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I was thinking of re-subbing and playing an old character



  • RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206

    Ok so I tried it.  I subscribed to the game for a month and I logged back in.  The first thing I did was clear all of my hotbars from whatever I had going on (My played tells me I started Nov 8 2004 and he was lvl 37 :) ).


    After having travelled the MMO circles I'm here to tell you that EQ2 feels polished to me and that is something I've grown to appreciate.  Over all , with the mercs added in (so you can actually get to and see the good stuff at your level) I had a extremely fun time crawling through dungeons.


    I started off with my Merc dude but on occasion I'd find others who wanted to join in.  It was every bit as much of a dungeon crawl experience as I remember them from Eq1.  that is because in Eq1 oft times I'd set out for a dungeon only to find people along the way.  In eq2 that experience is somewhat stunted because of the rush to get to max level.....but there are those that see this as a function of the player's choice rather than blaming game design.


    I can choose to make a heroic character and bypass all that content, or I can choose to take a level 37 char.  Right now i'm sitting at level 41 with all of my exp going to AA as I explore dungeons rather than grind out solo content.


    This is a most enjoyable game for mature people who have busy lives :)  well done soe, I'm looking forward.

  • Elevenb4Elevenb4 Member UncommonPosts: 362
    I've always enjoyed having a bunch of abilities. EQ2 for me has been the "hardcore" MMO I always come back too when frustrated by  "casuals". Now before anyone gets all uppity, I consider myself a "casual" now because of my limited playtime, but "Hardcore" in the sense that I like Complicated games. I like having to strategize and prioritize all the skills. But after a few months at a time, I do like going back to WoW or something a bit more simple.

    -Unconstitutional laws aren't laws.-

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,065
    Whats funny is that you have 4 hotbars of skills/spells, then when you do a raid youre lucky if you can cast two of them because everything dies so quickly.......Also you dont have to sub...You can play old characters for free and even level one up to 85 for free now......Even so I leveled a magician to 85, played about 30 minutes, logged out and haven't logged in since...I still find EQ2 a very boring WoW clone that just isn't much fuin.
  • Storm_CloudStorm_Cloud Member UncommonPosts: 401

    I don't mind the many skills, it makes the game more complex and fun for me. I guess it's a matter of opinion.

    I would sub and start to play again if they made the game hard and challenging again, like it used to be back in the day. I've tried getting into it again but I get bored very quickly. Running over mobs without having the need to look at your hp bar is not my idea of fun. Just mash those buttons until the mob dies and move on to the next one.

    I'm playing EQ1 again after 9 years of being away. There's things to do now, especially since the equipment one had back then is so very dated, it's time to get new gear and the world has grown, ALOT. Difficulty is still there even if mercenaries has dumbed it down somewhat. :)


  • Elevenb4Elevenb4 Member UncommonPosts: 362
    Originally posted by Theocritus
    Whats funny is that you have 4 hotbars of skills/spells, then when you do a raid youre lucky if you can cast two of them because everything dies so quickly.......Also you dont have to sub...You can play old characters for free and even level one up to 85 for free now......Even so I leveled a magician to 85, played about 30 minutes, logged out and haven't logged in since...I still find EQ2 a very boring WoW clone that just isn't much fuin.

    Have you even played EQ2? There is no Magician class in that game. And, I've never heard of anyone calling EQ2 a wow clone lol. EQ2 came out before WoW did.... you're welcome.


    -Unconstitutional laws aren't laws.-

  • FangrimFangrim Member UncommonPosts: 616
    Originally posted by Theocritus
    Whats funny is that you have 4 hotbars of skills/spells, then when you do a raid youre lucky if you can cast two of them because everything dies so quickly.......Also you dont have to sub...You can play old characters for free and even level one up to 85 for free now......Even so I leveled a magician to 85, played about 30 minutes, logged out and haven't logged in since...I still find EQ2 a very boring WoW clone that just isn't much fuin.

    What a load of garbage.i play assassin in raids and I use all my attacks,temporary buffs.and as the poster before me put,how can eq2 be a wow clone when it was out first?Some people are  happy with global cool down simple games i guess.


  • FangrimFangrim Member UncommonPosts: 616
    Originally posted by Xiaoki


    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus
    I think that crowd controllers, tanks and certain healers recognise how more skills add an extra tactical layer, if those skills are all different from eachother..



    however the majorrity of players is only interested in doing DPS, and they dont want to use skills that do less then optimal DPS, at that would ruin their numbers..


    making games with few skills turns every classes gameplay intoo a DPS type calss... and thats the opposite of the gameplay i like.. 

    Having a small hotkey selection does not turn everyone into a DPS class.


    The comic book MMOs(CoH, Champions, DCUO) do not have multiple hotbars and I had no problem tanking in any of them and they had no shortage of tactical gameplay.

    Also, you first sentence is made meaningless by EQ2. I tank on my Bruiser in EQ2 and I have around 50 skills and they are most definitely not all different from each other. Not even close.

    You have obviously never read your combat arts.I have a 95 bruiser and his attacks are very different.

    He has temporary dps buffs,heals,stun attacks,knockdown,knockdown combination,cures,stoneskins,debuff dps attacks,dot attacks,Feign death.taunts,deaggro,mesmerize,fear.temporary immunity,group feign death,devastation fist,aoe attacks.

    This is just  off the top of my head,I am sure I have missed many but he isn't my main,my point is don't play a game you can't  handle then whinge and whine everything is the same,I am ecstatic you like 1 hotbar dodge combat but i hate it with a passion.


  • GrummusGrummus Member UncommonPosts: 152

    I like having a ton of buttons in EQ2.


    That said I have six or seven macros with two or three abilities in each as a necromancer.


    Maybe three of those are really used, the rest are situational but necessary to have available.

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