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Why do you play this game? What makes it speciel?

SimsejensenSimsejensen Member UncommonPosts: 51

My friend  talked me into buying this game. Looks like a decent game, yet i fail to see what makes it speciel - i mean. Yeah im confused. I want to get the "addicted" feeling towards a game again. Maybe you can help me answer these questions : 


Why do YOU play FFXIV ?

What makes it speciel ?

What will you do when you hit level 50 ?


This is not meant like a negative post! 





  • StarIStarI Member UncommonPosts: 987
    Unless you fall in love with it's setting (how world and characters look) than there's zerro special factor. Why I quit already reaching lvl 30. But it's well done otherwise. Just a bit too easy, solo friendly and boring for my taste.
  • DoogiehowserDoogiehowser Member Posts: 1,873

    I play this game not because it is special but because i bought CE for FFXIV 1.0 and didn't last in there for more than a week. On top of that i bought 4000 crysta (yeah i am an idiot). That is how much faith i had in SE.

    So now since i got new game for free + the CE items and i got 4000 crysta to why not? i won't pay another dime for it though. MMOS like these are dime in a dozen.

    "The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
    -Jesse Schell

    "Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
    -Luke McKinney


  • KnightblastKnightblast Member UncommonPosts: 1,787
    Originally posted by Simsejensen


    What makes it speciel ?

    What will you do when you hit level 50 ?


    This is not meant like a negative post! 




    1.  I played FFXIV version 1, which was clearly terrible and virtually unplayable for me.  I was curious about this game -- that's why I gave it a try. I was very pleasantly surprised.  What makes it special?  It's not one thing, but the whole thing together.  It's extremely polished production-wise (graphics, animations, music are all superb).  The game offers a LOT of different things to do, ranging from traditional quests to hunting logs to public quests (FATEs) to dungeon instances to crafting to multiclassing.  It's a cornucopia of stuff to do and it's mostly all fun (if you enjoy that kind of stuff, which is kind of the bread and butter of MMOs imo).


    2.  It isn't about "hitting 50".  The way the game works is that you can do everything in one character.  So you have your first class, and then you level a second one in order to unlock a "job", which is like an elite class.  You need to have the main at 30 and the second at 15 to do this.  Then you keep leveling that, and/or level other classes, in the same character.  This isn't like making alts, not only because it's the same character, but also because there are skills that other classes have that can be used on other classes -- so if you level a third class a bit, you can pick up a usefull skill or two for your main class.  Or you can level that third class up to 30, and then level its sub class to 15 and unlock a second job as well.  And then there is crafting.  There are tons of crafting professions that are much more in depth than the click to create crafting that has become standard in MMOs oriented around FPS players.  I love this.  Currently my main is 33/15 with a 6 in a third class, and 25 on my main craft, with 21 on my main gathering.  There is so much to do, and it's all very fun for me.

  • duiLucidduiLucid Member Posts: 46
    I personally enjoy the immersi[ Too many people attempting to read this post, please try again later.  Error 1017 ]
  • SimsejensenSimsejensen Member UncommonPosts: 51
    Originally posted by Knightblast
    Originally posted by Simsejensen


    What makes it speciel ?

    What will you do when you hit level 50 ?


    This is not meant like a negative post! 




    1.  I played FFXIV version 1, which was clearly terrible and virtually unplayable for me.  I was curious about this game -- that's why I gave it a try. I was very pleasantly surprised.  What makes it special?  It's not one thing, but the whole thing together.  It's extremely polished production-wise (graphics, animations, music are all superb).  The game offers a LOT of different things to do, ranging from traditional quests to hunting logs to public quests (FATEs) to dungeon instances to crafting to multiclassing.  It's a cornucopia of stuff to do and it's mostly all fun (if you enjoy that kind of stuff, which is kind of the bread and butter of MMOs imo).


    2.  It isn't about "hitting 50".  The way the game works is that you can do everything in one character.  So you have your first class, and then you level a second one in order to unlock a "job", which is like an elite class.  You need to have the main at 30 and the second at 15 to do this.  Then you keep leveling that, and/or level other classes, in the same character.  This isn't like making alts, not only because it's the same character, but also because there are skills that other classes have that can be used on other classes -- so if you level a third class a bit, you can pick up a usefull skill or two for your main class.  Or you can level that third class up to 30, and then level its sub class to 15 and unlock a second job as well.  And then there is crafting.  There are tons of crafting professions that are much more in depth than the click to create crafting that has become standard in MMOs oriented around FPS players.  I love this.  Currently my main is 33/15 with a 6 in a third class, and 25 on my main craft, with 21 on my main gathering.  There is so much to do, and it's all very fun for me.



    That was a good post. I thank you for that. I will try and get some more gaming experience with it now. Thanks sir.

  • SendenSenden Member UncommonPosts: 602

    At level 23, the only special thing I'd say the game has is the world itself. It's beautiful and you can easily just go around exploring and admire the world. The level of immersion is unrivaled in any MMOs I've seen with the possible exception of WoW but even then, I think the various sounds you hear in the locations make up for it.. like the seagull sounds in Lominsa.  The weather effects are great too and the day/night cycles are worth a mention. 

