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I noticed the Hype Level dropping for Everquest Next

KrimzinKrimzin Member UncommonPosts: 687
I noticed that there isn't the same gap between FFXIV and EQN now, that there was a couple weeks ago. FFXIV is going up and EQN is going down. I for one changed my hype from 10 to 4 after seeing the reveal.

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  • xevanonxevanon Member UncommonPosts: 76
    Same here, my hype went down on EQN because of the cartoon WOWish and their sandboxe perpective...Innovation hmm I have my doudts!
  • DullahanDullahan Member EpicPosts: 4,536
    Originally posted by Krimzin
    I noticed that there isn't the same gap between FFXIV and EQN now, that there was a couple weeks ago. FFXIV is going up and EQN is going down. I for one changed my hype from 10 to 4 after seeing the reveal.

    The hype before was hypothetical.

    No game will ever have the hype that EQN had before the reveal, its just not that possible to please everyone, especially EQ players who want another hard game in this instant gratification society.

    I changed mine from a 10 to an 8 I believe, only because the combat and class buffoonery.  EQ Next still has more innovative features than every other MMO coming out in the next 2 years combined.

  • sholo635sholo635 Member UncommonPosts: 20
    same thing for me, I hope that the "sandbox" will be more than destroy objects... I can't wait to learn more about the crafting systems
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    Well sure, before we knew anything it was going to be every ones favorite new game.

    For some people this is no longer true and they are adjusting accordingly.

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  • Fly666monkeyFly666monkey Member UncommonPosts: 161

    You have a lot of people who are already calling the game a failure because of "x feautre will destroy the game" or "The graphics look like WoW" or "x feature isn't going to work."

    All this, and the game isn't even in closed beta yet.

    So it boils down to what is par for the course on this site: people being opinionated about things they know nothing about.Some being worse than others, though I'm not naming names.

  • bonzoso21bonzoso21 Member UncommonPosts: 380
    Before the reveal, people thought SOE were further along in development than they are. Now that the curtain has been raised on a pre-alpha game that, a) isn't what people were expecting, and b) has a ton of ambitious features that make me think back to Peter Molyneux during the 2 years leading up to the first Fable, it's to be expected that a lot of people would shove the game to the back of their minds, at the very least until 2014's cons give them a look at the game that is a bit more indicative of what we can expect at release.
  • MuruganMurugan Member Posts: 1,494

    FFXIV is not going up because of people upvoting it.  EQ Next is going down because more people are voting on it now that there is more information. 


    FFXIV is going up because the whole scoring system is tied to some kind of formula that balances them against eachother.


    Over 2000 people have voted on FFXIV, going back to before the original launch (which are still all preserved).  It has plenty of negative feedback as well.  EQ Next barely has 600 votes, by comparison it could go anywhere until launch back up to 10 or off the "most hyped" list all together.


    However with this website doing all it can to push EQ Next as they did GW2 and SWTOR before it, I doubt that will happen, at least until after launch.

  • ziggotziggot Member Posts: 7
    I did not know one could vote, thanks for posting this. Placed my vote at 10; this will be the next mmo to rule them all. By the way, all this talk of cartoony graphics were thrown at wow before its launch in 2004 and we all know how that turned out.
  • Redfeather75Redfeather75 Member UncommonPosts: 230

    Maybe the magic and mystery caused a lot of hype.
    I personally can't wait for the game. I wish I had a time machine. XD

  • JedidiahTheadoreJedidiahTheadore Member Posts: 48
    The only thing that dampened my hype is how far out from launch it is. I was expectin next May to Sept for launch, but now early 2015 seems more likely or worst case fall 2015.

    Still excited by what I've heard, and happy I won't have to choose between EQN and Archeage though.
  • ChieftanChieftan Member UncommonPosts: 1,188
    Honestly when developers struggle to get conventional MMOs out complete and hassle-free I have a feeling that graphics are going to be the tip of the iceberg at launch...

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  • will_wolf_riderwill_wolf_rider Member Posts: 8
    After the reveal, I gave it an 8 hype. Then I bumped it up to a 10 after the panels. And I'll probably leave it at a 10 for 2 years..  2 years..... sigh..
  • RusqueRusque Member RarePosts: 2,785
    It'll go down again when the first real footage comes out as more unreasonable expectations are spoiled. Then it'll go up during beta when people are crazy hyped. Then one month after release when people realize that video games aren't magic and won't be infinity fun x1000000^9 the backlash wills start and rating will drop.
  • ArChWindArChWind Member UncommonPosts: 1,340

    Reading between the lines.

    Unlimited Destructibility – Does that mean heavily instanced game play?
    I expect heavily instanced game play here simply for the fact that progression could not happen except for the first ones through an area because there would be nothing left to visualize since it would most likely get obliterated in the first run. If you have ever play Vindictus you would understand exactly what I mean here.

    So they say there will be no limitations?

