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GTA V is so disappointing.

tixylixtixylix Member UncommonPosts: 1,288

I just don't see how the reviewers overlooked all the problems with the game. They always do this, I end up playing a game and wondering how it got perfect reviews. I thought Bioshock Infinite's problems were obvious, the gameplay wasn't fun, it felt dated and I couldn't believe in the story when I was killing thousands of waves of A.I. It just felt like such a cop out in game design, you have Portal 2 doing something amazing and totally different, they could have so easily made it into a shooter, yet they took a risk and made a whole game that was so different. Then you have Bioshock Infinite and it just decided to be a shooter, not even a good one, it felt worse than Bioshock (on PC) in terms of controls and it made no sense to the story. The Last of us as well, the opening was amazing, what I wanted from a Zombie SP game, then it just turned into every other TPS where you kill waves of enemies........... I'm so bored of mindless shooting in games, the stories have outgrown the dated mechanics. I'd much rather a 10 hour game based on the first 20 mins of The Last of Us, than the rest of it that was based on GeOW.


On to GTA V though, I just find the game so generic and the map really disappointing. First of all it feels in no way bigger than GTA:SA, RDR and GTA 4 combined, it feels really small, I was expecting more. That isn't even the problem, I'm just bored of having this big world and yet I still cannot go in most of the buildings, I find it frustrating running around looking for a building that hasn't just got textures for windows. I just want it to be like an Elder Scrolls game where I can break into peoples houses and mess around with the A.I, GTA V has none of that, the world doesn't feel full of like as a result, it just feels like loads of randomly spawned NPCs. 

Then I hate the game mechanics, like the shooting isn't as bad this time around but I still find the movement to be really slow and clunky, it's as if you're fighting the animation of your character, or he has a turning circle of a truck. The stealth mode sucks, it's barely any different and it's hard to tell if you're in it or not, you end up clicking a few times to just make sure. I want to go stealth mode like Hitman, however in reality it doesn't work like that and most fights just end up in mindless shoot outs. Like why can't I strip people and wear their clothes to blend in like Hitman? I want to be able to fool the A.I... you just cannot do that in missions. 

Why has the driving model been dumbed down? It was amazing in GTA 4 and it's like they just turned it back to what it used to be. Cars don't damage as much as GTA 4 either and if you try to they'll randomly explode, they give you no warning like catching on fire like previous GTA games, it's so annoying. Most the time my car wheels will get damaged and I cannot drive any more but the car will look totally fine... I WANNA BE ABLE TO WRECK CARS AGAIN! 

Why does my character get killed so easily now? Seriously you have a crash and you'll die, a few shots from an NPC and you'll die, the slightest fall and you die. I want to be able to mess about but all the time I just die so fast and it takes the fun out of it. Why whenever I die, I cannot watch my character fall until he stops, no it just respawns straight away... IT SUCKS!

None of the characters are likeable, they're all crazy and one dimensional, all the women in the game are one dimensional, everything is just a stereotype. What happened to the step forwards they made in GTA 4? That game had way better characters that you could start to relate to, GTA 5 has just decided to go over the top and crazy but it doesn't work like previous GTA games did. They're not funny most of the time, they feel really under developed and any story they did have at the start just gets turned into shit. Like I liked Franklin and Michaels to start with, however their storyline quickly ends for MORE CRAZY WITH TREVOR. Then the game goes over the top and stupid...


I'm just disappointed with the whole game, it feels generic, lots of it feel really dated, it feels like a step back in some cases. I just play the game thinking, I'm done with GTA, I do not need another one. I was expecting some big changes, the city to be more interactive, but it ends up feeling no different to previous GTA games in that respect. I cannot even listen to the radio this time around, most of it is complete crap, there are only like 1 or 2 good stations, no way near as memorable as previous games.... probably because it's a lot of modern music :


oh well.



  • causscauss Member UncommonPosts: 666
    To all it's own. I am halfway through the game right now, and I find the game a-ma-zing. The only thing I'm not sure about is if this is my game of the year, or The Last of Us...
  • totrafinntotrafinn Member Posts: 3
    I agree the map is underwhelming.  It doesn't feel nearly as large as I expected.  The stealth mode is kinda lame as well.  I think the game has the potential to be incredibly fun in the online mode, however.
  • NBlitzNBlitz Member Posts: 1,904
    Originally posted by causs
    To all it's own. I am halfway through the game right now, and I find the game a-ma-zing. The only thing I'm not sure about is if this is my game of the year, or The Last of Us...

