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Stupid Character Names



  • Electro057Electro057 Member UncommonPosts: 683
    Originally posted by Ginaz
    This game does seem to have an extraordinary number of people using fuck stupid names.  I've never seen anything like it in 10+ years of playing MMOs.  Maybe it has something to do with the PS3 players?  I doubt anything will be done about it.  We'll have to get use to having to play next to Hitler Wasright.image

    And the worst part is you can't kill them....Yesterday I partied with Justin Beiver....The day before with a few other completely retarded ones...There is also a crafter I see 24/7 named Chocolate Eclare....Those are pretty tame though, the Starks, Lannisters, and Song of Fire and Ice names are overwhelming...Have some shame!

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  • Member Posts: 62

    I agree... the amount of stupid names is really ridiculous. How many variations I have seen of Han Solo, Obi One Kenobi, etc. I swear, I even ran into a TotalBiscuit variation yesterday... 

    MMO`s and other online games need a function that detectes the name you want to use and if it is a stupid one like these it automatically changes your name to a random one and completes character creation so you can`t change it anymore.


  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    Met someone named bumflex. Weird name but seemed like the only normal person in the zone at the time since other people were talking about launching anal probes into an npc blacksmith's butt.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    Naming rules is probably one of the more challenging aspects of managing a MMO I would imagine.

    Everyone has their own ideas about what is acceptable vs what isn't, would be almost impossible to manage so most firms only focus on the most obvious hate based or controversial ones and leave the rest alone.

    Some games ban names with strong copyrights, most will remove Nazi, racist, or religious themes, and even certain sexual based names will cross the line of not kept lighthearted.

    While I've tried to make good names during my gaming career, there have been some that I am sure the OP may not have approved of, such as Tragically Hip from my Vanguard days.

    There is one MMO, Citadel of Sorcery that claims their design is such that if someone annoys you in game it's possible to not only ignore their chat, but also completely remove them from you view of the gameworld. There has been some discussion on their website of how this would work so I hope one day they are able to launch so we can see how well such a mechanic could work and would we really want such a universe where people could totally ignore us.

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  • DerrosDerros Member UncommonPosts: 1,216
    Originally posted by Voqar


    Are people really this unoriginal and lacking for creativity and/or intellect?


    Since this is a P2P game, I expect better.  As in, I expect there to be a naming policy that's enforced.  Ole Yoshi doesn't care about AFKers though so I doubt he'll care about this either.  As long as the money piles up...why care, eh?


    Why would you expect better?  What previous games have you played where this wasnt a problem?  Pretty much every MMO Ive ever played (way back into the Luclin days) had some people who had stupid names.  LotRO was probably the worst tho, so many legolasses,  gandalfs, aragons and gimlis running around.


    I've seen Strifes, Highwinds, lockhearts, (insert popular FF character here) I dont know what the naming policy is, but I would rather them focusing their customer service resources to people who are having major technical problems with the game rather than someone who wants to be xXSephirothxXx. 


    I do get what you are saying, my best advice, turn spotting the stupid names into a game.  My wife and I play and we will shout out the names as we come across them, its fairly entertaining.


    The names that really bother me are the ones that just arent names, Awesome Warrior?  what kind of name is that?  come on man.


    I would also wadger that alot of this is people trying to be ironic.

  • SpankthetoadSpankthetoad Member UncommonPosts: 83

    I really don't have a problem with what players name there toons. I mean really is it that big of a deal lol.  I would rather not like Gold Sellers,  Bots and such.  Who am I to tell someone if there toon has the wrong name lol.  Lighten up



  • DoogiehowserDoogiehowser Member Posts: 1,873
    And people with decent names are the biggest jerks in online MMOS mostly so i don't care what you name your character. it is how you behave that matters.

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    "Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
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  • SkylightFortressSkylightFortress Member Posts: 34
    Originally posted by

    I agree... the amount of stupid names is really ridiculous. How many variations I have seen of Han Solo, Obi One Kenobi, etc. I swear, I even ran into a TotalBiscuit variation yesterday... 

    MMO`s and other online games need a function that detectes the name you want to use and if it is a stupid one like these it automatically changes your name to a random one and completes character creation so you can`t change it anymore.


    Lawl that would be funny! Make a character and not know its name until its done and over.

  • TheMaahesTheMaahes Member Posts: 185
    Originally posted by Voqar

    So, I've been married 13 years, been on the planet considerably longer, and I would never to pretend to understand how the female mind works.  It's alien.  I'm a programmer and a logical person, but I do not understand female logic most of the time.


