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WTF City of Heroes is DEAD !

slygamer1979slygamer1979 Member UncommonPosts: 101

what in the blue hell happened to this game i found out not long ago that they shut down last sept i thought it was doing pretty good.  

I found out when i was checking in i wanted to login and play some and BAM game is shut down :-/



  • ShaddyDaddyShaddyDaddy Member UncommonPosts: 193
    I feel your pain brother.
  • NotimeforbsNotimeforbs Member CommonPosts: 346
    It was live for like 11 years or so.  It had a good run.  There's no shame in putting an old dog to rest.
  • YizleYizle Member Posts: 517

    Woke up from a coma?

    But yeah it does suck they closed it down and screwed over its subscribers like they did.

    Was a fun game.

  • sholo635sholo635 Member UncommonPosts: 20
    right in the feelings... :(
  • DrakynnDrakynn Member Posts: 2,030
    Originally posted by slygamer1979

    what in the blue hell happened to this game i found out not long ago that they shut down last sept i thought it was doing pretty good.  

    I found out when i was checking in i wanted to login and play some and BAM game is shut down :-/

    Have you jsut come back from deployment or something ?Because this was pretty big news late last year.The game was still profitable but not profitable enough for NCSoft apparently who wanted to shift resources elsewhere.

    Whilst I don't begrudge NCSoft the right to do what it wants with it's IPs,the way they went about it was pretty shitty.The fien folk at paragon found out they were out of a job at the same time as it was announced to the world,at the tiem they were working on the next issue still.

    Some of the paragon devs and fans are working on something called the Phoenix Project which is planning a kickstart in Spetember if your interested.

    http://phoenix project missing worlds media

  • MMORPGtesterMMORPGtester Member UncommonPosts: 96

    This is what NC soft does with ALL there games once there revenue drops below a set threshhold. This is also why it is not wise to invest any time or money into a game they produce. This is sad because some of there games that were terminated were simply ahead of there time.


    Auto Assault NetDevil MMO Closed August 31, 2007. Dungeon Runners NCSOFT MMO Closed January 1, 2010. Dragonica (Korean Server) Gravity Corp. Casual MMO Closed July 13, 2011. Exteel NCSOFT (E&G Studios) TPS Closed September 1, 2010. Point Blank (Korean Server) Zepetto FPS Closed July 13, 2011. Tabula Rasa Destination Games MMO Closed February 28, 2009. City of Heroes Paragon Studios MMO Closed November 30, 2012


  • Artair83Artair83 Member UncommonPosts: 48
    Yeah this was a sad situation the story wasn't over or anything. It wasn't really a planned shut down so much as an out of the blue investor closing. NC use to be my favorite mass mmo publisher but they definitely lost a lot of my respect that day.
  • slygamer1979slygamer1979 Member UncommonPosts: 101

    No on the coma i was just playing other mmo's and forgot about it for awhile but i was playing DCUO and remembered CoH was better and wanted to play that again. 

    too bad i miss my lvl 50 stalker >_< 

    they should've figured out a way to give that game a single player to play offline

    but other crap mmo's are doing just fine >_<

  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321

    Favorite MMO ever, Auto Assault...killed by NCsoft


    Second favorite MMO ever, Tabula Rasa...killed by NCsoft


    Third favorite MMO ever, City of Heroes...killed my NCsoft


    they make my favorite MMOs, but kill them and then beat up the corpse to a bloody pulp.

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • YizleYizle Member Posts: 517
    Well from all the financials posted by Paragon CoX was doing fine financially so NCSoft screwing it over was a shock to all. But yes this was major news gaming wise for a number of months.
  • ApocalypseSunriseApocalypseSunrise Member Posts: 80

    This is the site of the other "spiritual successor" to CoH.



    It's sounding like a loose CoH clone. I hope they realize that and make some adjustments so NCsoft doesn't try to sue them for copyright infringement.

    Yes, I've read a poem. Try not to faint.

  • M1sf1tM1sf1t Member UncommonPosts: 1,583

    Originally posted by MMORPGtester
    This is what NC soft does with ALL there games once there revenue drops below a set threshhold. This is also why it is not wise to invest any time or money into a game they produce. This is sad because some of there games that were terminated were simply ahead of there time.