    However, everything else so far feels a little bland. The quests are A-W-F-U-L.. standard kill/collect quests with very boring quest texts. Worse still, you're constantly playing the role of mailman delivering stuff everywhere. Most quests I've done so far have been very boring. The dungeons imho so far are bland and uninspired too. They lack the creative flair the rest of the world has and I can't say I've bothered to pause and look around in awe of them like I do with the rest of the world.  Finally, so far the story has been bland. That's not to say the story is bad, it's just the way it's told is seriously lacking and I just can't get into it in the way I would like.. maybe I'd blame this on playing SWTOR for so long where I've been spoiled for story.  The only fun part so far of the story was fighting Ifrit and even then, I thought their design for him looked poor. 

    Remember, this is my experience up until level 23, it could get better. 

  • NaqajNaqaj Member UncommonPosts: 1,673
    Originally posted by Simsejensen

    Yeah im confused. I want to get the "addicted" feeling towards a game again. 

    Pick up a heavy stone brick. Give it to your friend.

    Tell him to use it to hit you over the head, really hard.

    Pray it doesn't kill you, but just causes total memory loss.

    Voila, you can now have that wonderfull feeling of experiencing MMO addiction for the first time again.


    As far as I know, there are no other proven methods to achieve this. Also, I have a really nice selection of affordable high-quality bricks, if you're interested.

  • DelusiveDelusive Member Posts: 151

    I play and like it. My wife doesn't see why though. She tried it and thinks it's "bleh" compared to GW2. I like it a lot better than GW2. I like that it has some features from newer games, but has a real old school foundation. It isn't perfect, but it is good.

    As far as the newer features from other games, I would say graphics and the FATE system. These are basically public quests from newer MMOs. It has a dungeon finder also, which takes a while to pop, but it is nice when you are having troubling building a group.

    As for the old school, my favorite is the holy trinity. I love having a game again with tank, healer, and dps. I like having a defined role. But there is still flexibility. I play an arcanist and have two pets. One is a dps caster and the other is a tank. When I'm in an instance group I typically run the dps caster. But last night our tank was having trouble keeping all the aggro because the other dps(archer) often jumped in leading the fight before the aggro was grabbed, leading to the healer pulling aggro from having to heal so much extra. So I switched to my tank pet and pulled aggro off the healer and other dps. Also at one point the tank and other dps died, leaving just me and the healer to complete a stage of the instance, switching to the tank pet made this possible.

    I also like the pacing of the game. It has fast and slow moments. The slow moments are painful, but I don't hardcore push through them, I just log and do some more later, or I jump to another class and play that for a while. That is another plus to the game, multi-classing. You can play every class on one character in this game. And you can use some abilities from other classes to make your character a little stronger. I'm an altaholic and usually make every race. In this game I have made three, but I have only played one so far, which is rare for me. I'm still gonna play the others, and break them down accordingly to what I am looking for. My human is my caster and will have all three classes. My lalafell is going to be my lancer dps, and also take the tank classes. And my mi'qote is going to be pugulist, archer, bard. But as it stands now, my human is getting all my play time.

    I enjoy taking my time with this game. I am presently 20/13/5 arcanist/conjurer/thaumaturge. I have grabbed some crafting professions, but having worked on them yet. I'm not a big crafter, so I doubt I will even touch it. But it is there if I want to.

    I enjoy the story. MMOs are starting to go more into story focus, with games like STWOR, TSW, and GW2. But FFXI had story long before that (no I wasn't a FFXI player, I just know about it) and I think it shows in this game. The story is great so far. The cut scenes are beautiful. The only thing missing that I've come to enjoy from the other story based MMOs is the voice overs. They are few and far between with FFXIV.

    A lot of people complain about the combat speed and the stationary play style. I actually prefer the slower pacing of the combat in this compared to GW2. As a caster I don't mind having to remain still to cast. I feel that my character needs still moments to concentrate his spells. But you are by no means stationary. You still must avoid certain attacks, so you must interrupt your cast and move. Other classes don't seem to have this restriction, like the archer and lancer. So gamers who prefer movement can play those classes.

    The game does have a grind, all games do. But at least this game has multiple options to grind (quests, leves, fate, instances, etc).

    For me, the game is fun. All I can say is try it and see for yourself.

  • ChronohlChronohl Member Posts: 16



    1- P2P and best community ever

    2- Fates like Odin/Behemoth (world bosses)

    3-great dungeons overall

    4-crafting and job system

    5-art style/graphics/story

    6-in the future PvP and more hardcore PvE content

    7- a lot of people everywhere (world is alive)



    no pvp


  • PoufPouf Member Posts: 341

    the game has nothing AMAZING ( apart from graphics ) But I still love it and so does my friends.


