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Who has Quit EVE Since odyssey?



  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by uplink4242

    Oh  I understand,

    Would any of this make you interested again?

    Yeah... the SoE ships got me horny enough for EVE to come back.... SoE being the main exploration faction of EVE and all....

  • uplink4242uplink4242 Member UncommonPosts: 258

    Truth be told, I hope there's more in that patch than what they're hinting. Ship adjustments are cool and all, but the game has been lacking some new real content for a while. 


    Edit: time to get horny

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297
    Originally posted by Mors.Magne
    Originally posted by uplink4242

    Nothing. They only changed the probe scanning UI and made it more visually appealing and easier to get into for new players. Hacking sites are now free of rats in known space, and the cans are now accessible via a new mini-game, making solo exploration in general a less SP heavy activity. Exploration loot value in hisec took a nosedive as result, but in low/null it's still extremly profitable if you know what you're doing.

    I honestly see no sensible reason to quit eve in odyssey. The game feels better than ever.


    The reason I will not re-subscribe is that there is no new content and CCP have just tweaked the stats (again).


    It gives me no satisfaction to write this whatsoever.  :o|


    What were the old stats of the anchorable space-shack? I seem to have lost the link, could you help me out?

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    Originally posted by uplink4242

    Truth be told, I hope there's more in that patch than what they're hinting. Ship adjustments are cool and all, but the game has been lacking some new real content for a while. 


    Edit: time to get horny

    I like what I'm seeing so far, will have to watch for more updates.   Might be the perfect holiday gift to myself, reactivate the EVE accounts and enjoy.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043

    Nobody really quits EVE.

    You leave, maybe for a month, maybe for a year but you watch it. I've been through the revolving door many times in 8 years and Ice mining had nothing to do with any of it. After 8 years though, it's usually more to do with just seeing the same things happening doesn't spark that imagination any more. Knowing that as much as they say it's a sand box, you know there are barriers just as real as mechanical being put there by the players. CCP sit on the fence and claim emergent this and sandbox that but the truth is, it's still a brick wall to most playing.

  • uplink4242uplink4242 Member UncommonPosts: 258
    Feel free to show us a game with no boundaries then. At least I haven't seen one with as few as this one so far. 
  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043
    Originally posted by uplink4242
    Feel free to show us a game with no boundaries then. At least I haven't seen one with as few as this one so far. 

    There are no games without boundaries. The only difference between EVE and other games is who runs the boundaries. Most games, the company does. In EVE it's RMT.

  • NoobkilarNoobkilar Member Posts: 175
    I so agree I played 7-8 years and 10 accounts :/ just got tired of it.
  • uplink4242uplink4242 Member UncommonPosts: 258
    rmt lol wut? You can buy characters for isk and plex with $ and people still complain about that? 
  • RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206

    1. the new 'expansions' have not added any new content that interests me.

    2. I don't like the community outside of my corp.  I get this is a pvp game but I think the eve community brings out the worst in people. 

  • YizleYizle Member Posts: 517
    I was logging in less anyways before Odyessey maybe every other day for a couple of hours if that. But with the shield and missile changes yeah I let my accounts expire. Only had the 2. Mining and main(caldari).
  • django-djangodjango-django Member Posts: 115
    EVE will always be a little bit of a love/hate relationship with me. I stopped playing a bit after Odyssey when exploration lost all the fun I gained from, but I find myself once again re-subbing and training skills for a new path I wish to indulge in.
  • hammarushammarus Member UncommonPosts: 196

    Five accounts and playing since 2005, I parked my ships following Odyssey.  To me the very worst word to hear in any game is "streamlining".  Its the changes to ships that got me to quit.  Same ship with different skin is not what I wanted to play, it was the variety, and differences that made it fun.

    The scan changes suck too.  It went from a fun/tedious  to a trivial/tedious  element in the game.

