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Tabula Rasa: Petition to Revive Endorsed by Garriott



  • erictlewiserictlewis Member UncommonPosts: 3,022

     Years ago I was mad when the canceled this, with all the politics going on and all.  This after I had just bought the game pad add on for Tabula Rasa.   It was at that point I never wanted to touch another Anet game ever.   

    However I got to say this, I think a lot of folks still have rose colored glasses on.  The don't remember the nerf to that one sniper skill, and other problems the game had.  

    While I still look back I think it is better than defiance and some of the other games like that, I got to say say this.  The game died, let it stay dead.   If he wants to make Tabula Rasa risen or something with updated graphics and fixes and updates to the game yes, but not what we had back then. 



    Lot crappy free to play games out there have chance to try why not give tabula the doubt benefit is already developed after all no need to invest so much as in a new game so i signed it gl my friend!!


  • lahnmirlahnmir Member LegendaryPosts: 5,060

    Signed. TR is so much better than most of the current MMOs out there, would love nothing more then to play it again.





    'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'

    Kyleran on yours sincerely 

    'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'

    Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...

    'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless. 

    It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.

    It is just huge resource waste....'

    Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer

  • aspekxaspekx Member UncommonPosts: 2,167



    why not? everything else seems to get published anymore.

    "There are at least two kinds of games.
    One could be called finite, the other infinite.
    A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
    an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
    Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse

  • daemondaemon Member UncommonPosts: 680
    more games to chose from always welcome. /signed
  • DiemosDiemos Member Posts: 129
    Signed, I enjoyed playing it back then. It could be fun to play it on the side now.


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  • PrayrPrayr Member UncommonPosts: 267

    Congratulations. You have successfully signed the petition:

    Resurrection of Richard's Garriott Tabula Rasa


    You are signer #398


  • MerklynnMerklynn Member UncommonPosts: 100
    Signed the petition. It would be interesting to see Tabula Rasa rise from the grave and do incredibly well when given the necessary F2P facelift. I wish RG all the best with his quest.
  • VonatarVonatar Member UncommonPosts: 723
    If Garriott was smart he would have had NCSoft hand over the rights to TR as part of his unfair dismissal settlement from them in 2011 and then he could have refined and re-released it.
  • RandaynRandayn Member UncommonPosts: 904
    Signed!  Please sign if you have not already!

  • JIUBHUNNY420JIUBHUNNY420 Member Posts: 131

    Lets get this thing revived and then I can finally start up that Firefly-esque RP guild like I always wanted and start a badass mercenary band that travels from planet to plaent fucking shit up!


    Who is with me!?

    Edit: Signed, number 430! Keep it going guys!

    J-Hun Lookin to Creep Yall!

  • Shadowguy64Shadowguy64 Member Posts: 848

    I never played this but remember wanting to when it released (Didn't bite because I was still enjoying raiding in WoW at the time).


    If this get's revived, I will be one of those who give it a try for sure.

  • SnarlingWolfSnarlingWolf Member Posts: 2,697
    Originally posted by Slampig
    Originally posted by MindTrigger
    This game died fair and square.  It shouldn't come back unless it's getting a complete revamp, IMO.

    Kind of like Asheron's Call 2?

    Asheron's Call 2 had a petition with over 10,000 signatures. Thousands of other people said they'd play it if it ever came back.


    Well it has come back and a single server never reaches cap and there are not thousands of people online playing it.



    Players say a lot of things and then they don't follow through with them. It is more the memory they like, not the actual playing of the game and supporting it.


    I myself do play AC2, but it is an interesting study in how many people will say over the years "If game X would come back, I'd play it in a heartbeat" compared to how many people actually do go back to it.

  • Ex0dUs101Ex0dUs101 Member UncommonPosts: 273
    I loved TR and played it to the end. It wasn't perfect by a long shot, but I found it a lot of fun, and nothing has ever matched it for me in terms of dynamic content that was truly fun. The raids of npc's were a blast, and id certainly spend money again to play it.
  • SmashembroSmashembro Member UncommonPosts: 18
    I would love to play again,loved the game and have not really found any thing to fill the gap.
  • VelocinoxVelocinox Member UncommonPosts: 1,010
    Originally posted by SBFord

    A fan petition to bring back Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa as a free to play title has been endorsed by the man himself. The note from the petitioners says it all. 

