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Adventure group?



  • raystantzraystantz Final Fantasy XI CorrespondentMember UncommonPosts: 1,237
    I guess we need a poll or some way to choose. I'm down for literally anything, but I prefer games with PVP.

    Currently playing:

    FFXIV on Behemoth, FFXI on Eden, and Gloria Victis on NA. 

  • largrettalargretta Member UncommonPosts: 12
    hopefully we can choose soon since it takes me a while to download so i'd wanna a start earlier XD
  • paulrgodpaulrgod Member UncommonPosts: 240
    Originally posted by raystantz
    I guess we need a poll or some way to choose. I'm down for literally anything, but I prefer games with PVP. 


    Hey Ray - i posted a Poll a couple posts above.  Seems Vanguard is winning at the moment!

  • largrettalargretta Member UncommonPosts: 12

    Does VG have pvp? :O

    What sucks about AoC is that we cannot do like a guild seige without being suscribed :( Or else i would've picked it

  • paulrgodpaulrgod Member UncommonPosts: 240
    Originally posted by largretta

    Does VG have pvp? :O

    What sucks about AoC is that we cannot do like a guild seige without being suscribed :( Or else i would've picked it

    I think it only has an Arena somewhere in game - no open world pvp - maybe Duels but that's your lot!

  • KaaxKaax Member UncommonPosts: 19
    I am also interested I`ve been looking for a group to play with this sounds up my alley! I`m going to vote for L2 because it was my first and only real mmo love but i`d go for anything really. I`m on the east as well
  • BjelarBjelar Member UncommonPosts: 398

    AoC`s F2P restrictions will only be a problem after lvl 80.

    According to the latest development letter they are finally getting somewhere with the crafting revamp. I bet you 2 gold and 30 silver that the crafting update is going to bring lots of players back :)

    I have played AoC on and off since launch, and I`m convinced starting as a group of level 1 chars will be a blast.

    In fact, I would love to reroll and start over and join you if you let me :)

  • NaowutNaowut Member UncommonPosts: 663
    I'm also interested if this is going anywhere.
  • aWRAYaWRAY Member Posts: 84
    Vanguard would be great! Would love to join if that is the game of choice :D
  • MaurizioMaurizio Member UncommonPosts: 162
    Since there's not many games perhaps doing something like a week in each game?
  • NaowutNaowut Member UncommonPosts: 663
    Originally posted by largretta

    Does VG have pvp? :O

    What sucks about AoC is that we cannot do like a guild seige without being suscribed :( Or else i would've picked it

    Sieges are the worst part of the game anyway.

  • largrettalargretta Member UncommonPosts: 12
    well for now VG is winning (good thing i started downloading it :P) When should we stop the poll
  • BjelarBjelar Member UncommonPosts: 398
    Originally posted by Naowut
    Originally posted by largretta

    Does VG have pvp? :O

    What sucks about AoC is that we cannot do like a guild seige without being suscribed :( Or else i would've picked it

    Sieges are the worst part of the game anyway.

    AoC has got awesome group dungeons while leveling, the only problem is that it can be hard to find PUGs since everyone seems to be in a rush to reach level cap.

    That`s why I think it would be great to start on scratch with a group of explorers willing to take their time and play through the content. All it takes is 6 people at aprox the same level :)

    PvP wise I think it is a mistake to play on hardcore PvP server, since population there is very low and it is difficult to get the minigames poping.

    The PvE sever has got the "largest" population, but it doesn`t have open world PvP.

    Fury, the old PvP server has got a reasonable population and open world PvP. 


  • NaowutNaowut Member UncommonPosts: 663
    Originally posted by Bjelar
    Originally posted by Naowut
    Originally posted by largretta

    Does VG have pvp? :O

    What sucks about AoC is that we cannot do like a guild seige without being suscribed :( Or else i would've picked it

    Sieges are the worst part of the game anyway.

    AoC has got awesome group dungeons while leveling, the only problem is that it can be hard to find PUGs since everyone seems to be in a rush to reach level cap.

    That`s why I think it would be great to start on scratch with a group of explorers willing to take their time and play through the content. All it takes is 6 people at aprox the same level :)

    PvP wise I think it is a mistake to play on hardcore PvP server, since population there is very low and it is difficult to get the minigames poping.

    The PvE sever has got the "largest" population, but it doesn`t have open world PvP.

    Fury, the old PvP server has got a reasonable population and open world PvP. 

     I simply told him that the sieges suck.

    I've played AoC for years and it's a great game so you really don't have to convince me :P

  • largrettalargretta Member UncommonPosts: 12
    Hmm so i guess i'll download AoC too :3
  • PhoebesPhoebes Member UncommonPosts: 190
    Have you all considered EQ2? I like Vanguard, but there is no pvp. At least EQ2 has battleground type areas.
  • LachyFTWLachyFTW Member UncommonPosts: 181
    I would prefer some type of PVP at least battlegrounds but will try out whatever wins. How restrictive is Vanguard with it's F2P? 
  • schrollbachschrollbach Member UncommonPosts: 72

    Hey guys,


    I'd love to join you all on this awesome adventure. I am pretty much open to anything. Let me know when you guys decided on a game.