    And as another poster mentioned, its been awhile since new elements have been added versus just tweaks.   I am sure I will be back in the game eventually.  The Odyssey package was just a good time to go away for awhile.

  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549
    Originally posted by hammarus

    Five accounts and playing since 2005, I parked my ships following Odyssey.  To me the very worst word to hear in any game is "streamlining".  Its the changes to ships that got me to quit.  Same ship with different skin is not what I wanted to play, it was the variety, and differences that made it fun.

    The scan changes suck too.  It went from a fun/tedious  to a trivial/tedious  element in the game.

    And as another poster mentioned, its been awhile since new elements have been added versus just tweaks.   I am sure I will be back in the game eventually.  The Odyssey package was just a good time to go away for awhile.


    I think we should expect to be un-subscribed for over 5 years. This is how long things take to 'turn around'...


    As you may recall, Eve's new 'business model' (the beginning of the end?) was announced in 2008 (by the announcement of the end of 'walking in stations' and the announcement of the development of DUST). 

    At that point, we entered a transition phase that went from highs - especially T3 and wormholes - to the sacking of lots of CCP workers and the transfer of clothing and building artwork from the Eve franchise to the upcoming WoD franchise.

    So, CCP is like a supertanker that isn't travelling in our direction.


  • GardavsshadeGardavsshade Member UncommonPosts: 907
    Originally posted by SpottyGekko

    OP, I take it that for you, Ice Mining was EVE.


    If it's virtually the only thing you ever do in the game, then I can understand how a significant change in this tiny part of the massive and complex EVE universe could appear to "fundamentally ruin" the gameplay.


    But if you did not spend the majority of your EVE life in ice belts, then your post is a ridiculous exaggeration bordering on a childish tantrum. Why not be honest here ? You simply grew tired of the game and needed a justification for quitting.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems You assume Players DON'T spend their whole game time experience Mining in EvE. That is where you are wrong. Players have done just THAT for years.

    I was a Miner before Barges were put in the game, and once they were the Bots started showing up. I continued to be a Miner, and only a Miner, for a year or so more.... and by then I realized I could never compete with the Bots, especially since most of them were being fielded by the Alliances. I tried Missions, Trading, even just Hauling, but I didn't really enjoy them. I was almost always in a Corp, I was the guy mining the Mins so we could build ships to keep the PvPers flying. I had my niche and I was needed.... but even the bots ruined that.

    So I quit EvE. I never had any desire to do anything else but be a Miner. I loved it.... but I wasn't going to try and compete with a software program that could mine 23/7.

    The Ice Miners... their kind were born with the Barges and they had no reason to leave while "Ice Is Eternal"... now that too has changed. I always felt that it was completely bogus that I could Mine an Asteroid Belt to crumbs and have to move on and find another while the Ice Miners could sit all day and just mine away, never having to worry about the Ice disappearing.

    Good Change in my opinion. Long needed.

  • RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206
    Originally posted by Mors.Magne

    So, CCP is like a supertanker that isn't travelling in our direction.


    I like this analogy.  I've been playing these last few months with the understanding that nothing the game is doing is geared towards my interests.  A lot of pvp'rs are surprised to hear some people have struggled to enjoy other aspects of the game over the years.


    I actually played the game primarily because I like space and space stuff.  CCP had the chance to really capitalize on the pve explorer but they can't even make the drone regions viable.

  • hammarushammarus Member UncommonPosts: 196

    I played the pvp, but now, slowly all ships in any given class are becoming the same.  For example you used to have several types of ships in each class for each race.  Like the Amarr had 3 battle cruisers, etc.  Now its becoming a case of there being 3 types of battle cruisers, (ie. assault battle cruiser), and you can pick the skin color which is based on race.  It is not completely this way yet, but they are working towards it.

    Oh sure the weapon system is still racial, but that has become a matter of differentiating between pretty light colors and glowing dots.  They have been working here too to create same range same damage for each type within each class.

