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[Editorial] Guild Wars 2: A Guild Wars 2 Expansion Wish List



  • illyanaillyana Member UncommonPosts: 614
    my heart jumped upon seeing the Nightfall art and the Dervish once again

    Have fun storming the castle! - Miracle Max

  • NotoriousXNotoriousX Member UncommonPosts: 197
    yep i though we dont need mounts in GW2 but after playing WvWvW for 3 days in a row...i am tired of walikg there man! mounts for WvW at least...for pve we dont need it, too many portals are good enough

    Tormented echoes of a fallen Eden
    I longed for her beauty
    Yet from dust, she returned
    The dream, an enigma.... silent


  • Swedish_ChefSwedish_Chef Member Posts: 213

    Add mounts, bring back multiclassing (the only decent feature of GW1 IMO), and make characters feel more heroic & less squishy. My sword and board warrior shouldn't have to dodge & bounce around like a ping pong ball in a clothes dryer just to survive a couple of even-level regular mobs.

    That's about it.

  • khamul787khamul787 Member UncommonPosts: 193
    This thread is kinda funny. The point is what you want added in an expansion, not "how would you change the core philosophy of the game and make it completely different from what it is."


  • DracondisDracondis Member UncommonPosts: 177
    I don't think that Trinity would add to the game, but I do miss aggro management abilities.  Really, the mobs bounce between targets with no rhyme or reason, and that is annoying.
  • djazzydjazzy Member Posts: 3,578

    the majority of the mobs aggro is pretty predictable, just have to be observant

    the worst skill in any mmo is the taunt skill, it completely trivializes encounters

  • therez0therez0 Member Posts: 379

    Forget Guild Halls, I want Guild Airships (which, BTW is what they have been hinting at with the Aetherblades and the Zephyr Sanctum). 

    GvG becomes incredible airship fights; each class has its own special bonus for the ship when manning a position. Put your guardian as helmsman and you get a def. bonus, or put your engineer there and your main gun now gets a better targeting system.  Come along-side the enemy ship, ready your rangers and thieves for a boarding party.  All hope lost? Time for ramming speed.

    I find it highly likely that guild airships and the tengu will be released at the same time; the start area for the tengu is the Dominion of Wind.

  • goemoegoemoe Member UncommonPosts: 293
    I would welcome an expansion any day but after seeing the content in the living world, I as much fear it, as I would love to get my fingers on it. Maybe they put together all the stuff they work on in the background and announce something soon. I doubt it though.
  • ThorkuneThorkune Member UncommonPosts: 1,969
    Originally posted by Rockniss
    Trinity to enhance pve, 5 total factions, and real open world pvp.

    I am another pro-trinity player. The trinity style is much better than the hack and slash/zerg style.

  • SiphaedSiphaed Member RarePosts: 1,114

    The few things I'll say about the article:



    - New Classes? Um, isn't 8  good enough?   Plus, there's the fact that A.Net is going to add additional weapon eventually, beyond unlocking current weapon sets to classes that currently cannot use them (Elementalist with a Greatsword? Yes please!)


    - New Zones? Yes and no.  I really don't want to do a Canthan campaign. I'm sorry all the GW1 players have nostalgia for what boils down to a fantasy China rip-off, but  that shouldn't be a reason to add it.  Current lore states that Cantha blocked it's borders after Orr's rise to all outsiders.    I'd rather see an expansion into the far north area from which the Koden come from.  Either that, or Verdant Forests/Maguuma Wastes (basically expanding further lands out from the Asura, Sylvari, and Krytan territories, bringing more to their stories as well.


    -Mounts?  NO MOUNTS!  Seriously....seriously, just "no".   There's no need to ride smelly, brutish animals around in Tyria (plus, they might offend certain races).  Same goes for mechanical mounts too.   It just doesn't fit.


    -Guild Halls:   The point of Guild Halls in GW1 was that they were foundation points for GuildvsGuild fighting.  But GW2 doesn't have GvsG because it has World vs World.  A.Net has put a lot of time and resources into WvW; as one developer has already mentioned, if GvG was put in, it would significantly take away from WvW mess up the game's WvW.  GvG wasn't very inclusive, which GW2 is trying to be inclusive in basically everything it does. Without GvG, a Guild Hall is nothing but a meeting place; hardly worth the resources to create.   If a Guild wants an in-game meeting place (considering most use VOIP systems for meeting anyways), they could use a number of pubs located in one of the 1/2 dozen cities in the game.



    -Tengu or Koden:  No and Yes.  I would love to see the Koden as a playable race.  All the animations are already in the game right now (there's a transformation potion that can transform you into a Koden and you can do /dance and a few other emotes too).   There's a lot of lore to the race and they're a very interesting culture.   The problem I see with the Tengu is that they have those arm-feathers that wouldn't work properly with any current or future armor sets; that's besides their oddly shaped head with protruding beak.    I can think of many interesting abilities that they could have as racial skills (Elementalist Tornado would work perfectly as a Tengu racial called "spinning feathers"), but it's still that they just don't work as playable.  Also, their race isn't very inclusive and is rather hostile towards others as a whole; counter to that, the Koden are split with quite a few embracing working with the other races while few are reluctant to give them the time of day.