    What I like about the game is that you can do a bit on anything, you can quest, you can grind mob ( chain xp bonus ) there is a hunting log, there are fates, there are mini-dungeons and real dungeons..

    I love the pace of the game, you unlock news things at 5 levels ( mounts , fighting mount etc ) so it is fun, at level 30 you change into a role so it's different and cool again. And I love the fact that I know that if I play for years, every achievement will be on the same character


    My friend enjoy it too, he almost did not combat, he is level 17, but he is 20+ in 3 crafting professions and just aims to raise that. There are many ways to enjoys the game for now, and it's a new game, it can evolve into something cool.


    For dungeons, so far they are "kinda" easy, but every boss has a pattern to it , so it makes it enjoyable.

  • KnightblastKnightblast Member UncommonPosts: 1,787
    Originally posted by Pouf


    For dungeons, so far they are "kinda" easy, but every boss has a pattern to it , so it makes it enjoyable.

    The early dungeons are indeed easy -- mostly tank and spank (although there is one part of Coopermine that has an interesting mechanic).


    Once you get to Haukke Manor and Brayflox, it starts to ramp in difficulty, with more mechanics coming and more pressure on coordination and outright DPS timer type stuff.  And I'm only level 33 (which is the level for Brayflox, which I did last night).

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    Originally posted by Simsejensen

    My friend  talked me into buying this game. Looks like a decent game, yet i fail to see what makes it speciel - i mean. Yeah im confused. I want to get the "addicted" feeling towards a game again. Maybe you can help me answer these questions : 


    Why do YOU play FFXIV ?

    What makes it speciel ?

    What will you do when you hit level 50 ?


    This is not meant like a negative post! 



    I think better questions would be "What games do/did I like and why do/did I like them?" Then come back here with that list of games and a quick description of why you like(ed) them and then people here can tell you what you want to know about FF14. But in all honesty, It's probably not going to thrill you. Although, I have had a few games rebound after initial disappointment. But generally, a game needs to grab you.

  • SiveriaSiveria Member UncommonPosts: 1,422

    I been playing since open beta and before then, all I can say is when my time runs out in 7 days I do not plan to sub. Why? I feel the game is partly a step backwards compared to 1.0 in a few areas, while in others they have gone forward.

    Some of the issues I have with the game.

    1: Its just way to damned easy, the game so far up to level 42 has posed 0 challenge what so ever.

    2: Leveling a 2nd class after you get your first 50 is just going to be a snorefest, you will have no new quests other than your class ones every 5 levels, and you'll be stuck doing either leves or fates.

    3: Only efficent way to level is fates, this is another problem, with there not really being quests for any other class, your stuck doing boring repetive fates over and over again, due to monster kills awarding next to no experence ( a lv 43 mob at lv 41 for exmaple gives me like 300 exp, thats with a rested exp bonus of +50%, I need 340000 to hit lv 42)

    4: Combat system is just the same generic crap you can find in pretty much any f2p mmorpg, cept some f2p mmorpgs are actually alot more intersting due to some intersting battle mechanics, most of the classes in ff14 feel the exact same. For example only combat class that is really diffrent is pugalist, because to do equil dps to the other damage dealers they have to use positional attacks, otherwise their dps is lower than any other dps.

    5: the storyline.. the storyline is quite frankly terrible(as most squaresoft storys are since like after the snes area, with the exception fo xenogears), it relys too much on making you do non-related fetch quests, something big happens and next thing I know I am reparing some idiots cooking pot that is completly unrelated to what just happened, and its a manditory quest for the storyline. Or how something happens and for some reason I end up going to help some people who are not even remotely related to the main story as part of it. It just feels overly slapped together. Cutscenes are nice and Minfillia is a pleasure to look at but thats about it.

    Other than those issues, FF14 is just yet another generic mmorpg that really offers nothing new, square didn't even try really. Anyone who honestly thinks the game is good has something wrong with them, because you can get the same gameplay that is sometimes even better from f2p mmorpgs.

    I find grinding fates boring, but your forced to do it even on your first class, there just is not enough quests and such to get you to 50. On your 2nd class you plan to take higher than 15 for a pre-req to a job you will discover that the game really has nothing to offer after the first class has been leveled.

    I am not trying to troll though these are just my honest opnions from someone who is playing the game. If I was asked if I would reccomend ff14 to friends, I would honestly say No, I wouldn't. I would personally rate the game higher if the combat was even any fun, but sadly its not due to it just using a generic wow-like tab targeting combat system that we have used more times than we could count.

    When you hit 50 there is a few things you can do but not much due to the game just coming out. Like hard modes for the primal fights and such are in I believe. When I hit 50 I dunno what i'll do, maybe craft till my sub time runs out in 7 days (I was a old 1.0 player so we got 14 days from release to play), or tyr to level a 2nd class and see if I can get into the game somehow.

    One last thing I need to say, this game holds your hand way to much, even the artifact armor is pretty much a solo thing since its all solo instances, they have pretty much completly removed the need to work together with people for stuff like this, which was a major part of ff11 and ff14 1.0. I think FF14 is the most solo oriented mmorpg I have played in recent years. The fact most of the class quests and story quests force you to do everything by yourself just solidifys this assumption.

