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I won't write a huge paragraph as I know it will less likely be taken in, so for those that don't know what Eldevin is here's a breakdown:
Eldevin is a free2play browser based MMORPG.
It is a Mix of Runescape (Not the current version), diablo 2 with some WOW elements.
It only has elements of these that you could compare, it's not a copy but it's a unique game that has had tons of detail and thought gone into it.
Eldevin is currently in early access (you can still buy a founder pack to gain early access for a few days)
The official release date will be 30/11/2013.. so a few days from this post.
Eldevin has a handful of proffesions to train, a friendly development team consistently upgrading the game. Amazing end-game content that will continually be expanded.
The game is not pay2win, despite some players arguing otherwise (since you can buy experience boosters for real money). You cannot buy the way to being the best, you can only buy your way to gain experience faster.
Check out Eldevin at
Visit the forums (clicking top right on the link above) or this direct link -
On the eternal quest for that one perfect MMO.
My thoughts exactly. So what if the developer is posting or someone connected to the game. I checked out some beta game play and have to admit it did give me a 2004 Runescape vibe. Feel I need to be there on launch day Saturday. Remember this is a browser based game and not a AAA 20-30 GB download. Classless, f2p, and in depth crafting is worth a look in my opinion.
No kidding. The OP should just be deleted by mods.
The snatch money/grab money/cash vitriol is so overused and misused that it's getting ridiculous. Devs trying to make money for doing their job isn't snatching money. They aren't ripping it from your hands while you are waiting to pay for your Doritos. Seems like entitlement is the new thing.
Indie devs have to be small scale in their promotion, and enthusiast forums are a natural medium for that. Our would you prefer that they just embed the download link in the archives of some old site so that they don't bother any MMO fans with their MMO game?
Edit: and this isn't neccessarily a dev anyway. The game can have fans, ya know.
I got into the beta a bunch of months back, and the game play was fine and felt a lot like RS (as mentioned). my only 2 beefs with the entire game was 1)The bag space concept felt like i was being strangled right out of the gate and 2)Everything felt really choppy (my rig isn't the greatest, but it doesn't help when browsers can't be as smooth as a client).
Everything else felt alright. I'm sure between when i played and now, these issues will have likely been dealt with so my mumbling is likely a non-issue.
I will start by saying thatg i know Hunted Cow VERY well,as good as any player out there.
If you feel this game is something you might like,just be 100% certain you have an expenditure plan in your mind and a point at which you will say enough and get out because if you find yourself needing more and more money,it will only get worse not better.
The whole premise of F2P was to allow people with no money to get in and help those that can afford sub fees to have some players to play with and make the game appear popular.However the real truth is that it has been a gimmick to get far more than a sub fee from players.Also when you say "play the game" that means THE game,not parts of it or not the way it was intended to be played.NOBODY should be spending anymore than $180 a year which is what a normal sub fee costs.If a game has masked itself as a f2p and still has ways to get MORE than a sub fee,then that is exactly why all the complaints of f2p moniker's were justified.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Eldevin, the MMO you could be looking for..
And no explanation why...
I post on here all the time advertising our game, beta and patch notes. O_o
I guess my threads aren't controversial enough! lol
In all seriousness, I'm glad some of you really enjoy our game, we've put a lot of hard work into and are very excited for the launch!
Currently working around the clock on Eldevin
It always amuses me how worked up (some) people get when someone dares to post about a game they enjoy; be they dev or otherwise. Hadn't you noticed yet that this forum isn't for people who enjoy mmo's?
Also, what is the dreadful eurotrash dance music on that video? Please tell me I don't have to listen to that whilst playing?
No, the game has it's own music which is really fitting for each area.
Again, to clarify I'm a player. Lol.
Ah didn't watched the video figured it was our official trailer! Dreadful dance music! I know this player! He's one of our beloved founders.
Currently working around the clock on Eldevin
It's not that. It's the fact the OP registered for the sole purpose of posting about how great the game is. It's only natural for people to get suspicious.
Then again, the game is F2P so trying it yourself will cost nothing but a bit of time and bandwidth.
Meanwhile when a game shuts down because it didn't get enough players, the same people are on the forums asking "why didn't they promote their games on forums? How expensive is it to create a few forum accounts on different websites?"
I did enjoy your attempt at trolling.
"obvious troll is obvious."
Exactly. It's the cheapest advertising you can get. It's absolutely free and only takes a little bit of time. And the fact that they posted in the Eldevin forum means its out of the way of people who might not be interested.
On the eternal quest for that one perfect MMO.
Responding directly to the OP's title comment.
Nope, not the MMO I have been looking for. However, thank you for the ad or I might not have known to warn others about this game.
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