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What if EQN releases on the 6th of August?



  • jdnycjdnyc Member UncommonPosts: 1,643

    Limited launch.  You're either in or your out.  Rolling invites to the exclusive club every couple of months.

    It's F2P.  They can do whatever they want.  And no one can say shit and be taken seriously.  

  • TelondarielTelondariel Member Posts: 1,001
    Originally posted by Bidwood
    Originally posted by Lokero
    Originally posted by Bidwood
    Originally posted by Telondariel
    Originally posted by Bidwood

    "Players will have to wait a bit longer to try it themselves, but maybe not as long as you'd expect. 'Players will get their hands on an actual release version of what we're doing late [this] year - and I don't mean a beta,' says Smedley."

    This has been discussed ad nauseum in multiple threads.  Again, speculation based on cryptic messages.

    You think the idea that players will get their hands on a release version this year is cryptic? What about that is cryptic?

    The biased, hype-driving person saying it ;)

    Well, it may not sound "cryptic" but it certainly isn't a confirmation, either.  And, he said that quite a while back, and we all know how often MMOs get delayed and pushed back, in addition.

    So, it's suspect in several ways.  The guy is clearly passionate about getting it out there, but his excitement and in-mind goal date don't mean it'll actually happen.

    So what's "confirmation" to you if not the president of the company saying it's going to happen?

    Bidwood, you're like one of those records that skips and keeps playing the same track.


    Again, the quote and the discussion have been beaten to death.  I'm not indulging you any more.  

  • DruzellaDruzella Member Posts: 15
    Sorry for my English. I think that the game will be released only at the end of 2014, in vain you wait and think that all will be well soon
  • ice-vortexice-vortex Member UncommonPosts: 960
    The line between beta and release is blurring with free to play games.
  • DruzellaDruzella Member Posts: 15
    if SOE will do everything for a long time, the Koreans during this time will make a lot of new games and SOE will be an idiot
  • evilastroevilastro Member Posts: 4,270
    Hope they don't go with the farcical beta stages other games keep doing. They never really get used for testing. Just pay a bigger dedicated team for QA.
  • grimjakkgrimjakk Member Posts: 192
    Originally posted by Bidwood
    It would be great. That way you PC gamers can beta test the game for me before the polished game launches on PS4 day one. =)

    I.... don't really have a problem with that.

    You're welcome.  ;)

  • chakalakachakalaka Member UncommonPosts: 291
    Hahahahaha! I was thinking about something like this earlier... I would buy the F&%^ outta EQN!!
  • DruzellaDruzella Member Posts: 15
    wonder how many Russian watch the game here in this forum
  • jcr4990jcr4990 Member Posts: 10
    Originally posted by chakalaka
    Hahahahaha! I was thinking about something like this earlier... I would buy the F&%^ outta EQN!!

    I don't understand why people think we'll be "buying" EQNext. It's already been developer confirmed that it's going to be F2P multiple times. All of SoE's games are F2P and this will not be an exception.


    I do however think it's very likely that we'll see a beta shortly after SoE live. I'm hoping for an open beta on the 6th but that might be a little too optimistic. More than likely it'll be a week or two out from SoE live. Sometime mid-late August.

  • MyrdynnMyrdynn Member RarePosts: 2,484

    Closed Beta will launch Aug 6


  • jcr4990jcr4990 Member Posts: 10
    Originally posted by Myrdynn

    Closed Beta will launch Aug 6


    How can closed beta launch Aug 6th if sign ups aren't even available til AT LEAST Aug 2nd? Sorry I don't think you're correct. If there's a beta on Aug 6th it'll be open beta. It takes more than a couple days to select beta participants and send out keys.etc

  • DruzellaDruzella Member Posts: 15
    Originally posted by Myrdynn

    Closed Beta will launch Aug 6


    no harm in dreaming

  • DejoblueDejoblue Member UncommonPosts: 307

    Closed beta let alone launch on the 6th is utterly ridiculous consideration. The devs are in Vegas until Sunday, get back Monday adn then the company does maintenance for all of their games and you think in all of that headache they are going to launch a beta or even the game? No way no how.

    Beta is a carrot to dangle in front of people to make them buy a founders pack.

    I just do not see it happening, so many people, including myself would be pretty upset, with no warning.

    Beta is really tho only thing I think that may even remotely be considered, but right after Vegas and on Tuesday during/after maintenance?

    Release on the 6th would be amazing, no doubt, but let's think this through.

  • Riposte.ThisRiposte.This Member Posts: 192
    Originally posted by Zzad

    I wouldn´t buy the game without testing it.

    We haven´t even seen the game yet...

    They are not going to make me buy vaporwear in 2 trailers...not in a MMO.

    If they are launching August 6th they better start their marketing machine NOW!