    All and All, some people may like the game and stay a while, everyone has their own opinion this is just mine.

    Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:

    A. Proven right (if something bad happens)


    B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)

    Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!

  • FoomerangFoomerang Member UncommonPosts: 5,628

    Q: Why do you play this game?

    A: Crafting/Gathering

  • SiveriaSiveria Member UncommonPosts: 1,422
    Originally posted by Knightblast
    Originally posted by Pouf


    For dungeons, so far they are "kinda" easy, but every boss has a pattern to it , so it makes it enjoyable.

    The early dungeons are indeed easy -- mostly tank and spank (although there is one part of Coopermine that has an interesting mechanic).


    Once you get to Haukke Manor and Brayflox, it starts to ramp in difficulty, with more mechanics coming and more pressure on coordination and outright DPS timer type stuff.  And I'm only level 33 (which is the level for Brayflox, which I did last night).

    Umm those 2 dungeons are still really easy if your party has any amount of common sense. The lasy boss in Brayflox is a prime example of common sense being needed. Sadly so many players in mmorpgs these days lack this common sense.

    Alot of the higher leveled players have started calling the game Final Fate Farm 14: Fate Farm Fantasy. or some other variation of it. Since all there is to do really after your first class is grind fates to cap all over again.

    Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:

    A. Proven right (if something bad happens)


    B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)

    Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!

  • KnightblastKnightblast Member UncommonPosts: 1,787
    Originally posted by Siveria
    Originally posted by Knightblast
    Originally posted by Pouf


    For dungeons, so far they are "kinda" easy, but every boss has a pattern to it , so it makes it enjoyable.

    The early dungeons are indeed easy -- mostly tank and spank (although there is one part of Coopermine that has an interesting mechanic).


    Once you get to Haukke Manor and Brayflox, it starts to ramp in difficulty, with more mechanics coming and more pressure on coordination and outright DPS timer type stuff.  And I'm only level 33 (which is the level for Brayflox, which I did last night).

    Umm those 2 dungeons are still really easy if your party has any amount of common sense. The lasy boss in Brayflox is a prime example of common sense being needed. Sadly so many players in mmorpgs these days lack this common sense.

    Alot of the higher leveled players have started calling the game Final Fate Farm 14: Fate Farm Fantasy. or some other variation of it. Since all there is to do really after your first class is grind fates to cap all over again.

    Umm, I didn't say that they were terribly hard, but that they are harder than the first ones.


    Your opinion is noted.  It isn't the only opinion, however.

  • ChronohlChronohl Member Posts: 16
    Originally posted by Siveria

    I been playing since open beta and before then, all I can say is when my time runs out in 7 days I do not plan to sub. Why? I feel the game is partly a step backwards compared to 1.0 in a few areas, while in others they have gone forward.

    Some of the issues I have with the game.

    1: Its just way to damned easy, the game so far up to level 42 has posed 0 challenge what so ever.

    2: Leveling a 2nd class after you get your first 50 is just going to be a snorefest, you will have no new quests other than your class ones every 5 levels, and you'll be stuck doing either leves or fates.

    3: Only efficent way to level is fates, this is another problem, with there not really being quests for any other class, your stuck doing boring repetive fates over and over again, due to monster kills awarding next to no experence ( a lv 43 mob at lv 41 for exmaple gives me like 300 exp, thats with a rested exp bonus of +50%, I need 340000 to hit lv 42)

    4: Combat system is just the same generic crap you can find in pretty much any f2p mmorpg, cept some f2p mmorpgs are actually alot more intersting due to some intersting battle mechanics, most of the classes in ff14 feel the exact same. For example only combat class that is really diffrent is pugalist, because to do equil dps to the other damage dealers they have to use positional attacks, otherwise their dps is lower than any other dps.

    5: the storyline.. the storyline is quite frankly terrible(as most squaresoft storys are since like after the snes area, with the exception fo xenogears), it relys too much on making you do non-related fetch quests, something big happens and next thing I know I am reparing some idiots cooking pot that is completly unrelated to what just happened, and its a manditory quest for the storyline. Or how something happens and for some reason I end up going to help some people who are not even remotely related to the main story as part of it. It just feels overly slapped together. Cutscenes are nice and Minfillia is a pleasure to look at but thats about it.

    Other than those issues, FF14 is just yet another generic mmorpg that really offers nothing new, square didn't even try really. Anyone who honestly thinks the game is good has something wrong with them, because you can get the same gameplay that is sometimes even better from f2p mmorpgs.

    I find grinding fates boring, but your forced to do it even on your first class, there just is not enough quests and such to get you to 50. On your 2nd class you plan to take higher than 15 for a pre-req to a job you will discover that the game really has nothing to offer after the first class has been leveled.

