One of my best memories was logging in to UO for the first time and saying, "What the heck is this crap? Why is it so laggy? Why is that guy snooping my backpack? What the heck just killed me? I hate this game!" Not knowing that 16 years later I would still be playing it lol
Mine was WWII online,now called battle ground Europe. You could literally wait hours before actually seeing anyone or get into action. We were set up on the Hill facing the main road into Charleville, my friend I had towed out to this hill with an 88 gun. I had a panzer III tank a little further down the hill in tree cover. The time Day and night on that game takes place and engine sounds all of a sudden started off in the distance, just as dawn was breaking. Its 3am in our time so we were like sleepy and about to call in the night. The engine sounds kept getting louder and more sounds of multiple tanks ensued. Then my friend spots 3 French Char-B1 tanks, which are bad ass compared to my Panzer III and 2 S-35 Soumas. I take out one S35 and he starts lighting them up hard. The 88 makes short work of tanks, he kills 3 Chars and like 2 other vehicles along with a few infantry. That game was so much fun back in the day!
My best times were seeing a high lvl (probably lvl 25) in EQ and going WOW he has awesome gear!! He looks cool. Why? because his armor wasn't brown and gray and had color in it.
Another time in EQOA, I was lvl 8 human cleric, running around with a warrior and ranger both lvl 18 and we went into the prisons. The prisons was a nice xp spot for lvls 12-18. All the mobs conned deep and I was nervous. I saw groups pulling and fighting and healing and all these spells glowing and blowing up the night. It was truly like fireworks. I died a lot, due to aggro.
I remember my first raid. In EQOA I remember sitting on the banks of a huge pit and the raid group was fighting a dragon named "Sithylis" or something like that. I didn't participate in the raid, but since there were no instances you could just sit in a safe spot and watching all those spells flying and watch a capped out Warrior lose most of his health in one shot. I had never seen anything so powerful. It was cool and making friends. I was also the highest lvl Halfling warrior on DH sever at one point named:
After EQ, I was in EQ2 BETA and that game was graphic intensive at the time. Some complained that even with 4 gigs of RAM and a nice Graphics card. their game lagged too. I had a low end gpu, even for 2004, and like 1-2 gigs of ram. Then later that year WoW had come out. I got in BETA and never looked back. WoW and it's solo friendly setup made it the game for me.
I solo grinded my first 60 Dwarf Hunter (I was in BETA and I dinged 60 May 2005, so like 6 months) and I never raided or did one dungeon with him and I grinded mobs and did maybe 50 quests the entire time. I PvP'd mostly and Hunters were terrible. I was ganked all the time, but that made me better. I was like the only BM hunter on my server and I melee'd. Why? because rangers in EQ could melee, so I thought these hunters could too. I got good at it.
My favourite MMO moment in time was the Shadow Odyssey expansion for Everquest 2. Really was my favourite gaming period. The raids were fantastic, the dungeons were challenging and fun, and the community was brilliant. Beating Varsoon was a real achievement that only a few players on every server could achieve, and dungeons still offered good rewards for raiders rather than a linear progression from dungeons to raids like they implemented in future (which made group content redundant since it was super easy to get normal mode raid loot). The contested avatars also made for great competition between guilds.
Out of all the games I have played, my friends from EQ2 have stayed with me the most thanks to that great expansion and experience, and still keep in contact with many of them IRL even though we have moved on from the game.
i he a couple to tell one was on UO being a worroir of good hunting down the reds fiightng my brotha who had become a red even while in the other room screaming as i took his head then the glory days of walking into cross roads as a dwarven holy pally killing all the horde i cold find and even when they would send there lv 60s at me and i would destroy them all and when m fun was done would bow and leave in peace walking out of town leaving my name ever such bitter taste in thre mouth srceaming Quicknuts we wind find you and in age of conan being ranger a warmonger Leotis i could make PVP happen a created incredible pvp wars, one time few of my guildys were pvpen in the world and they were haven trouble getting someone i noticed i was logged off there so i logged on stealthedand joined the grp and there he was with them chasing him you could see his fear so i shot him stund him and then it was over we dance a victory dance and went on to other things great moment
- When I finally finished putting the last of a huge number of resources into my planned house and it poofed into existence, looking rather convincingly like a scarab beetle. (in A Tale In the Desert) My rainbow loops glider turned out pretty awesome too. And I didn't make it, but I almost peed laughing when I stumbled across another player's sculpture of sheep riding a rollercoaster.