    It would have been nice had you tried to counter each issue the OP brought up.

    As it is, I always avoid fanboy comments and reviews and look for the middle road. As the OP brought up some things I would have problems with, this puts me even more on the fence as I was waiting for a PC version anyways.


  • alloinalloin Member UncommonPosts: 135

    people shout for realism -> rockstar delivers -> people want superpowers !

    people want bigger maps -> rockstar delivers -> people want maps bigger than all previous games combined...

    people want more durable cars, more explosions -> rockstar delivers -> people whine that cars don't show enough dmg & blow up too fast

    This is GTA, no ES, no Bioshock, no Hitman, no Last of Us !


    OP only sees the bad things, is never happy and has issues with what most previous GTA titles had, still had and couldn't fix.

    We are all satoshi!
  • describabledescribable Member UncommonPosts: 407
    Originally posted by causs
    To all it's own. I am halfway through the game right now, and I find the game a-ma-zing. The only thing I'm not sure about is if this is my game of the year, or The Last of Us...

    thing with the last of us, is once you play it you have no real need to play it again... it's a great experience with an ending which will make you think, and stay with you... but it's a play once and that's it kinda deal

    GTA 5 is pretty much you can plug in and screw around without worrying about anything. The thing is the last of us shipped with the online content ready to play on day 1.


    The online part doesn't start until october, so the guy obviously just doesn't 'get it' as we've not even seen what's coming around the corner. You can tell, he's dissing the AI.. because you know i put in call of duty last night and found the AI amaz.. wait a minute.. i played an MMO yesterday and found the Ai ama... wait a minute... you know what i played the latest tales game and found the AI ama... wait a minute.

    i sense a trend here. I can mock everything else the OP said.. but basically it boils down to "he didn't get it". fair enough, we're gamers... we won't like every single game. But he's in the minority with this one.


    The one thing i'll say is as we near the end of this generation of consoles, the games have kinda broken the usual. Right now, we're getting games pushing the boundaries of the aging consoles (and they are aged, in console terms). And lets face it, the last of us, bioshock infinite, UFO enemy unknown (not the most recent crap one), GTA 5, .... 


    and still more life yet with a few other games before and after the release of the new  generation.... it's a good time to be a gamer... i just wish i had more time to play everything ;)

    "nothing actually matters, we're just slightly evolved monkeys clinging to a dying piece of rock hurtling through space waiting for our eventual death." - Frankie Boyle, Mock The Week

  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    Originally posted by NBlitz
    Originally posted by causs
    To all it's own. I am halfway through the game right now, and I find the game a-ma-zing. The only thing I'm not sure about is if this is my game of the year, or The Last of Us...

    It would have been nice had you tried to counter each issue the OP brought up.

    As it is, I always avoid fanboy comments and reviews and look for the middle road. As the OP brought up some things I would have problems with, this puts me even more on the fence as I was waiting for a PC version anyways.

    Likewise, the only thing is why GTA V is disappointing is that Rockstar still haven't set a PC release date yet. The series was on PC since the beginning, shame on them for f*king it up with GTA IV and its buggy PC port. Hopefully this time they'll do a better job.


    "if this is my game of the year, or The Last of Us"  lol, it's still amusing to see these type of comments. I'm all about story, and Last of Us had an awesome one indeed, but c'mon, it's not a game... heck it's not even an interactive movie :) True, it's better than their previous works ("hey, look, there's even "crafting" in it, crafting, in huge brackets ;) ").

    In mmo's one of negatives is on-the-rail questing, in Last of Us the whole show is on the rails, with you as a passanger who occasionally get the chance to push some buttons :)

    But yep, the story is well-written and awesomely done.

  • Mr.KujoMr.Kujo Member Posts: 383
    Originally posted by tixylix


    wall of text

    It is hard to understand what you mean, since there are so many contradictions in what you wrote. First you write entire wall of text about all the big changes in the game, and then you write you were expecting some big changes... What? You state how the game is different from the previous titles, and then at the end you summarize that it ends up feeling no different to previous titles. You complain about the lack of realism in car damage, but then you complain about to much realism in player taking damage and movement. So which one is it? Or do you want realism only where you see enjoyable, making the game inconsistent? The game world is technically bigger than any previous map, so if you just don't feel it is, should it be an argument since it actually is? It is a GTA title, and it plays like a GTA game, you want it to be like other games, but you want it to feel like GTA. According to what you wrote, they did add some interesting innovations, but it just so happened you don't "feel" them. Is this a review or rant, or someone describing his emotions to random people, I don't understand.

