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I am so happy Neverwinter is a trainwreck

BattlerockBattlerock Member CommonPosts: 1,393
I am happy because everytime this happens, more people are educated about cash shops and the destruction f2p causes, thus creating even more f2p haters. Play the game if you will, but don't spend one penny. As consumers it's our duty to keep them honest.


  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424
    it's a trainwreck?  I hadn't noticed...I must be a coma dreaming from the wreck!
  • cagarcagar Member Posts: 98

    I don't think it's a train wreck. It's just like any other mmo out there anymore. 

    So there was a major exploit and they had to roll back servers a few hours. technically they are still in beta. It's not officially released.

    People are going to cheat anyway they can. It's life. Need to get there 1st.

    What devs and players alike need to do is bring back beta testing somehow. Most people use beta as a free trial, if it's FTP they sometimes use it as a soft launch.

    when this happens we get major issues at release.


    70 monk eq1
    80 bruiser eq2
    43 druid wow
    Currently playing : rift

  • GressGress Member Posts: 12
    im alittle disappointed, wasn't much to the end-game, the ah exploit fucked shit up for honest people. planned on playing that till eso or wildstar but im think im already over it and I bought one of those founder packs but I should of just exploited the ah like the other mooks instead of paying the 60 bones
  • irpugbossirpugboss Member UncommonPosts: 427


    Personally I want the game to thrive just so other developers realize foundry and user generated content is the way to go.

    Plus I don't understand why people are so butthurt about others exploiting, it will be fixed or lessened and it has no real bearing on your gameplay or free fun.

  • DigironoDigirono Member Posts: 86
    Originally posted by krage


    Very awesome post.


    Anyway, it's not a train wreck...this isn't the worst it can be, and it isn't the worst the parent company(PWE) has put out before.((Prime example being Perfect World International, the definition of "Pay-2-win Cash shop")). I like the game so far, it isn't something I will spend the majority of my time in, though. It's something to do until a game i'm actually excited for comes out, basically.


  • AlverantAlverant Member RarePosts: 1,353
    Originally posted by KingofHartz
    I am happy because everytime this happens, more people are educated about cash shops and the destruction f2p causes, thus creating even more f2p haters. Play the game if you will, but don't spend one penny. As consumers it's our duty to keep them honest.

    And who keeps the customers honest? I'd rather have games be subscription based too, but that's not what the market wants. If you have a better idea for how companies to make money while keeping players happy and loyal, please share it. Also tell us why you think you should have fun without considering giving something back?

  • evilastroevilastro Member Posts: 4,270
    Game is still jam packed. Only people who never liked the game in the first place are jumping up and down about the exploits and the response to them. You guys have been predicting doom and gloom for cash shops since inception. Its never going to happen.
  • PurutzilPurutzil Member UncommonPosts: 3,048

    Don't like the cash shop?


    Play the game, don't pay a cent. Best way to deliver there is nothing you want from it, and make sure to state why the cash shop is bad.


    its not a trainwreck but theres a lot of cringe worthy stuff. Gameplay is fun enough to detract a lot but it just pushes for me to not pay at all. I put $5 in for 2 more character slots ($2.5 for 2 characters is actually a good deal compared to most trying to push $5 for one)  since I did enjoy the game enough but its not making me willing to spend a cent more right now with the current issues.

  • DkompozeDkompoze Member UncommonPosts: 245

    What game hasnt had some sort of currency exploit???  Every mmo i have played even original EQ had some sort of currency exploit, this is nothing new. Cash shop or not,that has nothing to do with the fact there was a exploit.

    Who's fault is it really? Is it the game companies? I dont think so,im sure they try to make their games as secure as possible. Its the COMMUNITY OF GAMERS. Gamers are creative, and their is whole lot of them that try to exploit,hack,glitch anything and everything they can for their own special needs. There is always gonna be those few people that have to have 1up on everyone else and most of the time it comes from some sort of hack/glitch/exploit. These are the times we live in, deal with it.

  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308

    I am not a fan of F2P, to be honest, but there really is no correlation between the downtimes/other issues and the fact that it's free.

    Any negatives of Neverwinter could have happened with any type of game, whether B2P, F2P or P2P, and in fact, there have been worse issues than what we see in Neverwinter in P2P games, for sure. Even WoW has rolled back their servers longer than 7 hours before because issues arose where it was necessary.

    Shit happens.

  • evilastroevilastro Member Posts: 4,270
    For the record, currency exchange is back to pre-exploit levels already. So much for the train wreck.
  • allegriaallegria Member CommonPosts: 682
    Originally posted by Dkompoze

    What game hasnt had some sort of currency exploit???  Every mmo i have played even original EQ had some sort of currency exploit, this is nothing new. Cash shop or not,that has nothing to do with the fact there was a exploit.

