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During the recent Letter from the Producer Live, it was announced that the fourth phase of the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will commence on August 17th with a level cap of 20. The early access event prior to FFXIV's re-launch will kick off on August 24th with no character wipe so, ladies and gentlemen? Start your engines!
Beta phase 3 players can start one day early on the 16th
Early access starts on the 24th, no down time between early access and launch
Level cap is 20 in phase 4.
Arcanist available in phase 4
Fishing profession available in phase 4
Coliseum PVP will be in phase 4
Scholar confirmed to be healer role
Payment options Crysta, credit card, 30 day and 60 day game cards confirmed
Fee based world transfer service confirmed (available 2-3 weeks from launch)
Free of charge smartphone apps (named Libra Eorzea) confirmed. Shows character stats, all abilities, quests, crafting materials, and basically all information about the game. Available 1 week after launch for iOS and 3-4 weeks after launch for Android.
No item transfer between same account and same server available.
Barber shop not available at launch, In the barber shop you can change hairstyle, hair colour, face tattoo, face paint, face paint colour and beard.
Seasonal events confirmed (Xmas & new years confirmed so far), with season-themed gear obtainable
Snowman gear confirmed (lol)
Fire resistant swimsuit gear confirmed
New Eorzea 2013 Collection Video (Mob version)
Phase 4 data will not be wiped unless a game breaking bug is discovered. Stop asking.
Crystal Tower 24 man raid confirmed (not available at launch)
Primals finishing moves confirmed to be changing
No /tell allowed in raids.
Duty finder to be expanded over time.
Extreme difficulty setting confirmed for primals
Unicorn mount confirmed, for white mages! (<3)
Other unique mounts for different jobs available
Character gender and race effects mount sitting pose
Limited amount of times you can "need" in dungeons and raids confirmed.
Leviathan confirmed
Free companies earn points when members complete quests
EXP bonuses and other bonuses confirmed for free company members
Read more at Reddit.
No item transfer between same account and same server available.
No signature, I don't have a pen
Limited amount of times you can "need" in dungeons and raids confirmed.
Hmmm, isn't is the EXACT OPPOSITE
Q23: You previously mentioned that you might restrict the number of times we are able to roll a NEED on loot. Have you decided if any restrictions will be in place?
A23: After discussing the matter internally, we have decided not to implement any restrictions on the looting system.
" forum admins are all TROLLS and losers in real life"
My opinion
Seriously I love this website but a lot of information posted here is "kinda" wrong. Tell will be allowed in raid, it will just not be allowed in things like duty finders so you can't spam the **** out of player you may never play with again. You will be able to send tells to people on your own server/shard
Also like someone said in your message you said phase 4 is on 14th but it's on 17 or 16th if you were in phase 3
Also I can be wrong there but i'm quite sure barber shop will be available at launch, because launch comes with 1st patch, they even said "Don't worry too much during beta character creation"
They also confirmed moon festival that is 1 week after launch, with "heat" bikini gear
ah dangit i was hoping it would start tomorrow. cant wait!
So they are not allowed to change things in Beta?
All you bastards saying this game is good is making want to try it.
You stay sassy!
There won't be a wipe in this last beta phase, only a limit to lvl 20 but everything will be carried over to early access and release.
Can't Wait!
No /tell allowed in raids.
Most people claim this applies to duty finder ONLY, so you can't disturb the people you get qued into.
Premade raid groups will have access to /tell from what I am told. Not that it makes a difference because your all on vent/teamspeak most likely.
I do not want to start a flame war here, but This post is about what has been said THIS MORNING and it contains error on waht has been said THIS MORNING...
They did not CONFIRM that loot will have limits, they DENIED it , said they changed idea... The post up there contains wrong information... I just wanted to correct it..
This morning there was also an error on the dates, I am not against this site or the creator of this thread, I am just saying that probably over 500 persons read this text today and it contains false information and I just wanted to help...
I am not talking about the dev changing idea I am talking about how it currently is. Sorry if you though I was only here to flame..
The game is fantasic, really. Very surprised when I tried out beta!
I am one click away from pre-ordering FFXIV ARR
gnihihi..wouldn't be the first time a whole raid bites the dust because the main healer was distracted (deliberatly..?)
Yea haha, but keep in mind its not exactly that, they meant duty finders so you can't flame and troll cross-realms , you will be able to /tell people from your shards , so yea they will /tell in raids