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Set in the World of Greyhawk. 3.5 rules. New graphics. Open world design. Player Housing. RP tools. Player created content.
Anyone else have ideas of what they would like if they could help design DDO2?
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
I think the biggest flaw of DDO is the heavy instancing (like GW has) where the game became more a HUB-game than a real MMORPG. Also, the setting was used to promote the winner of that contest back then. Personally I don't like the whole Ebberon setting to start with and would much rather have seen DDO with one of the older settings.
On your proposal to make an ope-nworld version of DDO(2) using the 3.5 ruleset and Greyhawk sounds very compelling, but it would not pull a lot of players though I fear. Reason is that Greyhawk is by nature a magic-low world and that characters don't tend to be as powerfull as in DragonLance or the Forgotten Realms.
Using other settings like DragonLance or the Forgotten Realms would do much better I think and if either one would be used for an open-world DDO2, I'd hop in immediately!
On graphics I can be quick... I think DDO already had decent graphics and I don't mind to play an open-world DDO2 with the same engine. Combat & animation however is one thing that might be optimized though ;-)
Isn't that Pathfinder?
lol yeah it's pretty close. I don't think pathfinder will be using the ruleset as much as DDO did though (which is strange). PFO seems enamoured with EVE's systems more than it's own.
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
The low-magic thing would work fine I think. Greyhawk was politically and historically deep without being melodramatic. It's designed to alow you to have your own story without running afoul of the main characters.
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
One problem with Greyhawk is no one knows what the hell it is. I was making some Greyhawk adventures in NWN2 and the oher module makers where like "what the hell is that?".
I'd love a lower magic DDO game, though. In the D&D editions that Greyhawk reigned over, Magic Users were way under powered at low levels and over powered at high ones. Not sure how that would play out with 3.5 rules.
It's true. No one seems to know about Greyhawk. I suppose 3.5 rules would be fine with Greyhawk, I never had a problem running games in the setting with 3.5 rules.
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
First yes to DDO2.
The dungeons need to be instances, this is DnD, the dungeons in DDO are the best ever made so far. But yes, it would be nice if there was really open worlds between cities. Dungeons in cities, dungeons in the wild. GW2 open world type fighting in DDO2's open world etc. I can picture in my mind a great game!
See, I'm with you on this. Put DDO in an open world and update it's graphics. You would have an amazing game.
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
Neverwinter (while being based on 4e) comes close. It feels like DDO upgraded with GW2 inspiration.
And, to add to the instancing discussion, I'd MUCH prefer instancing than having to deal with the idiots that games are creating anymore.. Open world games without any reprocussions for ass-hats only leads to having to deal with 13 year old megalomaniacs.
Just because every car has similar features doesn't mean that Ferraris are copies of Model Ts. Progress requires failure and refining.

Actually I feel that Neverwitner is polar opposite, a model of what not to do for a DDO 2. They abandoned so much in that game that I felt violated.
Indeed... DDO is looking mighty dated these days.. A texture upgrade would help ...
Yeah this, I leveled to 6 and was amazed how this is Street Fighter with a Neverwinter and D&D tag thrown on it.
You using the High-Res download with DX11?
The textures are still so dated even with High resolution, i think high resolution meant 1280x1024 for them or something. Game needs a facelift.
Couldn't agree more. The game very dated and needs some major infrastructure upgrades. Really tired of the full plate tights or these oversized paulderons that remind me of WoW's gargantuan shoulder pads and needs some renewed modern revamps.
The game has some major issues performance wise from lag, to responses (like how a mob can burrow or traved to the overside of the room after being stunned, this drives me nuts), FOREVER login time, and who knows what else.
But for the record, Turbine has done a very good job at getting that D&D feel and immersive quests where I feel the story unlike that shit tard of a product of Neverwinter. If Turbine would ever do a reboot of DDO like ANet did with GW then I'd put money down that it would destroy Neverwinter.
But that'll happen when pigs fly. After Neverwinter I have given up all hope for a good modern D&D MMO ever being created.
DDO is my first MMO love, and yeh DDO 2 would be sweet.
The best thing about the game was probably the instances, the dungeons, it made it so there was always something for you to do alone or with a friend or two to progress your character, I basically never sat around in that game. This is something that makes this game stand apart. Also they had good itemization, don't know how it is now, but we would literally run raids that were 4 yrs old for stuff we wanted.
Things that started annoying me in the end, was lack of any good pvp, and how combat was for melee classes, soooo boring. You can literally hold down your mouse button, you had like some buffs and trip, and block but the casters and monks had like full on abilities. Its that thing people like to call action combat except its terrible.
This game is extremely casual friendly, you used to be able to literally pug everything in the game, server first were often just pugs, albeit the communities are pretty tight-ish you still just lfm. The game was truly something to behold when just titan and Velah were out, the raids were very good and special.
Anyways, after years of experience with Turbine, I don't have a ton of faith in them, I didn't even go back to check out the expac, so while I would hope DDO2 could happen and would be awesome, I'm not sure. I know a ton of things have changed and I think for the better, the guild ships are awesome, I even liked the TR thing, but I just think the whole game needs a re-vamping.
Steam: Neph
DDO2? One major thing that DDO doesn't do:
Randomized traps