    Guild leaders now cry about the guild bank getting emptied what is going to happen when a trusted guild member decides that they got the short end of the stick with the last raid loot? Can you imagine the drama when the guild hall is in ashes because the member was on the team to build the guild hall?
    Or how about the player that spent a month building a magnificent castle and someone that is/was on his team decides to ruin the fun?
    There is going to have to be some limitations for the sake of the games existence so this may be a over hyped statement in itself.

    One concern I have here with so little information is.

    PvP or no PvP? I expect it to be team based and open world FFA in parts of the map simply because building settlements and growing into a fortress would require some form of competitive game play. This means that only strongest forces will survive and that usually means if you don’t PvP then this area is not for you. Well exactly how much of the world is going to consist in this state anyway?
    So the game will be a graphic cartoon with heavy instances and possibly FFA PvP so giving it a 5 is about all it would be worth at this point.
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  • FratmanFratman Member Posts: 344
    Originally posted by ArChWind

    Reading between the lines.

    Unlimited Destructibility – Does that mean heavily instanced game play?
    So the game will be a graphic cartoon with heavy instances and possibly FFA PvP so giving it a 5 is about all it would be worth at this point.

    I'm really curious to hear about how they're going to handle instancing. It could make or break the game.

    The devs said they would use instancing as a tool when appropriate, so that could mean anything at this point.

  • ZapzapZapzap Member UncommonPosts: 224

    I have pretty much written this game off as another soulless easy mode GW2 type game.  It really does not deserve to be a sequel of EQ. 

    What did it for me was the no leveling, no endgame, no trinity, and  GW2 LAS.  I could be wrong and I will likely try it in open beta but it looks like an easy mode game directed at the masses rather than at veteran players.

    Easy mode everyone designs like this are killing the MMO genre.

  • WaterlilyWaterlily Member UncommonPosts: 3,105
    I had hopes for this game up until they lost their marbles when they removed aggro, trinity and progression and added in multiclassing. People might as well go play Hello Kitty Online, I heard they have tanks.
  • EhliyaEhliya Member UncommonPosts: 223

    The WOW-style shoulder pad armor and Tony the Tiger Kerran was a turn-off to many.  It's like using Jar-Jar in your promos for your new Star Wars movie.  

    Unless you plan to have your Kerran's battle cry be "I feel Grrrrr-eeat!" :)

  • aesperusaesperus Member UncommonPosts: 5,135
    Originally posted by Dullahan
    Originally posted by Krimzin
    I noticed that there isn't the same gap between FFXIV and EQN now, that there was a couple weeks ago. FFXIV is going up and EQN is going down. I for one changed my hype from 10 to 4 after seeing the reveal.

    The hype before was hypothetical.

    No game will ever have the hype that EQN had before the reveal, its just not that possible to please everyone, especially EQ players who want another hard game in this instant gratification society.

    I changed mine from a 10 to an 8 I believe, only because the combat and class buffoonery.  EQ Next still has more innovative features than every other MMO coming out in the next 2 years combined.

    This ^

    It's a problem that a lot of people seem to have, especially on this site. It's easy to get excited about something you don't know about yet. It's got the most potential to please what you specifically want, because it hasn't actually done anything yet.

    Once that gets refined into a more practical state, much of that potential is now gone, and most of the things you were dreaming about may have been great for you, but not other people (or visa versa).

    It comes down to managing expectations. I know I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but I expect we'll see the same thing in regards to FFXIV. Right now that game is getting hyped up the arse, and no one seems to realize this yet. It's a gorgeous game, it's got the hot IP, but once people play it for a longer period of time, I think they're going to start realizing a lot of the problems that game still has. It'll probably take at least a month, maybe 2, but I'd be surprised if people didn't start doing the same ol' jaded cry train they do with every game.

    Manage your expectations. Get them grounded in reality. And you're going to be much more happy about it. Furthermore it will be easier for you to enjoy a good game when it does come out, if you aren't still comparing it to impossible standards / expectations.

  • ArclanArclan Member UncommonPosts: 1,550

    I will try the game at launch for sure. Because EQN is trying to "please everybody," it is certain elements of it will displease most. Add me to that list. But I will certainly give the game a shot. I loathe F2P so I probably won't spend a dime in the cash shop.

    Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
    In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit

  • killahhkillahh Member UncommonPosts: 445



     im thinking the most likely reason is that final fantasy comes out in less than two weeks, and if you know anything about how the hype rating works,  that could be the reason.


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  • cybertruckercybertrucker Member UncommonPosts: 1,117
    There's only like 780'votes or something on the hype meter for it... So it's not like its a standard for the MMO population
  • elchulogamerelchulogamer Member Posts: 3
    I went from being more excited than ever for an mmo to no interest at all. Change the name to Free Realms 2 please.
  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476

    Not gonna play it do not like graphics will spend my money on wild star or star citizen. Sony is trying just to get a few bucks and nothing new here. should have spent the time and money on up grading eq and its content.


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  • ZuvielifyZuvielify Member Posts: 168

    My hype went down for two reasons:

    1) It was different than I was expecting, largely in negative ways (but still some good things)

    2) It aint coming out for 2 years, so why bother paying attention? I can't stay excited about something that long; can you?

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