    I could discuss this more, the ridiculous comparision to Elder Scrolls to begin with, but I don't see any point yet, because it seems you can't put your thoughts into words yourself...or you have split personality...

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227
    Originally posted by tixylix That isn't even the problem, I'm just bored of having this big world and yet I still cannot go in most of the buildings, I find it frustrating running around looking for a building that hasn't just got textures for windows. I just want it to be like an Elder Scrolls game where I can break into peoples houses and mess around with the A.I, GTA V has none of that, the world doesn't feel full of like as a result, it just feels like loads of randomly spawned NPCs. 


    As fun as that would be it would add to the strain the game puts on the computer/console so much you would need to instance the world to small chunks with load times. Not to mention the extra dev time it would take to create all the assets needed to make the apartments feel lived in, and then to place all those things. And then create about 10 mil individual NPC´s and path them in ways that does not make it feel artificial. After all i think you can fit ALL the houses in ES in to a block or three of GTA5


    While i agree that it would be cool, no reasonable person would ever let a thing like that impact their review.

    This have been a good conversation

  • DeivosDeivos Member EpicPosts: 3,692

    Matrix Online had building interiors for their city.


    If that game could pull off an implementation on a hardware standard worse than the 360 (they released same year), then a current title running on the 360 and PS3 should be capable as well.


    In the case of MXO, the interiors were portals. You go in the building and you'd rapidly load in a lobby and then the rest of a randomly generated building based off several tile sets. The tile sets were preloaded in the background of the game and could get called on at any time consequently without having to load more content, making the rapid transition into there generated on the fly places generally seamless in function.


    Other current open world games could pull off a similar design if they wished. All the NPCs wandering about follow the usual suit in such games and are random spawned from a generic cast, you don't need to create any extra NPCs or pathing (save for what's needed for the tile sets). Windows stay the same opaque barriers or props-in-a-frame design they tend to be, but can have environment boxes that relate to the area of the city the building is in.


    It's overplayed with what is actually necessary for creating a city with interiors. This design uses one that carries no permanent data, so as to leave the smallest footprint while still making the world much more traversable and 'real' than it would have otherwise been.


    It's something I personally think would go a long way in making my experiences more satisfying, at the least in regarding the game as more of a world to interact with. It is also however still a game mechanic that one needs to weigh effort versus reward against. Unless the ability to enter every building you see plays into a substantial part of the game, there is little reason to let one do so.


    The game plays in the open world for the most part. That's where pretty much all the content was mapped to. Perhaps it would have been interesting if they included in heist mechanics, the ability to pick any building at random and plot a break-in, but they didn't build their notions around such elements.


    So a bit of a lost opportunity, but without the game play to support the content it would have likely lead to plenty of griping about pointless buildings and wasted space.

    "The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay

    "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227

    But that is not what the OP is asking for. The op is asking for a fully fleshed out world. And i just pointed out it can not be done.


    Your version could work but it would in my mind be even more immersion breaking (City of heroes worked exactly like this... With the hilarious result of you every now and then getting two missions in a row at the same "door" and having two very different looks to the layout.... Lot´s of jokes were made about it.



    This have been a good conversation

  • BigmamajamaBigmamajama Member Posts: 198

    Sounds like your basic console bong smoker game.  I like your reference to turning radius of a truck,  I always refer to games like that as trying to turn a cruise ship around.   Its how console gamepad games are design.   Character control has always been atrocious in these games compared to games designed for PC.  Its like walking around in molasses or being in a dream where you don't really have control of yourself.

    For some reason the consoltards don't even notice or care.

  • BMBenderBMBender Member UncommonPosts: 827

    No radio? wow for such a little thing that added a lot of ambience in previous versions.  How the map may feel "limited" isn't really surprising considering RS has never been big on finishing the sandbox experience.  You gotta stick with Bethesda for that. Simplifying the vehicle aspects I see as a bad decision but time will tell.


