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$12,500 founder pack? What?



  • DigitallyEndowedDigitallyEndowed Member Posts: 125

    It is indeed a lot of money for a majority of gamers, but it's clearly not being marketed as a general consumer product, so I don't really see what's so crazy about it; the reality is that kind of money is nothing to many people and if you personally like a game so much that the perks are worth the cost, fair play.

  • TsumoroTsumoro Member UncommonPosts: 435

    Sorry but I don't have a problem with this. I am a poor man, I recently just lost my job irl and in the process of finding another one. I am not bitter that people are 'better off' than I am and if they are rich and successful then kudos to them. If I had all the money in the world to where it was simply not a concern for me I wouldn't have a problem donating 12k for a game i enjoyed.

    As for value, well i saw that you got to make your own monster in game and get 10 passes for a pet version. If you can trade those that might be good value. No idea though. I'll never be able to afford it. 

  • SeelinnikoiSeelinnikoi Member RarePosts: 1,360

    For that sort of money I would expect to spend a weekend away with a female dev from the studio...


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  • SeelinnikoiSeelinnikoi Member RarePosts: 1,360
    Originally posted by Muke
    Originally posted by Coman
    Originally posted by Scalpless
    Originally posted by Mtibbs1989

     What's wrong with investing a large amount of money into a company?

    It's not an investment. It's a donation. I'd rather donate to something more meaningful.

    true but who is to say the people who get this do not spend 10 times more on something meaningful?

    Well, some people have more money then they can spend, are bored and plunge it into stuff like this.

    I know a guy in EVE Online that uses like $1-2k/month to echange it into game money. (legal)

    He lost a titan there, and he bought $10,000 worth of timecodes, sold them through the game forums and got himself a new titan with pimp fittings included.


    What I want to know is how someone that makes that sort of money, still has time to play game! :P

    If you are a Star Wars fan, why not try the Star Wars The Old Republic?
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  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    So, don't pay it if you don't want it. You can still play the game.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • ShortyBibleShortyBible Member UncommonPosts: 409
    Originally posted by Mtibbs1989
    Originally posted by Hayasa
    Noone finds wierd the Tabula Rasa T-shirt? Seriously, why Tabula Rasa? O_o

     Tabula Rasa is more than just a video game :)

     In addition to the 12,500 dollar package. If none of you have even paid attention to this game for that long (since many of you didn't even see this). These packs have essentially been here since the public knew about Path of Exile. They're there to help fund the development of the game and since they're an extremely small development team they need the money. They did not go about doing a Kickstarter like many other companies. Instead, they've made this feature available for people on their website for those who are willing to help pay the development process.

     The "founder pack" if you'd like to call it is more like bundles you'd receive when you're helping to fund a Kickstarter. For example: . Hex is a game currently under development which is offering many packs for investors to choose from. Their packs run all the way up to 10,000 dollars.

     What's wrong with investing a large amount of money into a company?

     Is it so wrong to help fund a company who's doing an incredible job with their game?

     Path of Exile is an extremely good action RPG. The game's supposedly going to have 10 acts. 3 of which are already released so far. The game's 3 acts as of right now are fully playable without any restrictions and the game has major updates on a regular basis. People should not be bashing on a company who's standards are far superior to other companies.

    Did you buy a $12,500.00 founder pack?

  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    Originally posted by Seelinnikoi


    What I want to know is how someone that makes that sort of money, still has time to play game! :P

    retired players sitting on a pile of money, ppl born rich, players with their own business, players who do shady business lol, artists etc etc etc....they are out there.


    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • VlackeVlacke Member UncommonPosts: 155

    Go for it i say!:)

    This is more of a gimmick than anything else, however i am sure that they will sell at least a couple of those, after all there are people with tons of money who like to support things they enjoy, 10k for some is like 20$ for the majority of others.

    After all path of Exile is an excellent game, best ARPG on the market currently and the only f2p game out there where you genuinely don't have to buy anything in order to progress and play so kudos to the developer team for that, i wish them success and looking forward to new chapters.

  • LizRollLizRoll Member Posts: 10
    I agree that Path of Exile is a great game. But $12,500 should be considered an investment in the game where the contributor would be considered part owner and share in the profits (should there be any). Of course their "ownership" would be very small but as mentioned before, a group of friends could contribute towards the $12,500 and have bragging rights that they are part of a game they love.
  • LlexXLlexX Member UncommonPosts: 200

    And whats the problem? Its a free choice to support the game, none forced into doing it, nor they gonna have advantage for doing so.

    If someone likes the game and has the money should support it if he desires, it's no difference from celebrity fans buying their useless items and dedicated stuffs for millions of dollars.

  • steamtanksteamtank Member UncommonPosts: 391

    it honestly doesnt bother me.

    nothing in the game is pay to win. its totally free to play and be the best player in the game


    that being said i picked up a few stash tabs and later this summer will be doing a few of their seasonal races.

  • AzothAzoth Member UncommonPosts: 840
    People complain about sub game, saying it's a thing of the past and bla bla bla. All they want are f2p games, and now they are complaining about the whales financing those f2p games ??? You guys seriously have to start thinking about the whole picture.
  • Originally posted by Mtibbs1989

     What's wrong with investing a large amount of money into a company?

    I'll tell you what's wrong with this founder style investing...

    With traditional investment style, the investors reap profit rewards when game is published. ROI, return over investment.

    With founder style investment, investors give money and never share in the profit.

