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I have been playing MMO's since EQ, I played SWG loved it, and havent found an equal sandbox since. I have been holding off on playing EvE until a time when there wasnt some huge controversy or large player influx, I kind of want to fly under the rader and work on getting some sort of small merc clan together.
Ive looked at all the race/factions I think I have settled on either Gallante or Minmatar, Does anyone know which would be better for someone looking to do stealth warfare? I will admit with my limited exposure to the game I have no idea what to expect, but I know I want to be able to escape combat quick and be very fast, the idea of a huge ship kind of doesnt fit with me.
Also has the avatars impacted the game at all? Since they were announced Ive wanted to see how they were implemented, it defiently has been a big draw for me getting the game, besides receiving a free trial of course!
Anyways, if anyone has anything to tell a noob, some kind of a wake up call before I attack this monster of a game, any comments would be appreciated! Thanks guys, my DL is almost finished so here I go!
J-Hun Lookin to Creep Yall!
hallo ~_~
Prepare your anus.
Best advice I can give.
Avoid Low-sec, and wormholes.
Race doesn't really matter since you can learn other race ships and such, it's mostly just for your starting zone and how your character looks. As for stealth, I'd say minmatar since they're faster and the main pvp class due to that, but any can work just as well.
Do the tutorial read what it says carefully and ask for help if needed on the rookie chat that's provided, you will most likely get an answer, anything else you can figure out while playing. Certificates help plan out goals but you can also you 3rd party tools to help with your planning.
And like what the people said previously prepare your anus and pick and plan and stick with like gum to a shoe, since you'll lose time upgrading other skills.
I am not an EVE expert but I played a little. The chart below might provide some clues.
Race has no benefit other than looks and role playing
Start with join some new player friendly corps, Eve Uni being one - They will help you learn the game, take you on fun frigate roams, show you how to pilot your ship / fit your ships properly, but also (and maybe most importantly) will help fund your skills through early eve life
Do ALL tutorials - These will help you learn parts of the game that will stand you in good stead, even do the industry ones, after all you get free goodies from each one that at worst case you can sell
Focus - Focus - Focus, think what you want to fly and focus on that, sounds like you want frigate/cruiser sized hulls, in this case just train all the relevent skills and dont go to much of the required path
Download Evemon - This will help the point above - also has a few ok fittings for the ships you want to fly
finally, Have fun, of course if you really struggle feel free to drop me a mail in game and ill try to help (and nope that does not mean free isk lol) Quazal Atreides << is handle, drop a mail and ill respond when in game
cheers, good luck (you'll need it) and welcome to eve
This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game
where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
Use this code for 21days trial in eve online
Shields are like clothes: the first thing to come off.
Armor is like a penis: it works better when hardened.
Structure is like a vagina: once they're in it, you're screwed.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair.
Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D
Play EVE for free for 21 days
Of course I have bottle of scotch and doctor who on in the background!
Just downloaded Evemon! Thanks for the heads up, ill look for a set path and stick to it. Like I said the stealth aspect just seems awesome to me, like Romulan Warbirds or something.
LOLO! This comment made my night. I feel like that is a pretty original representation of EvE combat.
J-Hun Lookin to Creep Yall!
Hokey religions are no replacement for a good blaster at your side.
The first time I got blown up was in a wormhole, right after they had just come out. The guy that toasted me started talking to me and I ended up joining his corp and learning the game, including how to properly fit a ship depending on what you're doing.
Of course a few weeks later I robbed that corp blind and struck out on my own. Gotta love EVE. Anything is possible.
(1) You progress totally differently in EVE than you do in "normal" MMOs. In normal MMOs you win by making the numbers in your character sheet the largest they can be. EVE will not let you "win" this way, so don't try. In EVE, you win by playing the game to achieve your goals.
(2) Ships (and the modules you fit on them) are just tools for jobs you need doing. You'll lose them, replace them, swap them out for more appropriate ones. You don't "level up!" by being in a bigger ship; often the smaller ship is the better tool. You wouldn't use a jackhammer to fix a watch.
(3) Once you've set yourself a goal, find people who have similar or compatible goals and join up with them. EVE is a million times better when you're in a group. You say you want to do stealth warfare - look for corps that specialise in this while you get some basic practice and skills trained.
(4) People will say "trust no one" but in fact you absolutely need to trust people to get the most out of EVE. Finding out who you can trust and working out how much you should trust them with is perhaps the core challenge of the game. So by all means trust, but don't trust people more than you have to. I trust a couple of hundred people every time I join a fleet, but I only trust them with a single ship representing maybe 3% of my total asset value. On the other hand there are a few people in the game who I will cheerfully trust with much more.
A good way to think about it is to think "how does this benefit me?" when you are considering whether to trust someone.
(5) All contracts posted in Jita local are scams. Trying to work out what the scam is can be an amusing and educational way to pass the time, and I recommend it. But they're all scams.
(6) Ask for help. EVE players love giving advice.
(7) But don't complain. EVE players hate whiners.
(8) Do all the tutorials and ideally the Sister Of EVE epic arc.
(9) Don't end up just grinding missions because they're obvious. Missions are like the burger-flipping jobs of EVE: you can make enough to live on but it's mindless and boring and won't teach you anything you need to know.
(10) Take a risk now and then. It's just pixels.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
You could believe this guy or you could join Brave Newbies and get into PvP within a couple of weeks.
EVE, like your local pusher, won't judge you; it'll just take your money and give you what you ask for.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Your race does not matter much in the long goal. It won't restrict you to play whatever ships you want to. Just take whatever looks best visually or lore wise.
I would definetly recommend finishing the tutorial as well as all 5 of the career agents. This will give you a rough idea of how some of the major aspects of the game work (combat, industry, mining, exploration, etc...). Just be mindful that it can get a little overwhelming at start since there's no real guidance. After you finish all career agents feel free to try other parts of the game. If missioning is your thing you can start with the sisters of eve arc (arnon) and progress into other lv 1-2 missions overtime. If you enjoy mining and being part of some sort of industry you can try to find some WH corporation, or if pvp«ing is your thing you can read up some guides about lowsec/nullsec. Don't be afraid to try things out. Early on, mistakes don't cost much anyways.
And remember that everytime you leave the hangar you're consenting to PVP. Even in hsec you can still be suicide ganked (tho this will almost never happen unless you carry a lot of valuable cargo/ships). Never, and I mean never ever use anyhing you can't easily recover in case you lose it, and believe me, sooner or later there will be losses.
Screw all the guys saying "be careful", "stay in high sec", "you will be a hapless prey for months" etc. Join a organization like Brave Newbies, fit a frig with a scrambler and go have fun.
But I would also recommend reading this and doing the tutorials. Plus anything Malcanis said above.