    I am asking for full support in our endless effort to bring back Tabula Rasa. Such game as that DESERVES TO BE FREE TO PLAY as every other piece of junk there has a chance to be playable and it's not worth downloading it sometimes. Please , I beg of You - alone I can do nothing.  Support me and our cause of our team to bring back this long dead but still the best game ever existed.

    Anyone else notice that the fan calls it a piece of junk and the best game ever in the same paragraph?

    'Sandbox MMO' is a PTSD trigger word for anyone who has the experience to know that anonymous players invariably use a 'sandbox' in the same manner a housecat does.

    When your head is stuck in the sand, your ass becomes the only recognizable part of you.

    No game is more fun than the one you can't play, and no game is more boring than one which you've become familiar.

    How to become a millionaire:
    Start with a billion dollars and make an MMO.

  • mnemic666mnemic666 Member UncommonPosts: 224
    So who is going to fix all the issues the game had? Because while the foundation was pretty good, it was kinda a mess : /
  • VlackeVlacke Member UncommonPosts: 155

    There is absolutely no point in bringing this game back from the dead, the game was alright at best when it came out with it's fair share of problems, but if it were to resurface now it would be severely outdated both in term of it's mechanics and most of all in term of it's graphical fidelity.

    Besides NcSoft would rather launch Garriot in space only this time with a one way ticket then they would let him have this.

  • ZenIrishChaiZenIrishChai Member UncommonPosts: 527


    There's no way it will get 100k signatures, but I signed just on principle because I loved the game and would definitely play it again. I forget where I read it (obviously many years ago) but someone estimated under 10k people playing it around the time they cancelled it and I knew it had to be less than that based on what I saw in game and in the community.


    I feel it died primarily because the mid-to-high level content was very thin and underdeveloped. It was a lot of fun but when there's nothing left to do, even the best of games (which this is not) will lose it's players. The cloning system just exacerbated the problem when you could create multiple characters at different mid-to-high level branches of the skill tree but there wasn't much to do at that point for one character much less 2-3 alts. They just didn't plan that well at all. Unfortunately a F2P revival won't last long either if they don't flesh out any higher level content.

  • ph3n0m73ph3n0m73 Member UncommonPosts: 46
    Never got the chance to play this when it was out so i've signed :)
  • mussolinimussolini Member UncommonPosts: 200

    +1 Signed.

    I bought the pre-order and played one month. Was not the best mmo but was very very interesting I really like to play with that!

  • DraeghorDraeghor Member UncommonPosts: 50
    Well, I hope this does make a comeback.  I had a lot of fun playing it, but there were other games out there at the time that took me away from this.  Sad to see it go, as there was some very good game design in there.  I wish them well with this chance at resurrecting it, and I would play, but again there are just too many good games out on the horizon that would again detract from this.
  • Johnie-MarzJohnie-Marz Member UncommonPosts: 865
    Originally posted by MindTrigger
    This game died fair and square.  It shouldn't come back unless it's getting a complete revamp, IMO.

    And sometimes it is simply the subscription model. Quite a few games have failed at 15 dollars a month but have succeeded as FTP.

    I remember when Tabula Rasa came out, I was counting down the days, then I went to Game stop and asked for the game; they said "What's Tabula Rasa?"

    If Game Stop didn't even know about the game up release day,  then there was horrible marketing.

    There are other reasons besides 'being a bad game' that can cause a game to fail.

  • VeighnergVeighnerg Member UncommonPosts: 40

    I would love to see Tabula Rasa come back to life, albeit with some changes to improve gameplay to be more appealing to the masses.


    Given that this is probably a fruitless endeavor I may as well also say "Bring back Auto Assault too" which was yet another fun game destroyed by NCsoft. I would love to play both again.

    TSW - Daemon Server
    Waiting on Camelot Unchained!

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