- The first time _I_ was the big player who got begged to bull through a low-level dungeon to help a newbie complete their quest, rather than it being me doing the begging.
- When I finally earned a mount, in both WoW and Dofus. And when I finally managed to buy a flying mount in Perfect World (not counting the winged elves which start with the equivalent of a flying mount).
- Two years after I had last played Dofus, my best friend confessed to me that he was still really proud I had liked his name idea best for the guild I created and led in that game. (Dungeons and Dragoturkeys)
I want to help design and develop a PvE-focused, solo-friendly, sandpark MMO which combines crafting, monster hunting, and story. So PM me if you are starting one.
Beating Varsoon was a real achievement that only a few players on every server could achieve, and dungeons still offered good rewards for raiders rather than a linear progression from dungeons to raids like they implemented in future (which made group content redundant since it was super easy to get normal mode raid loot). The contested avatars also made for great competition between guilds.
Having a community that knows each other and doesn't have the "Me, Myself and I" mentality. NexusTK , DarkAges and Shattered Galaxy all had great communities, not sure about today since I haven't played any of the 3 for the past 7 years. And it's funny how they were all Nexon games ( Now Kru ). What this world needs badly right now are more MMORTS , we got enough MMORPG junk that people keep jumping from one to another. Playing Red Alert 95 on HEAT was sooooo bad ass back in the day and is still one of my best moments in my 23 years of PC gaming. We are now in the era where realistic graphics on a MMORPG is more important then game play and content. So sad. :'(
Great thread. So many moments stand out, but most are about the laughs.
1) In the latter days of SWG, they had devices that would show you where people flagged for PvP were on the various planets so that you could go to that general area and try to track them down while they were flipping zone control. I was doing some recon work on my Spy and found a group that was running around an area trying to flip a zone, but they had put down a house nearby so that if anyone showed up they could hide and not have to fight. I mentioned it in guildchat, and one of our members started putting together a group. They used a "port to group member" item in the guild hall to come in where I was standing just behind a hill from the other group. I ran up in stealth and threw a flashbang grenade which put everyone in combat and locked them out of the house. The rest of my group wiped the other out before they had any idea what was going on. The whole thing was over in a minute, but we laughed about it for weeks.
2) I was hanging out with some RPers and was asked to provide security for a wedding. My roommate at the time comes home and asks what I'm doing. "I'm running security for an interspecies lesbian wedding." I got a blank stare for a few seconds and then he said, "I'm pretty sure that sentence has never been uttered before in the history of the English language."
3) My guild used to screw with new recruits. We had an old guy named Finn who rarely spoke, and when he did it rarely made sense. He was a good player though so we just let it ride. One night Finn, my friend Ace and I were grouped with a new kid. The conversation went something like this:
Finn: Need smoke
Me: Ok let's take a quick break until he gets back
New Guy: How old is that guy? I can't understand most of what he says
Me: He's 9
New Guy: He's 9?!! And he smokes???
Ace: He's had a rough life. We don't judge.
Me: At least he's stopped drinking all the time
New Guy: OMG!!!
<New Guy leaves guild>
Finn: Good smoke. Let's go.
___________________________ Have flask; will travel.
Probably the first time I ran Shadowfang Keep in WoW. I was only like 11 or 12 and still didn't know a thing about the game. And it was within the first month or so of release, so everyone was still pretty much a noob. So me and some dwarf guy in my group were running our way over there, allll the way from Ironforge. He was way into RPing so it was a pretty interesting walk. About half way there we got to talking about SFK, and, taking advantage of my noobishness, the dwar fella I was with started telling these horror stories about the place. He told me the lore behind it and went on and on about how countless hundreds of groups were killed by the final boss. Or how if you were killed by the ghost enemies there, they would "steal your characters soul" and you'd have to start over. Being 11 years old I completely believed him, and was crazy excited and terrified to get there. Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed.