  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549
    Originally posted by hammarus

    I played the pvp, but now, slowly all ships in any given class are becoming the same.  For example you used to have several types of ships in each class for each race.  Like the Amarr had 3 battle cruisers, etc.  Now its becoming a case of there being 3 types of battle cruisers, (ie. assault battle cruiser), and you can pick the skin color which is based on race.  It is not completely this way yet, but they are working towards it.

    Oh sure the weapon system is still racial, but that has become a matter of differentiating between pretty light colors and glowing dots.  They have been working here too to create same range same damage for each type within each class.

    I empathise entirely.Making ships similar means the 180 million skillpoints on my main character is 3/4 irrelevant. in addition, I used to be a Vagabond pilot, but the speed was nerfed - nerfing the main characteristic of the ship. 


    I believe the speed of the Cynabal hasn't yet been nerfed, but in my opinion, it's too expensive for casual roaming. A lot of people use it like wealthy people use supercars - for special occasions and poncing about - it's normally 'kept in the garage' 6 days a week.

  • uplink4242uplink4242 Member UncommonPosts: 258

    Wrong. CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing, UI and new player experience instead of new shinys for some years now. They are now doing exactly what the community asked since the last 2 expansions. People that complain about ships have a short memory of the bullshit the game was some years back when only a small fraction of them were actually viable.

    Just because they have other side projects, it does not mean they have less people working in EVE. If anything, the subscriber count which is higher than always indicates that they are expanding their studio and developers.

    Of course, not every expansion can appease to everyone. I'm not saying Odyssey was particulary impressive or that Rubicon will either, but you should understand that 9-10 year players aren't really their main focus of interest when developing content.

  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549
    Originally posted by uplink4242

    Wrong. CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing, UI and new player experience instead of new shinys for some years now. They are now doing exactly what the community asked since the last 2 expansions. People that complain about ships have a short memory of the bullshit the game was some years back when only a small fraction of them were actually viable.

    Just because they have other side projects, it does not mean they have less people working in EVE. If anything, the subscriber count which is higher than always indicates that they are expanding their studio and developers.

    Of course, not every expansion can appease to everyone. I'm not saying Odyssey was particulary impressive or that Rubicon will either, but you should understand that 9-10 year players aren't really their main focus of interest when developing content.


    I don't believe for one minute that "CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing [away from new content]..."


    Who do you think these 'players' are most likely to be? I suspect they are CCP employees who see a chance to reduce their workload.


    For example, as a player, what would you rather have - a 'tweaked' game of the same Eve Online or an entirely  new expansion of Eve Online?

    BUT as an employee who wants to have a relaxing day and get home at 5.30pm, what would you rather do? Tweak something for a few hours, have some fun in the office, and get home early or work very hard for someone else's profits with no additional benefit to yourself?



  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247
    Originally posted by Mors.Magne
    Originally posted by uplink4242

    Wrong. CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing, UI and new player experience instead of new shinys for some years now. They are now doing exactly what the community asked since the last 2 expansions. People that complain about ships have a short memory of the bullshit the game was some years back when only a small fraction of them were actually viable.

    Just because they have other side projects, it does not mean they have less people working in EVE. If anything, the subscriber count which is higher than always indicates that they are expanding their studio and developers.

    Of course, not every expansion can appease to everyone. I'm not saying Odyssey was particulary impressive or that Rubicon will either, but you should understand that 9-10 year players aren't really their main focus of interest when developing content.

    I don't believe for one minute that "CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing [away from new content]..."

    Who do you think these 'players' are most likely to be? I suspect they are CCP employees who see a chance to reduce their workload.

    For example, as a player, what would you rather have - a 'tweaked' game of the same Eve Online or an entirely  new expansion of Eve Online?

    BUT as an employee who wants to have a relaxing day and get home at 5.30pm, what would you rather do? Tweak something for a few hours, have some fun in the office, and get home early or work very hard for someone else's profits with no additional benefit to yourself?

