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Why the SEMO?

magistaremagistare Member UncommonPosts: 12

SEMO, or Single Enforced Multiplayer Online, you KNOW what it means. Your in an "MMO" there is a quest marker. You rush to it and get pulled into a single user experience all on your own. "Sorry buddy if you actually want to group with friends or guild mates while you explore Realm X.  Our data shows people complained too much about having to find help so we the developers came up with forced single user experiences."

 I subscribe to  MMO's to play with friends, guilds, socialize. I hope an artist has depicted this with a group of adventurers standing around waiting for their party member who is whisked off to a solo encounter and they are milling about in the meantime. Then have the solo adventurer appear after winning/losing the quest and everyone is gone as they did not feel like waiting.

I will not point out the current games that are doing this, if you play them you know. I have been playing pc games since MUD's were around and have always enjoyed the groups and the fun to have. I hope this trend does not become viral and infect all other developers projects.



  • niceguy3978niceguy3978 Member UncommonPosts: 2,052
    Originally posted by magistare

    SEMO, or Single Enforced Multiplayer Online, you KNOW what it means. Your in an "MMO" there is a quest marker. You rush to it and get pulled into a single user experience all on your own. "Sorry buddy if you actually want to group with friends or guild mates while you explore Realm X.  Our data shows people complained too much about having to find help so we the developers came up with forced single user experiences."

     I subscribe to  MMO's to play with friends, guilds, socialize. I hope an artist has depicted this with a group of adventurers standing around waiting for their party member who is whisked off to a solo encounter and they are milling about in the meantime. Then have the solo adventurer appear after winning/losing the quest and everyone is gone as they did not feel like waiting.

    I will not point out the current games that are doing this, if you play them you know. I have been playing pc games since MUD's were around and have always enjoyed the groups and the fun to have. I hope this trend does not become viral and infect all other developers projects.


    Huh?  I haven't played an mmo that forced people into a single player experience.  The closest was probably TOR, but that is only if you want to play the same class as your friends.  The first 10 levels sucked if you didn't want to play as the same type of character since all jedis started out on their own planet, all sith started out on their own planet, etc.  Other than that there wasn't anything I couldn't group with other people for.  Just because incentives aren't involved doesn't mean that someone is "forced" into something.  I loved grouping with people in TOR you needed to for the Heroic quests, and you could get normal quests done much faster (and lets face it, the planetary chains sucked compared to the class stories).  

    Aside from TOR I haven't played any mmo that even comes close to forcing a single player experience on people.

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