What did we get with new expansion? Jump gate animation, It is ok but annoying. Faction battlecruisers are stupid and waste of time. But creme de la creme are racial skills for destroyers and battlecruisers!!! Cmon! Don't we have enough skills for few years and now we need more crappy skills??!! I never said something against Eve but this is most retarded expansion ever and all of this ass kissing players on chat channels are ridiculous. Sorry for my English, i'm so angry on my favorite game that i could crash my keyboard at this moment
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
Nah, it is only a runner up. The winners of worst EVE expansions ever are:
On third place we have: Quantum Rise - Only redeeming feature was the Orca.
On second place we have: Tyrannis - PI was and still is, changes aside, a failure.
And the winner is: Incarna - The two main features of this basically lost CCP 8 years of goodwill from players.
Thank you for your time.
Well you are right
Incarna was really something
They detailed the skill changes a few months ago which was more than enough time to pick up the time saving skills if you really really wanted them.
As a raven pilot the changes made in this expansion are better than I hoped for and much needed.
As a pilot that enjoyed the occasional exploration session when mission blocked I'm hoping for less time wasted scanning down the crap I don't care about.
Sorry that there's nothing in this expansion for you, but there were some nice things for my play style.
I'll agree that it's not the best expansion but it's not anywhere near the worst for the game itself and on a personal level this is one of the best.
New scanning is awesome, so much less tedious.
Exploration challenges/sites are very enjoyable once you learn them
The new faction ships are amazing and awesome to fly, square up with the faction cane....lol
Jump Gate animation is awesome
Updated Visuals for a lot of ships
Tags for sec status feature
Dual character training
Mining Update
Null sec Outpost services
Overall I'd say its a pretty solid expansion, Not sure what the problem is. Keep in mind...Its also 100% free, like every other EVE expansion. I do say that with some caution however.
Walk on station as in DUST 519? :P
Quantum Rise was actually one of the most incredible expansions in EVE history. It changed how players played EVE in almost every facet of gameplay. Here are some ways it did that:
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
You forgot to include "ghost training" nerf in your list.
They rearranged a number of skills around making them more "sensible". Destroyers were made racial as they were made a prereq for crusiers and BCs were made a prereq for BSs. Most people grab these ships in training anyway but may not need something like frig 4 or cruiser 4 like in the previous system.
WOW someone complaining about a free exp pack that actually brings new features and updates..
Nice one OP..
On the money after an expansion comes out for Eve Online, some lemming comes out and says worst expansion ever instead of actually playing to see if changes and other things are good for the game. Op you have 2 choices...and play the game with the new changes or don't play the game anymore.
All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care.
Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes
naw... Incarna wasn't all that hot but it didn't cost the goodwill - what cost the good will were the leaked letters. "gold ammo" convos and a CEO going "don't listen to what they say, watch what they do..." -- pretty cool how all the fireworks kind of tosted CCP's ass for a bit. I bet a few folks didn't sit right for weeks after all the riots and canceled accounts.
Good thing from it - they refocused back onto spaceships and actually started focusing on what a lot of players had found very annoying for some time.
As such, I'd go with Incarna not being that cool but not the worst (and Quantim was better than Dominion IMO - by a hell of a lot).
Honestly walk in stations is a cool idea. As it stands for me Eve is a very lack luster game. It doesn't do space combat in a way I really would want it as is, and seems like the same old same old, with its only real 'drawing' point being money = more power, of which you better be in a corporation or expect to go no where ever.
I just never got why people made the expansions a big deal. Maybe its jsut me needed actual content and the fact that in eve's design style, its NOT going to really be possible to do much. The whole 'walk on station' stuff just was shunned yet players outside eve I feel saw it as interesting... the problem is it would not change how eve is and hardcore players aren't really looking for stuff like that.
Eve is and always will remain niche. Players who want that 'walk in station' living world in space type just won't ever find it in eve, we need to just wait for a MMO that will do that, really making space feel alive rather then the economy and corporations being 'its big points' that I feel just detract from immersion and interest. So long as they keep what players they have interested, I'd say it can do just fine, I just don't expect an expansion of eve to ever change the game in a way to give it more depth beyond what players have now.
That's because those players are very probably using like 10% of the content available and therefore only look at the changes to those 10%.....
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
agreed. I don't even play EvE anymore. The old eve was much better and more indepth/competative. They somewhat dumbed it down and made it easier for the little nerds. As a whole i wish they did more with incarna but they never will. I couldnt be bothered with eve online. The game sucks now. Was much better back in the day when the older hard core pvpers were around... now the game is full of narccistic emo-carebear kids. Most of the older players like myself left along time ago. Don't even get me started on dust either, that game is a pile of steaming dogshit.
^ Talking out of his ass, probably wasn't even in either of the Great Wars (which were basically BoB vs Goons) and probably started in 06, maybe later.
Personally I play EVE on and off these days mostly because it is a fantastic game that has gotten better over time, just as an old vet who's tired of 0.0 I prefer taking it easy...er. Granted Back in early 05 when I started playing high sec was pretty much as big a cluster fuck as anywhere else ( wars were fought by alliances with roving mercenary gangs on either side) but the trade off to that going down after 0.0 got properly put in is that they also put in Wormhole space (which is pretty much like the wild west mixed with submarine warfare, you don't really know when you jump in what you will find or if someone's gonna uncloak 2000 m off you and proceed to make you his little bitch because of the sleeper battleship neut on you already). I've also done my time in 0.0, over two years of it in fact mostly in the the regions bordering Stain (prior to the Dronelands getting put in mind you).
So to sum up: The old guard is still around, quite allot of us actually, it's just we don't play EVE as much these days because you know... 10 year old game, odds are people got shit to do now compared to their teenhood/early adulthood but the young bloods are doing their part quite well and even outstripping us old farts in combat tactics and I am glad for it... it means in the end the 40-50 mil sp lead some of us have is only just horizontal options in combat, not a straight I win button :P.
Final note: The current expansion is good, not great but better than anything I've seen since Apocrypha.
Strange, I have been a BoB member, PL, Ncdot, CA, Infod, LV, and numerous other entities on my characters since beta and MOST players I have played with are still playing today.
Sure a handful have quit over the years -marriage-kids-demanding jobs-no time-death-sold their accounts LOL- but I dare to say that 90% of them still plays, although for different entities now.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
He meant "most of the older quitters like myself".
The Worst Expansion Downhill Race, as seen in every other title that's ever survived five years.
Gamers, basically, pheer change. The evidence is literally everywhere on this site, and on many others.
My god...that is some terrible typography.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Of all the people i have flown with / fly with / chat with i would say 80% are 5year + vets, I myself just about to hit 100mill sp, and apart from a 6month sabatacal whilst i finished my degree haven't missed a month otherwise
What has happened is the higher sp/ older player has watered down, by that i mean the volume of older players is a finite number and because of the increasing number of newer players this higher tier/aged players is getting a smaller and smaller % of the player base, add into natural wastage (or leaving) and that % gets even smaller
Heck when i started we averaged about 20k on server on peak times (sunday evening) last night it was just touching 60k players
So a lot of people beacuse of this 'watering down effect' think that older players are leaving eve in their droves, but this isn't the case, merely their impact is being felt less and less
This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game
where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
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I'm still amazed how people are upset with CCP revisiting and updating ancient mechanics and assets, as opposed to adding new stuff while leaving everything else "broken".
But then again, you can't please everyone. Atleast they've chosen the right route when it comes to players that still play EvE, like myself.