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Hibernia Master level 10 saturday 14th December 2013

SolicfireSolicfire Member UncommonPosts: 488

If any new or returning players need to get some decent loot for temps then this is the raid to be on. Master level 10 will be hosted by Solicfear on Saturday 14th December 2013. If an

Times: 14:00PM CET / 13:00PM GMT / 8:00AM EST / 7:00AM CST / 5:00AM PST

Please bring the following classes:

Hibernia 3 Group Setup

•1st Group - Tank Group - Druid/Druid/Hero/Hero/Hero/Hero/Hero/Hero(can also mix it up with Champs)
•2nd Group - Add Group: - Druid/Druid/Mana Chanter/Light Eld/Light Eld/Light Eld/Light Eld/Light Eld(can swap those elds to light chanters or light ments, they both have heat nukes)
•3rd Group - DPS Group: - Druid/Druid/Ranger/Ranger/Ranger/Ranger/Ranger/Ranger

Loot rules:
1. No double rolling (bots)
2. No claiming items
3. Roll after the leader /yells
4. Please keep close to the bg leader when rolling
5. Go to to find out what's left on items.
6. Roll after every x2 draco's

Hope to see you all in Master level 10









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