    I am not trying to troll though these are just my honest opnions from someone who is playing the game. If I was asked if I would reccomend ff14 to friends, I would honestly say No, I wouldn't. I would personally rate the game higher if the combat was even any fun, but sadly its not due to it just using a generic wow-like tab targeting combat system that we have used more times than we could count.

    When you hit 50 there is a few things you can do but not much due to the game just coming out. Like hard modes for the primal fights and such are in I believe. When I hit 50 I dunno what i'll do, maybe craft till my sub time runs out in 7 days (I was a old 1.0 player so we got 14 days from release to play), or tyr to level a 2nd class and see if I can get into the game somehow.

    One last thing I need to say, this game holds your hand way to much, even the artifact armor is pretty much a solo thing since its all solo instances, they have pretty much completly removed the need to work together with people for stuff like this, which was a major part of ff11 and ff14 1.0. I think FF14 is the most solo oriented mmorpg I have played in recent years. The fact most of the class quests and story quests force you to do everything by yourself just solidifys this assumption.

    All and All, some people may like the game and stay a while, everyone has their own opinion this is just mine.

    1- I don't know any MMORPG more challenge than FF14 right now and I played more than 10 MMORPGs, WoW dungeons are more boring and easy for exemple.

    2 3- you can do the same quests if you want just creating another character like any other MMORPG, but IMO leves and grind fates are better than doing the same quests and dungeons over and over the game only are giving more options than others MMORPGs you can choose what you like most.

    4-generic combat? I don't think so this game is giving a lot of troube for people figure out how to play with your class, I'm having a lot of trouble with pubs.

    5-I like the story feels like a old final fantasy


  • TechnohicTechnohic Member Posts: 148
    Originally posted by Delusive

    I play and like it. My wife doesn't see why though. She tried it and thinks it's "bleh" compared to GW2. I like it a lot better than GW2. I like that it has some features from newer games, but has a real old school foundation. It isn't perfect, but it is good.

    As far as the newer features from other games, I would say graphics and the FATE system. These are basically public quests from newer MMOs. It has a dungeon finder also, which takes a while to pop, but it is nice when you are having troubling building a group.

    As for the old school, my favorite is the holy trinity. I love having a game again with tank, healer, and dps. I like having a defined role. But there is still flexibility. I play an arcanist and have two pets. One is a dps caster and the other is a tank. When I'm in an instance group I typically run the dps caster. But last night our tank was having trouble keeping all the aggro because the other dps(archer) often jumped in leading the fight before the aggro was grabbed, leading to the healer pulling aggro from having to heal so much extra. So I switched to my tank pet and pulled aggro off the healer and other dps. Also at one point the tank and other dps died, leaving just me and the healer to complete a stage of the instance, switching to the tank pet made this possible.

    I also like the pacing of the game. It has fast and slow moments. The slow moments are painful, but I don't hardcore push through them, I just log and do some more later, or I jump to another class and play that for a while. That is another plus to the game, multi-classing. You can play every class on one character in this game. And you can use some abilities from other classes to make your character a little stronger. I'm an altaholic and usually make every race. In this game I have made three, but I have only played one so far, which is rare for me. I'm still gonna play the others, and break them down accordingly to what I am looking for. My human is my caster and will have all three classes. My lalafell is going to be my lancer dps, and also take the tank classes. And my mi'qote is going to be pugulist, archer, bard. But as it stands now, my human is getting all my play time.

    I enjoy taking my time with this game. I am presently 20/13/5 arcanist/conjurer/thaumaturge. I have grabbed some crafting professions, but having worked on them yet. I'm not a big crafter, so I doubt I will even touch it. But it is there if I want to.

    I enjoy the story. MMOs are starting to go more into story focus, with games like STWOR, TSW, and GW2. But FFXI had story long before that (no I wasn't a FFXI player, I just know about it) and I think it shows in this game. The story is great so far. The cut scenes are beautiful. The only thing missing that I've come to enjoy from the other story based MMOs is the voice overs. They are few and far between with FFXIV.

    A lot of people complain about the combat speed and the stationary play style. I actually prefer the slower pacing of the combat in this compared to GW2. As a caster I don't mind having to remain still to cast. I feel that my character needs still moments to concentrate his spells. But you are by no means stationary. You still must avoid certain attacks, so you must interrupt your cast and move. Other classes don't seem to have this restriction, like the archer and lancer. So gamers who prefer movement can play those classes.

    The game does have a grind, all games do. But at least this game has multiple options to grind (quests, leves, fate, instances, etc).

    For me, the game is fun. All I can say is try it and see for yourself.

    This sums it up for me pretty well.  I actually have even tried to get into GW2 a little while I have been waiting for the servers/worlds to allow me to easier access this game, and I have to say; sometimes you just feel if you are going to like the game or not from the onset.  I loved this one right away and wish I never logged out, while I just have not been able to get into GW2 after several attempts.  

    Having played SWTOR mostly until now, I will say the world and the commotion around you really grabbed my attention early.  The crowd noise.  The sounds of hammering.  Night, day, rain and sun.  Theres something very raw about the combat and it seems to allow me to enjoy the environment more.   

