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Minecraft can be played as an MMO

Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549

Minecraft can be played as an MMO.

You have to find an online server that suits you. They have differing characteristics (Survivor mode, creative mode, PvP, etc.).

Most servers offer various benefits if you pay for them.

In a sense, it's the best sandbox MMO there is. Compared to Minecraft, a lot of 'traditional sandbox MMOs' like EvE and Darkfall seem to play more like simulators.

For example, some servers allow you to protect (and build on) a certain amont of land. (The down-side with this specific arrangement is that over time a lot of magnificent structures fall empty and become permanent.)



  • NakedFuryNakedFury Member UncommonPosts: 411
    If it can be a mmo I must say it is the one with the most horrible combat EVER, you wont find a more horrible chat system either, can be hacked to damn easy and with nametag over characters that can be seen through blocks and the world it offers zero pvp challenge.


  • TheLizardbonesTheLizardbones Member CommonPosts: 10,910

    Originally posted by Robokapp
    how's the endgame ?

    With the right mods, never ending.

    I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.

  • KomandorKomandor Member Posts: 272
    Wonderful pvp, but easy to hack with Nodus.

    Keep on rockin'!image

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    Isn't worm already minecraft as an mmo ? ( I've never played either )
  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079

    There's one big, big problem with looking at Minecraft as an MMO (so much so that I feel like naming a syndrome after it).  The problem is that the server isn't owned by Mojang, even Nexon, or Guild Software, etc... it's (probably) in some guy's apartment who has a real full time job or else lives with his parents.  This guy can do whatever he feels like doing to the server, with impunity.  Corporate social responsibility? Please! Free-market? I'll look elsewhere.  Here's why:

    I've personally built a house, dug out a secret hiding-cave beneath the floorboards of the bedroom for my swag, discovered the cave was actually a cave-network that led into the fiery abyss, got lost, started digging my way out, eventually emerged days later on a plateau overlooking a distant civilization, made a sign that said "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here" and designed a walkway leading to a major road with a signpost at the fork saying "Devil's Belly Caverns 1.4km" (I actually measured this)...

    Only to find next week that there was a server reset (clean wipe) because they decided to add wolves, or something...

    ...this happened on 2 occasions, and I came to the realization that this probably wasn't a game I'd want to continue investing time in.

    Minecraft is not, and will never be an MMO; it is a fun, extremely well designed peer-to-peer game.

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • PrayrPrayr Member UncommonPosts: 267
    Originally posted by Phaserlight

    There's one big, big problem with looking at Minecraft as an MMO (so much so that I feel like naming a syndrome after it).  The problem is that the server isn't owned by Mojang, even Nexon, or Guild Software, etc... it's (probably) in some guy's apartment who has a real full time job or else lives with his parents.  This guy can do whatever he feels like doing to the server, with impunity.  Corporate social responsibility? Please! Free-market? I'll look elsewhere.  Here's why:

    I've personally built a house, dug out a secret hiding-cave beneath the floorboards of the bedroom for my swag, discovered the cave was actually a cave-network that led into the fiery abyss, got lost, started digging my way out, eventually emerged days later on a plateau overlooking a distant civilization, made a sign that said "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here" and designed a walkway leading to a major road with a signpost at the fork saying "Devil's Belly Caverns 1.4km" (I actually measured this)...

    Only to find next week that there was a server reset (clean wipe) because they decided to add wolves, or something...

    ...this happened on 2 occasions, and I came to the realization that this probably wasn't a game I'd want to continue investing time in.

    Minecraft is not, and will never be an MMO; it is a fun, extremely well designed peer-to-peer game.

    Let me start by saying that your story is precisely why I play the game. Love the adventure, never know what you will find and like you said exploring the cave system for days... done it many many times.


    The server you played on is the issue, not the game itself. I have been playing on one of the most realistic game servers I have seen. The game includes 3d models of machines, not a square box with a name on it that does something. There are so many different types of trees, ores, tools, the server I play on is persistent, no wipes. When updates come out, they go into the code and dont change anything to do with world gen so no reason to wipe the slate clean. Just finished digging a rail system that is over 4000m in length with powered carts and working stations without using railcraft. 

    The machines take many many steps to create the components to assemble into machines. They require fuel to run that is only found through refining oil and coal.


    I have only been playing minecraft for a few months, and this is the farthest thing from that demo vanilla version I started on. Have a look for yourself.


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