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Would EQ-Next benefit from an SWG crafting/resource system?



  • DrakephireDrakephire Member UncommonPosts: 451
    It doesn't have to be like SWG...though a good system for its time, it is just a little too abstract.  A better system to emulate would something like Minecraft. You'd have to work out a way to rejuvenate the ore deposits...but actually have a physical ore that you an actual mine...would be ideal for me.  I loathe the stupid ore node system.
  • strangiato2112strangiato2112 Member CommonPosts: 1,538
    Originally posted by Drakephire
    It doesn't have to be like SWG...though a good system for its time, it is just a little too abstract.  

    How is it abstract?  Different materials have different quality.  the bulk of gathering isnt done by hand, its done by a harvester.  You can experiment for better quality.   Wouldnt call it abstract at all.

  • strangiato2112strangiato2112 Member CommonPosts: 1,538
    Originally posted by ShakyMo
    It's not like swg was the only game that cocked things up chasing the wow crowd, EQ and daoc did too for 2

    I believe LOTRO was initially supposed to be a sandbox but changed to a themepark after WoW launched the genre with huge success

  • ignore_meignore_me Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,987

    It would be great but it won't happen. This is the Age of Simplicity, you'll be lucky if the crafting system isn't just a craft button that does it all and gives a homogenous result with a mundane graphic. The following dominant pacifiers will kill any attempt at complexity:

    -solo players

    -need for the arithmetic mean of difficulty/availability/power balance

    -people can't handle more buttons than the common capacity for short term memory (about 7 items)

    -the prevalence of society being built on not waiting for anything, ever.

    -Console kids who are now the target of the industry

    -someone might mistake complex crafting as "role-playing" which is an acceptable group to discriminate against.  

    -The most successful MMO of all time doesn't have it, so I assure you that the cods on this site will tell you it doesn't need to be in any game, ever.

    Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011

  • duuude007duuude007 Member Posts: 112
    Is there somewhere I can go that has a lot of detail in describing the SWG gathering and crafting systems?
  • TelondarielTelondariel Member Posts: 1,001
    Originally posted by strangiato2112
    Originally posted by Bidwood
    Originally posted by Burntvet
    Originally posted by hMJem

    John Smedley replied to someone on twitter May 23rd with..


    "if you liked SWG.. you'll like EQN x 100000000000""


    This was a man that actually said SWG was too "sandboxy" as part of the justification for the NGE. Nothing the man says can be trusted, he is just creating hype in an attempt to stop SOE from going under (and SOE starting to float crappy Asian F2P imports should be a big hint).

    What he actually said was this:  I think when we made the game we went too far into the direction of a "sandbox" style of gameplay, when what we needed to do was balance that out with awesome Star Wars gameplay that gives the player the feeling of being heroic. JS -  After the NGE


    Since SWG was only a Sandbox/themepark hybrid to begin with, saying even THAT was too much of a sandbox does not bode well for people hoping for deep sandbox play with EQNext.


    Source...? How long ago did he say this? People are allowed to change their minds.

    He said it in Nov 2005, when they had just made the changes and were trying to compete with WoW.

    You have to keep in mind the context for it, wondering why WoW got 5 million players its first year and a Star Wars game only got 300k.  No one knew then that WoW would be a huge anomaly.  Hes also not going to second guess the decision only a couple months into it. 

    Here is the interview.



  • ignore_meignore_me Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,987
    Originally posted by jimdandy26
    Originally posted by Tierless

    EVERy game can benefit from SWG :)

    Yes, every game should emulate games that have been shut down. Makes perfect since!


    @op No. Spreadsheet crafting is not fun.

    ^^ This illustrates my point. There are also paid operatives that companies use to push gaming trends and to sell products. One way to spot them is that they will make industry friendly comments that pretend to be arguments.

    Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011

  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    Originally posted by strangiato2112
    Originally posted by ShakyMo
    It's not like swg was the only game that cocked things up chasing the wow crowd, EQ and daoc did too for 2

    I believe LOTRO was initially supposed to be a sandbox but changed to a themepark after WoW launched the genre with huge success

    Your talking about  Sierra's Middle Earth Online, i don't think i ever read it was meant to be a sandbox and i follow the game.

  • DrakephireDrakephire Member UncommonPosts: 451
    Originally posted by strangiato2112
    Originally posted by Drakephire
    It doesn't have to be like SWG...though a good system for its time, it is just a little too abstract.  

    How is it abstract?  Different materials have different quality.  the bulk of gathering isnt done by hand, its done by a harvester.  You can experiment for better quality.   Wouldnt call it abstract at all.

    it was abstract  in that it was a very pretty database of numbers.  I'd prefer a more visual way of interacting with mining and resource gathering. Vanguard had a nice animation for felling trees for example.

  • AG-VukAG-Vuk Member UncommonPosts: 823
    Originally posted by Drakephire
    Originally posted by strangiato2112
    Originally posted by Drakephire
    It doesn't have to be like SWG...though a good system for its time, it is just a little too abstract.  

    How is it abstract?  Different materials have different quality.  the bulk of gathering isnt done by hand, its done by a harvester.  You can experiment for better quality.   Wouldnt call it abstract at all.

    it was abstract  in that it was a very pretty database of numbers.  I'd prefer a more visual way of interacting with mining and resource gathering. Vanguard had a nice animation for felling trees for example.

    I'd rather see Vanguards resource and crafting system in EQ-next . even the diplomacy was pretty good.


  • CasualMakerCasualMaker Member UncommonPosts: 862
    Originally posted by duuude007
    Is there somewhere I can go that has a lot of detail in describing the SWG gathering and crafting systems?

    Here you go:

    It's a decent overview of SWG crafting at the NGE stage of the game, although most of it is applicable to Pre-CU as well.

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by jimdandy26
    Originally posted by Ecoces

    just because a game is shut down does not mean it did not have good ideas, or are you one of those sheep that think WoW is the best game ever because it has the most subscribers?

    No, Wow does a number of things wrong, yet remains exceedingly popular in spite of them. While Galaxies may have had a couple of idea's, when you look at how many (especially on these forums) claim it could do no wrong when in fact it was not popular. The Nge happened because it was bleeding subs, not from greed.


    Originally posted by Phry

    and also points out how little knowledge they have of the crafting systems in SWG, the problem really is that not many games can support a crafting system with that degree of complexity. But if EQ did have a crafting system like SWG's you'd find that more players would concentrate so much on crafting that the rest of the game would be ignored, perhaps thats not such a bad thing either image

    You would have a point if it were actually complex. The most complex part about Galaxies crafting was downloading the spreadsheet and making the deals to acquire materials. When it comes to crafting I do not want to have to plug a bunch of numbers into my spreadsheet to make the determination of what I should build today. that is tedium, not fun.



    Out of which orifice are you pulling the idea that I do not like crafting?

    Uh, ask yourself which one you pulled your description of SWG crafting out of. I don't think I"ve ever heard such a misrepresentation of said system told. There's was no question for a major crafter on "what to craft today". You act as though they made one item at a time.



    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

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