    If you can't see the problem with this, I need investors for my game called "I'm unemployed, I need food and my dentist charges a killing". I accept Paypal

  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247
    Originally posted by Mtibbs1989

     What's wrong with investing a large amount of money into a company?

    Nothing. What's wrong is how few MMO gamers seem to understand the difference between donating and investing.

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • ThodraThodra Member UncommonPosts: 444
    Imagine... Spend that kind of money and the game flops, shutting down after a year. Not saying it will, just crazy to gamble like that

  • ChramChram Member Posts: 91
    Originally posted by Deznts
    Originally posted by Mtibbs1989

     What's wrong with investing a large amount of money into a company?

    I'll tell you what's wrong with this founder style investing...

    With traditional investment style, the investors reap profit rewards when game is published. ROI, return over investment.

    With founder style investment, investors give money and never share in the profit.

    If you can't see the problem with this, I need investors for my game called "I'm unemployed, I need food and my dentist charges a killing". I accept Paypal

    I indeed fail to see "the problem". The difference is, I won't have any fun after paying for your dentist's bill.

    It's simple. Bunch of guys, mostly hardcore Diablo II vets with an ARPG itch they couldn't quite scratch with Titan Quest, Sacred etc., agreed they would really like to experience a spiritual successor to their favourite game. They chose a bunch of skilled designers and programmers among themselves and pooled some money together to make the game possible, everyone adding what he can. That's basically how the game was made. Then they launched closed beta and more people decided that the game was indeed fun and that they would like to make it better (by paying for it's development). And so people bought the supporter packages, mostly in the 10$ - 20$ range, but some bought the 100$ or 150$  ones and then someone who really loved the game and wanted to see it improved paid the 1000$ diamond packages.

    The game launched and did get better. More people wanted it to get even larger and more awesome. But there is only so much you can buy in the store, and cosmetic effects and pets aren't really that enticing. So now GGG is giving the loyal players the opportunity to further support the development - it is clearly labelled and universally understood as such.

    It has nothing to do with an investment. 

  • modusmodus Member UncommonPosts: 69
    Put that kind of money into a game, and there should be monetary return based on sales.  Sure it'd be a drop in bucket for development but ...
  • YaevinduskYaevindusk Member RarePosts: 2,094



    I see nothing wrong with this.  If someone wants to support a game or development team, then that's their prerogative.  If fact, I like to see more of this.  The ability to support our favorite games if we'd like, and perhaps make some kind of mark within them such as making a monster that fits the lore.


    Path of Exile is not an offensive game in terms of what it sells in it's store (though I haven't looked at it in a while), and thus packs that help support the game of any kind are a welcome site.  There may be a few jealous souls -- or entitled lot -- that make fun of this, but ... well, that's just this industry for you nowadays.


    The real thing here is that $12,500 is almost unheard of at the moment.  But I do know of people who spend upwards of $10,000 on cash shops, saying that it's their choice.  While I personally would just donate that to an animal shelter or something, it's not my decision to make.


    In fact, this is a good thing if you take a moment to look at it.  This is a way for legit free-to-play games (that don't offer gambling or anything of the offense-to-some sort) to be able and get the big spenders to spend big without also offending certain gaming crowds.  If the same people don't like it, then I don't know what to tell developers or anyone... as then it's just a case of everyone wanting everyone free regardless of any situation that arises.

    Due to frequent travel in my youth, English isn't something I consider my primary language (and thus I obtained quirky ways of writing).  German and French were always easier for me despite my family being U.S. citizens for over a century.  Spanish I learned as a requirement in school, Japanese and Korean I acquired for my youthful desire of anime and gaming (and also work now).  I only debate in English to help me work with it (and limit things).  In addition, I'm not smart enough to remain fluent in everything and typically need exposure to get in the groove of things again if I haven't heard it in a while.  If you understand Mandarin, I know a little, but it has actually been a challenge and could use some help.

    Also, I thoroughly enjoy debates and have accounts on over a dozen sites for this.  If you wish to engage in such, please put effort in a post and provide sources -- I will then do the same with what I already wrote (if I didn't) as well as with my responses to your own.  Expanding my information on a subject makes my stance either change or strengthen the next time I speak of it or write a thesis.  Allow me to thank you sincerely for your time.
  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735
    Originally posted by Datastar
    LOL wow that's....just wow....if someone actually buys that I hope they suffer immensely, some folks cant even afford food.

    Why do you care what others do with their own hard earned money?

  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735
    Originally posted by Loktofeit
    Originally posted by Mtibbs1989

     What's wrong with investing a large amount of money into a company?

    Nothing. What's wrong is how few MMO gamers seem to understand the difference between donating and investing.

    No mmo gamers obsess over how others spend their money, it's really none of your business.

  • OnomasOnomas Member UncommonPosts: 1,154

    You average gamer in today's society can not even afford (or doesn't want to spend) 15/month, and yet they expect them to dish out 12k on trinkets?


  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735
    Originally posted by Onomas

    You average gamer in today's society can not even afford 15/month, and yet they expect them to dish out 12k on trinkets?


    No they don't expect the average gamer to shell out 12k, it's obviously not a deal for the average gamer. if someone who has money wants to buy this then that is their choice.. there is no expectancy involved.

  • Slappy1Slappy1 Member Posts: 458
    There's been at least 1 purchaser of the 12.5k pack.A couple day's ago I saw someone with that forum title.Ruler of Wraeclast.

    Some day I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull!

    Arya Stark

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    Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.


    Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
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