    I envy you. Personally, I'd love to have absolutely no memory of CCP 2011. Well, except for the getting back on track part. That part was cool.

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • jagd1jagd1 Member Posts: 281
    Originally posted by Mors.Magne

    As you may recall, Eve's new 'business model' (the beginning of the end?) was announced in 2008 (by the announcement of the end of 'walking in stations' and the announcement of the development of DUST). 

    At that point, we entered a transition phase that went from highs - especially T3 and wormholes - to the sacking of lots of CCP workers and the transfer of clothing and building artwork from the Eve franchise to the upcoming WoD franchise.


    You had been start playing at 2005 and still missed  a lot of things i think

    1-It started at 2006 not 2008 ,  2006 is the date ccp started surveys ,since than company managed by surveys (Most of the changes decided by surveys mainly )  Guess who asked these questions most ? No not players , people who tried and left games ,people who dont play game

    2-CCP had an easy financial ride until 2008 because iceland banks had a lot of money to borrow but  they collapsed at crisis went bankrupt , first result was skill training while not subbed removed althought CCP promised it would be kept when they launched serenity .Time changed and they also removed 90 days GTC  replaced by 60 ay ones for same price  , brought plex etc etc

    3-Walking in stations is glorified nvidia APEX demo , they get paid to do .

    4- They abondoned eve for Dust and  world of Darkness for long time with full of bugs while players suffers  around 2009-2010 iirc

    5-Greed is good ,remember ?

    6-Dont bring to vaga in to this talk ,it was at nano era ,because morons at CCP could not figure how modules they are adding would broke the game . CCP once nerfed speed tanking in history , before nerf there was no restrictions to AB-MWD  you could stack them and use large ones at every category ships .It nerfed eventually but this morons at CCP once more started speed tanking .

    Add module /ship think later motto madet alot of mess  /unnecessary nerfs  .Think about first  Doomsday , who put 250km  AOE weapon ? That barges one of things put the game without deep thinking and created bots  but you still blame player but not people made this happen?

    And i would prefer bug free game to non-working new content fyi .

  • HazelleHazelle Member Posts: 760
    Originally posted by Mors.Magne
    Originally posted by uplink4242

    Wrong. CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing, UI and new player experience instead of new shinys for some years now. They are now doing exactly what the community asked since the last 2 expansions. People that complain about ships have a short memory of the bullshit the game was some years back when only a small fraction of them were actually viable.

    Just because they have other side projects, it does not mean they have less people working in EVE. If anything, the subscriber count which is higher than always indicates that they are expanding their studio and developers.

    Of course, not every expansion can appease to everyone. I'm not saying Odyssey was particulary impressive or that Rubicon will either, but you should understand that 9-10 year players aren't really their main focus of interest when developing content.


    I don't believe for one minute that "CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing [away from new content]..."


    Who do you think these 'players' are most likely to be? I suspect they are CCP employees who see a chance to reduce their workload.


    For example, as a player, what would you rather have - a 'tweaked' game of the same Eve Online or an entirely  new expansion of Eve Online?

    BUT as an employee who wants to have a relaxing day and get home at 5.30pm, what would you rather do? Tweak something for a few hours, have some fun in the office, and get home early or work very hard for someone else's profits with no additional benefit to yourself?



    As a player I'd rather have CCP focus on the things they can actually acheive instead of kicking something out the door and never looking at it again.

    They'd promise a mountain but deliver a molehill.

  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549
    Originally posted by Hazelle
    Originally posted by Mors.Magne
    Originally posted by uplink4242

    Wrong. CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing, UI and new player experience instead of new shinys for some years now. They are now doing exactly what the community asked since the last 2 expansions. People that complain about ships have a short memory of the bullshit the game was some years back when only a small fraction of them were actually viable.

