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Whoever plays runescape , what do you think is going to come out next week as they said its a much awaited update when mournings end 2 is realeased next week , I'm also doing this to get my points up.
Most people think its rc altars but i hope its summoning . post your thoughts
i also hope that it will be summoning but it will probably be some kind of alters or sumthing.
Spikey if you dont like the game you dont have to post ho wmuch you hate it because people who like the game dont care at all
Am I ever wrong??
I'm OK with what ever they are going to add to RS, I just want to do the quest and enjoy the story while I'm at it.
Spikey, don't spam this place up buddy, so silence.
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Ive been a member on RS for about 2 years but i rarely play anymore (I got bored being the supremely powerful "god" figure). ive made thousands of forum posts, and I can tell you right now that there will never be summoning in runescape (it even says not to post about it in the suggestions forum). I hate to say it but RS will probably make a really stupid update just like farming... sigh I hate to say it but i wouldn't get to excited about the update because even if it is good it will require like 90 runecraft if it is infact runecrafting.
Yea your prolly right b/c alot of there updates that have to d with current stats alost always require a very high level, and farming is incrediblye useless, like agility (well how they train it up is gay)
Am I ever wrong??
thats intresting, RS with summoning. I played the game and competed all the quest but 1 in 1 month. i sorta don't play it anymore but I go online now and then to chat to m8s and check the new stuff. But if you seen the new RS site i think its lame.
it is the death alter
go south of fally and the summing guy is ther but it isnt avalible yet
Runescape. Now that's a game i haven't heard about in a while. I used to play runescape myself and was one of the more powerful guys. I checked my stats after I saw this and I'm barley in the stats anymore. Out of the top quarter million. and i'm barley on there.
But almost any improvments would be considered good. The agility thing could have been done differently, but hey. It's still midly fun to play.
i love runescape its a mean as game but summoning aint coming cause soon there will b more vicious pets and horses r diffent dec next year house dec this year
I think rs is an okay game for a free game
not worth paying for in my book tho
This game is cool, all those skills make you do unlimited thinghs....
but i dont think there will be summoning cause the programe thats developes the game is very simple. All their damages and #s are so low, like 5, 21, 7 etc.
I am also disapointed with the graphics, looks too low quality.
Well, i hope they invent rs3!
if you have quit wat level were you? because my account was stolen so im lookin for another please may have yours
Sean Gomolekoff