  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854

    Some things in life just click, you fall in love, you didn't try to, or make yourself as you can't it just happens.

    That being said the moment i logged in i knew, it just clicked, just subbed for 6 months. That there is called a no brain'er.


    I logged into EQ, Boom

    I logged into SWG, BOom

    Logged into EQ2, BOOm

    that's all it takes, either it happens or it doesn't


    I logged into FFXIV:ARR   KAAAAAAABOOOOOOM!!!!!


    Forgot, i logged into wow and a wee boom but i remember saying this should be fun fro a couple months and it was, also it's pretty much what i've said with every single mmo since. Well i forgot i had 3 year on and off again affair with AO in the above as well, it was a mild boom.


    But that's what they all are nowadays a couple months of shiny new fun and once the novelty is gone it's over. However (obviously) those game are "BOOM" for other people as they are still running, no boom for me.


    FFXIV:ARR immediately said this going to be a Sweeeeet Ride for the next several years. I subbed for 6 months, i've never gone beyond 1 month, even EQ, EQ2, SWG, AO always stuck with the one month, i did do a SOE all games thing at one time though, so that 6 month sub should show how impactful this game is.


    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

    Your legend ends here and now! - (Battles Won Long Ago)

    Currently Playing; Dragonflight and SWG:L
  • BadSpockBadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 7,979

    I don't know, I'm having fun playing through the main story, I just got enough company seals to purchase my Chocobo.

    I've also enjoyed leveling up different classes in different city states, and I'm just getting into gathering and then crafting before leveling up yet another class.

    LNC 22, CNJ 18, THM 8, PUG 8, MNR 13

    I've found healing to be my favorite role in a group thus far, but once I get my Mining up a bit more and farm enough materials I'll be working on getting my Armorsmith and maybe Blacksmith up enough to make enough gear to fully stock myself in 1-15 or so and start leveling up either Marauder or Gladiator or both.

    I want to try tanking in this game, but I am a little concerned as I'm playing on PS3 and the targeting is a bit tricky - I've found some tricks though that really, really help - figure out an amazing one for healing that made things 10x easier and more fun.

    I know it'd be more efficient to level a single class to 50 and then go back and level other classes due to the armory bonus, but that's not how I'm choosing to play.

    I like having cross class skills and my CE helm really helps with a very quick 1-10.

    I've got 26 more days of free play time, with the additional free week they are adding maybe it'll be more like 33 - so that'll be plenty of time to figure out if I want to sub for a month or two.

    I feel like I MIGHT be able to get a single job to 50 by then at the rate I'm going.

  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854
    Originally posted by Siveria
    Wall of unhappy person

    Not challenging enough??? Maybe if you grind fates toi death then do nothign but solo quests several levels above recomended level. Then yea.


    Wonder outside of this groove. This is by far one of the more challenging games on the market compared to all the one button "i win" wow clones available.

    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

    Your legend ends here and now! - (Battles Won Long Ago)

    Currently Playing; Dragonflight and SWG:L
  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854
    Originally posted by Technohic
    Originally posted by Delusive

    I play and like it. My wife doesn't see why though. She tried it and thinks it's "bleh" compared to GW2. I like it a lot better than GW2. I like that it has some features from newer games, but has a real old school foundation. It isn't perfect, but it is good.

    As far as the newer features from other games, I would say graphics and the FATE system. These are basically public quests from newer MMOs. It has a dungeon finder also, which takes a while to pop, but it is nice when you are having troubling building a group.

    As for the old school, my favorite is the holy trinity. I love having a game again with tank, healer, and dps. I like having a defined role. But there is still flexibility. I play an arcanist and have two pets. One is a dps caster and the other is a tank. When I'm in an instance group I typically run the dps caster. But last night our tank was having trouble keeping all the aggro because the other dps(archer) often jumped in leading the fight before the aggro was grabbed, leading to the healer pulling aggro from having to heal so much extra. So I switched to my tank pet and pulled aggro off the healer and other dps. Also at one point the tank and other dps died, leaving just me and the healer to complete a stage of the instance, switching to the tank pet made this possible.

    I also like the pacing of the game. It has fast and slow moments. The slow moments are painful, but I don't hardcore push through them, I just log and do some more later, or I jump to another class and play that for a while. That is another plus to the game, multi-classing. You can play every class on one character in this game. And you can use some abilities from other classes to make your character a little stronger. I'm an altaholic and usually make every race. In this game I have made three, but I have only played one so far, which is rare for me. I'm still gonna play the others, and break them down accordingly to what I am looking for. My human is my caster and will have all three classes. My lalafell is going to be my lancer dps, and also take the tank classes. And my mi'qote is going to be pugulist, archer, bard. But as it stands now, my human is getting all my play time.

    I enjoy taking my time with this game. I am presently 20/13/5 arcanist/conjurer/thaumaturge. I have grabbed some crafting professions, but having worked on them yet. I'm not a big crafter, so I doubt I will even touch it. But it is there if I want to.