    Who's fault is it really? Is it the game companies? I dont think so,im sure they try to make their games as secure as possible. Its the COMMUNITY OF GAMERS. Gamers are creative, and their is whole lot of them that try to exploit,hack,glitch anything and everything they can for their own special needs. There is always gonna be those few people that have to have 1up on everyone else and most of the time it comes from some sort of hack/glitch/exploit. These are the times we live in, deal with it.

    Yes however it becomes more of an issue from a customer standpoint when its f2p and cash shop run.  They have UI in game that is used to spend real dough on things... and it worries me do these things all work ? 


    I have held back on using cash shop at all just because i am afraid of the typical MMO release time bugs in UI and like mentioned above.

  • AtmaDarkwolfAtmaDarkwolf Member UncommonPosts: 353

    As a MMO, it was a cash grab, plain and simple, everyone (Even those who hold stoutly to the idea that it is the next best thing and never to be beat) knows this.


    As a GAME, its pretty good. I just think PWE ruined it. with thier horrible greed. :P

  • MMOGamer71MMOGamer71 Member UncommonPosts: 1,988
    Originally posted by krage


    Personally I want the game to thrive just so other developers realize foundry and user generated content is the way to go.

    Plus I don't understand why people are so butthurt about others exploiting, it will be fixed or lessened and it has no real bearing on your gameplay or free fun.




    Billions in possible revenue (see gold farmers) and XP exploits are not big possible "gamebreaking" items?


    Brilliant !!!

  • Shadowguy64Shadowguy64 Member Posts: 848

    Seems like people here enjoy watching games fail more than having fun games to play.


    Hopefully when they find one they actually like, it will have problems and issues so everyone can go tell them how bad it is and how foolish they are for playing such a pile of crap.

  • VassagoMaelVassagoMael Member Posts: 555

    The exploit has been going on since closed beta, they just reset it seven hours. AD inflation makes is harder to farm for zen conversion. They knew about the problem from Star Trek Online, and many bug reports during the closed beta. They let it go while it was being done by a small group of people.

    You can buy a full set of endgame gear on the AH for practically nothing. 

    I enjoyed the hell out of the game, but once I hit 60 I did two instances and uninstalled the game. The only thing that is challenging in the game is the final boss fight in the instances and that is only because of the number of adds. The bosses themselves and their mechanics are a joke. Boss too easy? MOAR ADDS! You can't focus them down because the targeting system is a mix of tab targeting and fps targeting.  Even though you may be casting  or swinging at the proper target, something else might get in the way and all the damage seeks to that wrong target. So many particle effects it is hard to even tell what is going on.

    Free to play = content updates for the cash shop. Buy to play = content updates for the cash shop.
    Subscription = Actual content updates!

  • MMOGamer71MMOGamer71 Member UncommonPosts: 1,988
    Originally posted by Shadowguy64

    Seems like people here enjoy watching games fail more than having fun games to play.


    Hopefully when they find one they actually like, it will have problems and issues so everyone can go tell them how bad it is and how foolish they are for playing such a pile of crap.

    "Bad" developers "fail" games do not.

  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455

    Please allow me a moment to gloat.

    Well before this "open beta/release" when I saw the marriage of Cryptic and Perfect World, I knew we would be in for some shenanigans. Let me just say I have not been disappointed!  I'm enjoying all this MMO drama.  Frankly, it adds to the game in my opinion.  Of course, in my opinion, only an MMO neophyte would ever plunk down any money pre-release/'beta, call it what you will, for this game and the auction house looked a bit hinky from the get go and gave that a pass.  So I'm playing the game without spending a dime and at this point plan to continue without spending a dime.  From the ashes you can often see a glimmer of hope and in this case I would say it is the Foundry.  I would love to see this duplicated in games going forward.   So don't despair all.   If this game creates interest in the Foundry in future games, the Neverwinter has done its job.  

  • MMOGamer71MMOGamer71 Member UncommonPosts: 1,988
    Originally posted by flizzer

    Please allow me a moment to gloat.

    Well before this "open beta/release" when I saw the marriage of Cryptic and Perfect World, I knew we would be in for some shenanigans. Let me just say I have not been disappointed!  I'm enjoying all this MMO drama.  Frankly, it adds to the game in my opinion.  Of course, in my opinion, only an MMO neophyte would ever plunk down any money pre-release/'beta, call it what you will, for this game and the auction house looked a bit hinky from the get go and gave that a pass.  So I'm playing the game without spending a dime and at this point plan to continue without spending a dime.  From the ashes you can often see a glimmer of hope and in this case I would say it is the Foundry.  I would love to see this duplicated in games going forward.   So don't despair all.   If this game creates interest in the Foundry in future games, the Neverwinter has done its job.  

