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Story MMO games.

ArcheangelArcheangel Member UncommonPosts: 49
So I am kind of enjoying SWTOR.  But honestly, the only reason i really enjoy it is the story.  Which makes me think perhaps i should just go play Mass effect or KOTOR or something else Bioware.  But I use my MMO game time as a social outlet.  Expected responses "Go outside, meet people, get a life..."  or worse, yeah have fun with that.  I don't feed trolls.  Anyway, are there any other games with a real focus on the story like SWTOR? I mean a story with decisions that feel like they have actual effect.  Or do i have to stick with single player RPG's for this? I've played through part of GW2, but honestly the game leaves me feeling lonely.  SWTOR doesn't because I know people who still play.  Anyone have some other suggestions?


  • AxehiltAxehilt Member RarePosts: 10,504
    Single player RPGs definitely do it best.  SWTOR is the best as MMOs go, with GW2 a somewhat distant second.  WOW is probably third, but really at that point you're talking about an experience which is nowhere near as good as a good singleplayer RPG.

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  • ArcheangelArcheangel Member UncommonPosts: 49
    Originally posted by Axehilt
    Single player RPGs definitely do it best.  SWTOR is the best as MMOs go, with GW2 a somewhat distant second.  WOW is probably third, but really at that point you're talking about an experience which is nowhere near as good as a good singleplayer RPG.

    I've been doing some research in the last hour or whatever since i made this post.  Apparently what i am looking for are Moral Decision Games. Kotor, Mass Effect, Dragon Age... Apparently bioware does it best, and not many others seem to compete. I don't think WoW falls into this category at all.  So i suppose if people have some other suggestions on moral decision games, please let me know.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,114
    not sure about "how much affect" you have but "The Secret World" has an good story as well as some of the best quests I've seen in a while.
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  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529
    Originally posted by Archeangel

    I've been doing some research in the last hour or whatever since i made this post.  Apparently what i am looking for are Moral Decision Games. Kotor, Mass Effect, Dragon Age... Apparently bioware does it best, and not many others seem to compete. I don't think WoW falls into this category at all.  So i suppose if people have some other suggestions on moral decision games, please let me know.

    Bioware does excellent Black and White moral decisions in games.

    However, if you are more into the 'gray' moral decisions I'd highly recommend 'The Witcher' series where there is no real good / bad morals.

    Divinity 2 / Dragon Commander from Larian is another excellent series with some decisions that isn't black and white.

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  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,628
    SWTOR has the based character based stories in any MMO I know of. If you would like storytelling to a grand theme, I would pick Lotro. If you want something more modern I would pick TSW. Those three games have the best quests and storylines I have ever seen.
  • Germaximus_SGermaximus_S Member UncommonPosts: 1,061

    Final Fantasy XIV is really damn good because of its focus on story. It doesn't offer you the dialogue options like SWTOR though.

    If you wanna slip into another single-player one, play Kingdoms of Amalur if you haven't. Absolutely incredible.

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