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How do you feel about the combat?



  • uggeh12uggeh12 Member UncommonPosts: 44

    I'm kinda in the middle of the Tab Targeting vs Action Combat debate but, the combat in Neverwinter just seems sort of Meh to me. It's not as amazing as some people think but it isn't as terrible as some say either.

    In the end it just felt like: Auto-attack>Use  most skills on Cooldown> Occasionally use knockback/pull to deal with the ridiculous amount of adds> repeat.  Just sort of the same thing most modern MMOs do just presented differently.

    I mostly PvP in games and Neverwinters PvP is absolute garbage so I won't judge the combat system in PvP.

    The best combat system I have seen in a MMO is still DAoC. Sure, the controls/movement were pretty awful(it came out in 2001 so I'm able to forgive that) but, the combat itself was incredibly deep, strategic and, very unforgiving of mistakes made. It's still tab-targeting but it is tab-targeting before a decade of dumbing down and simplifying. I would love to see a AAA game use a system similar to DAoC where button mashing and rotations have no place in game and force players to make on the fly decisions, good or bad, and deal with the consequences.


  • allegriaallegria Member CommonPosts: 682

    Combat in neverwinter,


    hrrmmm ... .


    its what excites me when i logon  and what causes me to logout 10 minutes later.  


    Serious note: The animation and feel is great but too bad its likely the most simplistic and silly combat I have ever seen in an MMO that I have tried.  Its too bad they can't add some depth behind what you see on screen.  

    75% of the time its "Hold down LMB for the win"

    Maybe they will deep-i-fy it someday.

  • furbansfurbans Member UncommonPosts: 968

    I found the combat pretty boring and largely failing in responsiveness.

    Hated the rooting in place aspect, it's a horrible design as when you need to move your stuck and there is no canceling actions out.  It's retarded how they preach about a dodge mechanic game and yet you can't even do that because your stuck in animations.

    Mobs continued attacking in a zone where they spent 3-5 sec on their combo attacking empty air.

    Way to few abilities and gets boring fast.  I was yawning at times on my TR since it was getting way to repetitive.

    Not teamwork in combat that is an iconic feature in D&D.  Spamming stuns and knockbacks is not teamwork.

    Chug alug lug lug pots or healthstones or riving with healing scrolls makes your mistakes inconsequential and destroys the challenge ot the game.

    Damage intake is all fubared up.

    Way to many stats to deal with and horrible itemizations as stats are all over the place and it's hard to get the right gear stats you want.

    Overall I was yawning during combat and could not even play it forcibly.  Perhaps I'm overly harsh since the completely shat on D&D mechanics and is nothing more than an arcadeish game.  Still I'd pick DDO over Neverwinter since it still maintains a D&D feel unlike Neverwinter, combat speaking.

  • VaporsVapors Member UncommonPosts: 407

    the combat is what makes the game and what makes the pvp having a big potential, even alot of balancing hast to be done.

    So far the combat is pretty fun and from the newer games over the last 2 years, one of the best combat.

    Also the animations are something new and not the same old animations for the current classes, I was actually surprised that a f2p game, has such animations.

    And since gw2 came out, people complain about getting rooted while using skills. This actually changes nothing about the dynamic in the combat of neverwinter.

  • XiaokiXiaoki Member EpicPosts: 4,068

    Its alright.

    The action is good but most of the Encounter abilities have cooldowns that are too long for an action style combat MMO.

    Also, it would be better if it was actual real time combat like Tera and not this weird half real time half tab target system like GW2. In some cases GW2 feels more like action combat because you can fire projectiles when you're not already targetting something.

  • khartokhar3khartokhar3 Member UncommonPosts: 486

    @OP targetin? seriously? i have played all new aiming games and nw has one of the best action systems.

    i actually would like to see some new games with tab targeting but aiming like in nw would be nice too.

  • MardukkMardukk Member RarePosts: 2,222
    Originally posted by Alders
    I actually can't stand melee combat in action MMO's when I'm rooted to the ground and stuck in animation locks.  This was my biggest issue with this game and TERA.  I prefer this free form combat over tab targeting but it feels clunky when it's done in this fashion.  That's just my personal preference though.

    Couldn't agree more.  The combat is fine but it's not even as fast paced as GW2.  Some people tolerate being stuck in one place more than others.  I much prefer Dragon Nest combat if I don't want to tab target.  

  • templarxtemplarx Member UncommonPosts: 181
    Originally posted by MMOExposed

    Be honest


    For me the combat is very sluggish. This is no fun for a so called Action combat example.

    This game would have been far better with tab targeting combat honestly.


    Share your opinions on the combat.


    I was initially going to say you are very confused , until i played a Guardian Fighter. So i must add here, the fun of the action combat very much depends on the CLASS you play.

    Simple example, GF can't dodge, they can only lift up a shield. Add to that the whole thing that you can't use your abilities before lowering your shield . The whole Shield mechanism of the GF is whacked, out of sync and you WILL feel lagged and slow. 

    Compare this with the Wizard , they got a teleport that is super fast , you move quite a distance. Your spells are not like other MMOs with the cast times, they are quick to cast . So it combat feel very "snappy" and more exciting.

    So i can go on, i think alot of players roll the Fighter (it's always a popular class in MMOs) and that's their impression of the "action combat". The GF is probably the worst defined and least balanced class in Neverwinter right now. 

    Next in line is probably the Great Weapon fighter, which have the "sprint" thing instead of a dodge. Again, the action combat is not the same compared to the classes that have a proper dodge. Both Fighter classes in NW , imho, is in desperate need of an overall. Their usefulness in groups and performance is probably one of the bigger complaints in this game.

    The holy trinity consists of Cleric,Wizard,Rogue . So roll the right class now ;)



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