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Guild Wars 2: WvW Season 1 to Kick Off in October

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

ArenaNet has announced that Guild Wars 2 World vs World Season 1 will officially kick off on October 18th. Some alterations in the way worlds are split in North America have been made with a refund of all spent points coming October 1st.

After careful consideration of feedback, we’ve decided to make some changes to both the timing of the inagurual season and the composition of leagues. We decided that it made more sense to split North America into three leagues, much like Europe. In the case of North America, the top six worlds will comprise the gold league and will battle each other in a clash of titans over a seven week period. The silver and bronze leagues will be made up of nine worlds each and will function exactly the same as the European leagues. We’ve made this change in order to have more competitive matches over the course of the season, while still retaining the variety of matching up with a wide swath of worlds during the season.

Read more on the Guild Wars 2 site.




  • AlomarAlomar Member RarePosts: 1,299
    Ehh, it's a step in the right direction but too late to entice me to come back. Best of luck to em, just too casual oriented for me.
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  • illspawnillspawn Member UncommonPosts: 81
    I still play and only WvW. However, they have failed at balance issues severely and have yet to find a way to stop the mentality and game play of zerg=win. 
  • DF08SaidDF08Said Member UncommonPosts: 25

    I get sad everytime i see a update on GW2 its a game i really wanted to love! since i loved GW1.. but i didnt really get caught in by GW2.. makes me sad i really really tried to like this game, it has everything that u could want. really hard core Updates, Good Community and a Perfect game but still =/ really didnt enjoy it for some reason. tried to give it alot of chances.. didnt really cut it... 

    how do u guys play this game? i really dont understand how to have fun in this game..

  • nickster29nickster29 Member Posts: 486

    I kind of feel the same as the poster above me, I don't know what it is about Guild Wars 2, but I just cannot seem to enjoy it.  This came as a surprise to me since I really enjoyed Guild Wars 1.

  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455

    I think that is the problem:  You enjoyed Guild Wars 1.  I played Guild Wars 1 but I didn't really enjoy it.  I kept thinking if only they changed this and that about the game.  Maybe someone was listening because my changes were put into GW2. I absolutely love GW2 and have been playing it consistently since launch.


    Now, WvW is another matter. I do love WvW but these leagues are a bit ridiculous.  We already  know the winners.  The server who fields the highest numbers consistently will win.  I'm on Tarnished Coast and we can field large numbers, but not across all hours of the day.  We are very lacking for some times of the day.   I still find WvW fun but these leagues just seem a waste to me. 

  • OldMMOGamerOldMMOGamer Member UncommonPosts: 100
    WvW is very popular as well as spvp, the leagues will be fun and do well.  
  • mCalvertmCalvert Member CommonPosts: 1,283
    Wish I could transfer to a lower tier server before then. I don't like being on the #1 server.
  • EndoRobotoEndoRoboto Member Posts: 275
    Its not just them. I never played Guild Wars 1 but i did play GW2 and what a waste of 60 that was. As was said earlier, it's just too casual in the wrong ways.
  • orbitxoorbitxo Member RarePosts: 1,956
    Originally posted by DF08Said

    I get sad everytime i see a update on GW2 its a game i really wanted to love! since i loved GW1.. but i didnt really get caught in by GW2.. makes me sad i really really tried to like this game, it has everything that u could want. really hard core Updates, Good Community and a Perfect game but still =/ really didnt enjoy it for some reason. tried to give it alot of chances.. didnt really cut it... 

    how do u guys play this game? i really dont understand how to have fun in this game..

    lol- same here.

    I just unintsalled it from my main comp this weekend. (was a sad moment) to make room for other games.

    i do have it still on my back up comp. incase somethign cool araises in the near future-love the game, just not their direction.

  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    I have been thinking about coming back to GW2 just to see what has happened. I ended up getting burnt out around level 67 on my ranger just because I was exploring everything and attempting to do everything. But last time I came back I learned you had to stay on your own server and couldn't leave it unless you payed gems, so I couldn't attempt to go to a higher populated server and just ended up getting mad.
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