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MMORPG/MMO recommendation for newbie to genre?



  • HrimnirHrimnir Member RarePosts: 2,415
    Originally posted by syriinx
    Originally posted by Hrimnir

    GW2 is a good option, but it pretty well dies after you hit level cap.  Basically you'll go complete exploring, complete a bunch of your discovery type stuff, basically get your zone completion up to 100%, and after that there really isnt a whole lot to do besides repeat content you've already done.


    Personally i would reccomend Rift.  There is wwwwaaaaaaayyyy more content.  The graphics are much better.  Storyline probably isnt as good, but its also F2P, not B2p.  The other thing is the community is Rift is vastly better than GW2.  GW2 is filled with arena net fanbois and then PVP douche's.  Neither of which are very accomodating or friendly people.

    I wouldn't personally go to the game where the ambassador for it is describing another game's fanbase as  'fanbois and douches'.  

    Ambassador?  I quit playing the game 6 months ago. Im trying to make an honest suggestion based on my experiences in these games.  GW2 is a perfectly good game, but he asked about the community.  The community in GW2 is not spectacular.  Its not terribad, but it aint good either. 

    "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."

    - Friedrich Nietzsche

  • StarryEyedGamerStarryEyedGamer Member Posts: 21

    She, I am female image


    What are Aion and Tera like? I heard one is more focused on PVP than the other, and something about grind. Can't remember, though. The idea of massive character creation (Aion) sounds fun though. Plus their site said something about almost 3,900 quests? Might be more now.

    "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
    -Marcel Proust

  • Ender4Ender4 Member UncommonPosts: 2,247

    Pretty fair review of GW2 by Archangel above. I would add that they added fractals which are a progression based dungeon and have added more content since you left most likely.

    Other games you could consider not listed here are Aion and Tera which both have gone free to play with no restrictions. I would avoid SWTOR unless you want to spend money though, that games cash shop makes FTP very frustrating to play.

  • iridescenceiridescence Member UncommonPosts: 1,552
    Originally posted by StarryEyedGamer

    She, I am female image


    What are Aion and Tera like? I heard one is more focused on PVP than the other, and something about grind. Can't remember, though. The idea of massive character creation (Aion) sounds fun though. Plus their site said something about almost 3,900 quests? Might be more now.


    I've played a bit of both and they have a lot of similarities  except Aion evolves into an open PvP thing after about 20 levels. They both have nice graphics and Tera's big selling point is a console-like action combat system. The grind comes in because the quests are very generic and there's really not much deep lore so you're basically just blatantly killing things to get xp to level.


    Neither are bad games but they wouldn't be my 1st choice of MMOs to start with. They are F2P though so if either appeals to you, go for it :)



  • syriinxsyriinx Member UncommonPosts: 1,383
    Originally posted by Hrimnir
    Originally posted by syriinx
    Originally posted by Hrimnir

    GW2 is a good option, but it pretty well dies after you hit level cap.  Basically you'll go complete exploring, complete a bunch of your discovery type stuff, basically get your zone completion up to 100%, and after that there really isnt a whole lot to do besides repeat content you've already done.


    Personally i would reccomend Rift.  There is wwwwaaaaaaayyyy more content.  The graphics are much better.  Storyline probably isnt as good, but its also F2P, not B2p.  The other thing is the community is Rift is vastly better than GW2.  GW2 is filled with arena net fanbois and then PVP douche's.  Neither of which are very accomodating or friendly people.

    I wouldn't personally go to the game where the ambassador for it is describing another game's fanbase as  'fanbois and douches'.  

    Ambassador?  I quit playing the game 6 months ago. Im trying to make an honest suggestion based on my experiences in these games.  GW2 is a perfectly good game, but he asked about the community.  The community in GW2 is not spectacular.  Its not terribad, but it aint good either. 

    But its not any better or worse than the Rift community.  

    And as others have pointed out, Rift doesnt have 'waaaaaaayyyyyyy' more content than GW2.  Its not like Rift is EQ2 or WoW.  And graphics are personal taste, but GW2 is a very good looking game and I could see one preferring Rift's graphics to it, 'much better' is an awfully big stretch.


  • syriinxsyriinx Member UncommonPosts: 1,383
    Originally posted by StarryEyedGamer

    She, I am female image


    What are Aion and Tera like? I heard one is more focused on PVP than the other, and something about grind. Can't remember, though. The idea of massive character creation (Aion) sounds fun though. Plus their site said something about almost 3,900 quests? Might be more now.

    Aion and TERA have very eastern art styles, so you definitely want to check out if you like them.  


    But if you like lots of quests EQ2 is your game.  Tons of quests, and there are 'heritage quests' which take you to dungeons and multiple zones.  The big negative to eq2 is that its top heavy and the game will seem dead while you are leveling.  But both Antonia Bayle and freeport are quite active at the high levels and you can find good social guilds to keep you company.  people may have alts they want to play or 'mentor down' to you.