    Are people really this unoriginal and lacking for creativity and/or intellect?

    What does female logic have to do with bad character names?


    While it is annoying to see names like that, I've always seen those players as the MMO equivalent of the player in your DD group who is "the funny guy". He never takes anything seriously and always gives your DM a headache. Just something that you learn to deal with.

  • ElectrolytezElectrolytez Member Posts: 9

  • itchmonitchmon Member RarePosts: 1,999

    for whatever reason SqE is really really lax with their naming policy.  it was like that in 11 as well.  lack of official RP servers dont help either... always wondered why they didnt do that.  also the first name/surname necessity allow the would be name comedian a lot more flexibility in their comedy than say rift or wow where you have just the first name.


    personally in ff the goofball names don't bother me unless they're particularly offensive.


    personally I wanted a female character but i didnt want people to not kow i was a guy, so J'edgar Hoover was born :)

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  • Four0SixFour0Six Member UncommonPosts: 1,175
    Originally posted by Voqar

    So, I've been married 13 years, been on the planet considerably longer, and I would never to pretend to understand how the female mind works.  It's alien.  I'm a programmer and a logical person, but I do not understand female logic most of the time.


    Bye the same token, I cannot fathom the mentality of people who give their MMORPG characters the most idiotic names possible.  To me it screams "I am an idiot, hear me roar" or worse.  It's hard to even say the player is incredibly immature and inconsiderate of other players (as they destroy immersion and/or insult people).


    I just don't get it.


    FFXIV is FULL of people with really well named characters that fit the theme and setting.  And it's equally full of sheer garbage.  And I just don't get how you can give your character an incredibly stupid name or ripoff a celebrity name (especially a celebrity that's a scrub like say, Miley Cyrus - we have that on Ultros).


    Are people really this unoriginal and lacking for creativity and/or intellect?


    Since this is a P2P game, I expect better.  As in, I expect there to be a naming policy that's enforced.  Ole Yoshi doesn't care about AFKers though so I doubt he'll care about this either.  As long as the money piles up...why care, eh?


    I find it extra odd when developers don't care about their own product.  If I spent years and millions making game lore and content for a game I would not want to watch avatars named "toilet seat" running thru it spoiling it.  Money be damned.  I'd remove those players and spare the other players from the visual atrocities.


    I would like to have a "visual" /blacklist feature.  I don't want to read idiots in chat.  I also don't want to SEE idiots at all.  I'd like to put idiots with stupid names on "visual ignore" since I surely don't want to group with people who are advertising their low mental capacities and would rather just not even know they exist.  It's really unlikely that a winner that names their character "Boobs Mcslutbag" is going to even manage to dps without doing something stupid.


    Now some may say, "why care, it's just a game."  True.  But I value immersion and the game is more enjoyable to me when I don't have dood-ish nonsense in my face.  I don't want to be thinking, "wow, that person is an amazingly stupid person" when I see their avatar.


    So if YOU don't care, you could at least be considerate of people who DO care, and give your avatar a name that fits the game, lore, content.  Because you don't care, right?  Why antagonize when you could just use a name that'll never bother anybody.

    How does "NoobKillerXxX" above an avatars head cause you harm?

    My daughter goes to school with a kid named Ka-El, yes that Ka-El, as in Superman's Krypton name. You know what is funny? His classmates don't even think a bit about it.

    I have an instructor in a college class named after a state.

    One of my good friends just got back together with the "one that got away", her name is Rainbow.


    I don't think those that name their characters with names you don't like have the issue. YOU have the issue. Get over yourself man. Let kids be kids and mind you own business.


    Thanks, have a nice 3 day weekend.

  • GorillaGorilla Member UncommonPosts: 2,235
    Originally posted by TheHavok

    I would have thought there would be hundreds of Sephiroths running around.



    Along with the Legolas Legolass Leggolas Leggolass  Legggolas

    Dosen't really matter the genre or setting always a lot of adolecents with a stiffy for young male elves for some reason.

  • WookieebobWookieebob Member UncommonPosts: 60
    Originally posted by NBlitz

    You can always just play the bingo version of it.


    So many weeabos though.

    Needs to be harder, I had this filled the day I saw it. I ran into someone named Hadookin Vagsmasher last night; I won't lie, I laughed for like 30 seconds.

  • TwoThreeFourTwoThreeFour Member UncommonPosts: 2,155
    Originally posted by Alders

    It's a hobby of mine to screenshot terrible names in every MMO i happen to participate in.

