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Trion has announced that the first round of alpha invites have gone out to those who registered on the Trove site since the game's announcement late last week. In addition, Supporter Packs are on sale that will give players credits, in-game items and more.
The recently announced Trove is an open-ended online adventure RPG where gamers journey through an endless dynamically generated universe filled with quests, chests, and dungeons that hold enemies great and small. Explore and create your way through fully constructible and destructible worlds where your next discovery is always around the corner, under the surface, or ready to be crafted by your own two hands.
There are several Supporter Packs available ranging from reasonable to ridiculous, and while they are not required to gain access into alpha or beta, some packs come with priority or even instant access into the earliest stages of the game’s development.
Find out more about the supporter packs on the Trove site.
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Awww, I did not get a free alpha invite. :-(
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
It still costs 20 and its not a AAA game. Probably 1/5th the staff/development cost (at least) of the game you are trying to bash here
extremely doubtful
Really? most f2p models have evolved past that....but if its f2p and you enjoy it I feel you should buy something from the store...I mean the games team needs a paycheck and work on further expansions, patch etc.....why people do not realize how much it costs to run these games and develop them is beyond me.
Get out of your mothers basement and get a life.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins
Actually i was ASKING if it's gonna BE a Pay to : let me pay 1 buck for that weapon and i will rape you so hard or is gonna be just aesthetics things.
I'm living in my own house btw ... free to come anytime.
Some game companies don't have to think about creativity anymore, only find some 'people' to throw in $2,239.99 for a supporter pack (for Trove in this case) and they will do the work for you.
Biomes, monsters, weapons, etc and alpha-/beta testers, early adaptors is all done for free now for the game companies and Q&A is getting really bad in most cases.
Oh wait. We can say now: we the people are Q&A now.
Less jobs for the real educated people who learned their jobs over the years like the designers, applications managers (Q&A), etc.
In my book it is the world upside down and it is unacceptable, unresponseble, lazy, no creativity, greed, etc...
Pay for a No. 100 clone.... That's all what this game is. . but you get a 3 pixel hat!
Shit just got serious!