  • SnigerknudSnigerknud Member UncommonPosts: 60

    I would love to see "underworld" again and the other special "raid" dungeons as we had in GW1.

    The I would love to have a Guild hall so we could do some Guild vs Guild that was one of the most fun things to do in GW1.

    And I would love to go "farm" for special skills (elite) as we did in GW1..

    Mounts could be nice ;)

    And ofc open up the rest of the world like the desert etc.. 

  • MaurgrimMaurgrim Member RarePosts: 1,331
    Originally posted by Soki123
    Trinity dumbs down pve, LOL. I have never played a more dumbed down game as GW2. Now GW2 is adding in raids, I m sure a trinity of some sort is on it s way eventually. Before anyone says it won t happen, take a look at what GW2 was supposed to be, and how it s slowly going the way of a real MMO.


    So a "real" MMO must have trinity and raids is that it?

  • MaurgrimMaurgrim Member RarePosts: 1,331
    Originally posted by Thorkune
    Originally posted by Rockniss
    Trinity to enhance pve, 5 total factions, and real open world pvp.

    I am another pro-trinity player. The trinity style is much better than the hack and slash/zerg style.





















    Yeah It's so much fun image

    Atleast in GW2 everyone can switch role and pay a lot more atention what's going on around you and not press your role buttons.

    True some aspects of GW2  are zerg fest, mostly open world bosses that hasent been rewamped yet, but in dungeons, you are allready dead if you think zerg dps tactic will work every time.

  • Methos12Methos12 Member UncommonPosts: 1,244
    I'd love to see GvG back but I get their reasoning why it's not in GW2 right now. Unless you were one of those players who were really into it, GvG was a mystery to a vast majority of players because they couldn't just jump in and jump out of it like they can with WvW. Not to mention that casual players have largely different relationships with guilds compared to hardcore players.
    Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
  • daltaniousdaltanious Member UncommonPosts: 2,381
    What I would love to see is return of classic quest hubs. Random events and hearts are total fail. Fun at start but later main reason i left Gw2. Incredibly unfun is that random jumping from heart to heart, from area to area in search/need for anything (including "random" events) to progress leveling. Love actually that player level is scaled down to area ... but on the other side where is fun getting equipment from reward suited for lv. 5 when you are 50. At least also drops should scale. Nothing - imo - beats here old good quest hub system.
  • muffins89muffins89 Member UncommonPosts: 1,585

    different weapon choices for the professions. 

    more skills per weapon and the ability to choose which of those skills we slot into our hotbars.

    the game is fun at times.  but I become bored because of the lack of choices.  certain trait builds (at least the ones I like) almost require you to equip certain weapons.  some of which I do not like.  (necro axe,   Mesmer staff) 

    let us pick the skills we want to use and allow us to also use the weapons we want.

  • liva98989liva98989 Member UncommonPosts: 252
    I VOTE FOR MORE ARMOR! In the next expansion. For god sake they already have a lot of armor added in, but still you only got like 10 sets of armor to choose from. (And that is not a lot tbh. compared to how many are playing.)


  • zastenzasten Member Posts: 283

    Sorry, but now that I get dc'ed in every major battle, gw2 is no longer on my long term play list!

    If they fix it, this may change...

  • TekaelonTekaelon Member UncommonPosts: 604

    When ANet announced they would be removing the trinity from GW2 I was excited. I had played plenty of games with that mechanic and was looking forward to trying something different. A year later I must admit that result was disappointing.

    In GW2 DPS is king. You don't have to coordinate with your group to take down enemies, just apply the most potent skill combinations to burn through their massive health pool. Plus there is the LoS (Line of site) problem where players hide in a corner using the same skill combos while simultaneously reviving anyone that goes down. The trinity doesn't dumb the game down, its already there.

    Before the rage starts, I am not suggesting reinstate the trinity. However an updated group mechanic that makes healing and CC a vital part group content would be nice.

  • HalandirHalandir Member UncommonPosts: 773

    I will be quite happy with an expansion that expands on what GW2 is instead of another stupid foray into what it's not.

    Sure I would prefer GvG, dualclassing and/or more weaponchoices over mounts ANYDAY - But as long as trinity, gearprogression and such is out: I'm in!


    We dont need casuals in our games!!! Errm... Well we DO need casuals to fund and populate our games - But the games should be all about "hardcore" because: We dont need casuals in our games!!!
    (repeat ad infinitum)

  • AlomarAlomar Member RarePosts: 1,299
    One word: CAPES/CLOAKS
    Haxus Council Member
    21  year MMO veteran 
    PvP Raid Leader 
    Lover of The Witcher & CD Projekt Red
  • ZeGermanZeGerman Member UncommonPosts: 211
    Originally posted by Murdus

    Trinity doesn't necessarily dumb down PvE. And it wouldn't in GW2 either. Mobs are still going to drop huge AoE's and dodging is going to be of utmost importance in the game always.

