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Final Fantasy XI: Eleventh Anniversary Enticements for Returning Players

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

Square Enix has announced several great incentives for players to return to Final Fantasy XI in celebration of its eleventh anniversary. Most enticingly, players can download the Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition for free from now through December 23rd to give them a jump start back into the game.

The Vana’diel Experience Campaign

Planned to begin at 7:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) today, all inactive players who have previously subscribed to FINAL FANTASY XI will automatically have their accounts reactivated and will be able to play free of charge during the campaign period. To participate, the player’s PlayOnline account must be inactive, as well as transferred to the Square Enix Account system. This campaign will end on Monday, December 23rd at 6:59 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST), after which a subscription will be required for continued play.

Find out more on the special eleventh anniversary page on the Final Fantasy XI site.




  • NadiaNadia Member UncommonPosts: 11,798
    happy 11 image
  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803

    Sorry but this is bullshit so I will just quote myself on this:



    Originally posted by Dakeru

    Any currently inactive player that has ever subscribed to FINAL FANTASY XI in the past will be able to play free for a limited time and experience all the changes!

    Sounds easy enough right?


    Applicants will be ineligible for the service if any of the following apply:

    The character has not been deleted automatically or by the applicant.

    The applicant is able to manually reactivate the character

    Ok so everyone who didn't delete their characters before leaving - will not get the 2 weeks to test the new content.

    Makes sense right?


    Now I remember why I  turned my back on this company.




     Players participating in the Vana'diel Experience Campaign will have their accounts reactivated automatically. There is no need for players to take any action to reactivate their account.

    Nope - keeps telling me to activate my content id.

    Harbinger of Fools
  • jadan2000jadan2000 Member UncommonPosts: 508
    Happy birthday to one of the greatest MMo's of all time!


  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    Greatest mmoRPG but what makes it even more impressive,it was made to run on the PS2,without alienating the PS2 players.

    After seeing what other developoers have churned out,does anyone actually thin k any other dev could have pulled off a FFXI quality game for the Ps2?

    What bums me out about this is they have totally ignored a person like myself.I have no played in about 4 months,but i kept 2 accounts activated,still paying.I could have easily just cancelled,then i would be able to take advantage of any bonuses,but because i was a nice guy supporting them even though not playing,i get nothing and am treated like a lesser valued customer...bah i say.

    To be perfectly honest,the Seeker edition is utter crap,worst expansion Square has ever made,seems more like rushed junk to again help fund the new kid FFXIV.First expansion ever where almost nothing has insides to buildings or moving doors,they got super lazy this time around.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • Majin_JubeiMajin_Jubei Member UncommonPosts: 47
    Originally posted by Dakeru

    Sorry but this is bullshit so I will just quote myself on this:



    Originally posted by Dakeru

    Any currently inactive player that has ever subscribed to FINAL FANTASY XI in the past will be able to play free for a limited time and experience all the changes!

    Sounds easy enough right?


    Applicants will be ineligible for the service if any of the following apply:

    The character has not been deleted automatically or by the applicant.

    The applicant is able to manually reactivate the character

    Ok so everyone who didn't delete their characters before leaving - will not get the 2 weeks to test the new content.

    Makes sense right?


    Now I remember why I  turned my back on this company.




     Players participating in the Vana'diel Experience Campaign will have their accounts reactivated automatically. There is no need for players to take any action to reactivate their account.

    Nope - keeps telling me to activate my content id.

    Not sure why you are having issues, I just tried logging in myself and was greeted with a "content ID not link would you like to link" message. I'm currently patching.

  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    Originally posted by Majin_Jubei

    Not sure why you are having issues, I just tried logging in myself and was greeted with a "content ID not link would you like to link" message. I'm currently patching.

    I'm not the only one though

    If you are wondering why there are only a few people posting - that's cause you need an active account to be allowed to post. Clever way to avoid "unwanted voices"


    The active subscribers are having problems as well:

    All their previously deleted chars are back and exceeding the account limit so they can't log in anymore.

    Harbinger of Fools
  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803

    Just a little update: This still hasn't been fixed.

    Some were able to activate their accounts with old invalid credit card infos. Unfortunately I don't have that option.


    Really, I wanted to see what the game has turned into since it was the only mmo, where I ever felt that it was good enough to justify a subscription.

    This campaign to regain players turned into a reminder to me, of why I abandoned this company to begin with.

    Harbinger of Fools
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