The second the army of Key seeking Redditers get a whiff of this, even if it is just a harmless comment to tease us expect a deluge of new accounts and a stream of begging emails.
Let the fun commence, inb4 "gifv key mmorpg!11"
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
I would be really, really, really greatful for a key. I have been M:tG fan for many years and I feel this game can fire me up on the CCG genre once again So you are very welcome to PM with a beta key.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
Oh come one man, don't tease us, that's just mean
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
!!! Want! Need! !!!
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." - Louis Hector Berlioz
The second the army of Key seeking Redditers get a whiff of this, even if it is just a harmless comment to tease us expect a deluge of new accounts and a stream of begging emails.
Let the fun commence, inb4 "gifv key mmorpg!11"
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
Damn you Mike, now I can't stop lurking.....traded email lurking for forum lurking......I need a life....
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
I wonder if its a new wave or a continuance of the recent wave? Hard to know really but thanks for the info....back to email lurking
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
I'm not Zinzan... But I love you! U Haz a key?
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." - Louis Hector Berlioz
The suspense!!!
stands to reason that with yesterday's part 1 review of Hearthstone Beta that maybe some incoming keys are imminent
or i am completely of my rocker
"All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda
I like your thinking. Here’s to hoping!
(I never really post here, but oh man do I want a HS beta key!)
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." - Louis Hector Berlioz
blizzard did say they are likely to double the key invites next week
EQ2 fan sites
Have I told you lately that I love you?
have I told you, there's no one else above you?
fill my heart with gladness
take away my sadness
ease my troubles, thats what you do
Thanks coffee king
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
we want keys
we want keys
What do we want?
When do we want them?
Givvvvvvvvvvvvve Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeysssssssssss!
Oh and make sure they are the good ones!
I bet I will come back to the forums, and all the keys will have been given out already >_<
C'est la vie.
The first one to ask a beta key after my post will be a lucky man!
I will give him my key in private
Me! :-)
Since there are so many kind people out there im begging for a Key too now!
Please gimme im desperate =/
I would be really, really, really greatful for a key. I have been M:tG fan for many years and I feel this game can fire me up on the CCG genre once again
So you are very welcome to PM with a beta key.
Thanks in advance,
Hello, are there any beta keys left or am I to l8?
If yes i would appreciate and i will be very thankful if some one could be so nice and give me the opportunity to try out the game!
Thx very much