I agree with all those that've stated prices drove them away. You can add me to that list as well.
It's truly unfortunate, because the game is a great game I feel. Obviously, it needs a lot more time to cook, but I feel that aside from the astronomical prices in the game, it has a lot of potential.
And, I'm not cheap by any means as I currently still sub to WoW and have spent a good chunk of money (and sometimes still do) on GW2, Rift, Marvel Heroes, STWOR, and TERA. However, I refuse to spend any more money (aside from the launch pack) on Neverwinter, on principle alone.
If only Neverwinter had either GW2's or Rift's F2P-model; or even a sub-model like WoW - I'd be totally on board. As it stands now, you have to spend entirely too much money on Neverwinter to come even close to the bang-for-your-buck that the competition offers.
Until PWE/Cryptic changes things, I think I'll stay away...or just play entirely for free.
All this time just to partially release the ranger? They really need to speed up and release at least one full class (with all 3 paragon paths) every other month.
As for the class itself i always liked the beastmaster ranger, wich is not in yet .
The combat sucks. Click same 5 buttons over and over, killing the same reskinned mobs. Very little character customization, braindead crafting. I did like the idea of the foundry but it's not really enough to drag me back to this bad game.
When they release new paragon paths i'll jump back in. Don't care for rangers, but it's a good choice for luring Billy Bob and the WoWbie brigade, if at least long enough for them to shell out a few bucks to help out the company.
So....How much will the Ranger cost us? I know the "Other Elf" in the last Module only came out when you bought the pack that they put out with it....SO how much is this really going to cost?
My problems with the game are the reverse of many here. I don't want to nerf the Rogue, I want to buff every other character so they are as effective as the Rogue. Right now the game is only solo-friendly to around level 40 and then grinds to a halt, requiring teaming up. Not terribly fun for introverts like me. The only reason I play MMOs at this point is because the interesting RPGs are ALL MMOs.
Ranger? Well, we'll see how they turn out. Because they're new, they might turn out to be combat ready until they get nerfed into oblivion like every other class.
Lol, they mention Drizzt, but not Catti-Brie, the real Ranger in that series. They really want to sell the class like they did with the Menzoberranzan Renegade and the black panther companion, by exploiting Drizzt's popularity.
Originally posted by Olgark Might as well play DDO same design as Neverwinter and more classes to it.
Not to mention it actually has D&D mechanics unlike Neverwinter which is just a typical themepark MMO in a D&D skin. Lore is about only thing that is D&D that Neverwinter borrowed from, Neverwinter is just an IP sales just like SWTOR.
Yawn. Rangers are boring, they exist pretty much the same form in every game. They tend to be overpowered by default virtue of simply being ranged and able to pick off enemies at a distance with little risk. They also attract the worst kind of player from PvP genres. You know the kind of player who tries to turn every MMO into counterstrike as they shoot their bow like it is a machine gun faster than you can say BOOM head shot.
This is a Dungeons and Dragons franchise we are talking about here. There are so many more well developed and interesting classes from that universe. They pick ranger? That is what I call a sell out. Got to copy and be like every other game. The most famous ranger in Forgotten Realms didn't even use a bow. Dizzit Do'urden was a Two-Blade ranger. Go read the books there are 20 novels about this one character alone. In the D&D rule book the archer ranger is a subclass of fighter that specializes in bows and archery. Neverwinter is making it its' own special class to appease the generic MMO fans.
They should have went with something like Monk or Barbarian.
Not to mention that the classes in the game are about as dumbed down as they can be. Even within the ridiculously simplistic & limited 4th edition rules (or D&D for the shortbus crowd, as I like to say), class customization is nonexistent.
Then again, I suppose I shouldn't have expected much better from people who think R.A. Salvatore is a good writer.
the only news i want to hear from Andy Velasquez is that they will remove the rooting in place, just like it was when they first showed the game before beta.
Until then, ill be in a different game waiting for that miracle to happen.
Originally posted by Olgark Might as well play DDO same design as Neverwinter and more classes to it.