    I enjoy the story. MMOs are starting to go more into story focus, with games like STWOR, TSW, and GW2. But FFXI had story long before that (no I wasn't a FFXI player, I just know about it) and I think it shows in this game. The story is great so far. The cut scenes are beautiful. The only thing missing that I've come to enjoy from the other story based MMOs is the voice overs. They are few and far between with FFXIV.

    A lot of people complain about the combat speed and the stationary play style. I actually prefer the slower pacing of the combat in this compared to GW2. As a caster I don't mind having to remain still to cast. I feel that my character needs still moments to concentrate his spells. But you are by no means stationary. You still must avoid certain attacks, so you must interrupt your cast and move. Other classes don't seem to have this restriction, like the archer and lancer. So gamers who prefer movement can play those classes.

    The game does have a grind, all games do. But at least this game has multiple options to grind (quests, leves, fate, instances, etc).

    For me, the game is fun. All I can say is try it and see for yourself.

    This sums it up for me pretty well.  I actually have even tried to get into GW2 a little while I have been waiting for the servers/worlds to allow me to easier access this game, and I have to say; sometimes you just feel if you are going to like the game or not from the onset.  I loved this one right away and wish I never logged out, while I just have not been able to get into GW2 after several attempts.  

    Having played SWTOR mostly until now, I will say the world and the commotion around you really grabbed my attention early.  The crowd noise.  The sounds of hammering.  Night, day, rain and sun.  Theres something very raw about the combat and it seems to allow me to enjoy the environment more.   

    GW2 is a huge click for allot of people, again i logged in and said "This should be a fun couple months" but i was wrong couple weeks tops, it just didn't click.


    "For me, the game is fun. All I can say is try it and see for yourself."

    The immersion level in this game is unprecedented.


    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

    Your legend ends here and now! - (Battles Won Long Ago)

    Currently Playing; Dragonflight and SWG:L
  • DelusiveDelusive Member Posts: 151
    Originally posted by Technohic
    Originally posted by Delusive

    I play and like it. My wife doesn't see why though. She tried it and thinks it's "bleh" compared to GW2. I like it a lot better than GW2. I like that it has some features from newer games, but has a real old school foundation. It isn't perfect, but it is good.

    As far as the newer features from other games, I would say graphics and the FATE system. These are basically public quests from newer MMOs. It has a dungeon finder also, which takes a while to pop, but it is nice when you are having troubling building a group.

    As for the old school, my favorite is the holy trinity. I love having a game again with tank, healer, and dps. I like having a defined role. But there is still flexibility. I play an arcanist and have two pets. One is a dps caster and the other is a tank. When I'm in an instance group I typically run the dps caster. But last night our tank was having trouble keeping all the aggro because the other dps(archer) often jumped in leading the fight before the aggro was grabbed, leading to the healer pulling aggro from having to heal so much extra. So I switched to my tank pet and pulled aggro off the healer and other dps. Also at one point the tank and other dps died, leaving just me and the healer to complete a stage of the instance, switching to the tank pet made this possible.

    I also like the pacing of the game. It has fast and slow moments. The slow moments are painful, but I don't hardcore push through them, I just log and do some more later, or I jump to another class and play that for a while. That is another plus to the game, multi-classing. You can play every class on one character in this game. And you can use some abilities from other classes to make your character a little stronger. I'm an altaholic and usually make every race. In this game I have made three, but I have only played one so far, which is rare for me. I'm still gonna play the others, and break them down accordingly to what I am looking for. My human is my caster and will have all three classes. My lalafell is going to be my lancer dps, and also take the tank classes. And my mi'qote is going to be pugulist, archer, bard. But as it stands now, my human is getting all my play time.

    I enjoy taking my time with this game. I am presently 20/13/5 arcanist/conjurer/thaumaturge. I have grabbed some crafting professions, but having worked on them yet. I'm not a big crafter, so I doubt I will even touch it. But it is there if I want to.

    I enjoy the story. MMOs are starting to go more into story focus, with games like STWOR, TSW, and GW2. But FFXI had story long before that (no I wasn't a FFXI player, I just know about it) and I think it shows in this game. The story is great so far. The cut scenes are beautiful. The only thing missing that I've come to enjoy from the other story based MMOs is the voice overs. They are few and far between with FFXIV.

    A lot of people complain about the combat speed and the stationary play style. I actually prefer the slower pacing of the combat in this compared to GW2. As a caster I don't mind having to remain still to cast. I feel that my character needs still moments to concentrate his spells. But you are by no means stationary. You still must avoid certain attacks, so you must interrupt your cast and move. Other classes don't seem to have this restriction, like the archer and lancer. So gamers who prefer movement can play those classes.

    The game does have a grind, all games do. But at least this game has multiple options to grind (quests, leves, fate, instances, etc).

    For me, the game is fun. All I can say is try it and see for yourself.