    EQ2 has a very impressive choice of races and a decent character builder if you like that.  AA system allows you to customize your class some.  It also has the best housing in the genre (well, besides Ultima Online) so that may be of interest to you.  Not much for PvPers though.


    Also, if you try EQ2 before Oct 15th you can get a free high level character (not max), but i wouldnt recommend it because it will be a LOT to take in.  And when you get to max level youll have to buy an expansion (so think of EQ2 as B2P not F2P, but you dont have to do the buying part until you are sure you like the game)

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    Originally posted by StarryEyedGamer

    Hmm, there seems to be a bit of conflicting information on the PVE endgame side of GW2.


    In all mmos you get out of them what you put in. If you get involved in the community get into a good guild and make an effort to do things in the game almost any mmo has an active end game.

    People who solo to lvl cap then stand there saying what.... tend to think games have nothing to do once the questing is over.

  • sacredfoolsacredfool Member UncommonPosts: 849

    Rift is free, and the cash shop is totally unobtrusive. Download it. Play Rift and see if you like it.  It's freakin FREE!


    If you don't like Rift, buy GW2 and play that.


    And Uhm... if you don't like Rift and GW2.... uhm buy EVE Online and play it. It's newb friendly now! I hear they even have official noob classes where you can learn how the game works and probably the basis of calculus too.  *hides*

    Originally posted by nethaniah

    Seriously Farmville? Yeah I think it's great. In a World where half our population is dying of hunger the more fortunate half is spending their time harvesting food that doesn't exist.

  • StarryEyedGamerStarryEyedGamer Member Posts: 21
    Thank you all for your opinions/advice so far! image

    "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
    -Marcel Proust

  • StarryEyedGamerStarryEyedGamer Member Posts: 21

    I was looking at some anime type MMORPGS and noticed these brought up a lot:

    Mabinogi, Eden Eternal, Dragon Nest, and an upcoming one called Aura Kingdom.

    Any idea if any of these would suit me, too? Especially the Zelda/Rune Factory aspect?

    "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
    -Marcel Proust

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843

    EVE or Age of Wushu. Get started out right.

  • HrimnirHrimnir Member RarePosts: 2,415
    Originally posted by bcbully

    EVE or Age of Wushu. Get started out right.

    "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."

    - Friedrich Nietzsche

  • StarryEyedGamerStarryEyedGamer Member Posts: 21


    That's one interesting chart. image

    Any opinions on my new anime mmorpg question would be greatly appreciated!

    "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
    -Marcel Proust

  • RebelScum99RebelScum99 Member Posts: 1,090
    Originally posted by Ender4

    Rift's graphics are different not better and it doesn't have way more content~.


    I agree that GW2 graphics are better, but c'mon...Rift has a TON more content than GW2.  This isn't even up for debate for anyone with an ounce of objectivity.  

    If Trion did one thing right, it's churn out content and add tons of features to their game.  

  • RebelScum99RebelScum99 Member Posts: 1,090
    Originally posted by bcbully

    EVE or Age of Wushu. Get started out right.

    This is terrible advice for a newcomer.  Do you want her to run away screaming from mmos forever?  Eve has possibly the steepest learning curve in all of MMOs, and Wushu is a complete mess to try and explain, particularly with the piss-poor translations.  Not to mention I don't think you'd want a newcomer, particularly one that isn't a big PvPer, to be subjected to the bots and griefers than Wushu has.  Again...just awful advice.

    For a newcomer, I'd suggest WoW, LOTRO, Rift, GW2, and SWTOR.  WoW, LOTRO, and Rift are probably your best choices for an overall solid game with the least amount of flaws.  SWTOR and WoW are the easiest to learn of the group.  And GW2 and LOTRO are the two best-looking games of the group.  

  • OdyssesOdysses Member Posts: 581
    I'm surprised more people haven't suggested LoTRO.  Especially since the OP prefers PVE over PVP.  It's free, great story, decent populations and friendly community.
  • VicodinTacoVicodinTaco Member UncommonPosts: 804
    Originally posted by StarryEyedGamer


    That's one interesting chart. image

    Any opinions on my new anime mmorpg question would be greatly appreciated!

    Try Mabinogi AND Eden Eternal!  Just start downloading already they are free!  


    I tried Eden Eternal the other night for the first time and I wasn't impressed at all with the fluidity of movement and combat so I was kinda stopped in my tracks.  Will try again eventually though but I'm super addicted to Path of Exile currently.


    I've heard Mabinogi is a super underrated game that actually gets fairly deep and complex the farther you go into it.  Not sure though as I have never played.  I hope to try this title out myself before Mabinogi 2 comes out.  It is one of the few mmorpg's that have at least some mainstream appeal that I haven't tried yet.