    (RIP)Auto Assault NetDevil MMO Closed August 31, 2007. Dungeon Runners NCSOFT MMO Closed January 1, 2010. Dragonica (Korean Server) Gravity Corp. Casual MMO Closed July 13, 2011. Exteel NCSOFT (E&G Studios) TPS Closed September 1, 2010. Point Blank (Korean Server) Zepetto FPS Closed July 13, 2011. Tabula Rasa Destination Games MMO Closed February 28, 2009. City of Heroes Paragon Studios MMO Closed November 30, 2012 

    I'm am in by no means a NCSoft fanboy as most of their games do not appeal to me. However I'm pretty sure this isn't just a NCSoft issue. If a company cannot find a way to profit off a game they will shut it down. NCSoft isn't the first company to do this after all and MMO's are business in the end.

    PS. Having tried and played Auto-assault and Tabula Rasa I can say with a fact that they were both games that had good premises but horrible execution at launch by the developers who made those games. They died because they were not profitable and were not gaining any subs and thus no publisher or developer would justify pouring money into a product that effectively failed in the marketplace.

    Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.

    Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:

    GW2 (+LoL and BF3)

  • YizleYizle Member Posts: 517
    Originally posted by M1sf1t


    Originally posted by MMORPGtester
    This is what NC soft does with ALL there games once there revenue drops below a set threshhold. This is also why it is not wise to invest any time or money into a game they produce. This is sad because some of there games that were terminated were simply ahead of there time.


    (RIP)Auto Assault NetDevil MMO Closed August 31, 2007. Dungeon Runners NCSOFT MMO Closed January 1, 2010. Dragonica (Korean Server) Gravity Corp. Casual MMO Closed July 13, 2011. Exteel NCSOFT (E&G Studios) TPS Closed September 1, 2010. Point Blank (Korean Server) Zepetto FPS Closed July 13, 2011. Tabula Rasa Destination Games MMO Closed February 28, 2009. City of Heroes Paragon Studios MMO Closed November 30, 2012 


    I'm am in by no means a NCSoft fanboy as most of their games do not appeal to me. However I'm pretty sure this isn't just a NCSoft issue. If a company cannot find a way to profit off a game they will shut it down. NCSoft isn't the first company to do this after all and MMO's are business in the end.

    PS. Having tried and played Auto-assault and Tabula Rasa I can say with a fact that they were both games that had good premises but horrible execution at launch by the developers who made those games. They died because they were not profitable and were not gaining any subs and thus no publisher or developer would justify pouring money into a product that effectively failed in the marketplace.


    Actually from the financial reports released by the company CoH was turning a profit.

  • frogtownfrogtown Member UncommonPosts: 59

    This is the first time I have heard of the new project. I really hope they can pull it together. I miss City of Heroes/Villians. It was probably the MMO I invested the most time in.

    All the newer MMO's are trying to think outside the box which is great, but sometimes I miss my old favorites. That is the biggest downside to MMO's is that once they shutdown you basically lose the game forever. Hell I'm sure I have an old pong game still collecting dust somewhere.

  • steamtanksteamtank Member UncommonPosts: 391

    right in the feels...


    the scars were just forming... new wounds all over again


    the 3 superhero games on the market right now are bleh at best


    i want CoH back so badly =(

    ideally on a new engine with updated graphics... but hell ill take it as is... just turn the servers on

  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115

    I loved City of Heroes. Was in beta, got the special sprint graphic they later gave to anyone anyways, and played for years. I came back quite a few months before the game was canned, and they made a mess of it. The early stages were all refined and quite nice, but the end game was a huge grindy mess. It felt more like work than anything else. I wouldn't be surprised if the publisher/devs noticed that towards end game their retainment rate severely dropped off.

    A good end game is not "do this before you can do this so you can go back to do this before doing this part which opens up this part for you so you can complete 1/7 things you need before you can compete in such and such".

  • CthulhuPuffsCthulhuPuffs Member UncommonPosts: 368

    CoX was a great game. Played from CoH Beta through CoV Beta up until about 8 mo before it died.

    Still have all the physical print CoH Comics (in plastic) they used to send out every month.

    I miss being able to log in to my Fire/Fire Blaster and roasting some baddies

    Bringer of Eternal Darkness and Despair, but also a Nutritious way to start your Morning.

    Games Played: Too Many

  • TeknoBugTeknoBug Member UncommonPosts: 2,156

    Same, long time CoH/CoV player and after it went F2P I played a little less because I didn't feel obligated to spend more time on it due to no sub required.

    I miss the game quite a bit, I don't even like DCUO and Champions Online shouldn't even exist.


