well they implemented it in game? How good the backstory was? Did you even ask the same question of all the games you considered? I can easily tell that you didn't.
If you are going to decide what is best it needs to be done with some sort of standards. Not simply because
you liked the games.
Great call lepidus, eve definitely deserves to be a PvP contender. *hat off*
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
You really need to get a bit further in this game to really understand the aspects of the "PvP". There are dozens of types of ships and thousands of module combinations for each one.
Sure pking is easy if your running ore in your hauler and I find you with a battleship (with electronics and other toys its not a garentee ill catch you either)
You say only way to make money is to mine? you can run merc protection for miners, pirate miners, run mission, or build stuff
If you get on eve its very easy to miss 99% of the game by sitting in civ space digging rocks