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I'm playing WoW atm and it's got a great crafting system. But I'd really like to play a MMORPG where you can start your character, start crafting and never ever have to slay a single beast. Is there any of them out there? If you know of any game with such a craftingsystem please post here. Or just post what MMORPG got the best craftingsystem atm...I figured I can settle for the best
LOL no offence but if you think WoW has a great crafting system then any mmorpg out there that has a crafting system will impress you.
Crafting is one of the weakest points of WoW.Games like SWG,horizons,tale in the desert,EQ2 and host of others are way better.
Pick any of those games and be triple impressed if crafting is your thing
Didn't we just have this discussion???
Best crafting games:
1) UO (though it's old and you probably won't enjoy it due to outdated tech in the game)
2) EVE - While I find the crafting pretty boring many like it, and it's the best economy anywhere for an enterprising crafter.
4) DAOC - Decent Crafting system, the next two are slightly better CRAFTING systems but DAOC has a much better market than either of them. Especially on the 'classic' servers.
3) Horizons - The community is so small that you'll have problems making a profit however.
5) EQ2 - Solid crafting system and the storefront system is excellent as well.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Man you guys really don't play enough mmo's to make a good judgement about crafting. The best crafting mmo ever is A Tale in the Desert II. That game is nothing but crafting.
You go to the lake and get some water, poor it on some mud, and let it harden to make bricks. You also have to pick grass and let it dry and literally chop wood. You can't beat A Tale in the Desert II when it comes to the immersion it takes into the crafting system. After 5 minutes of waiting for the stones to dry, in which you would have been gathing more ingredients to make more; you get 10 stones, now you only need 10 million more, and your pyramid will be done.
It's true... if all you want to do is craft, ATITD is the place for you. You even have to mostly craft the tools you need to do your crafting! There is no real character customisation... everyone just looks like one of several different sorts of Egyptians. There are various puzzles and tasks to do (which mostly involved crafting). You can raise animals and breed them to get resources. You can create works of art and have people rate them.
I only found a few problems with ATITD (besides the fact that it's just not action-y enough for me). I found the community to be a bit elitist. If you weren't in on one of the big groups that have been around for a long time, you just plain weren't in. Good land goes quickly so if you're just starting, chances are you won't find a good plot of land to build and live on. You'll have to head away from the main areas. Traveling is a big pain and you need to be able to get to the schools. If you create art, the further away you are from a main drag, the more likely it is that hardly anyone will ever see your work and vote on it. Having said that... if you like crafting, there's no end of it in this game.
Horizons is the same way. I tried to only recommend games that had a decent player base and economy. HZ only got mentioned in my list because it was one of the few crafting games that somewhat followed the UO model, one I still consider the best ever.
ATIDII is, absolutely, a very good crafter game... but when I tried it the game felt very empty... has it grown a lot recently or something?
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
MMOs Retired From: Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia, There, A Tale in the Desert, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, City of Heroes/Villains.
MMOs Currently (worth) Playing: None.
MMO hopefuls: Age of Conan.
Yep this game is all about crafting. I dont think any other mmorpgs have that huge trees of skills and structures like Tale in the Desert thats why it's unique in its way but every other aspect of this game (graphics/sound/pvp/pve) are very poor.
The crafting system in SWG is pretty detailed. Everything requires its own sets of resources and relies on certain stats on those resources. Unlike some other games, you have harvestors that you can place down on resource spots that will mine the resource until either the spawn runs out, your harvestor becomes full or runs out of power/maintanence.
Generally the more complex the thing you make, the more parts and specialised resources it needs. For instance to make a suit of armour, you need to first make segments, then use those to make cores (each core needs 3 segments) and then from there you can start making your armour peice by peice. Sounds like alot to do? You can use factories to automate the process and make bulk quantaties while you do other stuff. Things that require multiples of some component require that its made in a factory. Each thing you make can be experimented on, and how successful the experimentation is determines how good the final product is.
Once you've made your product you can then set up a vendor to sell it. While the latest changes mean that many things can now be looted, SWG is still pretty much a player run economy. At this point, the only crafting profession to be really hindered are Weaponsmiths, the rest are still pretty much as valid as they were before.
If your willing to wait a few months, Roma Victor should have an awesome crafting system.
Everquest 2 IMO.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
Yes, you're right... those things don't exist in ATITD. The closest you can get is the senseless slaughter of your pet camels.
Wow thanks alot for all the answears
A tale in the desert seems like a very great game so have to check that out and the SWG system didn't sound so bad either. Could anyone explain how the EQ2 system works? I tried to find out on SOE's homepage but that just plain crap when it comes to good info.
I can't see how some of you prefer the DAoC crafting system before WoW when there is no "sellingsystem" involved in it. No matter how great the crafting itself is you really need a good way to get your goods sold to imo. Like Horizons. But I played Horizons and it got one problem, at least when I played, say you are a jeweler and you constantly need to find more rare jewels so you run a long way into the wild only to get killed by a monster because you don't have highlvl enough. I just like to stay in my town, do my crafting and get my gold
Again, thanks alot!
Id say Eve-Online
You dont have to kill one thing to make craploads of money and produce your own ships/modules and such.
Best Mmorpg economy i've seen
Well you'll need the minerals then the Blue print or a copy of itt o make an item.
Items are ships,guns,ammos, all the other things that affect combat
The biggeer stuff takes Special Components that can only be acquired by setting up station on moons then reactions. Very complex But want to get into crafting/economic stuff id reccomend it.
If you want a very good crafting game wait for the Dark and Light online!!!! it will be the best one and most detailed. Im waiting it too.