  • KazuhiroKazuhiro Member UncommonPosts: 609
    Seems Vanguard has won, not really a good game in my opinion, think I'll skip on this one then. But let me know when/if you all move onto a more interesting game afterwards with pvp in it.

    To find an intelligent person in a PUG is not that rare, but to find a PUG made up of "all" intelligent people is one of the rarest phenomenons in the known universe.

  • BraindomeBraindome Member UncommonPosts: 959

    Dang, Vanguard won.

    While I like Vanguard the pacing is just a little slow imo. I was kinda hoping for Conan so I could play an alt female and have my boobies flopping while we pvp some and adventure.

    AoC would be more fun, but I could play Vanguard if it becomes organized and focused. I mean I don't want to sit around all day while people are crafting and playing diplomacy. image

  • DaveykzDaveykz Member UncommonPosts: 23

    Would love to join you all! Been wanting to find a regular group to start a game with again =)

  • iridescenceiridescence Member UncommonPosts: 1,552
    Originally posted by Braindome


    AoC would be more fun, but I could play Vanguard if it becomes organized and focused. I mean I don't want to sit around all day while people are crafting and playing diplomacy. image

    We could allow people to do crafting and diplomacy stuff separately as it doesn't effect your level for combat and I don't think any of it ever requires a group. It find it pretty fun as a solo activity but yeah, I can't see the fun of sitting around while other people do it :)



  • KaaxKaax Member UncommonPosts: 19
    I would prefer AOC too however I wasted my vote on L2!
  • paulrgodpaulrgod Member UncommonPosts: 240

    OK i spent an hour or so on Vanguard last night... to be honest - it didn't really fill me with joy at the thought of playing it 'properly'.

    The world does look pretty impressive - if a little barren and bland.  The quests seemed to be well written and full of lore if a little tedious. The character models are hideous but the worse aspect of this game to me is the combat animations...if theres one thing that draws me out of an immersive game is really poor animation :(

    I created 2 characters to try the different racial starting areas - but they both spawned in the same place without another sole in sight.. Decided then to re-roll and try the isle of Dawn - again lifeless, maybe saw 2 -3 people max.  There were the odd shout for party but not a lot seemed to be going on.

    Gotta say i'm not 100% sure i'd want to dedicate my time to this....The game hasn't aged well and unfortunately doesn't seem too interesting.


    AOC on the other hand - Looks like it could be a real blast to play with some dedication.  Logged in on my main (he's lvl 55) and decided to roam around the world a bit re-familiarising myself with it.  Considering i'd never been able to run the game properly... now thanks to my recent  HD 7970 this game looks incredible - everything maxed on DX10.  Combat animations had some 'oomph' blood splashing everywhere and it seemed like it could be fun.

    There seems to be a really active and helpful community - lots of chat and banter in the chat, and a fair few people roaming around the zones i explored.

    My main isn't on the PVP server - so i decided to roll a character fresh on there to see how things were - again - plenty of chat and banter going off, there were plenty of people roaming around Tarantia etc so seemed promising.



  • LachyFTWLachyFTW Member UncommonPosts: 181
    Originally posted by paulrgod

    OK i spent an hour or so on Vanguard last night... to be honest - it didn't really fill me with joy at the thought of playing it 'properly'.

    The world does look pretty impressive - if a little barren and bland.  The quests seemed to be well written and full of lore if a little tedious. The character models are hideous but the worse aspect of this game to me is the combat animations...if theres one thing that draws me out of an immersive game is really poor animation :(

    I created 2 characters to try the different racial starting areas - but they both spawned in the same place without another sole in sight.. Decided then to re-roll and try the isle of Dawn - again lifeless, maybe saw 2 -3 people max.  There were the odd shout for party but not a lot seemed to be going on.

    Gotta say i'm not 100% sure i'd want to dedicate my time to this....The game hasn't aged well and unfortunately doesn't seem too interesting.


    AOC on the other hand - Looks like it could be a real blast to play with some dedication.  Logged in on my main (he's lvl 55) and decided to roam around the world a bit re-familiarising myself with it.  Considering i'd never been able to run the game properly... now thanks to my recent  HD 7970 this game looks incredible - everything maxed on DX10.  Combat animations had some 'oomph' blood splashing everywhere and it seemed like it could be fun.

    There seems to be a really active and helpful community - lots of chat and banter in the chat, and a fair few people roaming around the zones i explored.

    My main isn't on the PVP server - so i decided to roll a character fresh on there to see how things were - again - plenty of chat and banter going off, there were plenty of people roaming around Tarantia etc so seemed promising.



    I would have to agree with you when it comes to vanguard. I checked it out as well and it's not my game looks too outdated and too empty.

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