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I don't want to pay the monthly sub! Save me community! : )
I just wonder if there is as engaging multiplayer game out there for the free to play where I have purpose playing and progressing a character...
I know there is a big playerbase on these forums that is not fond of World of Warcraft, but what else I should be fond of, really?
If you don't want to pay a sub, don't. Stop playing MMOs until you find one you like. Stop acting like the world is going to end because you can't sit in front of a computer screen bashing pixels for hours a day.
It's really not that difficult. Don't like the games? Stop playing them.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
Ya, I second this!
TSW would be my next choice I think, but I am going to try the WoW patch and see what it is about. I usually only hang around for about a month anyway, and it should be a fun time. $15 isn't bad really. /shrug
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Thx for the suggestion. I would be curious what exacly GW2 offers at endgame that would keep me busy for a good amount of time. I know its endgame has been highly criticized.
Also I am hoping by now if I would ever consider buying the game the price to drastically drop. I enjoyed GW1 a lot but decided to skip GW2 this time.
What type of endgame do you prefer? It's hard to suggest anything when for all I know your favorite past-time could be building super computers or sniffing glue while you watch It's always Sunny reruns.
I feel the safest answer is EQ2 as it is similar to WOW, with tons of content to experience.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Why do you want to quit WoW and what would stop you from quitting it if you don't find another game?
I guess I just don't understand this mentality of continuing to play something that you don't enjoy.
play WoW
at least you can login, . .crank the graphics up...and be entertained by barrens General chat if all else falls
Well, the end game in GW2 is no different than any other game in all honesty. I don't really think they will drop the price much less than $50. It is a great game for the price considering it has no sub.
But honestly, since you really aren't sure, you should probably just re-sub to WoW, and in a few months you will have paid for that copy of GW2. Blizzard loves our cash!
I will be giving them mine again soon.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Rift, GW2, TSW
At this stage of the game, I could not recommend WoW to even my worse enemy.
But WoW still has the best endgame.
Rift, Gw2, Swtor(ftp version is trash though), Aion, Tera, Age of Wushu, FIREFALL(I like this one a lot), Secret World. Star Trek, DCUO, Planetside 2, Neverwinter.. And I'm sure there's more.
Yeah I felt like GW2 was a fantastic ride up until max level, but that the game really offered no reason to keep playing past that point. So while I'm mostly positive about GW2, it's not a game worth playing longterm.
"What is truly revealing is his implication that believing something to be true is the same as it being true. [continue]" -John Oliver
I personally work to 80 just to get started in GW2. I guess it depends on who you are and what you are striving for in each game you play!
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Couldn't agree more.
I've never gotten so much from a game for so little money.
TSW is infinitely more interesting than GW2, IMO. Better yet, go get GW1. It has more soul than both newer games combined.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
Just play what you like and feel it will give you fun. No matter what others think about it.
As for the Sub, you do realise that an MMO sub is in many cases Less than a single Movie Theater Ticket right?
If you pay the same amount for 2 hours of entertainment to watch a movie, why is it too much to pay the same amount for many many hours Sub for a month for entertainment playing a game?
Order of the Silver Star, OSS
ESKA, Playing MMORPG's since Ultima Online 1997 - Order of the Silver Serpent, Atlantic Shard
Rift is the best so far out there. Graphics, Gameplay and Endgame are all very good.
If you really have to play wow, go private server cause blizzard doesn't deserve your money.
Blizzard is to greedy for my taste, you pay alot of money for nothing and everything you want to do (little things like switch server) costs money and there is a sub.
Go private and cheat them of there money.
Here is a good example for what happend to me, some man in a foreign country hacked my acount and sold gold on it so I got a mail that my acount was comprimized. So I contacted blizzard and they informed me that me and my acount was banned for ever and I had to buy a new game.
Yeah that sucks but it's not the worst part, they kept charging me anyway for the acount every month.
I had to go to my bank and inform them to stop giving my money to this greedy company cause it's not like I could login on my acount and stop it myself cause Blizzard had removed me as an user.
There you have biggest ripoff company in the world and you shouldn't donate anything to them.
I think everyone how has played this game have been hacked by a gold farmer many times and thats just enoying. It shouldn't be like that in the biggest mmo game in the world for 7-9 years.
Buy another game if you really like wow then buy Rift cause its so much better.
I personally don't like or play Rift but thats cause I don't like wow either and they are very much alike in UI and stuff so its easy to get in to. Rift is a much better game any day.
peace out
GW2 Rules
Yeah, go for GW2 and tell me how long you lasted before subscribed to Wow.
I lasted 3-4 months + 6 months keeping game on hdd without logging into the game before I deleted it.
Edit: For character progression and end-game, if you don't wanna pay sub - RIFT.
For a game as close to WoW as it gets without sub, go for Rift.
As to your problem with WoW...if you give me your account-info i can take care of that. Us gamers have to help each other out!
Path of Exiles isn't an MMORPG. It is an action role playing game like Diablo - but its very fun, free, and extremely deep. Also, the team behind it is fantastic.
Give it a shot if you are interested!