Think comparing some MMO is like apples and oranges, but i have 3 contenders
1 - EvE - for pure longevity being able to keep itself fresh after 10 years.. no other mmo can even come close, and still EVERY expansion is free
2 - WoW - What can you say about this behemoth that hasn't already been said
3 - AoC - still after almost 6 years visually the best MMO out there. Storyline, Questline awesome, just shame it started off bad and never recovered after its failed first year. - To be honest this would be number 1 if it would have had the support that the 2 games above have had from dev's
A self-fulfilling prophecy of endless possibility in rolling reams across a screen in algebra, in algebra...
(feel free to read this as "Mu" i.e. "The question is wrong")
I thought it was "across the street". Ah Thom and your inability to pronounce words.
Best MMO experience I've had is ffxi shortly after release. Forced grouping led to some fun times with people and MMOs have always felt a bit lonely after that.
Guild Wars 1: Best payment model ever, loads of content, great community, best PvP system of any MMO (nothing will ever beat epic GvG).
Runescape: The ultimate sandbox, even though it gets a lot of hate no game does what Runescape does. Not many MMOs can say that. It sucks now, but Old School is still fun.
Whenever i step outside, somebody claims to see the light It seems to me that all of us have lost our patience. 'cause everyone thinks they're right, And nobody thinks that there just might Be more than one road to our final destination--
I've left WoW and tried to play all other MMOs out there, but what I always find is a deep craving inside that never is satisfied by any other MMORPG except WoW. Other MMOs can keep me interested for months, but after those first few months die down, the craving surfaces and the only thing that quenches that thirst is WoW. I know many of you feel the same.
WoW isn't at all what it used to be, but it is undoubtedly the king of all MMOs.
Not sure how anyone can say this honestly; every mmorpg panders to the WoW crowd and in most cases just copying the WoW forumula. The only thing WoW has is the number of expansion, the IP, Blizzards nakesake,friends/guild created over years and polish.
So in a way WoW is the king of the WoW mold themepark.
Myself, I'd say Runescape, DF1(Despite its flaws), Swg, Uo, DAOC. Each have their own merits.
I had to think about this since more games are really good, but at the end there was one mmorpg which did change a lot the genre and with an eye for art and a lively world with a soul:
1. Ultima Online- Best MMO i have ever played. Way ahead of its time. They got it all right.
2. Dark Age of Camelot- What a great game design. They elicited a true war faction war, including classes and races with completely different skills and looks. You really felt at war, unlike Guildwars 2 and now WOW, where you fight the same races/classes.
3. World of Warcraft- Money Talks... People like this game for a reason. They put out a nice product.
Broken, buggy, NGE'd, Sunsetted and still the best over-all MMO to date.
Bringer of Eternal Darkness and Despair, but also a Nutritious way to start your Morning.
Games Played: Too Many
Think comparing some MMO is like apples and oranges, but i have 3 contenders
1 - EvE - for pure longevity being able to keep itself fresh after 10 years.. no other mmo can even come close, and still EVERY expansion is free
2 - WoW - What can you say about this behemoth that hasn't already been said
3 - AoC - still after almost 6 years visually the best MMO out there. Storyline, Questline awesome, just shame it started off bad and never recovered after its failed first year. - To be honest this would be number 1 if it would have had the support that the 2 games above have had from dev's
This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game
where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
Use this code for 21days trial in eve online
UO/SWG best Sandbox.
EQ for the best factions/meaning full classes/lore.
WoW bring playability to the genre.
Honorable mention goes to DAoC for RvR.
Give me a Sandbox like SWG, factions and lore like EQ, UI and playablity of WoW and some good seiging PvP like DAoC and I would be good lol.
Guild Wars 2.
Guild Wars Prophecies and Factions. Nightfall sucked gameplay wise but story was good. Eotn was an expansion to Tyria, so of course it was good.
I thought it was "across the street". Ah Thom and your inability to pronounce words.
Best MMO experience I've had is ffxi shortly after release. Forced grouping led to some fun times with people and MMOs have always felt a bit lonely after that.
Guild Wars 1: Best payment model ever, loads of content, great community, best PvP system of any MMO (nothing will ever beat epic GvG).
Runescape: The ultimate sandbox, even though it gets a lot of hate no game does what Runescape does. Not many MMOs can say that. It sucks now, but Old School is still fun.
Whenever i step outside, somebody claims to see the light
It seems to me that all of us have lost our patience.
'cause everyone thinks they're right,
And nobody thinks that there just might
Be more than one road to our final destination--
the Ultima Saga of Ever Eve of Camelot
Quite a few mmorpgs got many things right
Wonder why all the best mmo's are oldies
Nothing to do with nostalgia, i still play them & they're still better than modern them parks
Playing : Uncharted Waters Online
I wonder how many other titles one has to have tried in order to qualify as an industry critic.
(But if you do try a lot of other titles, you're a dreaded game hopper (dun dun DUN!!) and worthy only of disdain, right?).
Just trying to sort out the criteria and voting structure behind this award category, to avoid pitfalls.
Can we get some hot presenters in skimpy evening-wear? With slits? I love slits.
I think the Op just wanted people to nominate the best mmo in their opinion.
You could probably get away with only having played Diablo and be a fairly accurate critic.
"If the Damned gave you a roadmap, then you'd know just where to go"
Not sure how anyone can say this honestly; every mmorpg panders to the WoW crowd and in most cases just copying the WoW forumula. The only thing WoW has is the number of expansion, the IP, Blizzards nakesake,friends/guild created over years and polish.
So in a way WoW is the king of the WoW mold themepark.
Myself, I'd say Runescape, DF1(Despite its flaws), Swg, Uo, DAOC. Each have their own merits.
I had to think about this since more games are really good, but at the end there was one mmorpg which did change a lot the genre and with an eye for art and a lively world with a soul:
(base game since I dont know the expansions)
World of Warcraft
#3 Anarchy Online (woefully underrated game)
#2 EVE (taught me what "sandbox" meant)
#1 WOW (long live the King!)
Honorable Mention: EQ1
Next Big Thing: Wildstar
you know your games mister
Dark Age of Camelot
I would have to say Ultima Online.
No game has captured me quite like UO. It was far ahead of its' time and even today I cannot find something as in depth as UO was and is.
Second would have to be World of Warcraft.
Total time played: 9125 Days, 21 Hours, 29 Minutes, 27 Seconds
Time played this level: 39 Days, 1 Hour, 24 Minutes, 5 Seconds
1. Ultima Online- Best MMO i have ever played. Way ahead of its time. They got it all right.
2. Dark Age of Camelot- What a great game design. They elicited a true war faction war, including classes and races with completely different skills and looks. You really felt at war, unlike Guildwars 2 and now WOW, where you fight the same races/classes.
3. World of Warcraft- Money Talks... People like this game for a reason. They put out a nice product.