    This sums it up for me pretty well.  I actually have even tried to get into GW2 a little while I have been waiting for the servers/worlds to allow me to easier access this game, and I have to say; sometimes you just feel if you are going to like the game or not from the onset.  I loved this one right away and wish I never logged out, while I just have not been able to get into GW2 after several attempts.  

    Having played SWTOR mostly until now, I will say the world and the commotion around you really grabbed my attention early.  The crowd noise.  The sounds of hammering.  Night, day, rain and sun.  Theres something very raw about the combat and it seems to allow me to enjoy the environment more.   

    I just can't get into GW2 myself. My wife has several characters in the 50-60 range, whereas I can't get past 26 before boredom sets in.

    I feel the same way when you talk about SWTOR. I wish SWTOR felt as alive as FFXIV. When you step into an inn and hear all the chattering, and the day/night cycles make an entire area feel different. And the lightning in this game with the shadows of the trees just looks amazing.

  • DelusiveDelusive Member Posts: 151
    Originally posted by Husvik
    Originally posted by Technohic
    Originally posted by Delusive

    I play and like it. My wife doesn't see why though. She tried it and thinks it's "bleh" compared to GW2. I like it a lot better than GW2. I like that it has some features from newer games, but has a real old school foundation. It isn't perfect, but it is good.

    As far as the newer features from other games, I would say graphics and the FATE system. These are basically public quests from newer MMOs. It has a dungeon finder also, which takes a while to pop, but it is nice when you are having troubling building a group.

    As for the old school, my favorite is the holy trinity. I love having a game again with tank, healer, and dps. I like having a defined role. But there is still flexibility. I play an arcanist and have two pets. One is a dps caster and the other is a tank. When I'm in an instance group I typically run the dps caster. But last night our tank was having trouble keeping all the aggro because the other dps(archer) often jumped in leading the fight before the aggro was grabbed, leading to the healer pulling aggro from having to heal so much extra. So I switched to my tank pet and pulled aggro off the healer and other dps. Also at one point the tank and other dps died, leaving just me and the healer to complete a stage of the instance, switching to the tank pet made this possible.

    I also like the pacing of the game. It has fast and slow moments. The slow moments are painful, but I don't hardcore push through them, I just log and do some more later, or I jump to another class and play that for a while. That is another plus to the game, multi-classing. You can play every class on one character in this game. And you can use some abilities from other classes to make your character a little stronger. I'm an altaholic and usually make every race. In this game I have made three, but I have only played one so far, which is rare for me. I'm still gonna play the others, and break them down accordingly to what I am looking for. My human is my caster and will have all three classes. My lalafell is going to be my lancer dps, and also take the tank classes. And my mi'qote is going to be pugulist, archer, bard. But as it stands now, my human is getting all my play time.

    I enjoy taking my time with this game. I am presently 20/13/5 arcanist/conjurer/thaumaturge. I have grabbed some crafting professions, but having worked on them yet. I'm not a big crafter, so I doubt I will even touch it. But it is there if I want to.

    I enjoy the story. MMOs are starting to go more into story focus, with games like STWOR, TSW, and GW2. But FFXI had story long before that (no I wasn't a FFXI player, I just know about it) and I think it shows in this game. The story is great so far. The cut scenes are beautiful. The only thing missing that I've come to enjoy from the other story based MMOs is the voice overs. They are few and far between with FFXIV.

    A lot of people complain about the combat speed and the stationary play style. I actually prefer the slower pacing of the combat in this compared to GW2. As a caster I don't mind having to remain still to cast. I feel that my character needs still moments to concentrate his spells. But you are by no means stationary. You still must avoid certain attacks, so you must interrupt your cast and move. Other classes don't seem to have this restriction, like the archer and lancer. So gamers who prefer movement can play those classes.

    The game does have a grind, all games do. But at least this game has multiple options to grind (quests, leves, fate, instances, etc).

    For me, the game is fun. All I can say is try it and see for yourself.

    This sums it up for me pretty well.  I actually have even tried to get into GW2 a little while I have been waiting for the servers/worlds to allow me to easier access this game, and I have to say; sometimes you just feel if you are going to like the game or not from the onset.  I loved this one right away and wish I never logged out, while I just have not been able to get into GW2 after several attempts.  

    Having played SWTOR mostly until now, I will say the world and the commotion around you really grabbed my attention early.  The crowd noise.  The sounds of hammering.  Night, day, rain and sun.  Theres something very raw about the combat and it seems to allow me to enjoy the environment more.   

    GW2 is a huge click for allot of people, again i logged in and said "This should be a fun couple months" but i was wrong couple weeks tops, it just didn't click.


    "For me, the game is fun. All I can say is try it and see for yourself."

    The immersion level in this game is unprecedented.


    I agree. The immersion is insane. I told my wife last night that I would be up in 5 minutes to watch a movie with her. I walk upstairs over an hour later! LOL

  • psychosiszzpsychosiszz Member UncommonPosts: 45
    I'm just looking forward to the golden saucer! All FF games need mini games. Also PVP, it may be good if they do it right.
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