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I can't help but feel like this game is being made by has-beens with out dated ideas being branded as "innovations".
Tracy Hickman and Marg Weis were favorite fantasy authors when I was a kid (I mean c'mon, Raistlin is basically the mage version of a teenage power fantasy character.) and I have a lot of respect fro them as writers, but their best work was in the 90s and has suffered since, imo.
The same goes for Richard Garriott - he was a pioneer, all credit to him and UO for being an AMAZING game for it's time despite the fact that I don't like him as a person - but I feel like this game is drudging up OLD game concepts for the sake of nostalgia and not for the sake that they were good.
Obviously these are just initial opinions after first hearing/reading about this game, I have no idea wether this game is going to bomb horribly or be a major success.
Bring on the angry responses.
Well there is old game school and then there is old game feel. Example is this guys game he is making by himself that takes inspiration from zelda
Its stunning what one person can do.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Give me a break, it's not even a MMO.
I think Ultima Online was revolutionary when it was released. A year later SOE released Everquest which was also revolutionary but ever since then almost every MMO on the market has been rehashing the Everquest level grinding model over and over and over and frankly I am sick to death with it.
Shroud of the Avatar is an MMO, and it is a single player game too. From what I have seen and heard of the game, it is the only MMO game I can think of that isn't using the same dated ideas as everyone else.
I haven't looked forward to a game this much in years.
I think its going to bomb and Ive been gaming for 20 years .
I decided not to back it because as someone who wants to play a crafter the 750$ knight house is pretty much the minimum requirement since citizen houses wont have an expert crafting station and public crafting hall requires long runs to use and limited by pack space.
Also I was concerned about how the game would change once the 2.0 mill stretch goal was reached. In every other game that has this mechanic, single player content suffers and high level crafting might require forced guilding to succeed.
Yuba Dragon
Fixed that for you.
EvE is way ahead of what they are trying to do here.
I'll definitely get this game as it incorporates much of what I remember from Ultima Online and the ideas that seem to have been lost with the insurgence of people who started playing MMOs with World of Warcraft and the like.
The new age me is wondering if I like the fact that some important crafting areas will have PvP in it. The me from 13 years ago wants to show me this video in response to that:
Most won't give it a chance because of it's graphics, but this will likely be old school incarnite in many different ways. Is there a place for that in the market? I think so, but only time will tell.
I think the graphics you have seen is placeholder stuff not the finished style at all.
I'd much rather have an old school game like UO than today's quest grinding with exclamations and question marks over npc's heads. Bring me an updated UO/AC/DAOC and I'm in.
The only reason I didn't donate for Shrouds of the Avatar was it's not an mmo. I'm glad it funded though for those that wanted it.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
I always have a bit of a chuckle when I hear people refer to Shroud of the Avatar`s kickstarter rewards as ``pay to win``. Houses are in no way limited to the KS backers exclusively. The only difference (aside from the purely cosmetic) between the KS houses and the non-KS houses is that the KS houses will not require any in game upkeep fees.
Portalarium hasn`t finalized what the in game housing fees will be for non-KS houses but they stated that paying them will not be an issue for even a modestly active player. Their only real purpose is to help ensure the world is not littered with abandened houses owned by inactive players.
The option to buy a pre-leveled character in Ultima Online as EA currently allows is "pay to win", what Portalarium offered their early supporters hardly qualifies.
What do you mean OP?
Original Ultima Online (without Trammel) is pretty much the best MMORPG in the market right now. The only reason it isn't popular is due to carebare idiots who prefer lame WoW-type of games and outdated graphics.
All Richard needs to do is recreate UO with fresh graphics and the best MMORPG will be reborn.
But I think he will chicken out and introduce item based game with safe zones and limited PVP, thus destroying the potential.
Keep on rockin'!
And PvP is teaming with so much potential. People play these games for personal reasons and PvP is usually the least likely candidate to inspire adventurous potential. PvP is such a niche market audience that it has no possible future growth.
Sandbox means open world, non-linear gaming PERIOD!
Subscription Gaming, especially MMO gaming is a Cash grab bigger then the most P2W cash shop!
Bring Back Exploration and lengthy progression times. RPG's have always been about the Journey not the destination!!!
What do you mean $750? You will have to pay real life money for castles? That is lame. That is pay to win. That is - game failed.
Keep on rockin'!
You're in denial. I played UO recently just to try it out and I have to say most people may remember it as being innovative and fun but it's the grindiest boring game I've ever played. Most of the time spent playing the game is spent spamming skills over and over to level them. Absolutely boring gameplay in my opinion.
Do you realize how little $2 million is in development? That would barely cover a good marketing campaign.
This is looking more and more like a turd with a very thin veneer of gold paint to me, and very much a kickstarter I was happy to avoid.
If I am wrong, and this game actually comes out (which I am skeptical it will) and it doesn't suck, then I will gladly eat crow, but it just looks like a scam to me.
Why does it look like a scam to you?
Well it is a hunch more than fact. People are paying a LOT of money, up front, for a product that is either in a game, or available in a game for a lot less money. This huge chunk of money is being sworn to give you an advantage in the game, but at the same time, the amount of money being asked form seems hardly enough to do a good job in developing the game.
The fact that it does not seem like RG is asking for enough to do the job, makes it feel like a touch of fraud to me. Plus, just the things others have said.
But then I have grown pretty distrustful of crowdsourcing on the whole anyway. Loads of promises get swept aside and there always seem to be HUGE delays when the products are delivered. Guess I am just jaded.
It's enough to build a foundation, and a tech demo to secure more funding. However, they're using the Unity Engine, which might allow them to cut a lot of the usual costs for development. There was an article somewhere about how getting assets for a Unity game is much easier than for custom engines or other commercial engines. It also looks like they are cutting some corners with the 'open world' thing, which could save them a lot of money.
Something else to keep in mind is that Garriott guy has dumped a bunch of his own money into the game. A million or two million dollars isn't the development budget, it's the amount of money that's telling him whether or not SotA is worth his time to make.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Why would people think virtual real estate would work any different from real estate in the real world? It's the single most valuable asset in nearly any virtual world game or system. Of course they are going to try and sell it.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Yeah I see a lack of facts out there on this site about this game, it is unfortunate.
I've listened to all of the videos and chats and bla bla bla, I haven't actually even discovered a reason to buy a freakin house. I have one because I donated to get in on the Dev+ stuff they are going to be cranking up soon and because I know Richard Garriott is going to make a great game.
The house is a wank feature, it isn't that important, everything you get in a house another player will have access to publicly in any case. Seriously the only thing I think that the KS guys are given an exit to is your plot tax, and wow big deal. It will be comparable to many other MMOs out there I'd bet, you could earn your weekly tax with one hour of play, I really don't see the huge problem with housing in SotA.
When and if they start screwing us on promises I'll be right there with a pitchfork next to you, promise, I'll have a picture of that for my blog too. Until they start doing that however, I'm not going to expect it because I'm not a jaded twat.