Another good one was wiping my way through Gnomeregan back when it was still incredibly hard, and took almost 3 hours to complete. We called in my level 60 friend and still ended up wiping a few more times.. good fun! Was totally worth it in the end getting the Axe he drops though.
Kind of depressing posting this knowing the state of the game now.....
Thanks OP.
Yes I have a dream And its not some MLK dream for equality. I wanna own a decommissioned lighthouse And I wanna live at the top And nobody knows I live there. And theres a button that I can press, and launch that lighthouse into space.
This may be a little maudlin, but my most memorable time in an MMO was completion of the League of Monster Slayers quest line in The Secret World. I felt a tear well up.
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
3) My guild used to screw with new recruits. We had an old guy named Finn who rarely spoke, and when he did it rarely made sense. He was a good player though so we just let it ride. One night Finn, my friend Ace and I were grouped with a new kid. The conversation went something like this:
Finn: Need smoke
Me: Ok let's take a quick break until he gets back
New Guy: How old is that guy? I can't understand most of what he says
One of my best memories was logging in to UO for the first time and saying, "What the heck is this crap? Why is it so laggy? Why is that guy snooping my backpack? What the heck just killed me? I hate this game!" Not knowing that 16 years later I would still be playing it lol
Mine was WWII online,now called battle ground Europe. You could literally wait hours before actually seeing anyone or get into action. We were set up on the Hill facing the main road into Charleville, my friend I had towed out to this hill with an 88 gun. I had a panzer III tank a little further down the hill in tree cover. The time Day and night on that game takes place and engine sounds all of a sudden started off in the distance, just as dawn was breaking. Its 3am in our time so we were like sleepy and about to call in the night. The engine sounds kept getting louder and more sounds of multiple tanks ensued. Then my friend spots 3 French Char-B1 tanks, which are bad ass compared to my Panzer III and 2 S-35 Soumas. I take out one S35 and he starts lighting them up hard. The 88 makes short work of tanks, he kills 3 Chars and like 2 other vehicles along with a few infantry. That game was so much fun back in the day!
My best times were seeing a high lvl (probably lvl 25) in EQ and going WOW he has awesome gear!! He looks cool. Why? because his armor wasn't brown and gray and had color in it.
Another time in EQOA, I was lvl 8 human cleric, running around with a warrior and ranger both lvl 18 and we went into the prisons. The prisons was a nice xp spot for lvls 12-18. All the mobs conned deep and I was nervous. I saw groups pulling and fighting and healing and all these spells glowing and blowing up the night. It was truly like fireworks. I died a lot, due to aggro.
I remember my first raid. In EQOA I remember sitting on the banks of a huge pit and the raid group was fighting a dragon named "Sithylis" or something like that. I didn't participate in the raid, but since there were no instances you could just sit in a safe spot and watching all those spells flying and watch a capped out Warrior lose most of his health in one shot. I had never seen anything so powerful. It was cool and making friends. I was also the highest lvl Halfling warrior on DH sever at one point named:
After EQ, I was in EQ2 BETA and that game was graphic intensive at the time. Some complained that even with 4 gigs of RAM and a nice Graphics card. their game lagged too. I had a low end gpu, even for 2004, and like 1-2 gigs of ram. Then later that year WoW had come out. I got in BETA and never looked back. WoW and it's solo friendly setup made it the game for me.
I solo grinded my first 60 Dwarf Hunter (I was in BETA and I dinged 60 May 2005, so like 6 months) and I never raided or did one dungeon with him and I grinded mobs and did maybe 50 quests the entire time. I PvP'd mostly and Hunters were terrible. I was ganked all the time, but that made me better. I was like the only BM hunter on my server and I melee'd. Why? because rangers in EQ could melee, so I thought these hunters could too. I got good at it.
My favourite MMO moment in time was the Shadow Odyssey expansion for Everquest 2. Really was my favourite gaming period. The raids were fantastic, the dungeons were challenging and fun, and the community was brilliant. Beating Varsoon was a real achievement that only a few players on every server could achieve, and dungeons still offered good rewards for raiders rather than a linear progression from dungeons to raids like they implemented in future (which made group content redundant since it was super easy to get normal mode raid loot). The contested avatars also made for great competition between guilds.
