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What do you guys think about it? Might be the "next" big thing?
I like what i se, just my personal opinion
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ZapRobo (PlanetSide 2) | Zap-Robo (The Secret World)
@Master Zaprobo (City of Heroes) | Zaphod@Zap-Robo (Star Trek Online)
Filthy Chua!
Well you are limited in skills slots, so every snare is one less of something else. Plus those toons had fixed builds, so you could probably kit a melee with equal amounts of CC and mobility.
You are not limited in skill slots, you can bring up to 3 bars x 10, so you can customize how you want your action bar. Warriors have leap, charge, snare and chain so probably 4 ways you can combat the range ones. I played at gamescom and I didn't lose to a spellslinger roflmao.... that warrior was just bad, following around, using whirlwind exactly at the bad time and doesn't know he could sprint while using it. It is a nice view of world pvp but even the devs told me that as a warrior you won't let them out of your sight and distance. Oh and also you have a lot more stuns and range attacks to counter those ranged ones. It's when you get in melee distance you can destroy them instantly if they panic.
You get one action bar, not 3x10. The only additional bar is a CTL bar beneath that can hold consumables, not skills.
The demo build at NYCC had skills locked in and they could not be changed. Normally the Warrior would have had several options for PvP, but in this build he only had one closer/cc and it was leap (horribly placed at #7 on the action bar).
I agree the Warrior mis-timed whirlwind, but using sprint while closing would have been a terrible risk since the player is dazed if hit while sprinting which would have been counter-productive.
The biggest tactical error on the Warrior's part was the use of Leap as an opener instead of to break out of root.
Also, congrats on your unbeatable warrior. I'm sure many of us would love to see the video of your prowess.
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.

The biggest problem with Wildstar is OWPvP seems very 'tacked on.' Which, based on the plethora of MMORPG's now that have OWPvP, you can see will cause it to suffer and become non-existent. As an avid PvPer, I don't NEED a reason to go out there and kill my enemy, but at the same time, the game needs to MAKE people be out in the world.
What's the point in creating a beautiful lush world that took hours and hour and hours of hard work and effort, and then let people run a queue-teleport-to-dungeon train out of a safe city? Or grant people flying mounts that essentially ruins the whole point of travelling and risking your safety. They've already quoted as saying there will be teleport-to-dungeon mechanics and flying mounts so to me, Wildstar has already messed up OWPvP.
I think they can recover this by changing the PvP flagged servers to have no teleport-to-dungeon (ie. form the group but have everyone have to physically get to the dungeon entrance). Flying mounts, I think they mentioned you will be able to dismount players... hopefully they do that right.
Also, for the people who might reply with, "IF YOU LOVED PVP, AND OTHERS DO TOO, THEY'LL JUST BE OUT THERE PVPING!!" Sigh, that's not the point and a ridiculous argument. If you join a PvP server, everyone should be a viable target to be killed, not the avid PvPers who just want to roam a certain area for hours in the HOPES of encountering an enemy. We as humans will ALWAYS take the path of least resistance and even PvPers will use dungeon finder to do dungeons because of that ease of use. It's simple human psychology.
I've got some hopes for Wildstar but at the same time... I don't. I hope it pans out. I'll definitely give it a shot.
^^^^^ This
There Is Always Hope!
Yes, the only thing pvpers need to pvp is a target to kill, clearly why oh so many constantly beg for full loot right?
Also, rep systems+adventures that award solo gear should be plenty of reason to be out in the world, atleast if you are focused purely on gear.
You mean they have been quoted as saying there is no flying mounts at launch. Besides the additional goodies, like "mounts" are actually full fledged vehicles with their own ability bar.
In general, it sounds like you are a tab bit behind the times in terms of information, before ranting further perhaps you should catch up a little.
Yeah its was adds that killed you all those times amirite?
OWPVP just got me interested in this game...good vid. Just hope it's not like there where there was owpvp...but there really never was because you never needed to leave the safezone at end game because you could teleport everywhere you needed to go. Come on, make a true pvp server and a pve server!!
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