    Anyway glad I decided not to bite on they hype, they also helped loose my $ by not offering a PC ver.

  • BMBenderBMBender Member UncommonPosts: 827
    Originally posted by tawess
    Originally posted by tixylix That isn't even the problem, I'm just bored of having this big world and yet I still cannot go in most of the buildings, I find it frustrating running around looking for a building that hasn't just got textures for windows. I just want it to be like an Elder Scrolls game where I can break into peoples houses and mess around with the A.I, GTA V has none of that, the world doesn't feel full of like as a result, it just feels like loads of randomly spawned NPCs. 


    As fun as that would be it would add to the strain the game puts on the computer/console so much you would need to instance the world to small chunks with load times. Not to mention the extra dev time it would take to create all the assets needed to make the apartments feel lived in, and then to place all those things. And then create about 10 mil individual NPC´s and path them in ways that does not make it feel artificial. After all i think you can fit ALL the houses in ES in to a block or three of GTA5


    While i agree that it would be cool, no reasonable person would ever let a thing like that impact their review.

    Perhaps they should contract out with Bethesda for world design then :D

  • firefly2003firefly2003 Member UncommonPosts: 2,527
    Sounds like the OP is the type never happy with any game, but different folks , different strokes.. to be fair , I wish I wouldve waited for GTA V to come out on PC instead of picking it up on PS3.

  • RebelScum99RebelScum99 Member Posts: 1,090
    Originally posted by tixylix

     I'd much rather a 10 hour game based on the first 20 mins of The Last of Us, than the rest of it that was based on GeOW.

    I thought The Last of Us was amazing from start to finish.  I'm also really enjoying GTA5.  So I guess I don't agree with you on anything regarding video games.  

  • ThoemseThoemse Member UncommonPosts: 457

    I am enjoying the game a lot so far. I love the humor and the story missions are very well done.


    Best game i bought in a long time.

  • Swids2010Swids2010 Member Posts: 244
    Why is this even being talked about I'm sure this site is for MMO's in no way is GTAV a mmo and even when GTA online release's it wont be a MMO don't want to see pointless crap talked about on these forums one of the last MMO sites I like.

  • Aldous.HuxleyAldous.Huxley Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 418
    Personally, I stopped playing the series during the third installment, as it grew tired for me. The novelty wore thin.

    Tbh, I'm surprised anyone cares about this series anymore. They should have retired it & moved forward instead of milking this poor old decrepit bovine.
  • RebelScum99RebelScum99 Member Posts: 1,090
    Originally posted by Swids2010
    Why is this even being talked about I'm sure this site is for MMO's in no way is GTAV a mmo and even when GTA online release's it wont be a MMO don't want to see pointless crap talked about on these forums one of the last MMO sites I like.

    Take a look at the forum heading.  Now read the description of the forum being used for this topic.  That's why this is being discussed.

  • NaMeNaMeNaMeNaMe Member Posts: 88
    Originally posted by Aldous.Huxley
    Personally, I stopped playing the series during the third installment, as it grew tired for me. The novelty wore thin.

    Tbh, I'm surprised anyone cares about this series anymore. They should have retired it & moved forward instead of milking this poor old decrepit bovine.

    Annnnnd this is where I stopped caring about the opinions of people on this site. All you people do is complain and every single game that comes out, every single mmo that comes out you right off in a month and flock to the next big thing it's an endless cycle. 

    The gaming community is one of the most entitled bunch of moaners ive ever seen. 



    Listen OP, No game will ever reach your standard, because you will NEVER be pleased. 

    "if u forcefully insert foriegn objects into my? body, i will die"

  • DeivosDeivos Member EpicPosts: 3,692
    Originally posted by tawess

    But that is not what the OP is asking for. The op is asking for a fully fleshed out world. And i just pointed out it can not be done.


    Your version could work but it would in my mind be even more immersion breaking (City of heroes worked exactly like this... With the hilarious result of you every now and then getting two missions in a row at the same "door" and having two very different looks to the layout.... Lot´s of jokes were made about it.

    No actually, City of Heroes was different in that it popped up a loading screen. Matrix Online made it look seamless without a load. I mentioned this in specific in my post about the Matrix Online mechanic.