Out of all the games I have played, my friends from EQ2 have stayed with me the most thanks to that great expansion and experience, and still keep in contact with many of them IRL even though we have moved on from the game.
Some of my favorite memories:
- When I finally finished putting the last of a huge number of resources into my planned house and it poofed into existence, looking rather convincingly like a scarab beetle. (in A Tale In the Desert) My rainbow loops glider turned out pretty awesome too. And I didn't make it, but I almost peed laughing when I stumbled across another player's sculpture of sheep riding a rollercoaster.
- The first time _I_ was the big player who got begged to bull through a low-level dungeon to help a newbie complete their quest, rather than it being me doing the begging.
- When I finally earned a mount, in both WoW and Dofus. And when I finally managed to buy a flying mount in Perfect World (not counting the winged elves which start with the equivalent of a flying mount).
- Two years after I had last played Dofus, my best friend confessed to me that he was still really proud I had liked his name idea best for the guild I created and led in that game. (Dungeons and Dragoturkeys)
I miss this!!!
Great thread. So many moments stand out, but most are about the laughs.
1) In the latter days of SWG, they had devices that would show you where people flagged for PvP were on the various planets so that you could go to that general area and try to track them down while they were flipping zone control. I was doing some recon work on my Spy and found a group that was running around an area trying to flip a zone, but they had put down a house nearby so that if anyone showed up they could hide and not have to fight. I mentioned it in guildchat, and one of our members started putting together a group. They used a "port to group member" item in the guild hall to come in where I was standing just behind a hill from the other group. I ran up in stealth and threw a flashbang grenade which put everyone in combat and locked them out of the house. The rest of my group wiped the other out before they had any idea what was going on. The whole thing was over in a minute, but we laughed about it for weeks.
2) I was hanging out with some RPers and was asked to provide security for a wedding. My roommate at the time comes home and asks what I'm doing. "I'm running security for an interspecies lesbian wedding." I got a blank stare for a few seconds and then he said, "I'm pretty sure that sentence has never been uttered before in the history of the English language."
3) My guild used to screw with new recruits. We had an old guy named Finn who rarely spoke, and when he did it rarely made sense. He was a good player though so we just let it ride. One night Finn, my friend Ace and I were grouped with a new kid. The conversation went something like this:
Finn: Need smoke
Me: Ok let's take a quick break until he gets back
New Guy: How old is that guy? I can't understand most of what he says
Me: He's 9
New Guy: He's 9?!! And he smokes???
Ace: He's had a rough life. We don't judge.
Me: At least he's stopped drinking all the time
New Guy: OMG!!!
<New Guy leaves guild>
Finn: Good smoke. Let's go.
Have flask; will travel.
Probably the first time I ran Shadowfang Keep in WoW. I was only like 11 or 12 and still didn't know a thing about the game. And it was within the first month or so of release, so everyone was still pretty much a noob.
So me and some dwarf guy in my group were running our way over there, allll the way from Ironforge. He was way into RPing so it was a pretty interesting walk. About half way there we got to talking about SFK, and, taking advantage of my noobishness, the dwar fella I was with started telling these horror stories about the place. He told me the lore behind it and went on and on about how countless hundreds of groups were killed by the final boss. Or how if you were killed by the ghost enemies there, they would "steal your characters soul" and you'd have to start over. Being 11 years old I completely believed him, and was crazy excited and terrified to get there. Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed. 
Another good one was wiping my way through Gnomeregan back when it was still incredibly hard, and took almost 3 hours to complete. We called in my level 60 friend and still ended up wiping a few more times.. good fun! Was totally worth it in the end getting the Axe he drops though.
Kind of depressing posting this knowing the state of the game now.....
Thanks OP.
Yes I have a dream And its not some MLK dream for equality. I wanna own a decommissioned lighthouse And I wanna live at the top And nobody knows I live there. And theres a button that I can press, and launch that lighthouse into space.
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
GREAT story!