    You have been spoiled to think that you should get to try a game out, in a beta, or other wise before buying it. lol

    Killing dragons is my shit

  • Gallus85Gallus85 Member Posts: 1,092

    EQN is confirmed F2P, as in same as all the other SOE games.

    Download for free.  There's a subscription you can buy for additional perks/content and a cash shop for trinkets and exp pots or whatever.

    There are no "EQN boxes" to sell.

    Legends of Kesmai, UO, EQ, AO, DAoC, AC, SB, RO, SWG, EVE, EQ2, CoH, GW, VG:SOH, WAR, Aion, DF, CO, MO, DN, Tera, SWTOR, RO2, DP, GW2, PS2, BnS, NW, FF:XIV, ESO, EQ:NL

  • AeliousAelious Member RarePosts: 3,521
    [mod edit]
  • MargulisMargulis Member CommonPosts: 1,614

    I wouldn't be surprised if it's this year, kind of expect early next year, but really doubt it will launch on the 6th.


    HOWEVER!!!  There are some clues that I could see POTENTIALLY leading to what the op is saying.  Still, highly doubt it.

  • MargulisMargulis Member CommonPosts: 1,614
    [mod edit]
  • donpopukidonpopuki Member Posts: 591
    Even when the facts widely available people will still make passionate arguments based on ignorance. Multiple people in this thread alone after multiple posted corrections still believe that they have to "buy" the game and even talk about box sales. Amazing...

    Anything is possible but somethings are more probable than others. In descending exponotional probability of what can happen on Aug 6th:
    1. Nothing happens, we just get to see the development area ie the "black box". 9/10 chance.
    2. Closed beta starts. 9/100
    3. Open beta starts. 9/1000
    4. The game launches. The balance.
  • BetaguyBetaguy Member UncommonPosts: 2,629
    This thread is short a few sandwhiches for the picnic
    "The King and the Pawn return to the same box at the end of the game"

  • LorgarnLorgarn Member UncommonPosts: 417

    Wont happen.


    It just doesn't make sense from a marketing stand point. The game is only known of by a portion of the MMO community while being completely unknown of by the rest of the world. While we don't know for sure how long the game has been in development and what their release target is, but I'd be very surprised if its released this year. I wouldn't count on it.


    They want a few months to hype and market their game, they also need to beta test(not internal) which also takes a couple of months at the very least.


    Sometime next year? Definitely plausible, could take longer than that as well.

  • SpankthetoadSpankthetoad Member UncommonPosts: 83
    Anyone know if you can sub this game and not go ftp.  I hope so.  It would be nice to have perks like Rift does when you sub.


  • IlayaIlaya Member UncommonPosts: 661
    Originally posted by Resken

    No seriously, what if?

    If you think about would be one hell of a marketing strategy.

    Anyone who follows MMORPGS will likely watch the reveal on the 2nd of August and if at this reveal they announce that it will be in stores the 6th they will likely have a very HUGE turnout in box sales because of this hype they've been building for months and months.

    I think if they indeed release the game on Aug 6th it would be probably the most brilliant marketing strategy ever. People will impulse buy on the hype alone.

    Also, SOE did say in the black box video "The Black Box Opens August 6th" Maybe the EQN box is black, and they're making a reference to it being OPENED by us on the 6th! The 6th is after all a Tuesday and most new releases come out then.

     Wrong or Right, The anticipation for this game is killing me!!! Is it just me or is this last week going by so insanely slow!


    Man i would be quite shocked. And it would be an AWESOME Marketing move. I think, no one has done such a thing before. But my guess is, that it will not happen image

  • AffordableAffordable Member UncommonPosts: 41
    Originally posted by Ilaya
    Originally posted by Resken

    No seriously, what if?

    If you think about would be one hell of a marketing strategy.

    Anyone who follows MMORPGS will likely watch the reveal on the 2nd of August and if at this reveal they announce that it will be in stores the 6th they will likely have a very HUGE turnout in box sales because of this hype they've been building for months and months.

    I think if they indeed release the game on Aug 6th it would be probably the most brilliant marketing strategy ever. People will impulse buy on the hype alone.

    Also, SOE did say in the black box video "The Black Box Opens August 6th" Maybe the EQN box is black, and they're making a reference to it being OPENED by us on the 6th! The 6th is after all a Tuesday and most new releases come out then.

     Wrong or Right, The anticipation for this game is killing me!!! Is it just me or is this last week going by so insanely slow!


    Man i would be quite shocked. And it would be an AWESOME Marketing move. I think, no one has done such a thing before. But my guess is, that it will not happen image

    You mean a TERRIBLE marketing move right? This game is under the radar. Best case scenario is they release the beta the 6th of august. 

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