  • tommygunzIItommygunzII Member Posts: 321
    FFXIV: ARR. Try everything else before playing FFXIV: ARR so that you know you're not missing out on anything. In my opinion there isn't a better game for newbies because it treats you like a baby early and punishes you like a veteran later.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,121
    Originally posted by StarryEyedGamer

    Hello! image

    Would any of you be able to recommend a first MMO/MMORPG for me?

    I've only ever played single-player adventure/RPG games for console other than Skyrim on PC, so I'm a complete newbie when it comes to choosing.


    I would like one that has:

    * A friendly, decent-sized community

    * A lot of quests to keep me engaged in the story/lore/world

    * A decent story (I know this isn't a console game, so it doesn't have to be amazing)

    * I care more about PVE than I do PVP, though I'll try it; so I'd like a lot of "endgame" options that aren't just killing other players, haha.

    * Cutscenes once in a while if possible...voice acting/dialog choices not a selling point since I love games like Zelda where you don't talk at all, really.

    * Fantasy of some sort

    * Decent graphics....think along lines of LoZ: Twilight Princess/ Skyward Sword rather than Majora's Mask/Ocarina of Time. Doesn't have to be anime looking, though.

    * F2P, or B2P if I must.



    P.S. My rig is as follows (just in case you want to know):

    i5 2500k 3.30ghz

    AMD HD Radeon 6670 1GB DDR3 (plan to upgrade this if able with my wattage)

    600 watts

    8 GB RAM

    750+ hard drive space



    Thanks for any help/tips you give, and I hope to get to know all of you! image

    I realize you said "fantasy" but I'll put in a plug for "The Secret World". It's a very good game.Has all of what you said and the quests (for the most part) are excellent.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • iridescenceiridescence Member UncommonPosts: 1,552
    Originally posted by RebelScum99

    This is terrible advice for a newcomer.  Do you want her to run away screaming from mmos forever?  Eve has possibly the steepest learning curve in all of MMOs, and Wushu is a complete mess to try and explain, particularly with the piss-poor translations. 


    The learning curve in EVE isn't bad if you pick one thing and specialize in it. It's much more lifelike than other MMOs in that way. Trying to master the whole game is stupid and impossible for a new player but you can get really good at one or two aspects of it in a fairly short time.


    I think everyone should try EVE just to know that it's an alternative to all the WoW clones. If you don't like it after the free trial is up. Fine, at least you can say you've tried. If you do play though, getting into a noob friendly corporation early can be a big help.


    Wushu is pretty fun as well except for the gold spammers. You just respawn when ppl kill you in that game so it's not like griefers can do much and she mentioned she likes Asian things so Wushu might be right up her alley.


  • MaquiameMaquiame Member UncommonPosts: 1,073
    You can't go wrong with final fantasy 14, trust me it fits what you want.

    If you're interested in roleplaying I can also guide you to a nice server that has it if you are interested.


    Any mmo worth its salt should be like a good prostitute when it comes to its game world- One hell of a faker, and a damn good shaker!

  • Ender4Ender4 Member UncommonPosts: 2,247

    Originally posted by Odysses
    I'm surprised more people haven't suggested LoTRO.  Especially since the OP prefers PVE over PVP.  It's free, great story, decent populations and friendly community.

    I personally would not suggest an older MMORPG just because they all feel so dated. LOTRO isn't what I'd call one of the better older MMORPG either so that is a double whammy for me.

    As for Rift vs GW2 content I think we are just talking about two different things. GW2 has more open world zones, it has more dungeons especially if you include Fractals. It has more options for PvP. It has a ton of little mini games, jumping puzzles etc. Rift might have more hours of replay for someone but pure content they are at best even.

    Rift is very compact funneling a ton of quests into small areas with insanely high mob densities and it filters everyone down the same path every time you play it. GW2 is much more open and spread out.

  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455

    i would agree with the above comparison of GW2 and Rift. It isn't clear that Rift has a "much more content"  than GW2.  I suppose if you just want content then go with EQ or EQ2.  But as has been mentioned, I would steer clear of older MMOs since they can be frustrating for someone new.  Also, Eve and Age of Wushu are terrible suggestions for a newcomer.  Supposedly  Eve is trying to rectify that problem, but I am not yet convinced.



  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722

    GW2 is a good choice, also TSW (The Secret World) is a nice choice, specially if you can find a deal for TSW on steam or amazon. Definitelly worth checking. And both are B2P with decent cash shop and no content limitations.


    For F2P, unfortunately i dont know what to recommend. I would say Rift but it gets boring fast because the questing is too generic and uninspired (or uninspiring, whatever you call that word) :/

  • monochrome19monochrome19 Member UncommonPosts: 723
    Wizard 101...
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