    And the dilemma you pose has a petty simple solution, flag buildings after missions to note they have been knocked over. Yes, you'll still have a consistency issue when you return to the same location multiple times, but it'd be an action of one's own volition, which also seeing that after you knock a place over there's little reason to return, there's less likelihood of one stumbling into the problem.


    Account for issues.



    Aside from that, there are ways to parcel off and stream building interiors and separate environments and link them into the environment if you want persistent locations. My point with Matrix Online is that the claim it couldn't be done on modern tech is ridiculous when games back in 2005 were experimenting with having exactly that kinda feature.


    More recently, but sadly cancelled due to lack of direction, was Introversion's title Subversion, where they established the ability to procedurally generate cities and interiors for every building.


    Similarly this is part of the reason I clamor occasionally about 'world space portals', because you can have set environments that can be completely detached from the rest of the game world and remain either unloaded or in the background and only called up when people interact with a door, which can link as a portal seamlessly into the interior environment.


    This allows the interior to be a separate load from the rest of the game world, to scale differently from the building interiors  if needed (aka, bigger than they look outside), and to allow both permanent and changing interior spaces and elements via changing the links to different versions of the same environment or to different environments entirely.


    Or as far as characters and personality, Sims gets away with quite a good bit of variety through random generation using pieced out chunks of personality put together to create characters. No hand crafting tons of people, RNG takes care of the masses.


    Railing on a single issue (and failing to consider a solution) does not write off the concepts or systems. What you just said 'can not be done', can be done. A fleshed out world doesn't have as psychotic an overhead as you seem to imply and think (not that it's not difficult and time consuming, it's simply not 'impossible' as you make it out to be). Predominantly it's the issue I posited before, that the implementation of such things has to be considered in whether or not it's wasted effort, as if it doesn't exist an a part of the general game play and interact with the other game play elements, it's inevitably wasted effort to bother implementing.

    "The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay

    "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin

  • niceguy3978niceguy3978 Member UncommonPosts: 2,052
    Originally posted by Swids2010
    Why is this even being talked about I'm sure this site is for MMO's in no way is GTAV a mmo and even when GTA online release's it wont be a MMO don't want to see pointless crap talked about on these forums one of the last MMO sites I like.

    My guess would be because they have a general gaming subforum for non mmo games.  That would appear to be where this was posted.

  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    Originally posted by tixylix

    I cannot even listen to the radio this time around, most of it is complete crap, there are only like 1 or 2 good stations, no way near as memorable as previous games.... probably because it's a lot of modern music :

    After reading that bit at the end.. I've decided to ignore everything you've said.

    That's one of the stupidest comments I've seen anyone make about GTA V. The REASON there are different stations is to provide variety to a massive audience... you are not supposed to like them all. If you can't grasp that then everything else you have said is subject to doubt and criticism.

    Totally personal impression. Why even bother to tell others about it? Ah yes, ranting and hating. Not constructive comments.. just plain old moaning. Sorry your music and gameplay tastes are so out of date.. but that's your problem, not the rest of the world's problem.

    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • Germaximus_SGermaximus_S Member UncommonPosts: 1,061
    I was reading along and it was decent until you started getting into the "why isn't this game like this other game?" crap. It's not Skyrim, It's not Hitman. If you want to play those, go play them.

    Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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  • severiusseverius Member UncommonPosts: 1,516
    Originally posted by tawess
    Originally posted by tixylix That isn't even the problem, I'm just bored of having this big world and yet I still cannot go in most of the buildings, I find it frustrating running around looking for a building that hasn't just got textures for windows. I just want it to be like an Elder Scrolls game where I can break into peoples houses and mess around with the A.I, GTA V has none of that, the world doesn't feel full of like as a result, it just feels like loads of randomly spawned NPCs. 


    As fun as that would be it would add to the strain the game puts on the computer/console so much you would need to instance the world to small chunks with load times. Not to mention the extra dev time it would take to create all the assets needed to make the apartments feel lived in, and then to place all those things. And then create about 10 mil individual NPC´s and path them in ways that does not make it feel artificial. After all i think you can fit ALL the houses in ES in to a block or three of GTA5


    While i agree that it would be cool, no reasonable person would ever let a thing like that impact their review.

    Wait, why?  Is GTA V an open world game?  Yes or No?  From it says:

    "The biggest, most dynamic, most diverse open world ever created"

    No, its not.  If that doesn't drag a review down then the review is probably from a not very reliable source.

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