    It irritates the fuck out of me that people don't care enough to come up with something at least not idiotic.

    My collection so far for FFXIV:


    Hahaha, you really caught some great names there. Thanks for the laugh XD.

  • AlamarethAlamareth Member UncommonPosts: 570

    I don't mind it, there are some genuinely clever names out there.

    I think you need to lighten up.

  • ArskaaaArskaaa Member RarePosts: 1,265

    Meow Meow

    Square enix

    Legacy born

    Pat Fenis

    Dig Bick

    Zxzz zxz

    Thouse names come mind first.

  • IcewhiteIcewhite Member Posts: 6,403
    Originally posted by Voqar

    Are people really this unoriginal and lacking for creativity and/or intellect?

    The Assumed Superiority Required Answer is "of course".

    That's why it's such a fine message board tradition to sneer at bad names, it's the Jerry Springer Show of mmorpgs. "Golleeee them rednecks shore is dumb, maw."

    Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.

  • TwoThreeFourTwoThreeFour Member UncommonPosts: 2,155
    My character has a pretty good Swedish name that makes sense. However, my storage retainer (I only use one for selling; other for storing so that I don't interrupt my selling when fixing storage) is named "FFXV". Was surprised that retainer name was not taken XD. 
  • OberholzerOberholzer Member Posts: 498
    Silly names really don't bug me a few even make me chuckle. I think the only ones that really annoy me are if a player wants a name, doesn't get it then uses the name with X's before and after. If you didn't get the actual name just let it go and come up with something else!
  • VincerKadenVincerKaden Member UncommonPosts: 457

    I love originality and creativity. Non-canonical names are going to keep appearing anywhere that there's enough anonymity that the owner feels they can say what they want via their name tag. I don't let it bother me, really.

    But I do roll my eyes when I see some one with what they think is a clever name, but it's already taken. For example, "Harry Pooter" was taken already. So they just add an apostrophe or like the previous poster said an "x" before and after. My reaction is pretty much: "Look... the joke's not yours. Someone beat you to it. Now you're just a comedian riffing on the same material as the guy before you.. First time might be funny. But the second time never is.

    OP, I understand your perspective. My advice, ignore it. Those that aren't going for the "lols" are going for the "annoys".


  • DecimanDeciman Member Posts: 101

    As an adult I never got why other peoples names bothered some so much. Its a game, so people might want to have fun with their name...even if you don't find it funny yourself.


    To mind I was in a party with a guy named "Large Breasts"  I figured he was a teenager.  No big deal, didn't ruin the game for me, but yeah I wouldn't be caught dead with that name.  And no.  I never RP a name.  I never use random name generator.  I have my own few names that I keep across all mmorpgs.  So the OP would probably hate me in game...which is sad tbh.


    Oh and pretty sure you can turn off names if you need to be a big baby about what others chose to name their own character.


    And no offense OP...your name wasn't very good either...

  • IcewhiteIcewhite Member Posts: 6,403

    Use popular fantasy names from 30 year old books, rather than from this century.

    Only one person in a hundred might recognize "Hanse Shadowspawn"; every bit as popular a fantasy name to steal (at one time) as "Tywin Lannister" is today, or "Drizzt Do'Urden" was in the 90s. "Thomas Covenant" probably passes without comment (or Report) these days.

    Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.

  • TarandTarand Member Posts: 5

    I believe there is a hide name feature in most MMos..

    And who`s to say that in that particular universe the normal names are what you consider to be stupid? immersion my ass:P 

    Personally i like the silly names much better then if everyone ran around named variations of  Windbrush sorrowsmith or whatever the fantasy theme tells you is the norm..


    Oh and yea... was on vacation this summer and on one of the hotels our waiter was named: Once More.. and thats actually true

  • AlamarethAlamareth Member UncommonPosts: 570
    Originally posted by Tarand

    I believe there is a hide name feature in most MMos..

    And who`s to say that in that particular universe the normal names are what you consider to be stupid? immersion my ass:P 

    Personally i like the silly names much better then if everyone ran around named variations of  Windbrush sorrowsmith or whatever the fantasy theme tells you is the norm..

    I personally used a name that borrow some of the language conventions from A Song of Ice and Fire (aka Game of Thrones) and Wheel of Time.  It's not a total rip off though and I don't think many people even make the connections.

    Anyway, I agree with Tarand - silly name are not immersion breaking and are just fun to see.  What I can't stand are the blatant copies.

    At the end, even I succumbed to the silliness.  I do have a mostly naked female retainer named Peenbo Shagworthy.  Get over it.

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