    But... that is the only thing that PvE is about these days in GW2. There's no healing, no -crucial- support roles (especially levels 1-79, it is totally completely non-existent).

    Imagine playing a Kodan Monk, dodging huge attacks, and non-tab-target healing teammates as THEY dodge and run around. Talk about a full time, action packed job. Throw some interesting buffs (shield on friendly if attacked knocks opponoent(s) back). Make it fun. Keep the players moving, like we currently do. Use cooldowns to make dodging necessary (no spam healing).

    It can be implemented into GW2 and would change group content forever, for the better.

    It won't happen, because everyone (as seen here) hates it... but PvE in Guild Wars 2 is a little too simple without it. You deal damage, and you dodge. -yawn-

    Have you even played an elementalist? The water form is exactly what you are talking about in your section on support/healing the difference is the class can also do a bit of dammage when heals arent required.

    The problem with PvE in GW2 is not the trinity its that the mobs just arent smart enough or strong enough because it is a PvP and story centric game, the dungeons were clearly just add-ons to get you gear and exp to get through the rest of that stuff.  They are now trying to change that with things like the new dragon fights which is great and with the next patch they are doing that with dungeons too.  If every dungeon was like CoF where noob groups wipe constantly on the bubbles or add rush bosses then noone would be complaining cause it would be like pve in other games.

    And lastly yes the trinity does dumb down games, that doesn't that games that use the trinity can't find other ways to be difficult but you will have a very very very hard time proving to somebody that if you removed tank aggro system from an mmo the combat would not become more difficult.  People often accosiate heals with the problem with trinity but really its tanks that are the problem.  The only times I ever found a dungeon in Aion or WoW or Rift challenging is when im heals or cc and the tank sucks.  If the tank is good its almost always a cake walk.

  • ZeGermanZeGerman Member UncommonPosts: 211
    Originally posted by Maurgrim
    Originally posted by Thorkune
    Originally posted by Rockniss
    Trinity to enhance pve, 5 total factions, and real open world pvp.

    I am another pro-trinity player. The trinity style is much better than the hack and slash/zerg style.





















    Yeah It's so much fun image

    Atleast in GW2 everyone can switch role and pay a lot more atention what's going on around you and not press your role buttons.

    True some aspects of GW2  are zerg fest, mostly open world bosses that hasent been rewamped yet, but in dungeons, you are allready dead if you think zerg dps tactic will work every time.


    Agreed only time ive ever found a trinity base dungeon challenging is when people are undergeared or the tank is bad, those should not be the only determing factors.  If you have a team of geared idiots and a semi competent tank in Aion you could run every single boss.  As someone who almost always plays cc or heals i can say that the battles are so much more fun when the tank cant hold aggro and i am challenged to balance my heals and ccs accross more targets.


    I wouldn't mind adding support classes to GW2 that would allow you to increase the intelligence of mobs and would add more dynamic combat to WvW and PvP as well but I really hope they never even consider adding an agro based tank to the game.

  • ZeroxinZeroxin Member UncommonPosts: 2,515
    Originally posted by ZeGerman
    Originally posted by Maurgrim
    Originally posted by Thorkune
    Originally posted by Rockniss
    Trinity to enhance pve, 5 total factions, and real open world pvp.

    I am another pro-trinity player. The trinity style is much better than the hack and slash/zerg style.





















    Yeah It's so much fun image

    Atleast in GW2 everyone can switch role and pay a lot more atention what's going on around you and not press your role buttons.

    True some aspects of GW2  are zerg fest, mostly open world bosses that hasent been rewamped yet, but in dungeons, you are allready dead if you think zerg dps tactic will work every time.


    Agreed only time ive ever found a trinity base dungeon challenging is when people are undergeared or the tank is bad, those should not be the only determing factors.  If you have a team of geared idiots and a semi competent tank in Aion you could run every single boss.  As someone who almost always plays cc or heals i can say that the battles are so much more fun when the tank cant hold aggro and i am challenged to balance my heals and ccs accross more targets.


    I wouldn't mind adding support classes to GW2 that would allow you to increase the intelligence of mobs and would add more dynamic combat to WvW and PvP as well but I really hope they never even consider adding an agro based tank to the game.

    I'm hoping the upcoming dungeon improves mechanics and makes support more of a crucial thing. Canach's Lair Golem boss required more support than usual, and I'd like that to be the norm in more dungeons.

    This is not a game.

  • neurojameneurojame Member Posts: 26

    A few things I'd like to see...

    1. Areas near water in WvW in which you could pan for a unique crafting material only when your server owned that area. You could also set up sluice boxes, azuran mining equipment etc. When you take it over from another server you would destroy their mining operation.

    2. Bar fights please- Breaking furniture over each others heads and jabbing each other with broken bottles. Now that would be a real norn mini-game.

    3. Results of battles changing the environment- I agree with the article on this one. If you can't destroy the dragon let it fly over and torch a town. Now you have to put out the fires, rebuild the city and defend it from bandit looters. Now those would be some consequences! 

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