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I am thinking about starting over on a new account when the odyssey patch hits, I used to have an amarr character but I want to try something different. I'd like to first set up a nice little rat farmer or mission runner so I can farm isk while actively playing. The aim in the end is to get out to 0.0 but I want to be dependent on my own when my schedule allows.
Been away a long time, maybe ready to test the waters a bit.
0.0 and independent schedule does not work well together...
In the long run, your race and weaponry does not matter, the game will go through lots of balancing over time anyway.
Fair enough thanks for the reply. I guess your right with that.
I will give it a ago anyway soon.
that's a very general question and without more specifics it's hard to give a precise answer. However, going on what you said : starting a new character that is (presumably) looking to run L4 missions in high sec, I'd suggest somewhere in Minmatar space as they have the least annoying Ewar.
Target painters are pretty bleh compared with Guristas jamming, Serpentis Damps, and Blood / Sansha Tracking Disruptors. Though you can run missile ships vs. Blood / Sansha as they are not affected by TD (yet, may happen in future).
Ships that are going to be even better in Odyssey for missions / pve in general:
CNR, Raven, Typhoon, Typhoon Fleet -- T2 cruise get a buff
Navy ships in general are better -- Navy Drake
Domi -- yes, really
I sometimes make spelling and grammar errors but I don't pretend it's because I'm using a phone
Can you guys help me here?
I love everything about EVE Online, except when I play it for more than a few days.
I am obviously doing something wrong, I cant make money in the AH, I feel like I am spinning my wheels doing missions, i.e. I get to the point where I start getting pwned.
Forget about PvP, if any of my ships get destroyed I doubt I would have enough money to continue.
I am obviously doing something wrong and taking the wrong approach.
Can you guys give me some basic formula or guideline to use as an approach to this game and at least make progress and have fun?
This is the only MMORPG that has ever frustrated me.
For mission running or ratting? Salvaging + Noctis + carefully choose where to sell each item and for what price.
I completely understand that. When I was a few days in the game, it cost me half a day to learn about the function of a specific module, and why it had no effect on my ship.
Asking in help channels gave me a lot of different pointers, many of them completely off the track.
What I did was join the corp EVE University, dive a bit deeper into the ways ships work in combat, and learned there how to use which modules in pve and pvp. They have campuses in lowsec, nullsec and wormholes now, and thus are a pretty good all-around training corp, whose graduates are welcomed with open arms about everywhere.
PM before you report at least or you could just block.
The best allround ship is the Tengu, it might take long to train for, but in the end its all you need.
It tanks damage like no other, with good skills you can even tank the most retarded hard 10/10 anoms like Sanctums and The Maze.
It has a bonus to Scourge missiles damage, but you can load up any damage type wich is a HUGE improvement from the other ships as lasets only do 2 type of damage etc etc.
If starting from scratch the Drake aint bad either, but it has been nerfed time and time again, it still is a great ship tough, but not the monster it used to be.
If i would advise any player into Eve for PvE it would always be the Tengu
I went Gallante (did I spell that really bad?) for the free ammo (drones). I used cruisers for level 1 and 2 missions and I used the website that lists all the missions so I knew exactly what type of hardener to use. I would warp in, grab arggo with my gun and then unleash my drones while armor tanking. I did it long enough that I always used a bigger ship then what was necessary. I was doing level 3's in battle-crusiers at first then went to full battleship. By the time I got to level 4's I had a nicely pimped out BS drone boat and did level 4's until I earned enough money for a nice tier-2 marauder. By then I had great missile skills and just sliced though missions.
Is drones the fastest way to do missions? Nope, but I didn't burn up a chuck of my profit buying missiles. I just kinda roleplayed that I was out fighting rogue drones and taking my time to salvage everything. It took longer but I had a lot of fun, didnt have to pay much attention to the screen and was able to read a textbook while playing. In the end, it was fun and helped me though my masters program.
Gallente has gotten a lot of sweet buffing recently. I'd probably look there for a type of ship to use for now if it's shorter (6mo or so) that you're looking at.
Probably... Domi will be pretty wicked (and cheap) with respect to the battleship level. Ishtar for the HAC sized stuff has always been pretty decent.
Nothing all that hyper expensive nor slick like a T3 and such. Basic T1 BS or T2 HAC style stuff. The HAC can get you past a lot of stuff a BS won't but if you choose to live there, either will work nicely.
Higher end hasn't changed much if you're looking at mission stuff. Around Amarr space a Nightmare is still a very wicked ship and the Mach has been seen as close to king spot for a few years now. They both can hit with a bit of sticker shock but both work well if you avoid getting shot at in them.
Beyond that - T3's and such are getting tweaked. Weapons system changes, etc...
Talking about that 8 months ago is a bit different than the most recent set of patches so it's hard to tell how it'll be across the next year with respect to "top dog" and such. Tengu is still an excellent ship (caldari T3) but Loki, Proteus and even the Legion don't look that bad and are fairly functional across roles but the T3's "SP loss" factor... Something to keep in mind.
As such, with everything in flux the way it's been going... Look around a bit and pick what you like. Worst case, you may be limited on targets that they'll work best against but all this "rebalancing"... It's hard to really call one best or not these days.