Not to mention it actually has D&D mechanics unlike Neverwinter which is just a typical themepark MMO in a D&D skin. Lore is about only thing that is D&D that Neverwinter borrowed from, Neverwinter is just an IP sales just like SWTOR.
lolwut? 3.5ed is my least favorite, least like D&D ruleset from my perspective. I would really have preferred a return to the original foundation that was 1st Ed, but I don't mind 4th edition really. It's much more like the D&D and AD&D I grew up with than the convoluted mess that was 3.5. Any system that can let you create a crappy character by making choices that appeal to your gameplay preferences is a poorly designed system in my opinion.
I don't think DDO has any room to throw stones either. How long has it taken them to put out the shapeshifting Druid?
While DDO certainly has it flaws there are certainly a number of things they did very well like the incorperation of traps, rogues actually feeling like a rogue, classes feeling like their class (clerics I'm looking at you), and the freedom of making a crappy character to suite your gameplay preference is exactly what D&D is all about (or one of the core traits), the character customization.
For the D&D experience DDO wins hands down, which ironically Craptic advertised Neverwinter as the most fun D&D game for D&Ders which the opposite is the truth since they clearly said FU D&D fans and went mainstream MMO themepark style.
Originally posted by Asch126 Lol, they mention Drizzt, but not Catti-Brie, the real Ranger in that series. They really want to sell the class like they did with the Menzoberranzan Renegade and the black panther companion, by exploiting Drizzt's popularity.
Because people know Drizzt. It makes sense to appeal to the more popular figure for marketing doesn't it? There is nothing preventing more in the know fans of the setting from re-imagining their favorite ranger achetype is there?
It does when they priced the Menzoberranzan Renegade and the panther at $200.
Originally posted by Gravarg This game would have done much better if they had Ranger at release and multiple paragon paths. I might have to return for the Ranger, since that's what I play in DnD, and that's what I wanted to play in Neverwinter. I was disappointed when the wasn't a Ranger at launch.
Originally posted by Asch126 Lol, they mention Drizzt, but not Catti-Brie, the real Ranger in that series. They really want to sell the class like they did with the Menzoberranzan Renegade and the black panther companion, by exploiting Drizzt's popularity.
Drizzt is a multiclassed Ranger, follower of a nature god, and took up Catti's Bow when she died. Sorry, but your statement only undermined your nerd cred.
Originally posted by Olgark Might as well play DDO same design as Neverwinter and more classes to it.
Not to mention it actually has D&D mechanics unlike Neverwinter which is just a typical themepark MMO in a D&D skin. Lore is about only thing that is D&D that Neverwinter borrowed from, Neverwinter is just an IP sales just like SWTOR.
lolwut? 3.5ed is my least favorite, least like D&D ruleset from my perspective. I would really have preferred a return to the original foundation that was 1st Ed, but I don't mind 4th edition really. It's much more like the D&D and AD&D I grew up with than the convoluted mess that was 3.5. Any system that can let you create a crappy character by making choices that appeal to your gameplay preferences is a poorly designed system in my opinion.
I don't think DDO has any room to throw stones either. How long has it taken them to put out the shapeshifting Druid?
While DDO certainly has it flaws there are certainly a number of things they did very well like the incorperation of traps, rogues actually feeling like a rogue, classes feeling like their class (clerics I'm looking at you), and the freedom of making a crappy character to suite your gameplay preference is exactly what D&D is all about (or one of the core traits), the character customization.
For the D&D experience DDO wins hands down, which ironically Craptic advertised Neverwinter as the most fun D&D game for D&Ders which the opposite is the truth since they clearly said FU D&D fans and went mainstream MMO themepark style.
As a pay to play player of DDO at it's launch, I have to tell you, none of the things you give it credit for where there in the first year of the game. It was a bad reskinning of LOTRO. It took almost 10 years, a free to play failure, and a lack of other D&D mmos to get it into it's current state. DDO might feed your D&D nostalgia but don't try to rewrite its history, it nearly died after free to play. Today, its outdated, still not a great deal for the money, and it's run by mormons who ban people for swearing.