    Just because they have other side projects, it does not mean they have less people working in EVE. If anything, the subscriber count which is higher than always indicates that they are expanding their studio and developers.

    Of course, not every expansion can appease to everyone. I'm not saying Odyssey was particulary impressive or that Rubicon will either, but you should understand that 9-10 year players aren't really their main focus of interest when developing content.


    I don't believe for one minute that "CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing [away from new content]..."


    Who do you think these 'players' are most likely to be? I suspect they are CCP employees who see a chance to reduce their workload.


    For example, as a player, what would you rather have - a 'tweaked' game of the same Eve Online or an entirely  new expansion of Eve Online?

    BUT as an employee who wants to have a relaxing day and get home at 5.30pm, what would you rather do? Tweak something for a few hours, have some fun in the office, and get home early or work very hard for someone else's profits with no additional benefit to yourself?



    As a player I'd rather have CCP focus on the things they can actually acheive instead of kicking something out the door and never looking at it again.

    They'd promise a mountain but deliver a molehill.

    I totally disagree with you.

    T3 and sleeper wormholes came out in the same expansion, and they were both totally brilliant.

    With CCP's current business model, an expansion like that will never ever happen again.

    The best you can hope for will be a Well Balanced Game* that everyone will get bored of within a few months - so ushering in the next round of cheap adjustments.


    *The definition of a 'Well Balanced Game' is a subjective opinion provided by a player who is given an 'I Win' button through developer oversight.

  • HazelleHazelle Member Posts: 760
    Originally posted by Mors.Magne
    Originally posted by Hazelle
    Originally posted by Mors.Magne
    Originally posted by uplink4242

    Wrong. CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing, UI and new player experience instead of new shinys for some years now. They are now doing exactly what the community asked since the last 2 expansions. People that complain about ships have a short memory of the bullshit the game was some years back when only a small fraction of them were actually viable.

    Just because they have other side projects, it does not mean they have less people working in EVE. If anything, the subscriber count which is higher than always indicates that they are expanding their studio and developers.

    Of course, not every expansion can appease to everyone. I'm not saying Odyssey was particulary impressive or that Rubicon will either, but you should understand that 9-10 year players aren't really their main focus of interest when developing content.


    I don't believe for one minute that "CCP has been told multiple times from players that they should redirect efforts into game balancing [away from new content]..."


    Who do you think these 'players' are most likely to be? I suspect they are CCP employees who see a chance to reduce their workload.


    For example, as a player, what would you rather have - a 'tweaked' game of the same Eve Online or an entirely  new expansion of Eve Online?

    BUT as an employee who wants to have a relaxing day and get home at 5.30pm, what would you rather do? Tweak something for a few hours, have some fun in the office, and get home early or work very hard for someone else's profits with no additional benefit to yourself?



    As a player I'd rather have CCP focus on the things they can actually acheive instead of kicking something out the door and never looking at it again.

    They'd promise a mountain but deliver a molehill.

    I totally disagree with you.

    T3 and sleeper wormholes came out in the same expansion, and they were both totally brilliant.

    With CCP's current business model, an expansion like that will never ever happen again.

    The best you can hope for will be a Well Balanced Game* that everyone will get bored of within a few months - so ushering in the next round of cheap adjustments.


    *The definition of a 'Well Balanced Game' is a subjective opinion provided by a player who is given an 'I Win' button through developer oversight.

    Yeah new ships are something we'll never see again as long as you don't count the tier 3 BCs, the destroyers, ore frigate, navy BCs, and the new sisters exploration ships; you are correct, there will be no new ships in eve, not even if you count the new T2 BS bastion mode.

    And new areas of space to inhabit are also off the table as long as you ignore their future plans to allow players to discover new areas of space and add those areas to the known universe.

    It's been two years since the threat of an incarna exodus changed CCPs focus and the game has broken it's record on player subs and most players in a single battle; sounds like eve is on the very edge of losing all of their subs to me. 

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