    You do know that Neverwinter Nights had the Aurora toolset in 2002 right?

  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455

    Even though I didn't start gaming until around 2004, I was aware that Neverwinter had ability to create dungeons. No idea what the name was.  In fact, I briefly tried this game after buying from a Steam sale (or maybe it was GoG actually) and added it to my 100+ other games.  I remember the Neverwinter story not interesting me all that much and got through maybe half of the campaign before I gave up. Since my level of computer expertise is only a bit more advanced than opening a browser, I had no idea how to load mods and just gave up on ever doing that. I seem to remember my eyes glazing over when it started talking about putting things in certain files and moving them around and .... well....totally lost me......


    Anyway,  using this user generated content in an MMO couldn't be easier!  even for someone like me.   I've done a number of them and found them creative and matching anything in game.  I'll probably log in just to play the Foundry at this point. 

  • shadow9d9shadow9d9 Member UncommonPosts: 374
    Originally posted by Alverant
    Originally posted by KingofHartz
    I am happy because everytime this happens, more people are educated about cash shops and the destruction f2p causes, thus creating even more f2p haters. Play the game if you will, but don't spend one penny. As consumers it's our duty to keep them honest.

    And who keeps the customers honest? I'd rather have games be subscription based too, but that's not what the market wants. If you have a better idea for how companies to make money while keeping players happy and loyal, please share it. Also tell us why you think you should have fun without considering giving something back?

    The market is fine with subs(wow, eve).  They are just sick of bad wow clones.  

  • winterwinter Member UncommonPosts: 2,281
    Originally posted by KingofHartz
    I am happy because everytime this happens, more people are educated about cash shops and the destruction f2p causes, thus creating even more f2p haters. Play the game if you will, but don't spend one penny. As consumers it's our duty to keep them honest.

     Well at least your honest and upfront about your hate.

    However your information maybe off a bit as Neverwinter is not a trainwreck. At least not anymore then any subscription or B2P game thats ever been released, as none have been perfect and bug free at launch. Its servers were just as full today as they were a week ago. The Economy at least currently isn't any worse then it was several weeks ago, and dispite what many haters still claim one does get loot and exp drops in foundry quests of fairly equal nature or more if you figure in AD rewards to other content.

      In the end Neverwinter is truely F2P as you can read any any number of articles on it. If one can't resist gambling on lockboxes thats not to the game forcing you to have them to get around in a decent manner or to open up quest areas or to equip items, or buy a UI (unlike many of the subscription F2P models ie SW:TOR, and EQ2) The cash shop really contains nothing that is needed to have fun and experience the entire game, thus your warning and hate seems more based off of the opinions of one that has never actually played the game. Neverwinter isn't for everyone that is true, no game is, but in this day where most subscription games that seem to just take ones money and give nothing in return (SW:TOR's first year was a good example of this IMO) Hating because ai game is F2P seems short sighted.


  • DreskestDreskest Member Posts: 69

    ALERT !


    Cheapskates detected on this thread lmao.

  • winterwinter Member UncommonPosts: 2,281
    Originally posted by AtmaDarkwolf

    As a MMO, it was a cash grab, plain and simple, everyone (Even those who hold stoutly to the idea that it is the next best thing and never to be beat) knows this.


    As a GAME, its pretty good. I just think PWE ruined it. with thier horrible greed. :P

     Things in the cash shop are I guess in some area more expensive then things in the caash shops of B2P and subscription based games (GW2, WoW) but in those games you already have paid $60 or more just to try it. Sure that $25 mount in WoW looks cheap compared to Neverwinters $40 one but in the end you'll pay over $100 to play and use that mount for only 6 months more if you play longer. (game cost, and subscription cost, and mount cost compared to free download and play with cash shop mount cost)


      In the end theres nothing in the cash shop needed to play the game to the very end and have fun. Games are not made for free, game designers, and developers, graphic artist etc don't work for free. So Bills do need to be paid I expect your terming it greed is more due to your lack of understanding such things.

     By direct cost comparison games like WoW and GW2 are much greedier, as playing and buying a epic mount will cost you much more in them when you figure in total costs.

  • MMOGamer71MMOGamer71 Member UncommonPosts: 1,988
    Originally posted by Dreskest

    ALERT !


    Cheapskates detected on this thread lmao.

    Brilliant !!!

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