You don't think Neverwinter's combat is fun? You must be sick in the head, lol. Its fast, hitboxes are accurate, and teamplay wins the day in each and every Epic so far. Granted they launched prematurely, but NWO far outpaces DDO.
You make me like charity
I agree with all those that've stated prices drove them away. You can add me to that list as well.
It's truly unfortunate, because the game is a great game I feel. Obviously, it needs a lot more time to cook, but I feel that aside from the astronomical prices in the game, it has a lot of potential.
And, I'm not cheap by any means as I currently still sub to WoW and have spent a good chunk of money (and sometimes still do) on GW2, Rift, Marvel Heroes, STWOR, and TERA. However, I refuse to spend any more money (aside from the launch pack) on Neverwinter, on principle alone.
If only Neverwinter had either GW2's or Rift's F2P-model; or even a sub-model like WoW - I'd be totally on board. As it stands now, you have to spend entirely too much money on Neverwinter to come even close to the bang-for-your-buck that the competition offers.
Until PWE/Cryptic changes things, I think I'll stay away...or just play entirely for free.
"You are all going to poop yourselves." BillMurphy
"Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone."
All this time just to partially release the ranger? They really need to speed up and release at least one full class (with all 3 paragon paths) every other month.
As for the class itself i always liked the beastmaster ranger, wich is not in yet
The combat sucks. Click same 5 buttons over and over, killing the same reskinned mobs. Very little character customization, braindead crafting. I did like the idea of the foundry but it's not really enough to drag me back to this bad game.
not daggers. short sword!
My problems with the game are the reverse of many here. I don't want to nerf the Rogue, I want to buff every other character so they are as effective as the Rogue. Right now the game is only solo-friendly to around level 40 and then grinds to a halt, requiring teaming up. Not terribly fun for introverts like me. The only reason I play MMOs at this point is because the interesting RPGs are ALL MMOs.
Ranger? Well, we'll see how they turn out. Because they're new, they might turn out to be combat ready until they get nerfed into oblivion like every other class.
Not to mention it actually has D&D mechanics unlike Neverwinter which is just a typical themepark MMO in a D&D skin. Lore is about only thing that is D&D that Neverwinter borrowed from, Neverwinter is just an IP sales just like SWTOR.
Not to mention that the classes in the game are about as dumbed down as they can be. Even within the ridiculously simplistic & limited 4th edition rules (or D&D for the shortbus crowd, as I like to say), class customization is nonexistent.
Then again, I suppose I shouldn't have expected much better from people who think R.A. Salvatore is a good writer.
the only news i want to hear from Andy Velasquez is that they will remove the rooting in place, just like it was when they first showed the game before beta.
Until then, ill be in a different game waiting for that miracle to happen.
While DDO certainly has it flaws there are certainly a number of things they did very well like the incorperation of traps, rogues actually feeling like a rogue, classes feeling like their class (clerics I'm looking at you), and the freedom of making a crappy character to suite your gameplay preference is exactly what D&D is all about (or one of the core traits), the character customization.
For the D&D experience DDO wins hands down, which ironically Craptic advertised Neverwinter as the most fun D&D game for D&Ders which the opposite is the truth since they clearly said FU D&D fans and went mainstream MMO themepark style.
It does when they priced the Menzoberranzan Renegade and the panther at $200.
Drizzt is a multiclassed Ranger, follower of a nature god, and took up Catti's Bow when she died. Sorry, but your statement only undermined your nerd cred.
As a pay to play player of DDO at it's launch, I have to tell you, none of the things you give it credit for where there in the first year of the game. It was a bad reskinning of LOTRO. It took almost 10 years, a free to play failure, and a lack of other D&D mmos to get it into it's current state. DDO might feed your D&D nostalgia but don't try to rewrite its history, it nearly died after free to play. Today, its outdated, still not a great deal for the money, and it's run by mormons who ban people for swearing.
You don't think Neverwinter's combat is fun? You must be sick in the head, lol. Its fast, hitboxes are accurate, and teamplay wins the day in each and every Epic so far. Granted they launched prematurely, but NWO far outpaces DDO.