Baldur's Gate. Great story, great mechanics, and great character progression. I actually cared about the character I made and yet it completely felt like my own. Something MMOs have completely failed to do for me lately. I think if a MMO could capture the same amount of depth and excellent story-telling as Baldur's Gate, and the sheer amount of hours I was able to put into this game, I would be in heaven.
I would do a choose Dragon Warrior. Large open world exploration and dungeons. Id do it with one twist, I would allow players to play as The MOBS or fighters in a pvp aspect. As for boss fights, people could queue randomly to be the boss and they get loot based off how long they can hold off the raiders from winning.
At the risk of being completely self-centered, my own pencil-and-paper game world.
If I could get it completely computerized, I would love to just wander through it, zooming in and out across its varying scales of space and time, watching its islands evolve around me from wrestling elementals in primal battles of fire and water, giving way to unicorns and the natural world, giving way to the lords and ladies of growing mortal empires, giving way to crumbling wastelands of the dead and almost dead warring over the last embers of life beneath fading suns, hoping for escape to virgin lands to start the cycle anew.
WHY? - Because the game made you think "outside" your comfort zones and normality . For most of its players < for some this was thier comfort zone, lol > you were put on the side of Evil and challenged to do it well, versus picking a side to play . This was definately "Outside" mine and most players natural playstyles. As you played you had to use your resources wisely or be overwhelmed by the forces of "good" .This level of mental challenge kept you on the edge of your seat! If a game could capture that feeling, keeping its players that focused to progress, i believe it would be a giant hit!
I could see it now, a Gigantic world map, with each player being a dungeon creator < Master > . Constantly trying to upgrade thier dungeons and abilites to not just beat the good guys but to beat the other dungeon keepers as well! Top keepers would control areas much like a government, but more like a dictatorship, Being able to force other dungeon keepers within its territorys to pay different types of hommage or fee's . Till of course they are ousted as leader of that area by a up and coming keeper! Would be very awsome i think. But keeping in mind games are a business to make money vs trying to be the best game playable, i fear this would never be achieved on a level as i described it. Maybe someday eh?
Skyrim done properly.
Why, because it is a better mmo than most mmo's, just without the other players.
Vampire masquerade:Bloodlines
Vampires with all the clans NUFF SAID!
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
Can i do the reverse instead?
TOR, STO, TSW ... are all better not as MMOs.
I can tell you one thing: If someone would turn my favorite game into a MMORPG, likely it would not be my favorite game anymore.
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky
Nerd at heart.
My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:
At the risk of being completely self-centered, my own pencil-and-paper game world.
If I could get it completely computerized, I would love to just wander through it, zooming in and out across its varying scales of space and time, watching its islands evolve around me from wrestling elementals in primal battles of fire and water, giving way to unicorns and the natural world, giving way to the lords and ladies of growing mortal empires, giving way to crumbling wastelands of the dead and almost dead warring over the last embers of life beneath fading suns, hoping for escape to virgin lands to start the cycle anew.
Playing: TSW, D&D NW, Defiance (more the tv show than game >.> ) LotRO, DCUO
Part of me wants to say "Elder Scrolls" but that's an argument for another forum no doubt.
and one that has been beaten to death I'm sure.
still want it though.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Absolutely, i would pick ...
WHY? - Because the game made you think "outside" your comfort zones and normality . For most of its players < for some this was thier comfort zone, lol > you were put on the side of Evil and challenged to do it well, versus picking a side to play . This was definately "Outside" mine and most players natural playstyles. As you played you had to use your resources wisely or be overwhelmed by the forces of "good" .This level of mental challenge kept you on the edge of your seat! If a game could capture that feeling, keeping its players that focused to progress, i believe it would be a giant hit!
I could see it now, a Gigantic world map, with each player being a dungeon creator < Master > . Constantly trying to upgrade thier dungeons and abilites to not just beat the good guys but to beat the other dungeon keepers as well! Top keepers would control areas much like a government, but more like a dictatorship, Being able to force other dungeon keepers within its territorys to pay different types of hommage or fee's . Till of course they are ousted as leader of that area by a up and coming keeper! Would be very awsome i think. But keeping in mind games are a business to make money vs trying to be the best game playable, i fear this would never be achieved on a level as i described it. Maybe someday eh?