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    Most of the people who bemoan it's closing were not playing it at the time. Yet they wonder why NC shut it down.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • TeknoBugTeknoBug Member UncommonPosts: 2,156

    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Most of the people who bemoan it's closing were not playing it at the time. Yet they wonder why NC shut it down.
    Here's what I remember what happened, not long after the game went F2P on most weekends Protector, Virtue and Freedom were nearly full. I figured the profit fell through the floor once it went F2P because there weren't many things worth buying in the cash shop.

    But once the announcement of closing CoH happened, the servers basically emptied out, Freedom was the emptiest I ever saw in the last 4-5 months and became discouraging to even log in.


  • Sugoi-chanSugoi-chan Member UncommonPosts: 15

    CoH was my home away from home for the entire 8-1/2 years it was active, with my longest period of inactivity being about a 2 week period when real life stuff took precedence.  CoH itself may have been shut down due to NCS's internal policies, but there are at least 3 fan-driven replacements in the works right now in various stages of  operability.  Quite fitting for one of the classic memes of comic books... "They're Dead?  Nah... They'll be back in a few issues, and better than before!"

    Looking forward to assisting in beta testing The Phoenix Project, Heroes and Villains, and Valiance Online (not necessarily in that order.),170.0.html

    And anyone who still has CoH Issue 23 or 24 (Beta) installed on their system can use the Icon program to site see and tinker with the old game, although it's in solo mode only.  And things are a lot quieter in Paragon City since all those meddling Hero and Villain groups vanished.  A lot of people have been taking photos of their favorite characters as individual and group shots.,7288.0.html





  • Squeak69Squeak69 Member UncommonPosts: 959
    Originally posted by Sukiyaki
    Originally posted by Yizle
    Originally posted by M1sf1t


    I'm am in by no means a NCSoft fanboy as most of their games do not appeal to me. However I'm pretty sure this isn't just a NCSoft issue. If a company cannot find a way to profit off a game they will shut it down. NCSoft isn't the first company to do this after all and MMO's are business in the end.

    PS. Having tried and played Auto-assault and Tabula Rasa I can say with a fact that they were both games that had good premises but horrible execution at launch by the developers who made those games. They died because they were not profitable and were not gaining any subs and thus no publisher or developer would justify pouring money into a product that effectively failed in the marketplace.


    Actually from the financial reports released by the company CoH was turning a profit.

    Actually from the financial reports released by the company its not possible to see CoH was turning a profit. Neither reasonable profits,nor straight profits. So you might stop claiming that.

    try again it was turning a profit, a lot of people beleave something else was going on behond the scenes especially when they refused to sell it, they claim to have done everything possible to hand it over to someone else, but their asking price was 80 mil, which is way above its estimaded value considering it only turned a profit of around a handful of mil per year, at the time of closeing.

    F2P may be the way of the future, but ya know they dont make them like they used toimage
    Proper Grammer & spelling are extra, corrections will be LOL at.

  • Squeak69Squeak69 Member UncommonPosts: 959
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Most of the people who bemoan it's closing were not playing it at the time. Yet they wonder why NC shut it down.

    I was playing it at launch and played it till close and the only breaks I tok where due to deployments.

    that aside, CoH F2P was prob the most generose F2P I have seen to date for a MMO.

    F2P may be the way of the future, but ya know they dont make them like they used toimage
    Proper Grammer & spelling are extra, corrections will be LOL at.

  • slygamer1979slygamer1979 Member UncommonPosts: 101

    Thinking about it i wonder if NCSoft did the F2P on purpose knowing the game wouldn't survive so they had reason to shut it down and i notice the new game WildStar shows up not long after which makes me really think this was all planned.

    i smell conspiracy !

    another possibility is if the dev's could bring the game back with updated graphics and all and repackage and sell it as a new mmo.

    I was looking forward to playing i just got the itch to play my characters again and when i looked at the site months ago it was it was closed already and now i can never get to play as a hero/villian the way i want to ever again and don't hand me that crap that DCUO is close i say screw that ! and as for champs online that just looks sad to me.

    I would've figured if F2P wasn't working out they could've went back to P2P i would've gladly paid a monthly fee to play again.

  • OSF8759OSF8759 Member Posts: 284
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Most of the people who bemoan it's closing were not playing it at the time. Yet they wonder why NC shut it down.


    And despite what fanboys say, NCsoft is on record as saying the studio was losing money. The business model they chose when going f2p was bad, so bad in fact that CoH is one of the very few games to continue losing money after a f2p transition.

    CoH was a great game that simply lost its player base over time. The gaming world just passed it by.

    CoHemu is coming though.

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